Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1.0123A\ Jeremy McGrath: Steel Roots 20VO hCluSMl rOOtc;ge that demonstrates ellsctly why all-time SuperCfOSs champion Jeremy McGrath dominated the sccet for ne arly 10 years . SR2 showcases Me'. incredible riding abibty and giy&s a rare View into his llhl$tyte 8S he travels to numerous offroad klcatlQns in Tens, Cahfo(nl8, Nevada and Brazil wIth otllef talented UX ride~ Including Carey Hart, '.U e Cioqmars, Tom my Clowers. Grayson Goodman, C~ttord Adop tanle. TrlWOl'Vines and load racere Tommy Hayden & Anlhony Gobert. Incredible footage 01 wor1d-dass frMStyte riding . perSOf\ilI in5ights, and a souootradl: with Ump Bizkil , 3 Doors Down . Unkin Park. o.slur1)ed. JurasSiC 5, Pennywlse & more . DYD includes n..-er-before-seen footage and bonos DYD music by Sa liva -45minutes from X-FactOI'. $29 .95 mHRTEl tmur (' 01 03) Alticity OVO "Enter Sled Cinema", a true onginal by Sled ViSOl Films . From capluring big sled air in an urban shopping center with Ladd Re-tnolCs 10 Cal'\adian powder Oding . Srnoolh freeridlng on sleds and 200' U X ~ by the Crapo brothers will keep you rtwled to your seat. Shot in Canada, CokM'ado, Idaho, Montana. Utah and Wyoming. DYD containS 6 exi ra minu tes of uncut looIage and inter· views , all in digital DYD quality. 46 minut es from X-Factor. 1 2 9 .9 5 1.0203\ Dare the Devil OVO Witness b,; most daring and dangerous stunts ever performed in enllH18l11rTlenl h lStOl'y. Motorcycle Dare Ov¥il& l $uperi Joe and Jennifef Reed take you on • nde you won il soon fofget . Try jumping blindtolOed lrom ramp to ramp . or tumping over exposed fan blades with one arm tied beNnd )'OUt back , jumping O'«lr th ree heHooplers (frith blades turning) or rooftop to rooftop downtown Las 0 Vegas . All this and a Yery 6peCial tnoute 1 two I3mous Daredevils who came belofe l Supe rt Joe Reed , Bob Gill the Aorida Flyer and lSupert Joe E... nom. AN ee , tun in thts OVO are 10ligina1i World a Records M'Iic:h &aand to tt-iJ; ~ 70 mftItes!rom X Factor . $24.95 ~~~! ;~~~~J~~~~~~£~~vie. ft ol 03A) Altlcity 3: WorldwideOVO MX WORlD CHAMPtONSHIP 2003 (DVD) THIS IS SUPmMOTO (IJVD) SlJPERMOIl) UNCOYERED (IJVD) WORlD SUPER8lKE 2003 (DVD) 2003 WORLD OUTDOOR TRlALS CHAMPtONSHIP (OVD) 1#0166) Third Gear Pinned OVO backflip InlO the Grand Canyon . You'll rewind this mor e ti me s than you can count. and you slill worn eenev e it . Includ es lots of olher Goofrey -produced fooTage wilh Mike Jona s, Kenny Ba rtram , Na te Adams , Jake Windham , rid ing in Utah , Arizon a, California, MIssiss ippi , Canada & Belg ium . DYO contains all Ihe amazing action from Ihe video, plus 30 exira minutes 01 fe atur es Includmg the Making 01 the G rand Canyon Jump, and bonus footage 01 Travis & Keflny s anr a m wo rll.lng out backlilps on Ihe ir 250s. 90 minutes fro m Impact Video. $ 29.95 Get stoked as Ihese socc ride rs take this spo rt 10 the ne lll leve l. Star ring Sano Systems t8am flOers Chris C lark and Ch ris Skinner, these riders bus l huge trictl.s like back llips, bar hops , supermans 3rd gear pinned doubles, and 80 mph speed runs . You will be 0IJt rid ing you SObelore this lilm Is overt 28 minules Irom Impact Video. $ 24 .95 Th e fi rS1thrae 01 the hlghly·acclalmed MX freesty le videos by GodIrey Fllms .•.the original produced In '98, fol lowed up by the "Scar TIssue" ('99) and "Redempllon" ('00 1 ....ers lans - all packaged t098ther in high qua lity digital formal In this collectors editiOn OVO. Over 85 minute, of pur. adrenaline from X·Factor. $ 3 9. 