Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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The U.S. Easte rn Motocross Spring Serie s champ io ns proudly display the ir
ha rd -won hardware after ro und 11 at Actiontown USA MX Pork.
followed by Muterspaugh in second and
Horrocks comfortably in third . In the last turn ,
Martin d ived under Shipley for fourth .
Mute rsp aug h's 1-2 punch too k th e ove ra ll.
Wood's 4- 1 sco re w as goo d enough for seco nd .
Horrocks (2-3) placed third. Martin (3-4) got
fourth. Shipley (6-S) e arned fifth ove rall - and
the 250 cc A cha mpion ship title!
Ho rroc ks pulled the holes hot in both 12Scc
A motos. After win ning moto one, Horrocks
was ta ken out by Jason Baldwin on lap th re e of
the second sta nza. Muterspaugh took that moto
win and the ove rall with a 2- 1 tally. Aaron Day
had a strong showing, netting a 3-2 score for
second ov e ra ll. Baldw in se cur ed third w ith a
4- 3 sco re . Horrocks battled back throug h th e
l3 -rider field to earn fourth overall with a 1-7
tally. Dallas Lusk (6-4) ea rned fifth overall.
T he best battle of the day had to be the
(2Scc C co ntes t. Luke Mayers and Sean Lauten 's
ch ampio ns hip battle went do wn to th e line .
Wh en the gate dropped for the 27 riders. Amber
Hughes gra bbed the ho les hot in fro nt o f the guys
- in both mot e s! Hughes rod e a st rong race , but
N icholas Hayes ea rne d t he ove rall w ith a 3-1
tally. Maye rs to o k se co nd with a 2-3 tally and
earned the series title. Hughes too k hom e third
w ith her 4-4 sco re . Co nsistent fives gave Cod y
Stokes fourth overa ll, and Lauten's 8-7 finishes
got him fifth overall and second for the series.
P/W STK (4 -8): I. Dillon Knight (Hon) : 2. Ril y Bec k
(KTM): 3. Alex Wheatley (KTM): 4. Benjamin Hinkle (KTM):
5. Ian Jord an (KTM). SO (4-6): I. Ben jam in Hinkle (Co b); 2.
Gregory Bell (KTM): 3. Ian Jordan (KTM): 4. Kamill Ho rsley
(Cob) ; 5. Dalton [ob e (KTM). 50 (7 -8) : I. Bubba Sto ne
(KTM): 2. Aust in Smit h (Pol) : 3. Dillo n Knight (Cob) ; 4.
Austin Davidson (Po l); S. Je sse Pullia m (Pol). 65 (7.9 ): I.
Jacob Knable (Suz): 2. Bubba Stone (KTH): 3. Jacob Johnson
(Suz); 4. Tanne r Barlow (Kaw); S. Hunt er Petwa y (KTM). 65
(7-11): I. Keil Fennil (Kaw): 2. Garren lam (Kaw); 3. Tanner
Barlo w (Kaw): 4. Hunte r Petway (KTM): 5. Jer em y Davis
(Kaw). 65 ( 10-1 1): I. Steven Good (KTM); 2. Ryan Carter
(KTM); 3. Charles MacDonald (Kaw): 4. Kiel Fe nnil (Kaw): S.
Tyler Weber (KTM). 8 5 (7-1 1): I. Kody Knable (KTM); 2.
David Browning (Suz); 3. Steven Good (Suz); 4. Ryan Carter
(KTM); S. Randy Askew (Suz). 85 (9 -13): I. Josh McCrary
(Yam); 2. David Brown ing (Suz); 3. Kody Knable (Suz); 4.
Ryan Childs (Yam); S. Kyle Fe tt (Yam). 85 ( 12-1 5 ): I.
Tho mas Roberts (So2): 2. Josh McCrary (Y
am): 3. Kyle Fen
(Yam): 4. David McCla in Jr. (Kaw) ; 5. Ryan Childs (Yam).
S/MINI ( 12- 15): I. Thomas Roberts (Suz): 2. Josh McCrary
am); 3. Patrick Dunman (Kaw); 4. David Barke r (Kaw): 5.
Kyle Fe n (Yam). 125 A : I. Sco t Mut e rspa ugh (Kaw); 2.
Aaron Da y (Ya m ); 3. Jason Ba ld wi n (Ya m); 4. Rodne y
Ho rr ocks (Suz): 5. Dallas l usk (Yam) . 12 5 B: I. William
Bryan t (Yam); 2. Ryan Fitzwat e r (KTM); 3. Joe Hoffman
(Yam); 4. Case y Taylor (Suz); 5. Samuel Fitzwater (Yam). 125
C: 1. Nicholas Hayes (Y
am): 2. Luke Mayers (Suz); 3. Ambe r
Hughe s (Suz); 4. Cody Stokes (So2): 5. Sean Lauten (Hon ).
125 0 : I. Tyle r Dinw idd ie (Kaw); 2. Gavin Lam (Kaw); 3.
8 e rry Muller Jr. (Kaw); 4. Co lton Marion (Kaw); 5. joshua
Miller (Ha n). 250 A: I. Scot Muterspaugh (Kaw); 2. Isha
Wood (Y
am); 3. Rodney Horrocks (Suz); 4. Michae l Mart in
(Hon) : 5. Scotti e Shipley (Ha n). 25 0 B: I. W illi m Bryant
am): 2. Brae Burman (Y
am); 3. Brad Hickman (Y
am); 4. Joe
Hoffman (Y
am); S. David Mit chell (Y
am). 250 C: I. Rpn
Lauten (Hon); 2. A J. Bowling (Y
am); 3. Cody Stoke s (Suz); 4.
Robbie Hickman (Y
am); S. Christop he r Crack (Hen ). 2500:
I. [ayrne Ro be rt s (KTM); 2. N icholas Rusinko (Kaw); 3.
Mark Ho m e (Hon): 4. Aaron Hines (Hon); 5. Max Foster
(Suz). 4-ST RK o /C: I. Broc Burman (Y
am); 2. Chad Glenn
(Hon); 3. Matth ew Boyer (Kaw); "t. Am ber Hughes (Suz); 5.
Chris M<>