Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Chili and eventual crasher Laconi. "What can I say?" Laco ni said. "The big problem is that if I am not in fro nt of Noriyuki, he was slow, and I tried to go faste r than him, and I felt I was over the limit. That's why I crashed. I tried to go away, but I entered too wide. pushing hard, and lost the front . I am not happy because I am unable to get away from him. I tried my best with the team and the engineers to get the be st out of this bike, an d w e did , so if I crashed. it means t hat I was at t he limit. I really wa nt to wi n t his ch ampionsh ip, an d I hope that we w ill have someth ing new for the last three rounds." Well, it was o nly fair, I suppose, to share the spoil and the despoils. DFX Ducati's Steve Martin scored third place in race one, and Ten Kate Honda's Chris Vermeulen was third in race two - a pair of Aussies at either end of the experience spectrum. but both with big points to prove. Race o ne was our first doozy - an outstandingly close fight for sup re macy that was only deci de d o n the last half of the last lap, after an eight-rider battle for the win characterized the first sector of the 25-lap race. Eventual race winner Haga held off Laconi over the line, with the closely following Martin, winner of Superpole. taking third . Chili lost out on his chance at the win after crashing from the lead in the uphill Surtees corner. leaving Haga and Laconi to duke it out, w ith Mart in slightly ahead of fourth-place finisher Vermeulen. The Petronas FP-I three-cylinder of Troy Corser was eight seconds back in fifth, but the ride of the race came fro m British Championship pr ivateer Je ntin Yamaha's James Ellison, running SBK spec Pirellis to sixth, holding off the previous championship leader, Ducat; Fila's James Tose land, in the process. Race two. which was decided on aggregate after a crash halted proceedings after only three laps, was a contact sport with two halves. Chili , who had his repaired bike take its last grace of the spanner seconds before the start, went out of pit lane and turned bac k up the track to join the grid , a move which elicited great protest and discussion, and eventually earned Ch ili a verbal warning fro m the powers that be. De Matteis was t he unlucky rider to have broken his collarbone in his fall at the bottom of Paddock Hill. cutting short a somewhat steady intro duction to the PSG-I 999 . the bike Chili rejected in favor of his 99B chassis with a 999 engine fitted . Once more, we saw Haga the winner in any case. even if Chili crossed the line first in the rerun . On corrected time, Haga still had the upper hand . The action was once more close, sometimes to the point of co ntact, as Haga and Laconi fought fo r supremacy until his fall on lap 15 of the restart. Laconi was not too pleased with the rough handling he's been getting from some riders recently, includ- I i Briefly... I ing his own teammate at Laguna Seca. In third place, Vermeulen capitalized on a crash from new championship leader Laconl, w ho was leading the race at the time. In the title chase, the fo rceful four top riders have clumped to gethe r at the head of the ta ble, making a comfortable base camp for t he mselve s as t hey each strap on oxyge n and adrenaline for the final assaults o n t he no rth face of the SBK pinnacle . ''After all the problems we had in practice and qual ifying this weekend, we've come away very well with a fourth and the third," Vermeulen said. "I know now that the championship is pretty open. We came here with a new bike we were to develop for a year. and I planned to be World Champion in 2005 . But if it comes along th is year. then I'll take it. " What does this close competition mean? It means that the one-make-tire ru le pro motes incredibly close competition. Laconi leads on 21 B, ahead of Vermeulen on 216 . Haga o n 212 and Toseland on 210. Now that's the way the publ ic likes it. even if the factory Ducati team is tearing out their corporate hair. Or are they? Winners of the 13th manufacturer's championship in Superbike, thanks to Haga's second race win, they were nonetheless excused the acute embarrassment o f seeing their num ber-one t horn in the corporate side, Chili, taking t he win in race two, even if he did cross the line ahead of all others in the second half of the race. The blushes were spared because it simply would not have done to see the hybrid bike. which has undermined the otherwise comprehensive prowess of the new 999 , be the one that earned the po ints to take the t itle . RACE ON E A magnificent start to the first race saw all away cleanly fo r the first dive down Brand 's equivalent to riding through an open mine sha ft, Paddock Hill. First down t he hill was Haga, followed by pole man Steve Martin . Afte r five laps, an outstanding ly close co nte st was headed by Chili, with Laconi and Haga slightly adrift, and then a war- ring fact ion of Vermeulen, Martin and Corser having their own litt le Aussie disagreements. Toseland. having started on row three. was through to seventh but three seconds dow n on t he leaders, with the ever-impressive Ellison in e ighth, 3.6 sec o nds from t he lead . Both Laconi and Haga passed C hili on the e ntrance to Padd ock Hill and Druids Corners, respe ctive ly, Haga's pass a lunge that seemed ha rd to some and slowed them all enough to let Vermeulen get right back into the three-rider slipstream . Vermeulen took Chili one lap later, w ith Martin uncomfortably close beh ind. Jiri Mrkyvka crashed out on his old Ducati, while Mauro Sanchini saw his number-six Kawasak i expire from under him. Haga and Laconi were having a real dust-up at the front , keeping the chasing pack in one unitary procession, the fro nt four breaking the air, w ith Martin and Corser running right behind. By lap 10. Laconi had made a small gap , upping a .OOB-second advantage to a fulsome .9 1Bon lap I I. Garry McCoy ran off track at Druids. tip ping off as he approached the safety barriers, just as Chili's new teammate Giancarlo De Matteis had crashed his 999RS. As Haga's challenge began to fade at half-distance, the wily fox Chili decided to stay on Laco ni's tail, especially if he had any desires on w inning. Haga, having dropped back for a breather. upped his pace by half a second to reclaim a podi um chance. with Vermeulen 1.7 seconds from the lead, Martin 1.9 seconds back . and Corser, a watching 2.6 seconds behind World Championship leader Tose land, who was having a tough race against loc al wild card Ellison, the Pirelli control tire having the desired effect - the fight proved especially hard when Ellison passed him on lap 17. "I've got a st iff neck from the crash in race two, I've dropped from first to fourth in the champion sh ip, I've disappo inted mysel f and my home crowd - is t he re anything e lse?" To seland said. "T he re's sti ll o nly e ight points in it, though - unlucky fo r Regis, but I've had bad luck as well, with Corser taking me _ _ _ _ _ _ The 2005 Calendar, still a dream away due to the need to sort out the FormulaOne and MotoGP c:aIen

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