9 5 Come along with us lor a socc adver'llure as we ride on the highways, byways, Cities , suburbs, and glla"os. You'H be enter ta ined arMi amazed .....ith the huge Ims as you wa tch these guys go anywhere and do anything! Guaranteed to ho ld your atlenllonl This is a moto video like you 've neve r seen beforel Re ·edited for general audiences. 50 minu tes I rom x-tactor. 124 .9 5 ~ you wanllo gel pumped up Ip ride? Ttlen this is your video. 1 '01793) Evel Knlevel's SpectacularJumps OVO ~rom lhe legendary caeaar' a Palace crash to him impossible attempt at Snake River Canyon, Evel Knievel ea~ his reputalion as the world 's bravest da rede vil . Relive his greatesllriomphs and hi s bone-brealr. ing defea ls .....ithlhiS spectacular colleetlOl1 of every famous Eve l KnieYel tum9 e~r hlme4 . From Whlte StarlOuke Video. $ 24 .9 5 1 .01671Mini MayhemOVO ('0125)Children of e Metal God:Trilogy OVO 1 '0151)Ryan Capes: My Way to tHe Record OVO ~an Capes quite POSSIbly.Iudl. Itle biggest air 10 da le . "My Way to Ihe Record'" documenl. the }Ourne y of a young man from the Wash ington Slale. and is incredibly short road 10 record brealting . success. Also &tarring : EnskJw, Metzger, Fai:SSt Twit ch , and Homan. 60 minules from Impact Video. $ 2 4 . 9 5 1 #011) Selh: TheHardWay OVO SUPERTRlAL WITH TOMMY ALVALA (DVD) TRIALS TRAINING WIlli THE CHAMPS (OVO) .... ....YHEM (IJVD ) LNntE RANKS (D'VD) Bailey), 1987 Superbowl 01 MX (RJ goes from 17th to win), and the '88 Pontiac SX (JohnlOfl vs . Jelt Ward battling it out down to lhe very last COtner 01 the final lapl . 15 years of history filmed by Full Throttle Video , all condansed lnlo thi s 100 ·minul e DYO Irom Mol ovld ao. $29.95 1 '01) Inside X: ESPN XGames IX OVO all the highli gh t s Irom the 2003 X Games in l os An geles including the IIrs t ever X Ga mes surfing con test , BMX star Jamie BeslWi ck', downside tailwh ip lIair, SkaTeboard legend Tony Hawk 's 900 , Freestyle Mol oc ros s champion Travi s Pesterena's 360 an d behind the scenes 1001898 Irom the van tage poinl of the l op action sport athletes as they compele and take in the X Ga rnes ellperience. Get up Ciase wilh Tony Hawk as he takes you on a lour 01 the X ebo arder Eric Koston to the golf course Games . Travel .....ith s kaT alter he wins lhe Slreel sllale contest. Take a ride W'1th JamIe Beslwicll. through the slreels 01 downtown LA as he talks about competirlQ with DaV'll Mirra _Gel inside R)'8ll Nyquisl's head as he prepares to go for double gold In BMX bike stunt park arMi dilt. See professional snowboarder Shaun White compete in hiS firsl ever X Games Skate vert COmpelrllOn_See X Games IX through thelt eyes 60 minutes lrom Impact Video . $24 .9 5 and DRll10 along with the XR50 and is an all agels him with appearances from TraviS Hart. Kelty Tedder , the HeSSlan Aggre Nion and many mor e lop racers and FMX riders . Also included Is an In depth InteMew with the goOfaIherotl1 0is.JoeIAtIrec:tJt.. 3StI"Inutes from ImpadVideo. $ 29.95 (.0130\ CrushOVO ); host Ofthe be st racers , freesty4e rs and ab sowte rnadmeo of the sport al try 10 outdo ead'! other with the craz~st rlctinQ eve r C81J9ht on hlm . You'll Me raoog stars like Uike LaRocco, Kevin W lndt\a.m, and Grantlangstan al play m their own badlyards , while top freasty\en Jike Nale Adam s and M,ke Metzger go ott on huge, never before seen natu ral terra in gaps. The best riders . the besl spots and the be5t muli'C all add up 10 fuI crush mode in this must · see 16m m leat ure film . 