Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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t, > Kyle Pre ston swept the 12 5 cc and 250cc Pro classes a t ro und six of the Thor/Parts Unlimited Mega Se ries. fr o nt , but t he n Kilbarger a nd Wa lke r fe ll toget he r in a co rne r. Then , at t he same time one tu rn ahead, Lead beater wen t do wn . The th ree crashes opened the door for Willard to keep his streak intact. O sborne also raced the Schoolbo y ( 12- 15) class on his 105. He struggled a bit in the first mota, but he managed to take down Leadbeater a nd Kilba rge r for t he seco nd- mo te win . Leadbeate r took the overa llw in in the class. The best racing of the day was in the Ove r 30 and Over 3S A classes . Suzuki veterans Mike Morgan and Mike Blair battled hard througho ut the early laps of eac h moto, swapping positions and even running side by side th ro ugh so me sections, but Morgan was able to come out on top in both classes. In t he Mini ranks, O hio 's national prospect Shawn Ri e had his way with the field, topping the f 6Scc (10- 11 ) and 8Scc (7- 11) classes o n his KTMs. RESUL TS 50 (4 -8) O IL- IN J STK: I. Dylan Cook (KT M); 2. Tom my Wilson (KTM); 3. Dru Campbe ll (KTM); 4. Hudson Park (KTM); 5. John Allen de r (KTM). 50 (4 -8) SHAFT STK : I. Luke Mason (Yam); 2. Michael Young (Yam); l . Cody Neece (Yam); 4. Brad ley Espe r (Yam); 5. Set h Hard ing (Yam). 5 0 (4 . 6 ) S TK : I. Ste phen Gret c he n (KTM); 2. Mckinz ie Edwards (KTM); 3. Bailey Enlow (Cob ); 4. Jacob Williamson (Co b); 5 . Jaco b Ed iso n (KTM). 50 (7-S) STK: I. Taylor Perry (KT M); 2. Coope r Webb (Cob); 3. Jarek Balkc vic (KTM); 4. Bo bby Kinsley (Co b); 5 . Aaron Scott Plessinge r (KTM). 65 (7-9) : I. Colin Thomas (KTM); 2. Kamercn Page (KTM); 3. Cod y He rron (KTM); 4. Taylo r Pe rry (KTM); 5. Jacob Behringer (Suz). 65 ( 10- 11): I. Shawn Rife (KTM); 2. James Just ice (KTM); 3. Jacob Hayes (KTM); 4. Jimmy Kinsley (Kaw); 5. Seth We is (KTM). U/L 6 5 (7 -1 1) : I. Colin Thomas (KTM); 2. Jarrett Pesci (KTM); 3. Kameron Page (KTM); 4. Codie Bylsma (KTM); 5. Lucas Lowe (KTM). 85 (7 - 11): L Shawn Rife (KTM); 2. Jacob Hayes (KTM); 3. Jam es Just ice (KTM); 4. Jam es Schmaus (Suz); 5. jimmy Knisley (Suz). 85 (9 - 13): I. Shawn Rife (KTM); 2. James Roberts (Suz); 3. Michael Ross (Suz); 4. Jaco b Hayes (KTM); 5. Jam es Schmaus (Suz). 8 5 ( 12. 13): I. Kyle Bur ble (Suz); 2. Zac hary Alvear (Yam); 3. Tyle r McGoff (Kaw); 4. Ryan Brum fie ld (Yam); 5. Jame s Roberts (Suz). 85 (14 - 15) : I. Shane Petty (Hon ); 2. Emmett Rowland(Yam); 3. James Eck (Yam); 4. Cody Sterling (Y am); 5. David Hom (Suz). 85 0 : I. T.J. Smyers (Suz); 2. Robert Keeble (Kaw); 3. Cory Mee ks (Suz); 4. Robert Blevins (Kaw); 5 . Chad Napier (Yam). S/M IN I (12-1 5) : I. Zac h Osborne (KTM); 2. Kyle Bur lile (Suz ); 3. Zac hary Alvea r (Yam); 4. Tyler McGoff (Kaw); 5 . Jesse Russell (Suz). 