Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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King of Oklahoma Race Motorcycle Raceway what it's all ab out. Lon g live the new ly crowned Kings! No Fadin' for Braden RESULTS By CONNIE JOHNSON OKLAHOMACITY, OK, JULY 3 Bobby Bonds (129) mokes his getoway, chased by a fosse comprised of 0 the pa ck, at round three of the Taft Arenacross Summe r Se ries. JeH Willoh (9), Josh Hagey, Wes Flippin and the re st Taft Arenacross Sum mer Se ries Round 3: Franklin Field Sp o r ts Areno Bonds Breaks the Bank By CHRISTINE DUBOSKI TAFT, CA JULY 3 , T aft is known for its extremely hot sum mers, but the Taft Arenacross Summer Seri es , sponso red by Layto n-Me lto n Production s. is even hotter. Wnh a talen t-packed Pro -Am line up. the stad ium -seating facility was standingroom-only. In moto one, local boy Bobby Bonds broke through the crowded first tu m to take the lead. The chase continued down the first straight and into the second tum . Jeff Willoh, Jeffrey Pestana and Brian Hulsey were battling on the jumps . Amate ur ri ders we re pursuing c1osety. Making his mo ve into th ird over the large tab letop jump. local Amateur rider Wes Flippin. rea lizing that three's a crowd on the undersized track , had to bail in midair. The mo to finished with Bonds in first, followed by Pestana and then Willoh. Moto two pro ved to be more exciting than the first. With everyone on the ir feet, the gate dropped and De re k Maho ny got the holeshot . Willoh was riding in second, and Bonds was in a very unfamiliar third . Bo nds took the advantage from Willow o n the sec ond lap and new by him in the whoo ps . Then the charge was on . If someone had a video of this race, it wou ld be a great tra ining video. Bonds did everything right. His co rneri ng was perfect. Th e lines he chose were great. Bonds made his pass into first. The pass on Mahony was thrilling and one that would be worth seeing a replay of. Finishing in first was Bonds, with Mahoney second and Willow third. Overall , Bonds broke the bank, with Willoh, Pestana, Mahon y, Hulsey and Griffith cleaning out the rest of the till. The 12scc No vice class featured a full feast of fast, furious and , at times , ill-fated act ion. In the first mete. josh Mason squeezed off the gate into the first corner. Kruz Griffith was dose beh ind and putting the pressure on the leader in every corner, making fo r a very exciting race. Mason was unw illing to make a mista ke and finished the mota in first, with Griffith second 60 and Kyle Melton third . The second moto was a to ta lly differe nt scenario . When the gate dropped, Br e nt Harmon and Trevor Decker were fighting for the Brento's Cycle Center Holeshot Award . A slight mistake put Decke r back a few places . Harmon pressed forward . w ith the rest of the pack try ing to chase him down. Decke r came battling back th rough t he pac k into seco nd . Putting pressu re on Ha rm o n, Decke r w e nt do w n hard . Ha r mon ended u p w ith a welle a r ne d first p lac e fo r the second mo t o, follow ed by Melton and then Maso n. First ove rall w ent to Mason, wi th Melto n and Gr iffith round ing ou t t he pod ium spots. Sadly, Decker ended up with a severely broken foot . Everyone w ishes him a fast recovery. In the 85cc Novice class , Heath Row land. return ing from a six-mo nth layoff due to injury. was showing his hometown crowd that he is still a s fast as ever. W in ning both mot e s, Row land too k double ho le sho ts and double moto w ins for first overall. RESULTS 50 (3-6) 0 - 1: I. Br.1)lton Bil ing (KTM); 2. Adam Hulsey l (Pol); 1. J. ye"l' (KTH); 4. M'kiah Hom). AUGUST 11, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS The ann ual King of Oklahoma Race at MotorI cycle Raceway crowned jesse Brade n the king of the Mini Senior and Mini Open classes. In mote o ne of the Mini Senior class , two Baker Boys Yamaha r iders go t off the ga te in front: Gage Martin