Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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> Derek Sturgell was impres sive all day in the Pro classes , handily winning the 12Scc Money d ivision a nd notch ing a re s pe c t ab le t hi rd , be hind winner Andy W illard and runner-up Steve Richards , in the 250cc Pro class. The o ld Vet racers we re go ing at it hard, with Robert "Spar ky " Spa rks knocking back two wins , in the O ve r 25 an d O ve r 30 B classes. Mike Blair and Mark Roop had a Suzuki battle roya le in t he O ver 25 a nd O ve r 30 Money classes. Blair took t he Ove r 25 win, while Roop rolled through the Over 30 field. RE S SULT MICRO (406): I. Jo hn Allende r Jr. (KTM); 2. Hud so n Park (KTM); J. Lucas Mason (KTM); 4. Dru Campbell (KTM); S. C arey Davis (Yam) . MIC RO (4 -8 ) : I. C al e b Ho use r (Cob); 2. Dylan Cook (KTM); 3 . H uds on Park (KTM); -4 . Jo h n Alle nd e r Jr. (KTM ) ; S. G ra e Se tterstr o m (KTM ) . MICRO (7 -8 ) : I. Seth Ham ishfeger (KTM); 2. C lay Alfrey (KTM); 3. Dar ren Walsh (KTM); 4 . Cody Penwell (Co b); S. Tyler Crawford (KTM). 65 (7 011): I. Walke r Brightw ell 111 (Suz); 2. Austin Primavera (Suz); 3. Brad ley Howard (Suz): 4. Jeffrey Gragg (KTM); S. Blake Ho ffman (Su1. . 80 (7- 11): I. ) Wa lker Brightwell III (Suz) ; 2 . Austi n Prima vera [Su z]: 3. Blake Hoffman (5oz); 4. Jeffrey Gragg (KTM); S. c.J. Saporito (Suz). 80 EXT RA (7011): I. Wa lker Brightwe ll 111 (Suz); 2. Tucker Snyder (Kaw); 3. Zak Ca ner (Kaw ); 4 . Derek Owens (KTM); S. Pres ton Colter (Kaw ). 80 ( 12015): I. Tony Gallo (Suz): 2. Kyle Burlile (Suz); 3. Nathan Bethal (Suz): 4 . Kody Price (Hon ): S. Matthew Amold (Suz). 5tM IN I ( 12-15): I. Kyle Burlile (501.) 2. Tony Gallo (Suz); 3. Nathan Betha l(Suz); ; 4. Dust in Garland (501. ; S. Ted Rogers Jr. (Suz). 125 PRO: I. ) Derek Sturgell (Suz); 2. Tony Robinson (Suz); 3. Scott Kuchler (Yam); 4. Jar ed Grabiel (Suz); S. lance Kirk (KTM). 125 B: I. Zach Ames (Suz); 2. Devan Wekh (Suz); 3. Nick Har dacr e (Suz); 4 . Alistair Ne il (Hon) ; S. Brandon Con kel (Suz). 125 C: I . Tyle r Pe m berto n (Yam); 2. Je rrod Cooper (Ya m); 3. Cam ero n Reagan (Yam); 4. Jerrod Gibso n (Suz); 5. Tyler Macko (Suz). 250 P RO : I. Ivldy Willard (KTM ); 2. Steven Richards (Hon) ; 3. De re k Sturgell (Su1. ; "J. Ton y Robinson ) (Suz); S. Lance Kirk (KTM). 150 B: I. beh Ames (Suz); 2. Shawn Jo hnson (Suz); 3. Jor dan Marlin (Hon) ; 4. David Mills (Suz); S. Jason Maraugha (Suz). 150 C: I. Je rrod G ibson (Suz); 2. Joel Smith (Hen); 3. lYler Brown (Hon ); -4. Yhyne Watson (Hen); S. Josh ua Ryan (Hon ). SC H BY: I. Zach Ames (Suz); 2. Devan We kh (Suz): 3. Shawn Johns on (Suz); "'. Ton y Gallo (SU1); 5 . Kody Price (Ho n). 16-1 4: I. Ross Adams (Yam); 2. Jeff Wippe l (Yam); 3. K Campbell (Hon ); 4. Tyler yle Pem berton (Yam); S. Carl Custard (Hon) . 25 + A: I. Mike Blair (Suz); 2. Steven Richar ds (Hon) ; 3. Mark Roup (Suz): "'. Joshua Doh n (Hon); S. Richard Robinson (Suz). 25 + DlC: I . Robe n Sparks (Yam) 2. Jason Maraugha (Suz); 3. Dan Jones ; (Yam) 4 . Dave Hom (Suz); 5. Mike Zizzo (Hen). 30 + A: I. ; Mark Roop (Su1.) 2. Mike Blair (Suz); 3. Richard Robinson ; (Suz); 4. Jos hua Dohn (Hon) ; S. Cu rtis Rehme n (Su1.). 