Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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then tried to conserve ene rgy th rough the long 24-lap SuperFinai. But VDB made it, and he celebrated his w in with eno rmous joy. Chambon finished second and gained the series leadership, but before doing that he again had to deal with Bartolini, who passed him on lap eight and stayed ahead for a few more. Then the Frenchman passed him again, and the issue was closed there. But the same thing didn't happen for Seel, who couldn't find his way around Bartolini. The SuperF inal was a nightmare for Lazzar ini, whose bike stalled just a few seconds before the starting light turned gre en . Being stuck on the front row with the rest of the pack taking off around you is not a nice experience , but Lazzarini was able to get the bike running and work his way up to ninth place before the end of the race . Max Manzo , on the only S I factory Aprilia, struggled again w ith bikestability problems and a lack of e ndurance under the hot Romanian sun; he also was coming fro m a huge, ove r-the-bars crash in practice a few days prior to the GP. S2 Romania marked Jerome Giraudo's glory day and also Aprilia's first-ever win in a World Supermoto race - not bad at all, as this was only the second GP entered by the Italian manufacturer with the completely new twin model ; the one race it entered in Belgiumlast year was a very different bike. But Giraudo's win wasn't a complete surprise, as in the previous round both Giraudo and teammate Fred Bolley showed very good potential. On Saturday, despite a night spent driving a car from Bucharest to Arad due to flight trouble, Giraudo was incredibly fresh through the timed practice sessions and collected the pole. From there, nobody could stop him. On Sunday, there basicallywas no race , as he dom inated the race . He got great starts in both motos and in the SuperFinal. Once in front , he would push for a few laps and then control his lead. He mirrored this technique for all thr ee races to win his first GP and give Aprilia its first win as well, and he also jumped on top of the provisional world standings for the S2 class. Second on th e day was Max Verderosa. on his Honda. He was second also in the timed practices but caused some controversy when he appeared to be too aggress ive. especially with firstro und winner Davide Gozz ini. In moto one, Verderosa visibly closed on Gozzini, and the two made contact and both got slowed do wn dram atically due to it. Verde rosa managed to finish fourth , but Gozzini was eighth . In moto two, Verde rosa again hit Gouini, and Gouini found himself facing backward on th e track, with other riders down around him. The crash cost Gozz ini a lot of points , as he co uldn't finish better than ninth, while Verderosa netted only a sixth -place finish in the final. In the SuperFinal, Aprilia had a dream race , with Giraudo and Bolley first and seco nd for most of the 24-lap race . But while Giraudo would not be stopped . Bolley broke his engine and went down with only three laps left. It was amazingly bad luck for the two-time MX World Champion . His crash in the last stages of th e SuperFinal opened the door to Verderosa. who got second , w ith Simone Girolami third . Gouini went down twice and finished sixth . He is now third in the standings , behind Giraudo and Verderosa. The Terra Modenas showed some progress, but there is still a lot of work req uired to produce better results. The best thing seen from the team so far was the ninth pos ition held by Alexandre Thiebault for a few laps in moto two . at wwwcyclenewscom ARAD K.unNG FACILITY ARAD,ROMANIA RESULTS: JULY 24-25, 2004 (ROUND 2) 51 SUPERFINAL (24 laps) , I. Thierry Van Den Bcscn (KTM); 2. BorisChambon(K1l'1) l . w..Jter Bartoli.. (Voo-); 4. : Eddy See! (Hus ); S. Gr.u;"", R;,poli (Voo-); 6. Bernd H;emer (Hu. ); 7. Mosslmo Beltr.>mi (Hbg); 8. Man:e1 Goetz (KTM); 9. ...., lnzarin; (KTM); 10. Gerald Delep;ne (Hus); II . Joehen )asnski (Hbg); 12. Eric Debnnoye (K1l'1): Il . Frederic Fiorentino (Hbg); 14. Marc OlNer Neme th (Hus); IS. Max Manzo (Apr) ; 16. Fredefic.o Brond i (Hus); 17. Mauro Moreao (Hon): 18. Mmhew Wonstanley (KTM); 19. MochaeJ Paul (Hus); 20. Christan Cullino (Hon); 21. Peter Gagy (KTM); 22. Fabrice Guyot (TM); 23. Eric Ilougelet (KTM). nme: 25 min., ] 3.3 19 sec. Margin of vktory: 4.764 sec. 52 SUPERFINAL (24 laps), I. jerome Geaudc (Ap, ); 2. Massimo Verderosa (Han) ; J . Simone Girolam i (Han); 4. Fabio Balducci (TN) ; 5. Enzo Ermondi (Hon ); 6. Davide Gouini (Hus); 7. Fabrke l ecoane t (KTM); 8. Christian Iddon (Hus) ; 9. Thomas Chareyre (Hus) ; 10. Attilio Pignottl (Vor) ; I I . Petr Vorlicek (KTM) ; 12. Jean-Marc Gaillard (Hon) ; 13. AJexandre Thiebault (Ter); 14. Michele Lavetti (Ter); 15. Adrien Chareyre (Hus); 16. Robert 8araccani (Yam); 17. Thierry Godfroid (Kaw ); 18. Christophe Grun (KTM); 19. Frederic Bolley (Apo-); 20."'" Beane (Hbg) . Time: 25 min.• 59.408 sec. Marx'n of vktory: 6.033 sec. FIM WORLD SUPERMOTO CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (After 2 of 10 rounds) , 51 , 1.1lon. Clwnbon (78); 2.lvan Lazuri .. (69/1 w;n ); l . Eddy Seel (62); 4. ThienyVan Den Bosch (60); 5. Ger.lId Delepine (48); 6. Massimo Beltrami (+4); 7. Waker Bartolini (40) ; 8. Bernd Hieme< (l8); 9. G.-aziano R;,po ll (l4); 10. Marcel Goetz (33); II . Frederic _Fiorentino (26/ : 12. Frede rico Brandl (40); 13. Marc Oliver Nemeth (2 ): 14. (20); 15. Eric Delannoye (15). 52 : I . jerome Gir.ludo (77/1 win ); 2. Max Verderosa (71); l . 0._ Gozmi (65/1 _ ); 4. Fabrice Lecoaoee (55); S. (TIE) Simone Gin>laml (46)1F3hio Balducci (46); 7. Au,lio Pignoai (30); 8. Adnen ~ (29); 9. Frederic BoIIey (27); 10. Emo Ennondi (26); II. (TIE) Jean-HMc GoiILvd (25)1 ris_ Ch Iddon (25); Il . Thomas C ~ (24); 14. (TIE) Go')' LAu,ent (16)1Roben 8ar.Kcani ( 16). UPCOMING ROUNDS: Round 3 . Sosonovo, Czech Republic, August 22 Round 4. Sochsenring, Germany, September 5 CYCLE N EWS • AUGUST 11 , 2004 51

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