Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, ( ~ notching his se cond co ns ecutive w in while setting the fastest overall average pace for the g 50 - mile eve nt , at 19:34 . T he 12- ti me and ~ reigni ng TCC RA cha m pio n is o n a ques t to ~ overco me a m e cha n ic a l D N F an d a ~ disqualification to cap ture his 13th consecudve ec Pro-class cham pionship. Hoen she ll said he must ~ win five of the six rema ining even ts and finish at 0... least second in the other one in or der to claim the title at the end of the year. In othe r racing action, Joe McClellan led the 250cc Expe rt class to the checke red nag for the first time this season , and Steve Dawson wo n the Open Expert class, maintaining his position atop the leaderboard. Curtis Kirchme ier wo n the Semi-Pro class for the seco nd time th is year. in the O ve r 25 B class on an Action Mo t o rspo rt s Ho nda. Dan Dud le y finished seco nd in bo th O ve r 25 B mo t o s o n a n FMF/Noblesvilie Hon da, in fro nt of Yamahamou nted Scott Co nway and Honda jockeys Jerome Sedam and Jamie English. Mummert took the w in in the 250cc B class with a 1-2 punch, and Conway finis hed second overall with a 2-3 tally in fro nt of English (3-4). , After scoring a DNS in the first me te . Yamaha rider Brett Williams took the win in the second mota, which was still good for fourt h overall. ~ RESULT S XRS O: I. Ashton Dickinson (Hon ); 2. KoIt Kinsler (Hon ). 50 SR (1 .S ): I. AleJC Mario n (Cob) ; 2. Jaco b Blackburn (KTM.; 3. Dallas Wolfe (KTM); ... An Rinaldo (KTM); S. luke T icen (KTM). 65 OPEN (1. 1 1): I. William Reade r (KTM); 2. Michae l Manln (Suz); 3. Cole C layton (Kaw ); .. . Caleb Parson (Kaw ): S. R.J. Barro w (Kaw ). 80 OUTLAW ( 715 ): I. Michael Martin (5uz): 2. Jacob Feh rman (Suz). 8 5 JR (7 - 11): I. Michae l Mart in (Suz) 2. Jaco b Feh rm an (Suz): ; l . Jarrett Johnso n (Suz). 8 5 S R (12.15) : I. Adam Haines (Kaw) : 2. Andrew Dewees (Kaw ); l . Shaun Williams (Hon) ; 4 . Blake Niccum (Hon ); 5. Josh East (Suz). S/M IN I ( 12 -1 5): I. Dust in Bockcver (Kaw): 2. Adam Haines (Kaw ); l . Andrew De wee s (Kaw ); 4. Blake Niccum (Hon ): 5. Josh Eas t (Suz). 12 5 A: I. Aar o n Yod er (Kaw ): 2. Keit h G ra nt (H o n) ; l . De rrick Dewitt (Yam); 4. Ryan Koontz (Suz); S. Kyle Huening (Hon ). 12 5 B: I. Steven Doyen (Kaw): 2. Damon Duitsman (5oz); l . Willy Kelly (Y ); 4. Chase Miller (Hon): 5. Andrew am Kyler (Suz). 125 C: I . Tyler Broc k (Y ); 2. Ross Mulm er am (Kaw ); l . Zach Miles (Kaw); 4. Brian Stou t (Hon ); 5. Travis Matt hew s (Hon). 2 5 0 A: I . Ro y Horto n (Suz): 2. Kyle Hue ning (Han ); l . Ben Gra ves (Y ): "4 . Chris Bolte (Yam); 5. am Ryan Koon tz (Suz). 150 B: I. Brian Mumm e rt (H an): 2 . Scott C o nwa y (Yam) : l . Jam ie Eng lish (Han) : 4 . Br ett Williams (Yam). 25 0 C: I. bch Miles (Kaw); 2. Chad Price (Han ); l . Treym ayne Salinas (Yam); 4. Jon Davidson (Hon ): S. Skyler Lawrence (KTM). WMN: I. Sasha Rinaldo (Yam): 2. Meghan Jor dan (Suz). SCH8Y (1 2 -15): I. Damon Duitsman (5oz); 2. Adam l oc k (Kaw); l . 00naJd Hayes (Kaw): ... Broc k R ESULTS Donald Baker (7 17 ) had a grea t ba"le w ith Kevin Lampe (3 15 ) in the Over 25 A a nd Over 3 0 A cla sses at the fourth round of the Go ld MX Series. Farm er (Han ). 16-24: I. Roy Horton (Suz); 2. Brandon Ross (Suz): l . Kevin Studley (Yam): ... Keith Grant (Han); 5. Aaron Yode r (Kaw ). 1 5+ A: I. Ke vin Lampe (Han): 2. D onald Baker (Hon); l . Sean Noland (Hon) ; "4. Chris Bolte (Yam); 5. Scott Kirkpa trick (Hon). 