claimed the hcleshct, with Casteil Clar k not far behind . Braden passed Clar k for second o n the third lap and was all over Mart in but couldn't make the pass. Martin again got the holesh ot in mota two , but this time he had Brade n on his back fende r. Heading into the sweeper near the e nd of lap one, Braden got the inside line and Mart in slid out, leaving Braden with the lead. Mart in got bac k under w ay in last place but put his head do wn and tw isted the throttle. making it back up to fifth by the time the checkers came out. Braden nev er let off the thr o tt le : He kep t it pinned to the finish line, taking the mot o win and the overa ll. Clark finishe d a consistent second . Th e pod ium was all blue, w ith Braden in first, Clark in second and Martin in third. Yancey Edson dominated the Mini Mini (9- 1I) class, getting the holeshot and the w ins in bot h mo tos on his KTM. Try as he m ight, Cody Davidson couldn't catc h Edson , but he kept his KTM going fast enough to claim seco nd in both mot os. Kawasaki jockey Cole Younger took third overa ll by finishing third in mota one and fourth inmoto two. In the O ver 30 class , Y amah a pilot Chu ck Dennis stole the show. De nnis got the jump off the ga te and nev er looked back in moto on e . while yz rider Scooter Webb tried to hold off John Wo lf for second. Wolf finally made the pass and held on to finish second o n his Y amaha. leaving Webb to claim third . It was a repeat pe rformance for Denn is and Wolf in m o t a two . David Gall. howe ver. managed to do better in the second mo ta and finished third on his Honda. giving him the last spo t on the podiu m. jimmy Redwine was the dominant factor in the Over 50 group. Getting o ut in front on his KTM and staying there was his mission . and he acco m plishe d it w e ll in both motes. Hold ing down seco nd was "Rcckln' Ro n" Ainsw o rt h, who stayed in fro nt of his fellow Yamaha rider Gary Dru mmo nd in bo th motos. All participants had a great time, and that's P/W (4· 6) : I. Mit chell Merr e ll ( KT M); 2. Pu n ky Dav idso n (KTM ) ; 3. Tanner Snell (KT M) ; -4 . Marcus McCawley (KTM); S. Doss Merr e ll (KTM). P/W (7 -8) : I. Cl ayton McCo nville (KT M). PIW OIL- INJ : I. Ma rc us McCaw ley (KT M) ; 2. Ky And e rs on (Ya m ): 3. La n e ~ (KTH): 4. Alec ZeI...... (Hon ): S. Ryte;gh Webb (Yam). P/W OP EN: I. Clayton HcConviIIe (KTH): 2. T....,., SneU (KTM) ; 3. Mitchel Merren (KTM) ; -4. Punky O.Mdson (KTM). MINI MINI (6-8) ' I. Hvi< WhOte J'. (l(>w); 2. Zeb Em); 2. lOmmy Denton (IUw ); 1. Geoff,ey WooIdndge (5u%) 4. Goge M"'''' (y",,); 5. Quincy 5towan ; ( Kaw ). 115 B EG : I. Mik e l Kar r-Ak e (Han); 2 . C hr is Armstrong (Yam); 1. Justin Garrison (Han) ; -4 M~ Owen . (y",,): S. M;cNel Bond (Han) . 125 NOV, I. c,..;g Thomu (Yam); 2. Randall Howard (Hon); 3. Robert Ross (Kaw); -4 . Steven Loftin (Kaw); 5. Corey Cousim (Yam). 125 INT: I. Phill p RApe (Yam). 115 PRO: I. Johnny Marley (Hon ); 2. i Chad Cook (Hon) ; 3. Ro bb ie Smit h (Yam) ; -4 . Jer ad De Annon (Yam). )50 BEG, I. Kody Kooken (¥>m): 2. Dillon Johmon (y",,). 250 NOV, l. CnJ g Thomas (y",,): 2. D..,. Fishe r (Yam); 3. Nick Bro wn (Hon); -4. Juks CharleboiS (Suz). 1 50 PRO : I . Robbie Reynard (Hon ); 2. Robbie Smith (Yam); 1. Elbert Simo n (Yam); <1 . Michae l Mart in (Hon) ; S. Andy Anderson (Yam). OPEN OUTLAW: I. C raig Thomu (Yam); 2. Mikel Karr-Ake (Han) . 4· ST RK: 1. Nick Bro wn (Hon) ; 2. Corey Co usins (Yam). WMN : I . Ch rist ian Hicks (Han). SC H BY: I. Randall Howard (Hon ); 2. Austin Collins (Hon) . 1S+: Joh n Wolf (Yam); 2. Dana Frsh (Yam); 3. DavKI Gall er (Hon ); -4. Butch Paine (Yam). 30 + : I. Chuck Dennis (Yam); 2. John Wolf (Yam); 3. Davki Gall (Ha n); -4. Scoo ter Webb (¥>m); 5. Todd Fugget (Hon) . 40 + , I. J;m Thonus (y",,): 2. 10dd Fogger (Hon) ; 1. Bobby BowJe. (y",,): 4. joe Hvnpton (Hon ); S. Dam un (Kaw). SO+ : I. Jinvny Redw;ne (KTM) ; 2. Ron A;nswo

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