30 + : I. Robe rt Sparks (Yam); 2. Timothy Fink (Suz); 3. Dave Hom (Suz); "'. Dan Jo ne s (Yam); S. Ric har d Spangle r Jr. (Kaw). 40+ : I. Richard Robinson (Suz); 2. Rick C ustard (Hon) ; l . Ro n Reh me rt (Suz); -4 . Keith Maraugha (Suz) ; S. Ric hard 5pa ngle r Jr. (Kaw ). O P EN BtC: I. C hri stophe r Robbins (Hen) ; 2. Scott Morrison (Hon); 3. Brandon Jones (Hon); 4. Just in Homer (Hen); S. SeanTaylor (KTM). PIT BK: I. Mark Seeley: 2. James Swartz Jr. (Sul) : 3. Kim Ham ilton (Y ; ... am) Paul Sandstrom (Hon ); S. Jason Taylor (Suz). T he Sun Ho nd aj Sp yjRent hal j Fo xjB ell Helme ts -spo nsored McClintock said his races were "rough, but just fun." He attribu ted his success for t he day to his mo m (w ho doesn't always attend his races) and his brother Rocky Rivero (who was one of the skydivers). This is McClintock's first season o n a Hon da 250F, as he used to race an as cc Ho nda. " [T his season , I'm] doi ng better t han I t hou ght I wou ld o n a b igge r b ike , " said McClintock , who qua lified for the NMA Po nca City race and also got the holes hot and placed second overall in the I25cc B class. Swe ney Cycle Park did a goo d job making the Memo ria l Day ra ce me mo ra ble (or all especially for McClintock . T RESULS S2 ~ t! z ~ UJ ~ ~ o ~ Q. 5 I P/W JR 50: I . Kay Bowen (KTM) ; 2. Dyla n Co e (Yam): 3. Bryson Monroe (Yam); 4 . Michael Sweney (Ym1): S. Arin Thompson (Suz). 5 1 (4-6): I. Koy Bowen (Cob); 2. Trae Dilley (KTM ); 3. Levi Ware (Yam); 4 . Dylan Coe (Yam ); S. Michae l Sweney (Yam). 5 1 (7-8) : l. Tanner W inelan d (Co b); 2. Dalton Unkus (t ern): 3. Daniel McKune (KTM); ... Kyle Bloe sser (KTM); 5. Bryant Osborne (KTM). 5 I O PEN (4-8 ): I. Bryant Osborne (KTM); 2 . Nicole Wilcox (Co b); 3. Hayden Ingino (Pol): .. . PJ. Tanis (KTM); S. Trae Dill y (KTM). e 65 (70 I. Garrett Kite (Kaw); 2. Vernon O 'Shea (KTM); 3. 9): Tanner Wine land (KTM); -4. Tanne r Willms (KTM): 5. Dalton U nkus (Kaw ). 65 ( 10- 11): I. Dylan W ine land (KTM); 2. Todd Bannister (KTM); 3. Michael Kimmerle (KTM); 1. Jake Jacobs (KTM); 5. Paul Johnson (KTM). 65 O P EN (7- 11): I. Tod d Bannist e r (Han) ; 2. Dylan W ine land (KTM); 3. Jake Jacobs (KTM); 4 . Vernon O 'Shea (KT M) : S. Paul Jo hnso n (KTM). 85 (7. 11): I. Dylan Wineland (SU1); 2. Josh Stie b (Suz) ; 3. Tod d Bann ist e r (H a n): -t. Jake Jaco bs (KT M); S. Michael Riner (Suz) . 85 (12· 13): I. Tyler Fishe r (Hon ): 2. Zac h Larson (Suz); 3. 1YIer OHle (Hon ); 4. Nathan Bertsch y (Han); S. C o le Shondeck (KTM). 85 (14-1 5) : I. Derek Andenon (Kaw); 2. Travis Stichter (Suz); 3. Ryan Thompson (Ho n) ; 4 . Blaine H iser (Yam) ; S. Joe y O lson (Hon) . JR Sl MIN I (0.1 1): I. Mike Wadel (Suz); 2. Josh Sneb (SU 3. 1); Michael Rine r (Soz); 4 . Chris He iney (Hen ); S. Cor ey Wi lcox (Yam). S/M IN I ( 12 - 1S) 105 , I. Ryan Thompson (Hon) ; 2. Derek And e rso n (Kaw ); 3. Travis St icht e r {Suz]: 4 . Blaine Hise r (Yam): S. Zach Larson (Suz). 115 A: I. Dou g Leavitt (Kaw); 2. Ivldy Atkins (Yam); 3. Chris Hesia (Suz); -4. lance Hiser (Han) ; S. Jaso n Labo nt e (Yam). 125 B: I . lance Under hill (Yam); 2. Aaron McClintoc k (Hon) ; 3. Jim Elzinga (KTM); 4. Adam Bro wn (Hon) ; S. Joey Shedron (KTM). 