Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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_ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _----'~~~=;::===J!E V~ : ~~ EjtilrnSIJ Hockmon; 2. joma Peu. 65 D-O, I. Anson M3Ioney;2. J..-ed Slate . 65 D·C: I. Weasel Hickman . 85 NOV: 1. Stephen Mora les: 2. Justin Deger, 3. Justin Pen. 85 D·D : I. Anson Maloney. 85 EX: I. MiC hael Avila; 2. D .J. Sharkey; J. Dennis Trentman. MIN I1-STRK OPEN: I. Michael Avila: 2. Dennis Trentman: 3. O J- Sharkey ; 4. Garrett Slate. 100STK: I. Demis Trentman. 100 MOD D-A: I. Garren Slate; 2. o. . J Sharl<.ey; 3. Derris Trenunan . 100 MOD D·C: I. Justin Pett: 2. Jack Hayes. VET EX: I. Steve Hill; 2. Oay Chambers: 3. Rick Cremona. SR EX: I. Jack Hayes : 2. Breen Hoffman. orr N OV: I . Scott Taylor" orr EX : I. John Larson 2. Mike . : Poulson. OPEN NOV: I. Rick Diu; 2. Robert Gonules. OPEN EX: I. Frank Hannah; 2. Michae l Sanchez . VINT NOV , I. jack HaY"" VlNT EX, I.JoM u.noo. e arly lead , follow ed by Cla rk . Stephen Stella. LOCAL TALENT David Nyzio a nd Ca rsten . On t he first lap, john son and Clark drag-raced the ir Suzukis on a long straight , wit h Clark com ing out on top. Th is allowed Ca rste n to dice with jo hnso n w hile Clar k ran away wit h the wi n. Ca rst e n eventually got by Johnson. while Yamaha ride rs Derrick Wile and Brae Seiler rounded out the fourt h and fifth po sitions . In the seco nd mot a , Clark absconded with the holesh ot. follo w ed by Carste n. W ile and Johnson . Again, C lark took a co mmanding lead and the overall dMsion win. In the Fou r-Str o ke A class, th e top podium spot went to (you guessed it) C lark. mak ing it three ove rall class wins on the day. In t he 125 cc B co ntest , the Iirst-mo ta holes h o t wen t to Kyle Ha s s , foll ow e d b y Dist rict S jockey Brian Shuckhart and then LVC- sponsored Dre w Cole man . Hass w en t down early o n the firs t lap , allowing Shuckhart and Coleman by. America n Suzuki's Willy 'Icrh go t a bad start an d wa s runn ing midpack . Determined , Toth worked his way into the fou r th spo t by t he e nd o f lap o ne an d wa s running on Co leman's rear fender by lap three . Shuckhart ran away wit h the win, and on the Michael Avila is hard to beat these days. At the second Sliding Sideways Series round in Chowchilla, California, he topped the 85cc Expert and Mini Two-Stroke Open contests. last lap Toth squeezed by Co leman for second. In the second mota , it was Shuckhart out front, followed by Tot h and the rest of the pack. Coming out of the first tum . Shuckhart went down. causing a huge pileup; Toth escaped the carnage and raced to the mo ta win and the overall. eN RESULTS Yamaha All-Star Amateur National Doub/in Gap Motocross Park Clark Claims Three at the National By JIM BUll NEWBURG, PA JUNE 6 , O nce again, Doublin Gap Moto cro ss Park p layed hos t to the Yamaha All-Sta r Ama - te ur National. This year's event was sponsored by local Yamaha dea lers , Act io n Motors portS, B&B Yamaha , and Yamaha o f Camp Hill. Riders from seve n states co nverged to do battle, with cham pio nship po int