Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~~d46A) The Great Outdoors: Special Edition You want more? You got i1_ 100 mir'IUtes of of a"new 8 M exci ting 1oo18 ha nd-p ieked from 300 hours of fi lm shot durge WIg the 2002 Outdoor Nat iona ls . ThiS special editlOl'l OVD fea- tur es 25 chap Ters of action (hig hlights of eec h round, plus man y rider, mech anic & team l1'\&nalg8f ilMtrviews) an captur ed dYring Ihe five mon th , 12-51op l our , mostly all malerlal no t seen in the or iginal "G reat Outdoors·. "Speci al Ed itiOn" l akes you even more up -clo se and pe rson al into I he Out doo r Nationals. t OO minute s l rom x -se ctc r. $ 2 4 .95 ~JjI~U~Oe~r~~n~u.l~~~~u!~~~re~a$e featuring an in depth look at thft 2003 AU" Oute:toor Mo l OCfOSS Nationals. Walch the drama unfo'd as Granl Langston ho'ds on Ryan H ughes and James Ste_rt to ,..~ ~ -=--= ~= -~ . . ~ :;~ F -- t~=~ . _ "':' _ _ -;" wOn his first rasec NatiOnal Championship, and as the Kevin Windham ralums to cha1l8l'lg& RICky Carmichael'. unbe at en streak. 100 minutes Irom X-Factor. $2 4 . 95 v- ~ --- ..,' .Q. ~~~~~~~,~~~dG~~~f2~~Pa,~ ~~3m~2asllng, tbig aili, action of the f4-round season from Sian 1 linish . 0 Wrth tile best rlders in the WOfIdpilled againsl tile loughest tracks. the 2003 season was atways sello enlertain Adrenalin-fvelled action ts rife 8S Itl. GP class sets two reigning champions. Uickael Pictlon and Siefan Evet"l s in oppo5ihon k)r the title. With pride at stake. PIchon gelS stralghl in to aetlOO setting lhe aarty pace wirWling rounds I . 2 and 3. After rNsaing ouI on podium finishes in !hoe firsl 3 rounds , Everts is soon 10 respond Wllh an awesome l eal 01 nine conseculi'ooe MoIo-X GP victories ensuring the Inla goes 1 nobod y but 0 himsalf. Joel Smats puts in a season 01 conslslenl performances Irom the start 10 take the &ecDOd place in lhe championship wilhout wiooing a single race . The action is a1Wesome. !he lension and atmosphere are ~redlble aa E.... rts thr ils the crowds and enrages his opponenl$. seriOuS Moiocross fans shoukl not be without this compilation of berm-busllng season highlighls. 180 min utes Irom KunerlWhite Star Video_$3 4 .9 5 SUPERCROSS f#D325M) Bar to Bar 2003 DVD ~rom ttle opening round in S'NIt18rland to lhe dlemalie linal showdown in Las Vegas , this incredIble footage brings 10 IIfa the mosl intense SuperCfOSS championship hunt in history: defending champion RiCky Carmichael versus newcomer Chad Reed ,llls al captured in this 2 OIID sat fI ellClU$ive _ r · befor.seen press c:ooterence klotage. in-deplh rider Inlerviews. WIIlnerfs acce-ptance s.peec:hes. James Sle1Wartsl race lot his firsl title in !he cIown-and-dirty 125 West class. Brandon Jessemenfs dremalic championship chase in the 125 East das5, and more ! 3 hours from Impacl Video. 139 .95 IID142AI.Relish DVD thiS is a II m unlika eoyth+og seen bebe! Relish provTdes a look inlO lhe hearts and the minds 01 all the Thor riders including: Chad Reed . Jeremy McG ralh. Ezra lusk, TIm Ferr y, Gran l L. ngsl on, SebastIan a To rtem, and Nal e Adams . All shot in 16mm 11 at loca tion s such as : 1m Bingnamplon, Sleel City , U.S. Open, las Vegas , Ge08'l8, Switzarmnd, Anaheim. and Pl'loenilt. Relish II 8 coollouous action packed him WIth OYer 40 minutes of the best ridIng ever caplured on htm with bonus lootage and outtakes you must see 1 40 minutes from Impact Video $ 24.95 SUPERMOTO (ID70) This Is Supermoto DVD Sup&rmoto was iovenled in the USA in lhe late 1970 '5 as an evenl designed to find th e best bike r overall fr om a range of multi·disci pllned com pelitors . A cull in Franc e lOr two decades, lhe sport has linally caught lire in Brilain . Combining the spills and thrills of road racing. Supe rmot o looks sel to rule the woOd . The Introduction of !he ACU British Champk)nship in 2003 in conjunction 'Nith tnedeYeIopmenI 01 the FlU World Championship ensured lhat Supermoto is the faslesl grO'lriog form 01 motorcyde sport. With ttIiS comes a new breed 01 Supermoto 5JlEICia1ists: champion Warren Steele. ma.... nck ArJy Smith and the ra1W talent 01 Christian Iddon. And it's 1101 just compelilion riding eithet" . Keep your eyes peeled as you are just as likety to see Supermoto riders tearing through the city . as ripping up !he country terrainl Life begins at 45 degrees! This is Supermoto. 