115 C: I. Brad O 'Neal (Y ; 2. David Budik (Kaw); 3. Troy Boles am) (Yam); 4. Dan Schmierer (Y am); S. Jeremy Sherwood (Hon ). 15 0 A: 1. 1vldy Atkins (Yam) ; 2. lance Hiser (Hoo ); 3. Dou g Lea vitt (Kaw); -4 . Chad Zulian (Han); 5. Jason Labonte (Yam). 25 0 B: I. Braden Barnes (H on ); 2. Jim Elzinga (KTM); 3. Cody Boyd (Yam): 4. Gr egg Rylee (Hon) ; 5. We s Manshack (Yam) . 250 C: I. lachary Sluyter (Yam); 2. Kyle Renton (Hon) ; 3. Dan Schm ierer (yam) ; 4. Ch ristopher Snider (Hon ); 5. Rocky Rauman (Han ). W MN A : I. Kelly Spring (Yam ); 2. Ke lly Longwe ll (Yam). WMN B: I. Malisa Bra uch (Hon ); 2. Katie He nd rixson (Yam); 3. lauren Volentir (Kaw) ; -4 . Rose Brom berg (Hon); 5. Ten Wa lker (Yam). W MN C: I. Je nnifer Sc hac ht (Yam); 2. Ale xa San Filippo (H on ); 3. Rachel De Parrl e (H a n); .. . Kayla W illey (Yam ); S. Ch ri st ine O 'Day (Yam ). YT H B EG ( 12. 15): I. Nick Pierce all (Kaw) ; 2 . Michael O 'Brien (Kaw); 3. DavKlO"Oay (Yam); -4 . Kyle Rivard (Kaw ); S. U nco tn Engel hard (Kaw ). 5 C H BY ( 12015): I . Aaron McC lint o ck (Hen} ; 2. C harl e y Ruprecht (Ho n) ; 3. Bryce Shond eck (KTM); 4. Troy Bo les (Yam); S. Brett Preu ss (Hen ). 15 + A: I. Bryan Sabbaugh (Hen ): 2. G reg Cowan (Hon ); 3. Jason Cams (Yam): 4 . D ustin Cu mmings (Yam); s . Brian 5harp (Hon ). 25 + Cl B: I. lachary Sluyter (Yam): 2. Scott Campbell (Ha n); 3. Dou g Broo kman (Hon ); 1. Gregg Ryle e (Ho n) : S. Dar en Sow d e r (H on ). 30 + A : I. Andy Atkins (Yam); 2. Shawn Smith (Ho n): 3. G reg Cowan (Hon) ; -4 . Bryan 5abbaugh (Hon ); 5. Jim Eckert (Hen ). 30 + B: I. Doug Brookman (Hon ); 2. Scot t Campbell (Han) ; 3. Donald Thompson (Yam); 4 . Jeffrey Cant re ll (Han): 5. Daren Sowder (Hon ). 30 + C: I. Brian C hap pe ll (Hon ); 2 . Jeff Quenze r (Yam); 3. Thomas Collister (Hon ); 4. David Kraft (Yam); 5. Robert Stra it (Ho n). 40+ A: I. Shawn Smith (Hon ); 2. Jim Eckert (Hen ); 3. Brian Sharp (Hon ); -4. Allen Smith (Yam ); S. lonnie Bredeson (Hon ). 40 + B: I. Bob Barnes (KTM): 2. Tim Kleensang (Hon); 3. Richa rd She nkel (Yam); .. . Hans Manchle r (Ho n); 5 . Mark Barn e s (H a n). 40+ C: I . Jeff Quenzer (Yam) ; 2. David Kraft (Yam); 3. Mark Hdlam (Yam); 4 . Todd Brow n Jr. (Ha n); 5. Richard Suprun (Hon) . NON· PRO: I. Brade n Barnes (Ho n); 2. Adam Bro wn (Hon ); 3. Charley Ruprecht (Hon ); ... Cody Boyd (Yam); 5. Jim Etzinga (KTM). OPEN B EG : I. Austi n McC lure (Yam); 2. Scott Harri s (Yam); 3. Brandon Fo rd (KTM); 4 . Blake D avignon (Yam); 5. C ha d Th ornh ill (H a n) . O PEN PRO : I. Lance Hiser (Ha n): 2. Andy Atkins (Yam): 3. Chad Zu lian (Hon); 4. Jason Labonte (yam) ; S. Doug Leavitt (Kaw) . CCS Florida Reg ion Moroso Motorsp orts Po r k Martinez Dominates at Moroso By IJSA Charley Ruprecht (5 5 5) p ulls the holeshot, wi th Vinn y Ra mirez (710) and Ryan Thom p so n (553 ) close behind, in Schoo lboy (12-1 5) a ctio n at Swe ney Cycle Pa rk in Brus h. Colorado. Sw eney Cycle Park McClintock Makes Memories on T he District 2S Memoria l Day race in Brush created fe st ive mem ories for all present. The night be fore , the re were 50cc pit -bike races open to anyone , with classes for everyone (rom the Pros to the