Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I Round 5 I~ MOTOCROSS Josh Grant has been s lowly improving h is ' results th is year, and at • Red Bud he came awa.t · : , third overall. . _ .~ . , . -;"., • • '. r ••' , .. ' 4."'- ' ; ' '~J.;~~ . ., RED B UD TRACK 'N ' TRAIL BUCHANAN, M ICHIGAN RESULTS: JULY 4, 2004 (ROUND 5 OF 12 ) 12 5 HOTO I : I. James Stewart (Kaw ); 2. Mike Brown (Yam); 3. Ivan Tedesco (Kaw) ; " . Davl Millsap s {Suz}; 5 . Nat han Ramse y (Han); 6. Ste phan Ronca da (Kaw ); 7. Josh Hansen (Yam) ; 8 . Jo sh Gran t (Han); 9. Ch ris Gosse laar (Han); 10 . Pau l Carpente r (Kaw) ; I I. Daryl Hurley (So2) ; 12. Broc Hep le r (SuI ); 13. Greg Schnell (Han); '4. Ryan Mills (Hon); 15. Bryan Joh nson (Yam) ; 16. T ro y Adam s (Kaw); 17. Kelty Smit h (Yam); 18 . Brand en Je sseman (SUI); 19. Sean Collier (Ha n); 20. Brian Gra y (Suz): 2 1. Rich ie Owens (Kaw) ; 22 . Just in Buckel e w (Han); 23 . Brett Metcalfe (KTM); 24. Ryan Sipes (Kaw) ; 25 . Tuck er Hibbert (SuI) : 26 . Jeremy Chaussee (Yam ); 2 7. Levi Retd (SUI) ; 28. Tiger lacey (Hon); 29. Broc k Sellards (Yam); 30. jaco b Manack (Han); 31. Gavin Gra cyk (Kaw); 32 . Ros s Mart in {Sur}; 33 . Joh n Dehn (Yam); H . Chad W ard (Han); 35. T y Conne r (Yam); 36. Dann y Smith My 2S OWN RACE: Nat ha n Ramsey 4th (5-5) Kelly Smith 10th ( 17-7) The Michigan holeshot artist was hoping to continue his good fortunes at his home-state track , but a first moto mistake would cost the Boost MobilelYamahafTroyRacing rider, "I got an awesome jump in the first rnoto , but [Branden] Jesseman fell in front of me in the second corner, and we got all tangled up:' he said. "I got up next to last, with Jesseman last, worked my way up to about 20th at the halfway point but crashed again on my own with stup id mistake . I charged back after that, caught back up to 17th and at least salvaged a few points , passing Jesse man back on the very last corner. Second moto, I got a pretty good start again, passed a few guys when they 18 JUL lA, 200A • CYC LE N EWS Y (Yam); J7 . Michael Blose (Yam); 38 . Dybn l or d (SuI) ; 39 . Eric Nye (Yam) ; "0. Matt Wa lke r (Kaw) . Race Time: 38 min. 125 MO TO 2: I. Brown; 2. Gran t; 3. Hepler; .. . Millsaps; 5 . Ramsey; 6 . Adams; 7. K. Smkh ; B. Roncada; 9. D. Smith ; 10. Walke r, IJ.Mills; 12. Metcaffe ; 13. Gra y; 14. Sipes; 15. Schnell; 16. Carpenter; 17. Gosse1aar; 18. Hansen ; 19 . Tedesco ; 20 . jo hnson ; 21 . Buckelew; 22. Lacey; 2J. Rekl: 24. Con ner, 25. N7e; 26 . Gr.ocyk; 27 . Marsack; 28. Marti n; 29. Hibbert; 30 . Dehn: 31. Se llard s; 32 . Jesseman; 33. Stewart ; H . Collier, 35. Warn; J 6. Chaussee; J7. Hurley; J8. Owens; J9. Blose: 040. Lorn. Rac e Time: 37 min.• 8.89 sec. 12 5 O /A: I. Mike Bro w n (Yam); 2. Day; M,I""p' (5",,) ; 3. jo sh Grant (Ha n ); 4. Na than Ramse y (Ha n) ; 5. Broc Hep le r (5",, ); 6 . Stephane Roncada (Kaw ); 7. jam es Stewart (Kaw); 8. Ivan Ted es co (Kaw); 9. Troy Adams (Kaw); 10. Kelly Sm kh (Yam) ; II. Ryan Mill (Han); 12. Jo sh Hanse n s (Yam); 13. Paul Carpenter (Kaw) ; 14 . C hris Go sse laar (Ha n) ; 15. G reg Schnell (Hon) ; 16. Danny Smith (Yam ); 17. Man Walker (Kaw) ; 18 . Daryl Hurley (Suz) ; 19. Brett Met calfe (KTM); 20 . Brian Gray (SuI) ; 2 1. Ryan Sipes (Kaw) ; 22 . Bryan Joh nson (Yam); 23 . Branden Jesseman (SUI) ; 24. Sean Collier (Hon ); 2 5. Justin Buck elew (Hon) ; 26 . T;g., Lacey (Hon); 2 7. Lev; ReKl (Suz); 28. Ty Con .... (Yam ); 29 . Eric N7e (Yam) ; J O. Gam G r.>eyk(Kaw) ; J I. Jacob Manack (Hon); 32. Ross Martin (Sua}; 33. Tuck er Hibbert (SuI); 3.. . Jo hn De hn (Yam); 35 . Brock Sellard s (Yam ); 36. Chad W ard (Ho n); 37. Je remy C hauss ee (Yam); 38 . IU ,;e Owens (Kaw); 39 . Michael Blose (Yam); 040. Dylan Lc rd (Suz). d AHA CHEVROLET 12 5 MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSH IP SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (Aher 5 of 12 rounds) : I. James Stewart (225/4 win s ); 2. Mike Brown ( 194/1 win); 3. Broc He ple r ( 16 2); 4. Nathan Ramsey ( 132); 5 . Ivan Tedesco ( 112); 6 . Stephane Roncada( 104 ); 7. Josh Gran t ( 102); B. Kelly Sm ith (95); 9 . Ryan Hughes (B7); 10. Danny Smith (80); I I. Day; Millsap' (69); 12. Ryan Mill, (68 ); 13. Matt Walk., (67); 14. Chris Gosselaao(66 ); 15. Broc k Sellards (62); 16 . T roy Adams (61 ); 17. Bret t Me tcalfe (52); 18. G

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