Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Don Canet's SITARS/Mot o- Connectlon Southwest Series Round 4 : Willow S pri ngs Horse Thief Mile PHOTOS BY JAMEY BLU NT Trachy Rustles Up Horse Thief Wins B y JAMEY BLUNT ROSAMOND, CA, JUNE 6 he newest addition to the Willow Springs Motor Racing co mplex in Rosamond , Californta, is the Hors e Thief Mile. This is an 18turn , paved course cut in the side of the mountain abo ve the Streets Of Willow and Walt james Stadium Dirt Track Oval. SITARS's Don Canet was chose n to promote the first -ever race to be held o n this track. However, for a supermoto event, a dirt section was needed, so Canet spent days moving dirt, w hich added ano ther tenth of a mile in distance , as well as some jumps. The II classes on this day's program were filled by 13B entrants. When all the dust had settled (well, it never rea lly se ttled, as this was one of those very windy days for which Willow is famou s), Hahm Motorsports/Marzocchl 's Gary Trachy was the top hors e thief, stealing the victo ries in all three classes he entered. In the Del Arno Motor-Sports 250cc class, Kawasak i·m o un ted Tra ch y follo w ed jeff Matiasevich off the line but took the lead away T by tu m two and never looked back. By the end of the first lap, Trachy had a two-second gap and was gone! Fat Boy Racing's Matt Pursley moved up to second. w ith Matiasevich finishing th ird and Volcom's Mark Cemicky fourth . In t he l O-Iap 45 0cc ma in, Am e r ica n Supercamp/W hite Bro t he rs ' Steve D re w wasn't going to let Trachy (on a Honda th is time) have it easy. so he led into turn one. Trachy, by virt ue of a mechanical in the heat race, started in the seve nth row. Drew led into t he dirt section, shadowed by G re g Trachy (Ga ry 's brother) , ba c k from in ju r y an d definitel y up to speed . Acceleration Kart Racing's Curtis Cooksey ra n thi rd , w ith joe Rocke t 's Cern icky fourt h. The biggest gainer other t han Gary was Kawasak i's Brandon Currie, w ho wen t from sixth to third at the finish. But the real story was Gary Trachy, who watched his broth e r houn d Drew for four laps, only to succumb to a cha in failure and drop out. At the halfway point , Drew le d by two seconds ; at the white nag, they crossed the stripe dead even ; and at the checkered nag, the impro bab le had happened . Gary had won. At round four of Don Conet's Sn ARS/ Moto-Co nnectio n Southwest Se ries , Gary Trachy (357) and Steve Drew (73) started the last la p of the 4 50cc main eve nt dead even. DixieMX Girls' Night Out By HUGH GATLIN OZARK, AL, MAY 22 Ang ie Knox (with her mother) proudly d isp lays he r tro ph y from her firs t-ever win in the 8Scc 8eginner cla ss, at Dixie MX in Ozark, Alaba ma. S4 A t Dixie MX's second night race of the year, /"'\oaJeville , Alabama's Angie Knox scored her first-ever win in the 85cc Beginne r class. on a tie breake r. The victory was extremely popular with the Dixie race fans and a long time co ming for the Honda rider. It was a sort of "girls' night out"; Georgia rider Ashley Cumbie (4-4) broke into the top ffve in Knox's class with fourt h overall; Chariti Holler rode her Hon da to a seco nd-place finish in t he Pe e Wee 50cc class with 2 · 3 moto finishes ; and in the Mini Fo ur -St ro ke clas s. Ashley Beasock we nt 7-6, just missing out on a to p-five finish. IO<-mounted Brad jackson led t he first 85cc Beginne r mote , followed by Justin Tyre , Knox and Hun ter Edwards . Knox q uickly moved to JUNE 30, 2004 • CYC LE N EWS This set t he stage for t he O pen Expert final, as five riders were under the one -minute-and 22·second lap time : Gary, Drew, I Greg and C u r r ie . Th is t ime , Cooksey nai led t he start , wi th Gary and D rew in tow. Five t urns in, Gary took over at the front, with Drew following into second thre e turns lat e r. Team All Acce ss' Micky Dymo nd , o