25 + 8 : I. Brian Mummert (Han); 2. Daniel Dudley (Hon) ; l . Scott Conway (Yam); 4. Jerome Sed am (Ho n); 5. Jamie English (Han). 3 0+ A: I. Do nald Bake r (Han); 2. Kevin lampe (Ha n); l . Scott Kirkpatr ic k (Hon) ; "4. Darren 8o«:herding (Han); 5. Joseph Behe r (Y ). am 30+ 8 : I. Daniel Dud ley (Hon) ; 2. Brian Sneathen (Hon); 3. Jo e Bo yd e n (H o n); "4 . Sash a Rin ald o (Yam) ; 5 . Richa rd Mclaughlin (Ha n). 4 0 + : I. Brian Sneat he n (Ha n); 2. Rod Robert s (Han); l . Larry Clay ton (Ha n) : "4 . Je rry Bar be r (KT M); 5. Will is Matthew s (Yam ). 50 + : I. T im G ra ve s (Yam); 2. Harry Lewis (Hon). Texas Cross Coun try Racing Associa tion Series Round 8: South Bryson Ramsey Rises to the Challenge By MIKE SULUVAN BRYSON, lX, JUNE 6 t took half a season of racing, but the Moose Racing USA-sponsor ed Texas Cross Cou nt ry Racing Assoc iat io n finally recorded an event blessed w ith perfect riding con ditions . It could have gone either way, as almost 600 riders an d t he ir frie nds a nd fami lie s b egan I Pee Wee Beginner riders Daniel Bucka loo (K893) and Tommy Petty (K815) shadow each other on a pair of Honda XRSOs a t round eight of TCCRA a ction in Bryson, Texas. > arriving in Bryson on Friday night. With sto rms in the fo recast, mo st were bracing fo r ye t anot her m uddy event, but even t hat would have been a break from the dust bowl just two weeks earlier at ro und seve n in Cra fton, Texas. "It seems like it's been one weather extreme or the other for the first half of the seaso n," said Ross Whitt ing, president of the TCCRA. But this weekend turned out perfectly. The South Bryson course is a notorio uslydusty stop in the 14-race series, and the resulting poor visibil ity can make the ro ugh track parti cularly difficult. However, with a light evening rain on Saturday, the track was clear and fast all day on Sunday. and, as a result, it turned rough in the afternoon . "It's not the most difficult co urse we race, because there isn't an exte nsive woods section," said O pen Inte rmed iate rider Jimmy Fox, "but it's really fast and pretty ro ugh in areas , and that com bination can make it challenging." Rising to the challe nges dished o ut by t he cou rse a nd by his com pet itors was C aleb Ramsey, rid ing in the 125cc Expert class . He turn ed in the fastest overa ll Expe rt time, setti ng a bliste ring ave rage pace of just 20 :43 aboa rd his RM125. The Suzuki rider pulled the holeshot and carved up t hree turns with a wide -o pen thro ttle be fore le ading his class into a woods section . Ra m se y never lo o ke d back as he sco red his sixth consecutive win and rega ined the class po ints le ad by a nine -p o int ma rgin over Nath an Price, who finished third. Price had enjoyed t he top spot in th e sta ndings fo r six rou nds after Ramsey suffered a DN F at ro und two of the series . In Pr o a c tio n, Te a m Gr e e n/G r an bur y Mo tor spo rt s ride r C lay Ho e nshe ll tu rned up t he he at on poi nt s le ad e r Mar k We e ks by P/W 50 BEG: I. Tyle<5udde(Yam): 5. Eric Luc:u (Y am). P/W 50 EX: I. HaydenBruce (KT1'1): 2. Cccce- Dewscn (KT1'1). P/W 80 BEG: I. Tyle (Kaw); 2. Il (KT1'1); J. Kyle Wa rd (Kaw ); 4. R.J. Miller (KTM): 5. Jonathan Pante r (KT1'1). P/W 80 INT: I. ID. Reed (KTM); 2. Dustin Groen;ng (Kaw); 3. Chad Ray (Kaw); • . c..ey Holland (Kaw); 5. Tyle< T_ (Kaw). P/W 80 AM: I. Ian Foley (Kaw); 2. AMon Taylor (Suz) l . Michael G iboney (Yam): 4. Cross Kirchrneier ; (Kaw); 5. Bbke f'Mke< (Y:om). P/W 80 EX: I. J=o Langford (Kaw); 2. Scott Mtt BolIom (Kaw); 5. DannyPotU (Kaw). MINI AM: I. Kamernn B. 5mrth (Kaw); 2. (Suz); 3. M ..... (Y:om). 