125 A: I. Kyle Preston (Suz); 2. Michael Campbell (Yam); 3. Der ek St urgell (Yam); 4. J.T. Smith (Kaw); 5 . Jer eme Flynn (Hon ). 12 5 B: I. Michael Willard (KTM); 2. Levi Kitbarger (Yam); 3. Zac h Os borne (KTM); 4. Dus tin Wa lker (Kaw ); 5. C had Zaiser (Yam). 125 c: I. Glen Mart in (Kaw); 2. Wesley Keller (KTM); 3. Ryan Melton (Kaw); 4. Jaco b Riley (Yam); 5. Pete Petree (Hon ). 125 0 : I. Sean C raycraft (KTM); 2. jon athan McCalli ster (Yam); 3. Re x Vanarer (Kaw) ; 4. Zac h Steele (Yam); 5. Jason Meeks (Ho n). 125 SCHBY ( 12- 15) : I. Joe y leadbeater (Yam); 2. Levi Kilbarger (Yam); 3. Zach Osborne (KTM); 4. Devan Welch (Yam); S. Alex ander Sigismo ndi (Kaw). 250 PRO : I. Kyle Prest on (Suz); 2. Dere k Sturgell (Yam); 3 . Gre gg Smi th (Yam); 4. Jer e me Flynn (Ho n) ; 5 . Steven Richards (Hon ). 250 B: I. Michael Willard (KTM); 2. Alexander Sigismoncli (Kaw); 3. C hris Leadbeater (Yam); 4. Aaron Kline (Hon ). 2 50 C: I. Pete Petree (Hon); 2. Rodney Anderson (Yam); 3. Ryan Melton (Kaw); 4. C hris Jones (Hon) ; 5. Rolle Stanley (KTM). 4 -STR K: I. C hris Leadbea ter (Yam); 2. Eric R. Bean (Yam); l . Justin Ho mer (Hon) ; 4. J. Ross Pruitt (Yam); 5. Brett Stanle y (Han) . U/L C/O: I. C hris Maynard (Hon ); 2. Wes ley Keller (KTM); 3. Rodney Anderson (Yam); 4. T J. Halt (Ho n) ; 5 . Pe te Pet ree (Ho n) . GRLS : I. Sara Roberts (Suz) ; 2. Rebecca She e ts (Suz); 3. Callie Stan ley (Kaw); 4 . Ambe r Sc hmau s (Kaw]: 5 . Alexandra Athert on (Kaw). WM N : I . Kassie Witks (Yam); 2. Krist ina Sharpe (Hon); 3. Kandise Lind le y (Hon). C LGBY ( 16-24) : I. Chris Le ad bea rer (Yam); 2. Jared Wo lfe (Yam); 3. Dustin Walker (Kaw); 1. J.T Smith (Kaw); 5. Patrick Massie (Kaw). 2 5+ A: I. Steven Richards (Han); 2. Mike Blair (Suz); 3. Mike Morgan (Suz); 4. Jason Summers (Yam); 5 . Brian Gonser (Hon ). 25 + B: I. Ro bert Spa rks (Yam); 2. Dave Ho m (Suz); 3. David Leez e r (Suz); 4. T imothy A Stump (Suz); 5. Jo nathan Abbott (Kaw). 25 + C/ O: 1. C hris Jon e s (Ha n); 2. Michae l Fo ust (Hon ); 3. Jeff K1amfo th (Yam); 4. Gary Billings(Yam); S. Kenny Blanke nship (Suz). 30 + A:. I. Mike Mo rgan (Suz); 2. Mike Blair (Suz); 3. Jason Summers (Yam); 4. Joshua Down (Hon ); 5. Brian Gons er (Hon) . 30 + B: I. Dave Ho m (Suz); 2. Jason Wolford (Suz); 3. Anthony Osborne (Kaw); 4. Denn is Walton (KTM); 5. Ch ris Cassey (Suz). 3 0 + q O: I. Nathan Scism (Hon) ; 2. Rollie Stanley (KTM); 3. Gary Bittings (Yam 4. Jeff ); K1amfo th (Yam); 5. Heath Ellis (Suz). 35 + : I. Mike Mor gan (Suz); 2. Mike Blair (Suz); 3. Robert Sparks (Yam); 4. Edmund Mo o re (Ho n) ; 5 . Ric k Oxley (Yam) . 4 0 +: I. Richa rd Ro binso n (Suz); 2. Edmu nd Moo re (Ho n); 3. Rick Oxley (Yam); 4. Scott Shane (KTM); S. Scott Ste rling (Ho n). 