Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Chris Kerr, Bob by Hedden, Br an t , Tommy Hed den and Faria. In another photo finish, Kerr took the seco nd spot by mere inche s, over Bo b by. It was the third week in a row that !iI iii Marcucci tur ned 16 years ol d and had t he topped the Division Two mains the previous two Fridays. Sm ulders as they dropped back down off the uphill whoops. Kasper planted Smulders in the ur bowl turn before t he do uble-d ou ble section. t;; a.. Smulders quickly regained his compo sure and ~ reeled Kasper in a lap later, only to have Kasper ~ swap off of the roller section , ending his ~ chances of be at ing Smul ders and gett ing the overall. Kasper did remount and put in a valiant effort to finish th ird, and third overall with his 2-3 scores. Smulders capped off the evening w ith another moto win , ma king it four moto wins on the night in the A classes . option to move to the 500c( bikes or remain in the Youth progra m for the remainder of the year: he chose to ride one last time on the 2505 and t hen beat lay Ricketts to t a ke the checkered flag. RESULTS Fowler has scored a main-event w in, having The D iv isio n Two main event went to Auburn native Bruce Bast, who led all five laps despi te skimming the back-straightaway containment wall on lap three. Current AMA National Youth Speedway Champion Ale x Marcucci picked a fine time to w in his first main event of the young season. SC R: I. Charlie Venegas Qaw ): 2. Scott Brant (G M); J . Mike Faria (Jaw): ... Bobby Hed de n (G M). HDCP: I. T.J. Fow ler (Jaw): 2. Chris Kerr (Jaw): 3. Bobby Hedden (GM); .. . Scott Brant (GM); S. Tommy Hedden (Jaw). 0-1 : I. Bruce Bast (Jaw); 2. Shawn Eldridge (GM); 3. R.J. Bec erra (Jaw). 0 -] : I. Sean Billenste in (Jaw); 1. Nonnan Broo ks (Jaw): 3. Steve Rowett (Jaw). D~ I YTH: I. Alex Marcucci (JilW); 2. Jay Ricke us (Wes). 0 -1 YTH : I . Cody Ciciarel li (Tri); 2. Tom Fuhrma n (Wes) ; 3. Tori Hubbert (Hon) . 0 ·] YTH: I . Bryce Starks ; 2. Troy G uisande: l . Bryce O lney. R ESULTS Kentucky Dirt Trac k Se rie s Paducah Inlernational Raceway Lewis, Hanna Barbaric on the Competition at PIR By BOBBY LEWIS PADUCAH, KY, JUNE 4 A light rider turnout did not slow down the /""\racing act ion at Paducah International Race-way. Jake Lewis nailed seven holeshots in eight tries and scored wins in the 6Scc, SScc, 200ee Amateur and 200cc Pro-Am short track and TT events . Colby Chandler kept the heat on , loo king to stick a wheel under Lewis. and he was a very dose second in the SSee and 200cc divisions. Just in Hanna ran away w ith the 2S0cc and Open Pro classe s, with big wins each time out. Jacob Mo rris ran and h id from Hunte r Abernathy and Dustin Demuth in the SOcc Shaft classes and the n turned around an d did th e same in th e C hain class. Blak e Tabor sw ept the Trail Rid e r class, producing h is firs t w ins of the se ason . Evan Fields ke pt him honest from the sec ond spot, ove r Nathaniel Vowe ll. The clos est racing of the night was in t he Vet and Se nior classes. Gene Yopp, Ste ve Nace and Ed Clark ran three abreas t in both classe s, with Yopp t aking t he narrow w in in the Vet class. Nace took his brakeless Yamaha to the top of the track in the Senio r class and found a line that worked, as he took th e top spot this time out, ove r Yopp and Clark . R ESULTS Short Tra ck 50 CHAIN : I. Jacob Morri s (Co b) ; 2. Dylan Do uglas (Hon) . 65 : l . Jake Lewis (Suz) ; 1. Evan Fields (Kaw). 85 : 1. [ake lewis (Suz); 2. Colby Chandler (Hon ): 3. Blake Tabor (Hon) ; 4. NathMlieiVowell (Y am). XRloo STK: I. Alan Asher (Hon) ; 2. Dav id Asher (Ho n) . MAD DOG : I . Da kot a Simmo ns (Yam). 2 0 0 AM: I. Jake l ew is (Yam ): 2. Co lby Chandler (Hon ); l , Nathaniel Vowell (Y . 