125 EX: I. Caleb RamYy (Suz); 2. J.vrod Cooneo- (Yam); 3. Nathan Price (Kaw); • . Adam P""," (KT1'1); 5. J""'" HaY' (Yam). 250 NOV: I. jeJ&f> (Yam); • . Kev;n Flake (Y am); 5. Bam Mulkey (Hon ). 150 EX: I. Joe McCl ellan (Kaw): 2. T odd McClendon (Y am); 3. Scott McClendon (yam); ' . Shane Fonner (Yam); 5. jameo Noomam (5uz). 4-5TIIK INT: I. CLotisPace (Su,); 2. Jake Baker (Hoo); 3. [ared 5mrth (Suz); • . Won oppelt (Hon) ; ~ . )on:rthan Mm (Yam). ' -STRK AM: I. Jesse Head ... (Han ): 2. Chase Routoo (Yam); 3. Jmn Turoes (Hen) ; • . AMon Cuny (Yam) : .5. Travis Yates (KTM). 4- ST RK EX : I. Brian Mo ntg omery (Yam ); 2. Rene Beuni er IV (Yam ); l . T aylo r Thomas (Yam); • . Tref Hodge (Y am); 5. J=o Bri>erdne (Y:om). LOS NOV: I. Shaman Scott (!on (Y:om 5. MMguenta ); Powell (Yam). 30 + N OV: I. ManhaJI Delk (Yam): 2. Doug F"""" (Hon) ; 3. Derek N""""'Y'" (Hon) ; ' . J=o F... (Ka w); 5. K_ Bone (Yam). 30 + INT: I. 5tephen Tude< (Hon) ; 2. KellyBr.>ddock (Hon ); 3. 5' eve """"'ng (yam ); ' . Rogeo- S..",.. ; (Ka.w); 5. Michae l Potts [Kaw}, 30 + AM : I. Billy Mo sley (Hon) ; 2. jent (Hoo). 35+ EX: I. Gayle Hoyt (Suz); 2. Rick Hade (Suz l . Mike M. Davis ): (Suz); "4. James RHd (Yarn): S. Tod d Do wn ing (Hon ). 40 + NOV: I. jameo E. Ott o (Hon); 2. DannyWan! (Hon ); 3. IlKkey PotU (Yam); • . Steve (Kaw); 5. Ru.ty Cooner (Hon) . 40 + INT: I. BuddyT....... Y . (Han ); 2. Tony Hannon (KT1'1); 3. Rkhanl Dumais (Kaw); • . IlKhanl Browning (Y:om); 5. Da,;d c;,off (Hon) . ' 0 + AM: I. T""l' Cr.twford (KT1'1); 2. Ray B"" (! (y:om ' . Ron Meyeo- (GG); 5. ]om e:..); (Han ). 50 + EX: I. l=y Hunte< (Yam); 2. Don F-.morn (5oz); 1. Ruben Martin (Suz 4. Dan Burch (Hon) ; 5. Edd ie Gillis ); (Han). O PEN INT : I. Brad Wolfe (KTM): 2. Ryan Sudderth (Yam) ; l . Da vid Karm y; 1 . Wi ll T oombs (Ya m); 5. Tracy Iluckaloo (Yam). O PEN AM: I. Hal Ande<>on (Yam); 2. Colby BoI1;ng (Yam~ 3. Tommy Hogue (Hon); ' K_ Men;e< (Hon) ; 5. Daniel Magee (Yam). O PEN EX: I. Cay Doughty (Y:om 2. ); Steve Dawson (Yam); l . Stephen McDonald (Hon); 4. Bubba Bergeaux (Yam); 5. l.1Jke Fletcher (Han ). SEMI -PRO: I. Curtis ~ (Can); 2. Eric Hes. (KT1'1); 3. Matt Crouch (yam ); ' . David Luc:u J'. (Han ); 5. em Ch ;pman (KT1'1). PRO, I. Clay Hoenshell (Kaw ); 1. Judson Hunt er (Yam); 1. Mark We e ks (5uz); ' . Tom Robimon (Y ); S. Aaron Gay (Hon). :om Portland International Raceway Barnes Blasts PortlandI By JUSTIN WHARTON PORTLAND, OR, JUNE 10 D espite to rr e ntial rains all week, the track crew at PIR fo und a pocket o f t ime in which to squeeze in a race. The crew did an awesome job o r pre pping the t rack, as th ere was n't a single puddle of mud or water to be seen . Despite a low turnout due to the weather, the racing was still intense. The Supermini class got to see a lot of action , with ple nty of battling going on . In t he firs t combine d Sup e r m in i and Women's moto , Mike Pontiou s sho t out into the lead . fo llo w e d c lose ly by Bro c " Blast" Barn es. Po nt iou s has be e n do ing we ll since movi ng up a ll or 65 s, a nd he pr o ve d it by putting in some blistering lap times . Pontious had t he win in the bag unt il he to o k a so il samp le in t he finis h-line co rner. Bar ne s immediately went by for the lead. Pontious had Broc Barnes styles over a jump en route to the overall Supermini win at Portland International Raceway in Oregon. CYCLE NEWS • JULY 14, 2004 77

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