65 minutes I rom Duke Video . $ 2 4 .95 (ID71) Supermoto Uncovered DVD Whethe r you r interest is streel or ' rsell.. 'Su pe rmoto Ul'lCOYe red' eerss out 10 discOwt r wtwIrs behind lhi s increaslnoty popular sty1e. Amongsl the action, the ~ contains alttice Irom owners. manufacturers. al"lCl soppI la rs indudIng Troo Racing, CC M Motorc:yt:Ml. Talon Engineenng . and H"" Raang. plus inl emews with 109 ride rs ArJy Smi th. Warren Ste ele . and DaYkl Jetl nes . Spedal featu re s induOe e.etuSive ooboard looIage with L.eighlon Haigh during pre par aflon lo r the opening round 01 th e Word Championship5, aod riding WIth Jarred Frost. 50 minut as l rom Kult erlWhite Sta r Video $24 .95 IID19711 Mota GP 2003 DVD Moto G P ~ evie1W 2003 cowrs all i he highs and fews, speed and aettOl'l lrorn another blis tering N ason of brea thta king racing for you to re-Itve. or to enjoy lor the Iest lime. Trackside and on-bike cameras capture lhe a__inspiring skill. of the riders as they push each other 1 the absotute timit , race after 0 0 race . Last year everything Valefllino RO$-$i l ouc hed lurned 1 gold , Ihis year it was neYer going 10 be that 88Sy, CompetItion was herca wrttl "" alt 81aggt, sele G,bernau and loris Capirossi alf determined 10 claim the nue Irom the brilliant young ftalian . Rossl got the beller star l with a win in Suzuka bul Gibernau was quick 10 respond with a win in Round 2 at Welkom, Rounds 1 and saw Rossi drop 10 3rd position opening the doors tor Biaggi. Capirossi and Glbemau to claw back some points from the fading lIalian. Wrth the press on his back , ROUi needed to di$p1ay the magIC that seemed so etlorlless in 2002, whiCh he dUty did . If it ls aetlOfl and speed you'ra looking lor , !hen look no lurthef. everything else is eholling on Itle dust of lhis thrilling season r&view! 2003 provided a classiC blend 01 speed. rtvalry. wheel-lo-wheel racing and an electrifying atmosphere, all captured right here , on film . 220 minutes from Impact Video, $ 34.95 e IID1725) 2002 MotoGP Series Review DVD t hlS offlClal 3--hour erlravaganza calChes aUlhe drama & e.<;itement lrom lhe '02 MotoGP Series with multi-carnera al"lCl on-bike foolage from every round . wilh accompanying Irlterviews WIth the top Mers. Watch the "ttIe Or.- Rossi carve his way 10 lhe championship al the da-.n of a new age in lr.4otoGP racing , OlIO e-tras include complele on·board laps Irom every Circuit . a day in the IIIe 01 the Wesl Honda Pons team, behind the scenes Ioolage and a chance 10 He al the fun & parnes from the RoSSl Fan Club party. 190 IT1lnutesfrom Wtul. StarlOuke VICIeo $34.95 . II D197012001 MotoGP 500 Series ReviewDVD t he 200 1 ~IM 500 WOOd ChamptOnship was sel to be a spICy duel between the two halmn guns - Valem ,no Rossi and Max Biaggi, and il (tidn 'l disappoint. The incredIbly talen ted duo were atways on course 10 di5h out Ihe action in MotoG P. but who could have predicled lhe manner in which Iha last ever 5006-only 5eason would calch fire? Catc h ilIIlIthe aclion in this official3·tIour se ason review on OVD. 190 minutes lrom White StarlOuke Video . $34 .95 IID1806) World Superbike2003 DVD t he Work! Supe~ke Champlonship mixes the world 's quickesl productIOn blkes with briffianl riders and leIS ~ loose on !he mosl prestigious race cours.el in the world . 