200 PRO -AM: I. am) Jake l e wis (Y am): 2. Co lby C handler (Ho n); 3 . N ath anie l Vowell (Y . 25 0 P RO : I. Justin Hanna (Hon) ; 1. Dakota am) Simmons (Yam) . TR: I. Blake Tabor (Hon ): 2. Evan Fiefds (Kaw); 3. Nathan ie l Vowell (Yam). OPEN PRO : I. Just in Hanna (Hon) ; 2. Mike Dunaway (Rot) . VET ]0 + : I. Gene Yopp (Hon) ; 2. Steve Nace (Y am); 3. Ed Clark (Rot). SR 4 0 + : I. Steve Nace (Yam); 2. Ge ne Yopp (Hon): 3. Ed Clark (Rot). ' 70s SGl: I. Nathan Cumel (Yarn 1. Steve Nace (Yam), ); 50 C HAIN : I . Jaco b Mo rri s (Co b): 2. Dylan Douglas (Hon) . 65 : I. Jake l ewis (Suz): 2. Evan Fields (Kaw). 85: I. Jake l ewis (Suz) : 2. Colby C hand le r (Hon) ; l . Nat hanie l Vow ell (Y am). MAD DOG: I. Dakota Simmons (Y . 10 0 am) AM: I. Jake l e wi s (Suz) ; 2. Co lby Chand ler (He n): 3 . Nathan iel Vowell (Yam) . 200 PRO -A M: I. Jake l ewis (Suz); 2. Colby Chandler (Han) : l . Nathaniel Vowell (Yam). 25 0 P RO : I. Justin Hanna (Han) : 2. Dako ta Simmons (Yam). T R: I. 8 lake Tabor (Han) : 2. Nathan iel Vowell (Y . S R 40 + : am) I. Gene Yopp (Han) . Smulders Smuthers 'em at Gravity By PETE EMME TYler Smulders has really kicked it into gear for I 2004 . Smulders won every mota on the night at Gravity Park in the 12Scc A and 250cc A classes at the Friday Night Motocross Series event. Smu lders jumped out to a nice lead in the first 12Scc A moto. Matt Kasper kept him in sight for the first few laps . From then on , it was Smulders s howb oating over t he spectator jumps that lined the fences. The second-mote win didn't co me that easity for Smu lders, as Ryan Williams jumped out o f the gate first, but Smulders hit the rev-limiter on his CRF2S0R going into the first comer, taking the lead . Kasper was r ight o n Smulde rs' hee ls through the rocker section, and as they entered the right-hand bowl turn, Smulders was on the outside, and Kasper took to the inside line. The two riders were side by side going through the uphill whoop section, but Smulders came out on top. A few corners late r, Kasper and Smulders were banging bars aga in , and they hi t the 84 JUL 7,2004 • CYCLE NEWS Y AHRMA Rocky Mountain Vintage Tria ls Series Round 2: Leahy Family Fa rm Martinson Manhandles Millikenl TT Gravity Park Friday Night Motocross Serie s Gravity Park CHILTON, WI, JUNE 4 Tyler Smulders was on fire at Gravity Park, winning all four motos in the 125cc A and 250cc A classes at the Friday Night Motocross Series in Chilton, Wisconsin. quadruple in the air together; when they landed , Smulders t ook the h igh line wh ile Kasp er sneaked in down low for the pass. Kasper's lead didn't last long, though, as Smulders came back on the right-ha nd sweeper to take over the lead and march away w ith the win - and the overall, wit h his I- I tallies . "I defini tely hit my rev -limiter, not only on th e start but over the quadrup le jump, to o : ' said Smulders. "I wasn't used to hitt ing the quad on the left side, an d it kind o f freaked me out, and I think I surprised him when I got him back in the sweeper." In the 2SOccA dass, Smulders once again took the victory in the first moto, over Kasper. Though Kasper tried everything he could on his Suzuki, the power of Smulders ' 4S0F had him blitzing the whoops faster than anyone in recent memory . T he second moto had some drama to it . Smulders rocketed thro ugh the roll e rs with amazing speed, with Kasper right beh ind him again. Once they got into the whoops, Kasper 's qu ick momentum helped him catch up to By GEORGE PENNINGTON MIWKEN, CO, JUNE 5 H o t weather a nd dry, du sty cond itions greeted the competitors at round two of the Rocky Mou ntain Vintage Trials Series . Held at the Leahy Family Farm , the course cons isted of nine sections laid out in the rolling plains surrou nding th e Milliken MX track. Utilizing the terrain as completely