Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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lea d ers, Ritchey he ld fas t to third , wh ile h is
teammate Ed Lis battled with Anthony Cabrera
for fo urt h . O n the wh ite -flag la p , Cabrera
passed undemeath Us in tum two to ta ke over
fourth place . In a fight to the finish, Cabrera held
the advantage to th e chec kered flag.
" My hat 's off to Jim," Martinez commented
o n t he podium . " He ro de re ally hard . I didn 't
th ink I had anythi ng for him . I was so tired , and
my ha nds were hur t ing. I was cramping and
try ing to stay w it h him for the first tw o laps ,
and I felt like, 'Well , if I can hang with him , I can
mak e a move .' And then I stepped it up , and I
was able to get the lead ."
Martinez also w on t he Un limited
Supers port, Middlewe ight Supers po rt ,
H eavywe igh t Super sport , Middleweight
Superbike and Middleweight Grand Prix races.
Stephen Bo lde n dominated the Ligh tweight
classes, r un ning undefeated in all four of his
classes. He was the only other Expert race r to
finish the weekend with multiple wins . Bolden
took ove r th e lead in GT Lights after the two
fron t-runners, Jo hn Costa and Michae l Mills.
crashed out of the race o n t he seco nd lap .
From that moment on , Bolden w as off and
ru nn ing. After the lunch break, he nabb ed early
leads in the Lightweight Grand Prix, Lightweight
Superbike and Lightwe ight Supe rs port races
and ran awa y with th ose wins as wel l.
There were a handful of mult iple w inners in
the Amate ur ranks. Carl Cohen, Miguel Tomas.
Igort Del Haya, and newcomer joshua Day each
won two races . Cohen wo n t he GTO and
Unlimited Supersport races. Tomas won t he
Middleweigh t Supe rsport and Middlewe ight
Superbike ra ces , Del Haya w on GT Lights and
lightweight Superbike . Day and Del Haya we nt
head to head d uring the Lightweight GP race,
w ith Day taking t he advantage on his brand new RS125 on the white-flag lap to take t he
victory. He also won the Singles GP race afte r
ta king an early lead .
AM GTO : I . Cart Cohen (Suz); 2. Jo se Moreau (Suz); 1.
Jam e s Molinia (Su z); 4 . Danny Gonzale z (Suz ); 5. Rob e rt
D'Angelo (Suz). EX GTO: I . Jim P.ho kken (5uz): 2. Scott
Ritchey (5uz); 3. Marco Marti nez (Suz); "1 . Edward Us (Suz);
5. Michae l Rouleau (Suz). AM GT LIGHTS : I . IgOft De l
Haya (Suz): 2. Joshua Day (Hon ); 3. Ste ....e Leckie (Suz); "1 .
Bruce Akio ka (Suz); 5 . Donn ie Sc hmi tt (Bue) . EX GT
LIGHTS, I. S.ephen Bolden (Suz); 2. S.ephen $eM> (Suz); 3.
G..,,"'Y Lynch (50% 4. Thomas ","ginO' (KTM); S. '"""'"
Ha ikin (5uz). AM G TU : I . Carlos Ruiz (Hon): 2. G re g
Richards (Suz): J . VICtOf'" Chirino (Hon): 4. Danny GonuJez
(Suz ); 5. Ro b e rt Gri gno n (Yam) . EX GTU: I. N lchael
Roule au (Suz); 2. Jim Piho kke n (Suz); J . Marco Mart ine z
(Ha n): 4. Brad Graham (Hon) : 5. D ar ren Mulvane y (Suz) .
125 GP: L Jo shua Da y (Hon); 2. Sco tt Coc co li (Hon); J .
Miguel Ch irino (Han);