45 + : I. Rick Ox ley (Yam); 2. Jer ry Wo hlgemuth (Ho n) ; 3. Jeff Atherto n (Hon ); 4. Boyde Wo lfe (Yam); 5. Rudy Hall (Hon ). t he re wa s a huge gap bac k to t hird place . Boyese n closed the gap on Pamart to a coup le of bike length s by la p t hre e a nd t o a single bikele ngt h o n the last lap, and he made o ne last-ditch effort to make a pass for the lead in the last co rne r befor e t he checkered flag, but Pamart he ld h im off a nd t o o k the w in. Boyes en . Schap pert, Max and Smit h rou nded out the top five. Boyese n got a Wickedly huge holeshot in the final Ove r 25 mota and roun ded the first turn w ith a three-bike length lead ahead of Pamart , Coleman, Chris Cu rtis and Smith, Boyese n he ld Pamart off for tw o laps, but Parnart got by on lap three for the point. Boyesen had to settle for se co nd . Schappert moved up to th ird , Josep h Savitsky was fourt h, and Max was fifth. Pa ma rt qu ic kly p ulled a way afte r pas si ng Boyese n and finished the mota with a whopping 13-seco nd advantage . Boyese n, Max, Schappe rt and Savitsky rounded out the to p five . Pamart topped the Over 2S podium with a pe rfect I-I sco re . Boyesen (2-2) to ok runnerup, and Max (4- 3) was third. Pam art le d t he start of t he first O ve r 30 mo ta , with Boye se n , Ro bert Hayes, Ma rk Hopkins and Max in tow. Pamart had a th reesecond lead by lap two. Boyesen was a solid second, and Ho pkins passed Hayes fo r third . Bob Eichlin was now in fifth. Pamart got the win w ith a six-second advantage. Boyesen. Hopkins, Eichlin and Hayes rou nded out t he top five. Pamart led the start of t he final Ove r 30 mo ta, t railed by Eichlin, Smith , Hayes and Boyesen . Pamart q uickly pulled away and had a three -second lead by lap two, By lap three, his lead wa s se ven se co nds, but Eichlin start ed cutt ing into t hat lead an d re d uced it to six seconds at the checkers. The mota we nt in the reco rd bo o ks as Pamart. Eichlin, Boyese n, Hayes and Max. Pamart to pp ed th e podi um w it h a not he r I-I tally, Boyesen (2- 3) captu re d yet ano t he r secon d ove rall, and Eichlin (4-2) closed o ut the po dium . RESUL TS 50 P/W: I. Jos hua Lang (Co b); 2. Tyler Hayes (KTM); 3. De anna Hicks (KTM); -t. De nnis Wilson (Yam); S. c.J. Knisley (Yam). 50 (4 -6) : I. Bethany Ruhf (Cob) ; 2. Llncoln Brook en s (KTM); 3. Danny Colach ino (KTM); 4. Dennis Wilson (Hon) ; 5. Schae Thomas (KTM). 50 (7 -8) : I. Bradley N ilse n (Cob) ; 2. Patric k T irad o (Kaw); 3 . Kayla Boo rom (KTM); 4. Tyle r Hayes (KTM). 65 (7- 9): I. Michael Alford (KTM): 2. Brett McMichael (KTM): 3. Sean Ballard (KTM): 4 . Justin Mays (KTM); 5. Cody Corn well (5uz). 65 ( 10- 11): I. Brandon Mays (Suz); 2. Marcus Nilsen (KTH) ; 3. Matthe w Moor e (Yam); 4. Cod y Reinhard t (Yam); 5. Jon ath an McDe rmott (KT M). 65 M O D (7- 11) : I . Brandon Mays (KTM) ; 2. Michael Alford (KTM); 3. Marcus Nilsen (KTN); 4. Matt hew Moo re (Yam) S. Cody Reinhardt (Yam). 85 (7 -9): I. Seth ; Rarick (Hon ); 2. Paul T irado (Kaw); 3. Kevin Hicks Jr. (Kaw); 4. Sean Ballard (KTM). 