40 MUlllle. from Impa ct Video . 1 2 4 .95 ~~~~OJ i!~~~~ ~~Dthe world of MX nrJing and raang . Eapenence firsthand many of the worid ls best rider s r uling their domain, incfuding Des try Abbott, Steve Hatch. Darcy Lange, and Joh nny Ca mpOel. Hear and see lI'II'hal it takes 10 com pe l e and win the Gravity Game s and NV'll and flHllthe Outdoor Nationals with a H the big names such as CarmiChael, Windham, 51_art and all the pros . 45 minutes Irom Impact Video . 52 9 . 9 5 (#0175) All American Freeride OVO ~g Parson ls and a U your favorite lop MX Freestyle compelitor s, l ake you on an awesome joumey 01 na tural terra in all around the United Stales. Starring: Doug Parson s, M ike Metlger, Drake McElroy, Tyler Evan s, and a host of ol he r lop freestyle pros . 30 minutes Irom Impact Video. $ 29.9 5 (#0164) Flipped Oul "Evolution of the Backflip" OVO ~oI low thr&8 legends of free sll ye motocross and the ir quests to achelve the greatest feat In lhei r $pOri - no matter what the price Carey Hart prove d Ihal gravity ca n be def ied an d the lIip can be done. Ca leb Wya tt walk ed away Irom over a dolerl wrecks 10 ride IIway with the lirst eve r com plel ed back flip on a 250cc motorcycle, and MIke Metzgar complate. consecut ive backllips to cla im his spot atop Ihe sport. 50 m inutes Irom X·Fa ctor . $24.95 (#0199) Travis Pastrana I Revelalion 199 OVO Features Travis Pastrana criss-er05 sing Ihe coun try to race and ride with friends and heroes. The ath leles Include: Jeremy McGrath, Greg Albertyn , Robbie Reynard, Kenn y Bart ram , Mike Jones, Trevor Vines , Carey Harl, TJ La vin , Ryan Nyqu ist and many others. Locations Incl ude : Budds Creek·MD , Travis' private I rack . Cas l illo RaN:h -CA , Dumonl Ounes-CA, Travor Vmes' compound, Woodward--PA and more . 45 mifHJtes trom Impa ct V'deo. 1 2 9 .95 ~~~~}a!~a~~:lr~adi!~ ~~~ll~~:r~e'!,D~tocross tooay , Trevis leads the .ay in innav aling new tr\dls in freestyle motocross and ttIiS OVD proves wI1y he is lh8 best . Starring: Travis Pastrana. Kenny Bar tram , Greg Powell , Nate Adam s, Ronnie Renner, cam McQueen, and Ol son. 50 minutes from XFaClor. 1 29.95 1 '0200) Global Addiction oVO h us IS one of the most tal ked-a boUt fr8'Ktyle Videos in years - lhe one wtlere TraviS Pastrana launches his Suzuki RM125 with a Call to Order Today! Ge:t up etose and peflonal with freestyle legend Seth EnskJw, a story by 4Leaf Entertainment about chasing dreams aOOmaking !hem happen. A raw and sometimeS frighlening look at how thi s ordonary ride1 became a sub-cultural lcon1"ith some of the most Wild & over !he ec:1gerid ing _ r captured on film . Mad soundtrack malches the 1tCbon . B&st Overall Film Award atttle 2000 X· GamesITube Film hsliYal. 40 minutes from Impact YKIeo. DVD includes spadal interactive & web-connecI:ed features indud!f'19 altemate aud iO by Seth and .Jot1 fVly Airtime , ellclusiYe in terviews & behind·the·&eeneS foot age, newly·released cr ash k>oIage , outtakes and blooper from The Ha rd Way, detailed tMueprinls of Seth 's launch ramp , Interact ive ifltur y chafl, and Seth's X·rays. From Impact VM:SeQ. S 2 9 . 95 A greal home vicIeo lor imaginaliYe and active children age s 2+ . Hosted by the frienc1ly and helpful Midlaet Michael, view'8fS .re ifWiIed to take a peek inside his magiCal garage and le ern all about the world of dirt bikes. Featul'ing original music and live actiOn Iootage showcasing ride rs of all ages. Michael Mieha el Motorcydel is an entertaining and educational ride guaranteed to capture the attention of al chitdren . 