as possible. the sections featured t ight turns and steep , loose hillsides t hat were r idden up. down and sideways to snatch points away fro m the riders. And snatch points they did! Many riders had had scores in the 30s (out of a possible 4S ma ximum ) afte r the first loop! Top dog on the day wa s the man from Wyoming, Fred Martinson . Riding smoothly and steadity, the TY2S0-mou nted Martinson seemed t o find traction where others cou ld not and del ivered a strong first loop, gapp ing runner-up George Pennington by I I points to secure an insurmountable lead and win the Modem C lassic Expert division. The th ird -place finisher on the day was Bultaco -mounted David Wilson . Recording his second win in a row, Steve Do yl e , on h is TY2S 0, narrow ly edged out Daniel Str aka fo r class honors in the Modern Classic In te r m edi ate d ivisio n. Straka, on his T Ll 2 5 , shared the class lead w it h Rick Armstrong afte r the first loop. both riders scoring 16 points to t he 2 0~ poin t scores o f Doyle and Don Seide l. Doyle turned it up in the ensu ing loops. scoring a class low of 12 on each of them to erase the deficit and come out on to p by one po int. Armstrong actually tied Straka fo r second o n points but lost the tie breaker o n cleans and was re legated to th ird. Seide l hung on fo r fourth , over Robert Stroham. 40th Anniversary P/W JR: I. Brandon Holmes : 2. Austin Hambu rgu r; 3. Brett Hend erson : 4. Hubert Price : S. East on C revier. P/W SR: I. Cody Severi nsen ; 2. Co/in HilSS; 3. A J. Woller; 4. Nick r-tar kel : S. And y Kost . 60 : I. Phelan St illman: 2. Aar on gemeer: 3. C hristop her Barribeau ; 4. jacob Kotchon: 5. Cody Seve rinsen. 85 JR: I. Aaron Remter; 2. Phelan Stillman : 3. Christoph er Banibeau; ... Kiley Gillette; S. Jacob Wooderlich. 8 5 SR: I . Br a n d o n C re ....te r: 2. Br ian l u d Wig; 3 . Ben Pe te rso n; 4. Marcu s Kubec : S. Dylan Dect erc. 11 5 A : I. Tyler Smulders : 2. Matt Kasper; l . Ryan W illiams. 115 8 : I. Jacob Gr eate ns; 2. Steven Haug: 3. Scott Batte rman ; 4. Ryan Norton ; S. Billy De Gr oo t. 125 C: I. Brandon C re vie r; 2. Nate lang: 3. Eric laedke : .. . Steve Paa....eta: S. Josh Vogel. 1 5 0 A : I. Tyler Smuld e rs ; 2. Ga rr ett Ho jn ac ki: 3. Matt Kasper. 25 0 B: 1. Steven Haug: 2. Ryan Jams; 3. Geor-ge Ho pf e nsb e rg e r. 15 0 C : I . C ra ig Kalko pf; 2. Rich a r d Blockl a.nd; 3. Nate Lang; .. . Shawn Tovar; S. Scott Berndt . WMN: I. Ke lly Brill: 1 . jessica Ram beau : 3. Abigail Zabcrik. SPTSMN o/C: I. Jacob Greatens ; 2. Ryan Nort on ; 3 . Ben Pe t e rs o n; 4. And rew Kiser : 5 . Jesse Wunderlich . MSTR 25+: I. Ryan Jo rn s; 2. Pete Emme . VET ] 0+ : I. Scott Biese ; 2. Billy De Groo t; 3. Ryan joms: 4. RKhard Blockiand ; S. Pete Emm e . SR 4 0+: I. Mike Donnan ; 1. Ronald Pease. The Premier Ughtweight Expert class came down to a duel between Mike Bucholz and Tony Asnicar. Ho lding a 10-point advantage after the first loop , Asnicar seemed to have it in the bag, but Bucholz was not to be denied: He put his years of experience to good use, besting Asnicar by se ven o n the second loo p and four on th e third to claim the class win by a single po int. RESULTS PREM ir« NOV: I. Dick HedwaJI; 2. Jim Sprafk.e PREM . l/W EX: I. Tom Bucholz; 2. Tony Asn iar; 3. Mike Weh ling. CLSe NOV: I. Rick Woodward. MORN CLSe BEG: I. Mike Guber; 2. Willie McClendon. MORN ctsc NOV: I. Rick Field; 2. T odd Shainholtz: l . Tom Brosius. MORN cusc INT: I. Steve Doyle; 2. Dm iel Stra ka; J. Rick Armstrong: 4. Don Se id el ; 5. Ro be rt Str o ham . MO R N ClS C EX : I . Fred Martinson; 1. GeorgePemington : 3. DavidWilson. It's all downhill for Fred Martinson on his way to the Modern Classic Expert victory at round two of the AHRMA Rocky Mountain Vintage Trials Series in Milliken, Colorado.