tro uble getting it running again, and by the t ime
he got going. he was barely inside the to p 10.
Po nt ious turned on the heat. but he had his
work cut out for him. Barnes took an easy win,
fo llowed by Chris Kolde a nd Erik Morring;
Pontiou s finished a disappo inting sixth.
In the second moto, Pontious was a man on
a mission, and he once again took the early
lead . T his t im e he w asn' t abo ut t o make
anot her mistake, and he held 0(( all advances en
ro ute to the chec kers to take the second-moto
win . Barn es rended orr Yamaha rid ers Er ik
Morring and Eric Da ining to take seco nd .
Morring ended up third .
Barnes took the overall w in w ith his 1-2
punch. Moning (3-3) took second. and Pontious
(6- 1) squeaked onto the podium in third . Kolde
(2-5) finished fourth , and rou nding out the top
frve was Daining (4-4). Katie Wharton was the
lone Women's-c1ass rider in t he field, but she
left m ore than a fe w bo ys fe e ling a litt le
humbled at the en d of the night.
Barne s and Po ntious w en t head to he ad
again in the BOcc Junior class , but it was 12year-o ld Zach johnson who stole the show. The
Saint [ohn's Honda/jjW Designs-backed johnson
swe pt both motos in style, never even looking
back. Taking a distant secon d in both motos •
and the overall victory - was Pontious. Barnes'
good luck e nded in the junior class, as he lost
out in t he overall batt le w ith Morr ing, who
picked up third with a 4-3 tally. Barnes (3·5) still
managed fourth , and Daining (5-4) repeated his
Superm ini class performance with fifth overall.
50 (4- 6): I. Con ner Mitchell (Cob) ; 2. Ryder Waite (Pol);
3. Kyle Fahey (KTM); 4. Warr-en H iggins (Cob) ; 5. Michael
Ramirez (KT M). 50 ( 7-8): 1. Mason W h arto n (Pol); 2.
Zadwy Be"ym.n (Pol) ; 3. Keltln lloyIUn (Cob) ; 4. Ja<:""'"
Neal (Hon) . 60 (6-8), I . Zaclwy Benyman (!. Preteen
• Top 15 overall . 50cc (7·9) and
Open classes. 2003 Moto
Madness Series
• Currently third in 60cc (7·9) class
and seventh in the Preteen class.
Moto Madness Series
" I race because it is fun and I love
the compet ition!"
"The best moment was when I
finally beat my cousin for the first
time on my 65 this yearl "
"Whe n my KTM 50 stalled three
times during a race I had a chance
to win . That has to be one of the
most worst moments ."
"My dream of becoming a Kawasa·
ki factory rider keeps me riding fast
and hard ."