s be ing awarded in bo th AMA Dist ricts 6 and 7. In mota one of the 250cc A division, Ephrata Clark. Wel ch and C lar k work ed th e ir way to the fron t of the pack by midway t hrough the first lap , and t he b att le was on ! Welc h . rep re sen t ing Distr ict 7, was ab le to hold o ff District 6 rider Clark until the t hird lap. At that point, Clark put his tw o-s t roke Suzuk i past Welch's fou r-stroke Honda over a jump on the high-spee d back stra ight. The crowd wen t wild w hen Weic h grabbe d th e first spo t right back. The two swapped spots for the re maining three laps, with Clark coming out on top at the e nd. In mota two, it was Clark with the holesho t t h is time, follo w ed by Welch a nd Ca rs te n. Ho nda 's C had Aughinba ugh sto le t he holeshot from Sh e n ando a h H onda's To m We lc h , Br o m le y C ycl e s/M SRlDu n lop p ilo t Ba r r y Again. C lar k and Weich pulle d away fro m the Ca r ste n , AMS r ider Clint john son , a nd American Suzuki/Kee ney Motosports ace Casey victory and t he o ve rall for the day. In the 125cc A ranks. Joh nson gra bbe d t he res t of the pack, with Clark racing to the mota Chad Aughinbaugh (883 ) stea ls the holeshot in the firs t 250cc A moto , a head of Clint Johnso n (9 24 ), 8a rry Carste n (9 6 ) and eventual w inner Casey Clark (161 ), at the Yamaha All-Star Amateur National at Doublin Gap Motocross Pa rk. so OIL -INI (4 -6): I. Wyatt Bart o (KTN ); 2. Eth an Bres sler (KTH); 3. Som mer Gangaway (KTM); 4. Bren dan Wagneo- (KTM); 5. Qu;U", Stewart (KTM). SOOIL·IN) (7 -8) , I. Sam Shecke lls (KTH) ; 2. Dylan Blettner (KTH); 3. Adam Dailey (Cob); 4. 1)ier Webst er (Cob); 5. David Byers (KTM). SO (4- 6), I. Chase M;II , (Cob ); 2. Wyan Bart o (KTM); 3. " Dalton Blettner (KTH) ; 4. Et han Bres sle r (Hus) ; S. Schae Thomas (KTH). 50 (7 -B): I. Addison Emo ry IV (Co b); 2. Ale xan de r Potter (KTH ); 3. Dillon Kinca id (Cob); 4. Sam Sheckelts (KTH): S. Austin Tos kov (KTM). 60 (7 . 9): I. Alex Malde t (KTM), 2. Bobby LJpyanek (KTM); 3. Thom" Col..... (KTH) ; 4. Billy Kwiecinski (Suz); S. Cody Burgoyne (KTM). 60 ( 10-11): I . Jordan Walker (Kaw); 2. Jaco b Diana (KTH); 3. Joshua Villarreal (Sut.): 4. Jos hua Corbi n (Kaw); S. H icnael Reynolds (Kaw). 80 (7. 11) : I. Garret T oth (Suz); 2. Timothy Savidge Jr. (Yam); 3. Tyfer Hawk (Kaw ): 4. Alex Maldet (Suz); S. Jordan Walke r (Kaw ). 80 ( 11 . 13) : I. Gary Radford Jr. k (Yam): 2. Daniel Cor bin (Yam); 3. Ray LeybovK: (Kaw); -t. 1)ier Smith (Y am): S. Andrew Kinsley (Hon). 80 ( 14. 15): I. Addison Kramer (Yam); 2. Hatthew Berrier (Hon) ; 3. Ryan Shifflett (Kaw); ... Bradley Presgraves (Yam); S. Eric MacMinn (Kaw) . MINI (9. 13) : I. Dan iel Corbin (Yam); 2. Darr e n Taughinbaugh (Kaw); 3. Timothy Savidge Jr. (Yam): .. . Tyler Wozne y (Yam) ; S. Tyler Haw k (Kaw). S/MIN I: I. Kerry Kaminskie Jr. (Kaw); 2. Addison Kramer (Y am): 3. Tyler Smith (y",,); 4. Gary Radford J'. (y",,); 5. Ma.thew Berrier (Hon ). 12 5 A : I. Casey Clark (5u z); 2. Bar ry Carste n (Suz): 3. Clinton Johnson (Suz ); 4. Derric k Wile (Yam): S. Broc Seiler (Yam). 