30 minut es from Impact Video. 524.95 [~~O~s~~~ !!i~:.~e~~~~~a~tP _is an accu . ~_ ThiS 0Vd sha'lfcases !he KLX (10225)Tested on Animals O VO ral. deSCOphon of lreeslyte I ~ U ,ke Qnqmars strange ;ourney through Me. You" lit erally get a took Inside Cinq 's heaoI quad . U lka and Jeff Alessi having some aggres· sive banles, Ian Tretlet , Nico lui, and Bubba Crosby slamming some ruls wilh Rorwtte nchenor telling them how it' . done . along with an ellclusive Motocribage of Zach Osborne's house and shop This Is Amaleur Mol OC108S at il s bestl 42 Monutes from MX Dreams FUms. $29 .95 . h,; nen d,apter In Ireestyle. take a (1020)TheWay We Rode OVO This is really 2 OVOS in one : Part 1 focuses on the early Oays of Iree style and the beginnings of the freeriding rrooYement, feat uring pioneers ~ ka Adop lanle, Metzger, Deegan and Hullman busting lrictI., then tha I sli. look good today . This section also has a big segment on Ins8rw cra stwts & wipeouts. Part 2 is ~ Wortds Greatest SX Races" ; th is bonu s shows the htstoric banles and highlights Irom the 1986 Anaheim SX IRa Johnson VI . David 714-751-7433 or Order Online at the delenitlV8 ooong m.: high qua lity progresslV'll snow ma ctllne him. 2SCS3 Showc&sas ins8n81oo1age cap tured on both t6mm fi lm and digital mecIia . Tech niCal lTeeslyle move s, crazy stunlS . and a very bJd soundtrack are sure to ge t your anention. 40 minutes lrom X· Factor-. $29.95 &ttting lhe mountain freeriding in4ustry on fire with the original 1 '0132) Moto-xXx: The Series 1-4OVO ['et0162) 50 Frenzy !OVOFrenzy the revolution beg,n 50 1 .0135B12 Stroke Cold Smoke3 OVO (' 0140) On AnySunday OVO Bruce Brown's clasSiC 1911 film which covelli virt ual ly every form of motorcycle cornpehtiOn from lila AMA 's Grand National Tour to Moloc r0$8 ; Desert Raang to Ice RaCing; Ihe ISDT to The WlCIowmaker Hillclimb; the Boooneville Salt Flal s 10 the Elsinore Grand Prill . This special OVD director's edition teatures lila origInal movie Ira ilers and TV spots, dig itally remastered soundtrack. elltended tribute 10 SIeve McQueen, and a conversation with d Irector Bruce Brown . 96 minu les from X·Factor. 134 .95 1 .0140B) On Any Sunday Revisited OVO When Bt uce Brown made Ihe firsl 0"-5, hours 01 oulstanding footage never made the movie . This video goes back int o the vaults 10 highlighlltle di rt track he roes ' action from that period. The pe r· sonali ties Irom the mov ie reminisce abou t that gran d periOd of the spo rt . Added OVO ellclu5ives including ride, proliles. Steve MCOUeen bio , scrapbook, and inlerview wit h Bruce Brown and Dana Brown. 60 minutes Irom X·Faclor. $24 .95 (,0140C) On Any Sunday: MX, Malcolm & More OVO Filmmakers Bruce and Dana Brown reYisit Malcolm Smith and the othet great MX & oil-road ride rs from the orig inal On Any Sunday, with newr·before·seen footage shot back in the day , comb ined wit h recent Inlerviews and commentary by the Browns, MS , Roger DeCoster, Danny laPorte, Jeff Ward and more . OVO Inc ludes same tooLage as the video, with addilional DVO el.c1usives Including scr apbook pt-.oIos. rider bIo&, and a special inl erview with Bruce Brown & Malcolm Smilh. Over 70 minutes lrom X·factOf'. 5 2 4 .95 (' 0139) A Day In the Dirt ovo Thi s documentary film Lakes you rigtlt in lo Ihe midd le of a Motocross Grand Pril. like no othe r. Irs a trao<""",.""o,.dl'Q'ncc,,""'Ihe'''''_''''US< ~ ~ All 46 k f d ,. ow - w ee s or e Ivery,

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