Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and the lead in the Ho t Shoe Series. Y uth o nce again do minat ed in the SOSec Pro -Spo rt ma in. o Ricky Marshall took th e inside pole , with C hase Sconyers on the outside and Cheza in th e middle. Sconyers got th e holeshot and led for the first tw o tou rs. Marshall and C heza closed on the rider from Geo rgia, while Brad Furlong gave chase. Then f urlo ng slid out in tum two , and. simultaneousty. Chen drove past Chase off of fo ur for the le ad . At the c hec kers , Che za , Mar s hall and Scon yers collect ed the purse and contingency monies. Cheza also assumed the lead in the AMA Hot Shoe Series . In the 7SOcc Expe rt main eve nt, Kopp again led the field into tum o ne , but Roede r assumed the point position eXit ing tum two on the Roe de r's H-D!Las Vegas H-D!Schaeffer's H·D! Mot io n Pro/Supe r Trapp X R. Ko pp's determ ined rid e cam e to an agonizing end whe n the (ront carburetor came off. demot ing him to e ight h (tho ugh he retained his po ints le ad in t he Hot Shoe Series). Beaulac was seco nd. Schnabel finished t hird. despite a lea king gas tank; he skipped his t rip to Victory Lane . dec iding that a q uick shower was mo re impo rta nt . Paul ly nch picked up the last of the co ntingency money ($1500) ; the Maryland rider kept Hart and N ick Cummings at bay for fou rt h. RESULTS 505 PRO ·SP T: I. Nlchole Chen (H on); 2. Ricky Marshall (Rol): 3. Chase Scon ye rs CHon .of. Ron Kimme l (Rot ); S. Todd Perkins (H -D); 6. W Illi m Seyle (Hon ): ); a 7. Troy Mayo (Rot) ; 8. Bri.1n Phillips (Rot ); 9. Bryan Huel (Rot) ; 10. Brad Furlong (Ho n). 505 EX: I. Dominic Beaulac (Rot ); 2. Joe Kopp (KTM); 3. J.R. Schnabel (Yam); 4. Shawn Clark (Rot) ; 5. C hris Evans (Rot) ; 6. Nick Cummings (Rot); 7. logan My"" (Hon); 8. Geo<1e gceder (Hon); 9. Sam Lowe (Hon); 10. Chm HMt (Rol). 750 EX: I. George Roeder (H-D); 2. Dominic Beaulac: (H·D); 3. J.R. Schnabel (H-D); 4. Paul l ynch (H.D); 5. Chris Hart (H-D); 6. Nick Cu mmings (H· D); 7. Sam Lowe (H·D); 8. Joe Kow (H.D); 9. Raun Wood (H-D); 10. Chris Evan, (H-D). DFC: l. George Roede r (H· D); 2. Chr is Evans (H .D) ; 3. Dominic Beau lac (H-D); 4. Shawn Clan. (H·D); S. Joe Kow (H-D). George Roeder (66) lead s J.R. Schnabel (33) and Shawn Clark (61) en route to one of his two victories at the 34th annual Old ·Time Newsies race for charity in Dayton, Ohio. Freelin MX Brown, Tow Head 'em M1i~i\~ii~,reelin MX MARLEnE, MI, JUNE 5·6 veryo ne was ready to rock at Freelin MX. Th e nearly 500 riders who ca me o ut go t to se e so me new t rack cha nges : A sweet new sect ion has been adde d w ith mor e jum ps, rhyt hm sections , and the "Super Do uble " going the o pposite way. The track was perfectly groomed and watered. Every race Saturday. freelin MX holds an 80cc Extreme race . O pe n to SOc A and B riders, this money mo ta offers a chance fo r c youths to st rut the ir st uff and earn "fa st cash " (de ale r check payout). Hats orr to James Moore fro m Leonard, Michigan , for hold ing off all the other ride rs and taki ng the che ckered nag. O n Sunday. Ryan Tow from Utica. Michigan, took the ho leshot on the first drop of the combined 16-24 and Over 25 gate. When the second gate dro pped for the 12Scc Junio rs. Bre nt Brow n from Armada . Michigan, too k the ho les hot . Je re m y Hughson from Millington , Michigan, started to close o n Tow. Bro w n moved up and rode with the first-gate riders. Brian [obak from Rochester, Michigan. stalled in the comer while riders passed him by. Brown and Howe ll, Michigan's Chris Manninen pulled awa y fro m the rest. Tow ope ned up a lead , even lap p ing a few riders. Manninen stu mbled after the Super Dou ble . while Brown passed Hughson . Brown pulled out the overall 125cc Junio r victory. while To w wo n the 16-24 po rtion . and Hughson topped the Over 25 portion. E GET. STARTED TODAYI Call our Dealer Sales Manager at (71~) 751 ·7~33 24 Hour FAX Order Line (714) 7SI-6685 E·Mail: dea ... BECAUSE ONCE A MONTH IS NOT ENOUGH CYCLE NEWS • JUL 7, 2004 Y 89

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