115 B: 1. W illy Toth Jr. (Suz) ; 2. Drew Co lem an (Suz); 3. Robert Keller (Suz): -1 . Nathan Swink (Hon ): 5. Ken Gam e r IV (Y am). 125 C: I. David Callihan (Y ): 2. Kirk am Hines (Kaw): 3. Justin Bowler (Hon) ; 4. Taylor Beltz (Hon); 5 . Woyne Powel l (Hon) . 250 k I. c..ey Qatk (Suz); 2. Tom Welch (Hon ): 3. Barry Carst en (Suz); 4. Stephen Ste lla (Kaw); 5. H ike Spear (Hon ). 1 50 B: I. William Bryant (Yam); 2. Dre w Co leman (Suz); 3. Tyl r Witme r (Suz): -1. Eric Swarr e (Hon): 5. Bob Dellone (Y am). 150 C: I. Taylor Beltz (Hon ); 2. John Tate (Hon ); 3. Trey Co x (Hon): .. . Brendan Kusch (Hon) ; S. Woyne Powell (Kaw). 4-STRK A, I. c...y Clm (Suz); 2. Der rick Wile (Yam); 3. Jason Wo lfgang (Hon) : 4. Chad Aughinbaugh (Hon ); 5. Chris Spear (Hon) . 4- STRK B: I. zachary Hiller (Hon): 2. William Bryant (Yam 3. Nathan ): Swink (Hon ); 4. Cody Gra ybill (Y am); S. Gill Lawrence (Y am). WMN : I. E~zabeth Logan (Kaw): 2. J essica Childs (Yam); l . Ana Ward (Kaw); 04 . Alyssa Savidge (Y arn); 5. Kelsey Green (Ya m) . U/L (14 +): I . Willy To t h Jr. (Suz); 2. Zac hary Harrington (Y am): 3. Hichael Tippin Jr. (Suz); 04 . Andrew Baker (Yam); 5. Martin Page (Yam). SCHBY : I. Willy Toth Jr. (M); 2. K'tk H;.." (Kaw); 3. OaWl Calhhan (y""); 4. Kerry Kaminsk ie Jr. (Kaw) ; 5. Broc k Fole y (Yam) . CLGBY: I . Zachary Miller (Hon); 2. Tyier Witmer (Suz); 3. Robert Keller (Suz); -1 . Dean Smith (Hon ); 5. Toby Baldauf (Yam 15 + A:. ). I. Tom Welch (Hon); 2. Mike Spear (Hon); 3. James Max (Hon ): -1 Jason Wolfgang (Hen ); S. A. Sco tt Hartin (Ho n). . 1 5+ B: I. Colin For er (Hon); 2. John Altieri (Kaw): 3. Gary Dinges (Suz); 4. Jeff Arm strong (Ho n); 5. Michae l Cahill (Hon) . VET A: I. Tom Welch (Hon ); 2. Barry Carsten (Suz:); l . Mike Spe ar (Hon ): 4. James Max (Ho n); S. Kenneth He sserman (Hon). VET B: I. Jeff Armst ro ng (Hon ); 2. Joh n AItiefi (Kaw); 3. Jamie He ld (Hon ); ... Scott Schawer (Hon); 5. Allen Clm. (Hon) . VET C, I. Raben Reed 'nge< (Hon); 2. Jim Dobbs (Suz); 3. John Stevem (Hon ); -1. Timothy Curtis (Yam ); 5. T im o th y D e s o m br e (Suz) . SR : I. Ke nne t h Hesse-man (Hen) : 2. Jerry Selp Jr. (Hen); 3. Gene Nighman (Kaw): 4. Rkk Wenger (KT M); 5. Kevin Hesiah (Hen) . SR B: I. Doug Kitchell (Kaw); 2. J oseph Famish (Yam); 3. Thomas Nagie I (Suz:): 4. H ike Wylie (Yam); 5. Mike Beavan (Hon). H EATHER BARLOW 1986 Utah OTHER INTERESTSI .• Cheerleading , Dance DISCIPLINEI • . . .. . . . . Motocros s MOTORCYCLEI . , ... Kawes oki 250F SPONSORSI . . •.. . • . So uth Valley, Royce Industries LOCAL TRACKI Tooele, Utah ClASS: , Women 's BIRTHOATEI RESIDENCE: . , ... October 2, ... . •Taylorville, RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENT • 2003 USRA Women 's Ch ampion WHY Do You RACE? "It's fun and exc iting I I love the rus h!" BEST RACING MOMENT? "The first time I wonl" WEIRDEST RAC ING MOMENT? "Whe n I stayed close to all the fast girls for the first time ." WKO'S YO UR RACING IDO L? "J e re my McGrath." W HAT ARE YOU R G OALS? "I hope to win the championship again a nd to try to ride with the boysl " By Dick Goodwin Photo by Terri Hed den/ MM Pro Foto CYCLE N EWS • JULY 7, 2004 91