2003 was the year lhatlhe Championship came baCk 1 Britain. Netl Hodgson 0 put In a season-long pertormance 01 gritty and stylish OOing10 make the Championship his own . Of course. there were plenty of scrapes along !he wa)', with Xaus and Toseland pushing h4rrd, but Hodgy's brilliant riding shone through. ensuring that !he ooty thtng his rtvals saw wera the elthaust. of his Ducalll luckity, youll see much more in ltIis offiCial review . Ifs go! every angle covered using the very Iatesl in on-bike, trackslde and curb-cams. With you all the way ere Char1HlCo. and Sieve Par rish who provide top notch commenta ry Irom start to finish. There 's also 45 minutes 01OII D e. l ras inCluding paddock-side intarvi8'Ns wiltl Ihe riders al"lCl the ir team s, proflles 01 Iha top rider s and the chance to see wha t th e rider s do a1Way I rom Ihe Irack - including Walker al"lCl Tose land Ilylng with the Red Arrows! So, gel ready for three hours of blistering elbow· bashing action lrom the World Superbike Championship. 3 Hours lrom Duke Video. $39. 95 IID1805) 2002 WSB Series Review DVD tN; best riders on the fastest production-based bikes 00 !he planet put on a show 01 apM:proponions in a alt-out bailie lor one 01 the mosl soughl-after lilies in motorcycle racing. fealuring a duel for the champi0n5hip right down 10 the lasllap of !he lasl race between Troy Bayliss and American hero Colin Edwaros. OVD ellfras include 40 minllles of rider and bike prollles. 220 minut es from WMe StarlDuke Video. $34 .95 IID1901l2oo1 WSB SeriesReview DVD fh; 2001 World Superbike Championship was an inc redible , IIO'holds-barred battle. l eaturing som e olll1e best r iders in the wor ld slugging out aboard 16Q-hp, lire-slid in g Superbikes . Australian Duc at i ride r Troy Bay liss evenlu ally lifted the crow n. bul Ihis 1Was no wal k in the park , Y2 K cha mpiOn Colin Edw atds was on a mission to pr ove Ihe Honda VT R looo SP-2 V·twin could snalch two lilies in a row , while Aussie vetaran Troy Corser had a major point to pro .... on tha Aprilla RSV-R 1000 twin . Rising st ars including Ben Bosl rom put in the ir &hare of blistering pertormances in Itlis offici al review Of ltIe '0 1 World Superbike series. AN the same teatures as the 3hour video . with bonus IJVD interacti'te meoos, race rewtts. rider prohles. Iacts and Sta llSIJC Every race . every round . S, 215 minules from While Star/Ouke Video . $39 . 9 5 IID1596) World's Fastest Bikes DVD Cyde News ' Europe an CorreSpoMem Alan Calhcart tast s the lop GP and World Superbike machines on challenging circuits in Europe and Japan, plus a look at the be st n8W'sllealbikes . 110 minutes from Whit e Star/Du ke Video_ $ 3 4 .95 (ID13) King of theHill DVD ~r~~2~e I~! ~~~:i~~ woOd of motorspor1s Onty the notorious n Mount8Jl'l Course pr es ents ils chaJ· 0 IeTlQ8rs with O\I8r 37 mite s 01 publiC roa ds 1 attadl. al mindboggling speed s. The u1 lunate cha llenge ha s been the re since 1907. and in 2003 Irela nd 's Adrian A rchlbald was the OIIe to conquer it in determined, u!l ra high- spe ed style on his 1000cc: TAS Suzuki. Sadly, Arch iba ld's win in the D ulle Fl was to be ded ical ed 1 hiS TAS leammale David Jefferies , 2002's fastest 0 man and outri ght lap reco rd hold er, who wa s fal eHy injured in a pra ctice acc ident. Late r in the week , the Ulster man set a runa way 126 fmph ave rage pace In th e Se nior to ach ieve s utting and emoti ona l wi n lor the TAS Suzuki team . Watch Kiwi s 0 Bruce Ans ley and Sh8un H arr is paoNef thei r way 1 victory and marvelat UoIty's sidecar wheel-spinning ove r the Uounlain 10 yet one more win! Pull up a chair and we'R sooo he.... you on the edge! 3 1f2 hours from While StarfDuke Video . $39.95 (ID15991 Joey: 1952-2000 DVO The eagerly aWillted DYD tribute & IoIIow-up to 1ha 2001 d0cu- mentary charting Joey 0unI0p'. unoque & inspirational slOfy, !rom hurntN beginnings to F1 World Illles, record-bfeaking n eoonuess eltplorlS al the Isle of "" an and race winS across the UK & Europe . The OIID contains ad

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