Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Vincent Gu isande (76) and Jonathan Kearns (909) battle for the ~roduction
Mini lead at round four of the SupermotoUSA Stockton Series.
" Pucho " Bagnis too k t he top spot on t he
pod ium, followed by Casey Yarro w and a ha rdcharging Biava.
HIN IMOTARD: I. Fran kie Garcia: 2. Bro k McAllisle r;
3. Michae l Day; 4. Greg Mitche ll; S. Sco tt Mahar. PROD
MINI : I. Vincen t Guisand e ; 2. Jonat han Ke arns; 3. Fra nk
Gowin: 4. Greg Mitchell; S. Andre w Dickson . MOD MIN I:
I. Jake Thompson; 2. Ryan Keams. 5/5 0: I. Jo sh Serna; 2.
Aliyah Pullen; 3. Andrew Snow; "'. Kenny Bagnis. 5/ MIN I: I.
Gage McAllis
ter, 2. Ryan Keams: 3. Josh Se-ne: 4. Breanne
Mitche ll. S/lJW; I. Fran kie Gar cia; 2. Jake Thompson ; 3.
Cristian Olguin; "'. Jess Garcia. L/W 1 50: I. A J. Jorgensen; 2.
C.D. Ho well ; 1. Bro k McAllister ; 4. Har ry Hoffm an; S.
Richard Perrin. M/W NOV: I . Harry Hoffman ; 2. Ric hard
Pe rrin: 3. David Richie : 4. David Go ldst ei n: S. Law ren ce
Giard ina. M/W 450: I . Andrew Dickson : 2. Jason Pullen; 1.
CaMn Andlovec; 4. Michael HaMas; S. Brian Pecor e . OPEN
NOV: I. Tyler Pullen ; 2. Michae l Vargas; 3. Don Martin : "'.
Quinten Fry; S. Brandon Snow. VET OPEN: I. D.en Biava:
2. Darric k Lucchesi; 3. Allen Yarrow: 4. Paul Orlandi; S. Brian
Pec ore . S PTS MN : I. Vince nt Guisand e : 2. Brian Peco re ; 3.
Tyle r Sn o w ; 4. Ro nnie Jo nes ; S. Bra nd o n Sno w . U/L
PRESTIGE: I. Leon ardo Bagnis: 2. Cas ey Yarrow; 1. Don
Bava: 4. Catvin Andlovec ; S. Matt Proto.
Extreme Sports Entertainment Holeshot Se ries
Round 4 : Three Palms Extreme Sports Park
Same Old Faces, Brand-New Rides
here we re some old faces on new ride s at
the fourth round of the Holeshot Series at
Three Palms Extreme Sports Park in Conroe,
Te xas, on Memorial Day We ek end. Afte r a n
e nte rt aining fre estyle e xhib ition o n Sat urday
night, riders lined up to com pete in this unique
se ries , in which pr izes are award ed for th e
holeshot winner of every me te . Jimbo Morton
b rok e out his ne w rid e - t he W itt Ma r ine
CRF450 red th ump er - whi le Trey Ham m o ck
raced his Tejas Motorsports YZ250F thumpe r
for the first time, taking multiple wins. Bradley
Mikolas also showe d up o n new rides , pacing
the Expert classes aboa rd a 1O<250F and 10<250
from Extre me Motorsports in Tomball.
Some of the best racing came in the Expert
classes . Mikol as battled w ith Yam aha pil ot
Jonathan Kerr. Mikolas swep t both motos in the
12Scc class, but a mishap that sent him over the
top of a benn in the first mote of the 2SOccclass
gave Kerr the green light to take the moto win.
Mikolas came back in the second 250cc me te,
checking out early en route to a convincing moto
win. However, it was the College Station native
Kerr w ho cap tured the overall.
Morton mad e some noise aboa rd his new
C RF450R, taking the overall in th e Over 25 A
and O ve r 30 A Expe rt class e s. Morto n w as
pushed in th e Ov er 25 class by his Gas Brothe rs
Rac ing t e am mat e C h ris Mar e k, a board a
Yamaha. Thomas Ficht er claime d the sec o nd
podium position in the Ove r 30 Expert class.
Bruce "The Fast and the Furious" Frey exte nde d
his series lead by taking the overall in the Over
40 A class . ahe ad of hi s Hond a of Houst o n
ru nning mate Vernon "Big Daddy" Panerson.
