Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 18 of 123

Briefly... Continued from page '6 new V-twin sports to ure r. De tails were as sketchy as the design ske tches. whic h showed swoopy m inimalist styling, a Ducati-like trellis chassis. dou ble- cone twin exhausts at se at level, and just a glimpse o f an en gine t hat is m ounted with the Vee pointing upward, more Aprilia-style than Ducati. The Mot o Mori ni will be dub bed the Bialbero CorsaCorta, which means short-stroke t his is the shortest-stroke motorcycle engine of any in its class, says th e sta tement. Th e 87 de gree Ve e , design ed by famous Morini designe r Franco lamb ertlni, who des igned th e forme r smalle r-capacity V-twi ns, is 750 cc. It is another interesting design. Morin i is an old rac ing firm, last famo us in the Seventies and Eighties fo r a range of beautifully engineered and sweet-handling though not particularly swift 350 and 500 V-twins. Sidecars will be saved, according to a decision by the FIM. The series fe ll on barren ground after being adopted by British 5u perbike ra cing, o nly to be d ropped again when they turned up for the first race only to find they were not on the program after all. This year, there will be no Worl d C ham pionship, but instead a Wo rld Cup, to be decide d ove r on e event, held in Ge rmany - date and venue to be announced. "A World Championship should be he ld in 200 5: ' sa id the state me nt, fro m an extrao rdinary me et ing of the FIM managem ent council. At t he same me e ting Belgian official C laude Dan is was reappointed presiden t of the Road Racing Commission . There was a scary moment during qualifying, when Shinya Nakano's Kawasaki shed a large black chunk at speed - refreshing recent memories of the same rider's catastrophic (2,0i.529): • . Ton; Elias (21)4.8 J8); 5. Manuel Pogg;a! (21)4.9OJ): 6. Are. De I Angel;' (21)4.959); 7. Robert o RoIfo (2,05.959): 8. Joan OINe (2,06 . 107) : 9. Fonsi Nieto (2."06. 13 1); 10. Alex Debon (HI6. 149): II. Anthony West (2,06 .3 11): 12. Franc o Sa""'''' (2,06.J86): IJ . Alex 8aldo/1 (2,06. 5. 8): I• . '" Hirosh i Aoyama (2:06. 595): IS. Naoki Matsud a (2:06.799); 16. SytvainGuintofi (2,06 .88 5): 17. Chaz 0._ (2,07.520): 18. Arnaud vlnc ene (2,0 7.5. 6): 19. Eric Bataille (2:01.699): 20. Hect or Faubel (2:07.869); 2 1. Jakub Smrz (2,07.9J7) : 22. Joh an Stigefett (2,08 .3 15); 2J . Hugo MMcl1 and (2,os.J I6); 2• . Erwa n Nigon (2:09 .456); 25. Taro Sekiguchi (2:10.238); 26. Gr egory Lefort 1va(2, 11.067) ; 28. K1au, Nohles (2, 11.793). (2, I0.9JJ); 27. Ivan 51 25 0 GP : I. Sebas tian Port o (Apr); 2. Daniel Ped rosa (Hon): 1. Ton I Elias (Hon ); ... Randy De Puniet (Apr); 5. Alex De Angelis (Apr); 6. Anthony West (Ap<); 7. Manuel Poggiall (Apr); 8. Fcns i Nieto (Ap<); 9. Roberto Ro~o (Han ); 10. H iroshi Aoyama (Hon): I I . Alex Baldolini (Apr); 12. Alex Debon (Hon); 13. Nao ki Matsuda (Y ; 14. Eric Bataitle (Hon); IS. Chaz Davies (Apr ): 16. am) Sebastian Porto was a happy 250cc Grand Prix winner. France Sa""'''' (Ap<); 17. Hector Faube l (Ap<) 18. Hugo MMcl1and (Ap<): 19. : Taro 5e!<1gu

ovmo.o (2, 19.972); • . Steve jenkner (UO.I68): 5. Roberto Locatelli (2:20.656); 6. Youichl Ui (2:20.689); 7. Jorge lorenzo (2:21.041 ); 8 . Simone Corsi (2:2 1.55 1); 9. Andrea Ballerini (2:2 1.727); 10. I""" To

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