Amateurs. The winner of the Pro class was Jimmy Galagoes . Race day bega n with the De nve r Skydivers perlonning for the spectators and racers d uring the nat iona l ant he m. Th e last skydiver ca me down with the American flag waving behind him. Sweney Cycle Park also made some changes to the trac k (o r t he ho liday race , includ ing reversing the dire ct io n of the track an d t he addit ion of some new jumps. "It was so much be tter," said ride r Aaron McClintock, "and the new jumps are better, too ." In t he morning's Schoolboy (I2- 15) race, H onda ri de r Ch arl e y Rupr e c ht took th e holeshot. Vinny Ramirez was close behind , Ryan Thompson running third as they ro unded the first corne r. O n lap tw o , McC lintock passe d Tho mpson for th ird right befo re the tabletop, but Thompson definitely put up a fight. " I was riding tight and getting frust rate d," said Mc C lint o c k. " I deci ded t o change the energy, loosened up, and turned it around." McClintock pulled away from Thompson on lap three, and caught up to Ramirez . The two batt led t hroug h the do uble s, and McClintock too k seco nd at the beginning of th e last lap. Rup rech t he ld his top pos ition , pulling away from the pack and finishing first. McC linto ck came in seco nd, with Ramirez third . Th e afternoon's Schoo lboy race started with Rupr e c h t win ning the hol e sho t agai n . McClintock got a much bette r sta rt, in second , with Ramirez following in third . The top three began pulling away. On lap two , McClinto ck sta rted to cha llenge Ruprecht fo r the le ad . Ramirez went down re a lly hard be fore the tab leto p and was una ble to finish the race . McC lintock passe d Rup rec ht o n t he do uble s afte r a full lap of fighting, but the two kep t it close unt il the e nd . McClintock finished first , and Ruprech t finished a close second. Ramirez's fall was so bad that it de layed the next race , but his dad said, "He is just a litt le sore but will be back next race ." THEOBALD WEST PALM BEACH, FI., MAY 31 ar co Ma r t ine z tota lly dominated the Championsh ip Cup Series' Me morial Day e ve nt at Mo ros o Motorspo rt s Par k, winning seven of the nine classes he ente red . He began the day with a bit of a ro ugh start, finishingth ird in the GTO and GTU races , but he found his groove after the lunch brea k and finished first in all of his afternoon events. Martinez worked his way q uickly to the front M and then opened a gap on the rest of the field in most of his races, but he really had to battle the competi tion in the most excit ing event of the day, the Un limited Grand Prix. Jim Pihokken nab bed the holesh ot , with Scott Ritchey close be hind in seco nd p lace early in t he race . Martinez wasn't far beh ind, in third. By lap two , he had passed Rit che y an d closed in on the leade r. Martinez made the winning pass at the entrance to the turn -three chicane on lap three. The rest of the race was a two- rider battle (or t he lead, dominated by Mart ine z. Be hind the Marco Martinez (10) leads the pack through Moroso's turn 11 on his CBR600RR en route to one of his seven wins on Memorial Day in West Palm Beach, Florida. CYCLE NEWS • JULY 7, 2004 81