Ame rican Suzuki's Ryan Granto m had an
easy time swee ping all four me tes of the 125cc
and 250cc B classes . Th e rea l racing was be hind
Gra ntom in t he 12Sc c cla ss , as Highla nd s
Kawasaki's John Fikaris edged Suzuki pilot Ryan
King for the sec o nd podi um spo t. Fikaris holds
t he series lead . Hon da-m oun ted Mike Moye
claimed seco nd in th e 250cc B class. Randy Laird
captured the ove rall in the Four-Sto ke Op en
class abo ard his Suzuki and also moved into the
series lead, ahead o f Ho nda rider Co lt Step hens.
The biggest show dow n of the eve nt came in
t he 85 cc classes, w here Lou isiana 's Jere my
Dom ingue battled Katy, Te xas. rider Chris King.
Th ough King had th e sp eed in th e Supermini
class , he w e nt d o w n in t he secon d moto ,
allowing Domingue to take the overa ll win. The
two riders wo n the ir age classes with ease. Both
riders are headed to the Lore tta Lynn's regionals
on to p of t he ir re spec t ive games. Hammoc k,
aboard his four-stroke, checked out in both the
Scho o lbo y and 125 cc C classes fo r mu ltiple
wins. Th is wa s th e first race for t he Huffman
native aboard the big bike afte r dom inating the
area in the 85cc class, and he showed that his
minibike speed has indeed carried over.
Medl in (Suz); 2. Brendan Harp (Suz); 3. Mason Roy (Kaw).
SlH IN I ( 12-1 5): I. Jeremy Dom ingue (Hon); 2. Chris Kjng
(Kaw); 3. Justin Pool (Kaw). 4 .STRK MIN I: I. Rease IGng
(Hon); 2. Seth Hall (Yam); 3. Dustin Bowen (Hon) . 125 A : I .
Brad ley Mikola.s (Kaw); 2. Jon athan Kerr (Yam). 125 B: I.
Ryan G rant o m (Suz); 2. Jo hn Fikar is (Kaw); 3. Ryan King
(Suz) . 115 C : I . Trey Ham moc k (Yam) ; 2. Jarro d Do ss
am); 3. Justin Goodman (Kaw). 125 0 : I. Z1c Treadaway
(Kaw); 2. Josh ua Box (Hon); 1. Ryan Brem kam p (Suz). 125
OPEN : I. Ryan King (Suz); 1. Jo sh Fichte r (Hon) ; 3. Dustin
Wi tt (Yam). 250 A : I . Jo nat han Kerr (Yam); 2. Bra d ley
Mikolas (Kaw); 3. Jimbo Morton (Ha n). 250 B: I. Ryan
Grantom (Suz) ; 2. Mike Moye (Ha n); 3. C huck Fuh rman
(Kaw) . 250 C : I. Jarrod Do ss (Yam) ; 2. Jo shua Mo ut on
(Hon) . 250 0 : I. Garrett Wh ittington (Y
am); 2. Tate Brune
(Kaw); 1. Mich ae l Moo re (Ho n). 250 OPEN: I. Jo shu a
Mouto n (Ha n) ; 1. Colt Step hen s (Ho n); 3. Ray Ca mp bell
(Hon) . 4-STRK OPEN AM: I. Randy Laird (SUI); 1. Hunter
Harrison (Kaw); 3. Colt Stephens (Hon) . WMN OPEN: I.
Angela Keith (Yam); 2. Holly Kocian (Hon): 3. Danica Mea:
(Kaw). SCHBY: I. Trey Ham moc k (Yam); 2. Kend ell Duvall
(Ho n); 3. Jo hn Flkar is (Kaw) . 2 5 + A : I. Jimbo Morton
(Hon) ; 2. C hris Mare k (Y
am); 3. Thomas Fichter (Hon) . 25+
B: I. Mike Moye (Hon); 2. Travis Thompson (Kaw); 3. Jerem y
Ross (Yam) . 2 5 + C : I. Ray Camp bell (Hon); 2. D~n ni e
Ho lcomb (Hon) ; 1. James McN utt (Hon). 30 + A: I. [irnbc
Mo rt o n (Ha n); 2. T ho m as Fich te r (Ho n) ; 3. Tod d Kirby
(Hon) . ) 0+ B: I. Christop her Sno wd en (Han) ; 2. Travis
Thompson (Kaw); 3. David Grice (KTM) 30 + C: I. James
McNutt (Hon ); 2. Paul York (Yam); 3. Mike Haverfield (Hon) .
40 + A: I. Bruce Frey (Hon) ; 2. Ve rnon Patterson (Hon).
40 + B: I . Ben Simmons (Yam); 2. Jerry Massengale (Hon); 3.
Darre ll Moor e (!