Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kanney Wins Athens 2-Day Qualifier Briefly... Continue d from pag e 7 To preorder tickets fo r the AHA Grand Na tiona l at Ato mic Speedway, call Mart ha Walker at 865/947-7670 or visit Tickets can also be purchased at local Knoxville area Ho nda motorcycle dealers. one way we can help accom plish tha t." Similar to the New Rider Course, the Skilled Rider Course uses the proven cunriculum including interactive exe rcises and plenty of riding practice. The co urse Is held in one day and lasts ap proximat ely seven hours. For more information, call 70 2/431 -8500. As part of its effort to keep California 's offhighway vehicle recreation program adequately funded and meet environmental stewardship requirements, it will cost more to visit a State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA), State Park officials have announced. Beginning July I, the day use fee at all SVRAs will increase from $4 to $5 per vehicle entering; camping at all SVRAswill increase from $6 to $1 0 per night; and annual passes at all SVRAswill be $5 0. "Even with these very modest increases our parks are a wonderful place for family fun and recreation and still provide a good economic value," said deputy direc to r Daphne Greene of the OffHighway Motor Vehicle Recreation (O HMVR) Division of Califo rnia State Parks . "Visita tio n at the State's O ff-Highw ay Vehi- Y amaha rider Nathan Kanney relied on consistency to outlast the 64-rid e r field at the Athe ns 2-Day Inte rnatio nal Six Day Enduro Q ualifie r in O hio , June 19-20. Kanney easily won the ISDE Qualifier by scoring ] 100 po ints to runner-up Mark Hyde 's score of 3177 . "Wet conditions always bring out the best in me ," Kanney said. ..Most guys panic when it rains. The worse it gets, the better rider I become." Kanney was able to dominate day one's test and jump out to a 50-point lead when fellow Yamaha pilot Jimmy Jarrett ran out of gas during the first of the 2Day Qualifiers ' nine special tests." "So metime s you just luck out," Kanney said . "[arret's always tough, but when he ran out o f gas, that kind of put the pressure on him to come back." Jarrett won five special tests, while Kanney won only two. But consistency paid off for Kanney. "Right from the start [on day one] , I started having trouble with my carburetor [when the needl e and seat stuck open], and I lost a lot of fuel," Jarre tt said. "I was able to get it to stop leaking but not quick enough to get me to the end of the first test." Jarrett ran out gas just a few hundred yands from the finish of the tes t and les s than a half-mile from the first sched uled gas stop. Hyde , a former mu ltitime Blackwater GNCC w inner, used his legendary off-road survival skills to finish second both days behind Kanney, while fellow KTM rider Tim Taber and Gas Gas-mounted John Barber followed su it w ith third - and fourth-place overall finishes both days, as well . Taber finished with a score of 3182 , edging out Barber's tally of 3185 . I The following release was issued by A1pinestars in reference to a rumored purchase o f the company by Parts Un lim ited. Gabriele Mazzaro1o, CEO and owner of A1pinestars, made the follow ing sta tement: "Fo r a while there has been a rumor in the industry about Parts Unlimited having bought part of A1pinestars. This was started by some joker who put the news on the Internet, and some people naively believed it and spread the rumor. It is time for this gos sip to stop," Mazzarolo said. "Parts Unlimited is our U.S. distributor for the mo torcycle dealer network and a great company to work with. We enjoy a very strong and mutually successful relationship with Parts , cle Recreation Areas continues to increase at Hyde said, "These kind of co nditions are right up my alley. It kind of helped having some of the top riders here have trouble; I'm positive the results would have been different had there not been so many problems for some of the riders." Top class w inners earning an opportu- nity to compete at th is year' s Polish Six Days were - Class I: Tim Taber (KTM), Dan iel Janus (GG) and Steven Kreis (Hus); Class 2: Nathan Kanney (Yam), Joh n Barber (GG) and Jim Jarrett: Class 3: Eric Baily(KTM), Cody Mastin (Y am) and Dylan Debel (GG); Sen ior: Mark Hyde (KTM); Womens: Amanda Mastin (Yam). The AHA will announce the Team USA ISDEqualifiers, July I. At present, a total of 34 riders, including a six-rider World Trophy Team , a fou r-rider Junio r Trophy Team, and eight three-rider club teams, will represent the United States at th is year's ISDE in September in Poland . record numbers, and as a result the cost of tak ing care of these facilities has gone up as well. Californians who haven 't had the opportunity to visit our Parks should come out and see for themselves the great opportunities that await them .,. The fee increase at the SVRAsis in kee ping w ith State Parks' annou ncement last December that par k use fees would be increased beginn ing July I, 2004 , because of the state's continuing budget crisis. The purpose of that increase is to o ffset a $15 million dollar reductio n in the Department's Ge neral Fund budget set to take effect July I, the beg inning of the 2004 /0S fiscal year. The OHMVR Division of Ca lifornia State Parks operates six main SVRAs They are