n the factory KTM , ran fourth . Dunlop's Cemicky ran fifth. Once The Trochy tribe - Gary, dad Terry, and Greg ' all came out to the first-ever event held at the new Horse Thief Mile at Willow Springs. again, with his work cut out for him, Currie Enterprises' Currie ran sixth. On the eighth lap, Gary set t he track record at one minute and 21.0 I seconds en route to his third victory. Drew finished a close second, and Cu rrie on ce again fought his way to third. eN WIUOW SPR INGS HORSE THIEF MIL! ROSAMOND, CAUFORNIA RESUL TS: JUNE 6, 2004 (ROUND 4) MINIMOTO 65: I. larry Smit h III (Kaw); 2. Bronson Pearce (KT M); 3. 1)01.. Gr.oham (Kaw). MINIMOTO 85: I. Frank ie Garda (Hon); 2. Phil Wood (Y.Jm); 3. Jess Garcia (Hon). MINIMOTO 159 : I. Dave Peete- (Hon); 2. Brad Rudy (Hon) ; 3. Bret Waszkiewicz (Hon) . BEG: I. Todd Kovaletz (Y am); 2. Shannon Sangster (Hon); 3. Travis Tiner (KTM). NOV : I . H.Jtt Barney (Yam); 2. Jamie Graham (Yam); 3. Matt Ste w art (KTM). INT: I. Jamie Grah am (Yam); 2. Shawn Moore (Yam); 3. Vossen (KTM). 150: I. Ga ry Tra chy (Kaw); 2. Matt Pun ley (Yam); 3. Brando n Currie (Kaw). 450 : I. Gary Trachy (Hon); 2. Steve Dre w (Hon); 3. Brandon Currie (Kaw). OPEN: I. Gary Trachy (Ho n); 2. Ste v e Drew (Ho n) ; 3. Bran don Curr ie (Kaw). SPTSMN : I. Mich ael Moser (Hu I); 2. Shawn Moore (Yam) 3, Andrew Het'ring (KTM). VET: I. ; Marcio 0 0 Canno (Hon) ; 2. Joel Tarqu in (Hon); 3. Scott Hoffman (KTM) . Trochy (3 5 7) and Drew (73) lead the start of th e Open Expe rt main. sec ond. Jackson began to pull away o n lap tw o. Urged on by a vocal chee ring section. Knox cut into Jackson's lead be fore se ttling for sec on d. Tyre wen t o ut w it h a me ch anical DNF and pushed his machi ne back to the pits. Edwards . placed th ird on his 10< Jackson gated first in the second moto , but Knox overtook him before the end of lap one. Jackso n stayed right w it h her, w hile Edwa rds kep t them bo th in sight. jackson charge d back to first at the e nd of a lo ng straig ht , whi le Edwards lo st his r hyt hm in the whoops a nd d rop ped back. In a sprint the finish, the lead changed hands three times with as many turns to go . Knox caught jackso n and pulle d off a daring inside pass over a tab letop . Jackson shot past in the next tum. In the final corner, Knox nudged jackson's bike and then won th e drag race to the checkers. Ward 's Yamaha rider jo dy Co ok ran his Dixie streak to 12 motos in a row, scoring wins in the Youth (12-1S), Supermini and 8Scc ( 12-1S) classes . Cook made his I25cc debut in the first Yout h ( 12. 15)/Youth ( 16-29)/250cc B/ 2S0 cc Money moto. Je r e my Ric ha rd led '0 win 40th A nniversary Austin Peb worth, Se lby Holle r and Josh Brown . Coo k was bogged down at the rear of the field. The top seven racers ran nose to ta il at the halfway poi nt, wit h Cook up to t hir d on his YZ 125. Cook passed the top two at on ce for the lead, but O pp, Alabama's Holler answered back immediately and took the point. Cook was back out front at the finish, followed by Holler, Richard and Brow n. Tyler Pogue went wide in the first turn in mo to two and pulled off a nice holeshot , ahead o f j o nat ha n White an d Richa rd . Cook got ano the r dismal start. White knifed under Pogue and made a break for the win. He built a fivesecond cushion. ahead of an intense four-rider battl e for sec ond. Coo k cha rged th ro ugh the pack and found himse lf three seconds behind White on the last lap. He erased that de ficit and made an inside pass for the win. Rounding out the to p five were Richard , Pogue and Holler. RESULTS P/W so: I . Dustin Jooes (Hon); 2. Chan t! Ho ller (Hon); 3. Bailey Evans (KTM); 4. Benjamin Henderson (Yam); 5. Billy Goff (KTM). P!W (4 -6) : I . Canon Chum ley (Hon). P/W (7 -9 ): I. Gunnar Smith (Co b); 2. Jackson Meadows

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