Prairie City, Carnegie, . Hollister Hills, Hungry Valley, Ocotillo Wells, and Oceano Du nes . AMA Pro Racing has announ ced that American Hond a Motor Company will co ntinue to spon so r the Honda Red Riders Jr. Supermoto Challenge presented by the HRCA. Run as a su ppo rt class in t he AMA Supe rmoto Championsh ip, the Honda Junior Supe rmoto Challenge features riders between the ages of 12 and 15 competing on identically pre pped Ho nda CRF ISOFmot orcycles. Th e program will continue to be ad ministe red by Danny Walker's Ame rican Supercamp and the Hon da Rider 's Club of America (HRCA). Selected regio nally, eligible riders will have the o pportunity to co mpete at one of the seven rounds comprising the AMA Supe rm oto C hampio nship, and top riders from each event will be invited to compete at the AHA Red Bull Supe rm ot o A-GoGo in Las Vegas in November. Riders inte rested in being involved should www.amer or 970/6 74-9434 . visit call tage!Two Stroke World Champions hips , call 7 14/694-0066 or visit experience as they receive the "royal treatmen t" at each event. "Danny Walker and his crew do an amaz ing job fo r us w ith t his program ," said Savino. "From the selection process to bike setup to the races t he mse lves, ea ch aspect of the Hond a Red Riders Jr. Supermoto C halle nge presented by t he HRCA is top notch. Just like last year, riders who qualify simply have to show up and ride . Every de ta il is hand led fo r them from th e gear they wear to the professionally pr ep ped CRF150F they ride . We're pleased to continue our sup po rt o f t his terrific pr ogram ." AMA Pro Racing w ill also on ce again award a U.S. Savings Bond to the top th ree finishers in the Jr. Supe rmoto C hallenge pro viding they ho ld a "B" ave rage in schoo l. Last year 's rec ipients of the bond were Mike Alessi, Jam ie Siever and Aaro n King. are ent irely separate companies. and there has never been any ownership link between the two companies." Jeff Fox, president! CEO of Parts Unlimited , added: "Gabriele and I are personal friends and have a great business relationship as well . Such rumors may have started because our businessre la- tionship is so close and strong. But let me be perfectly clear that Parts Unlimited owns zero percent of A1pinestars." Speed Chan nel will join the "Frea k Nation" in July, creating a television ho me for the nationally syndicated motors ports rad io series, S peedFr ea ks . Scheduled to debut Monday, July 12, at 8:30 (Eastern) , SpeedFreaks' two-hour Sunday night radio show w ill rnorph into a half-hour TV show that blends the worlds of rnotorsports and enter"Th is has been a long time coming," said Robert Ecke r, Speed's VP of programming. " Bringing this radio program to Speed Chan nel is the natural progression of its development. With all the stars finally in alignment and the perfect slot on the schedule opening up, there was no longer anything to prohibit us from consummating the marriage ." 8 i11 Savino , ass istant manager, HRCA says participants are once again in for a great the very best in the industry. But I can clearly confirm that A1pinestars and Parts Unlimited tainment, according to a company release. The first Two -Stroke World Champio nships , slated for June 26-27 at Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino, has attracted the support of Pro Circuit and Hahm Motorsports. For more information on the Vin- Junior Supermoto Back For 2004 as their professionalism and infrastructure is Las Vegas Harl ey-Davidson has anno unced its new "Skilled Rider Course ," aimed at further developing the riding skills of current motorcyclists. T he new Rider's Edge, Harley -Davidson Academy o f Motorcycle course offers motorcyclists additional training and practice to give riders more confidence and make the riding experience more enjoyable, according to a release from the company. "Instru cto rs certified by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) and Harley-Davidson will further train motorcyclists in a controlled environment to improve rid ing skills of an existing rider, a returning ride r or a new rider," said Chris Mertes, Rider 's Edge program manager for LasVegas Harley-Dav idson . "Las Vegas Har ley-Davidson wants to help prepare riders at every skill level for a safe rid ing experie nce ." said Mertes. "Offe ring continued rider train ing is AMA To urs, t he organized tour division of the AMA, has announced its newest motorcycling adventure, which will take place in Spain and Po rt ugal from September 18 through October I. "For the last couple o f years, our past AHA Tour members' mostrequested new tour destination has been the Iberian Peninsula." said Fran k Covucci , AHA Travel & Tours d irector. "Basically, they've been telling us, 'Build it and we will come,' so that' s what we've done ." Th is new tour will include the very best of Spain and Portugal, begins and ends in Madrid, and w ill include such notable destinations as Avila, La A1berca . Nazare. Usbon, Sevilla, and Granada . Along the way, riders can expect to experience the things en joyed by most motorcycle tourists, such as meandering backroads, stunning scenery, intriguing histo Co nti nued on page , J CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 30, 2004 9

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