85 (9- 13): I. Garret Toth (Suz); 2. Anthony Peregrin Jr. (Suz); l . Jame s Doo littl e (5uz): 4. Tallon Simmons (5uz); S. Matt Vacendak (KTM). 8 5 (1 0 - 11) : I. Brand on Mays (5uz); 2. Tyle r Davis (Kaw) ; 3. Anth on y Pereg rin Jr. (5 uz): 4 . Garret Totti (5uz); S. Jon a th an McDe rmott (KTM). 85 MOO (7 .11 ): I. Brandon Mays (Suz); 2. Tyler Davis (Kaw); 3. Seth Rarick (Han ); 4. Garre t Tom (Suz); S. Anthon y Pere gn n Jr. (Suz). 85 MOD ( 12- 11): I . Henry Rojas (Suz) ; 2. Marcus Hodg e (Kaw ); 3. Wya tt Gilmor e (Yam); 4. Kyle Willis (Kaw) ; 5. Jer e my Meda glia (Hon ). 85 MOD (14 -15 ): I. Shawn Weech (Suz); 2. Michae l O' Brien (Suz); 3. Jamie Kriger (Hon); 4. Rande ll Good (Suz); 5. Matthe w Mc De rmott (Kaw). 105 S/M IN I (12 - 15) : I. Shawn Weech (Suz); 2. Je remy Medaglia (Hon ); 3. Michael O 'Brien (Suz); 4. N ick Myers (Suz); 5. Derek Rummel (Kaw). 125 MOD ( 12 -15): I. Alex Gau l (Yam) ; 2. Ridge Davis (Han) ; 3. Troy Bapp Jr. (Yam); 4. Will Hecksted en (Yam); 5 . Ren Jo lly (Yam). 12 5A/ P RO S PT: I. Do nn ie McG o urt y (Kaw); 2. Dan Tru man (Kaw); 3. David Disciullo (Kaw); 4. Cale b Miller (Yam); 5. Broc Seiler (Yam). 125 B MO D: I. Ryan Zimmerman (Ho n); 2. Paul Hine s (Hco) : 3. Walter Zabrowski (Hon) ; 4. Jos hua Hildebrand (Kaw): 5. lawrence Gill III (Yam). 12 5 C MO D: I. N ick Basam ania (Yam); 2. Dono van Bloom fie ld (Yam); 3. Joshua Hine s (Ya m); 4. Taylor Beltz (Hon) ; S. Dust in Wojcicki (Kaw). 250/0PEN A/ P RO SPT: I. Don nie McGourty (Kaw); 2. Greg Pamart (Ho n); 3. Aaron Dieter (Yam); 4. Jack Carpenter (Hon ); S. Dan Truman (Kaw). 250/0PEN B MO D: I . Paul Hines (Hon ); 2. Jim Ayres (Hon) ; 3. Dr ew Coleman (Suz); 4. Joshua Hilde brand (Kaw); S. Anthony Fontana (Hon) . 2 50/0 P EN C: I. Michael Tyrrell (Han); 2. Bre ndon Kutsch (Ho n); 3. Nick Basam ania (Yam); 4. Craig Kollmer (Hon ); S. Bill McO ain (Yam). 4-STRK 201 -6 5 0: I. Ste ph en Hunte r (Ho n); 2. David Szyman sky (Yam); 3. 'Wal er Zab ro wski (Hon) ; 4. Lawrence Gill III(Yam); t S. Richard Brungard (Yam). WMN : I. Jill PoIanczyk (Yam); 2. Mk he lte He pp (Hon ); 3. Kassandra Rutt (Hon ); 4. Abbie Jo Bar d o (Suz) . CLGBY: I. Jim Ayres (Hon) ; 2. Anthony Fontana (Hon) ; 3. Dave Grov er (Ho n); 4. Dan Za browski (Hen): S. Stephen Plank (Suz). 25 + AM: I. C hris Curtis (Hon) ; 2. Tim Wilso n (Hon) ; 3. Rich MacLean (Yam); 4. B.J. Wightman (Yam); 5. Dominick Buttner (Hon). 15+ EX: L Greg Pamart (Ho n); 2. Dag Boye sen (Hon); 3. James Max (Hon ); + Jed Schappert (KTM); S. Darryl Smhh (Hon ). 30+ . NOV: I . Rick Tatraul t (Yam); 2. Matt Wambold (Ho n); 3. Brett Ruhf (Yam); 4. Sco tt Andre (Hon) ; 5. Friedo Meye r (Hon ). 30 + AM : I. Richard Brungard (Y ); 2. Bryan Nuss am (Hon ); 3. Joh n Th o mp son (Hon ); 4. Carl Wilso n (Yam); 5. Lou ie Giom boni (Yam). 30 + EX: I. Greg Pamart (Hon); 2. Dag Boyesen (Hon ); 3. Bob Eichlin (Hon ); 4. Robe rt Hayes (Yam); 5. Mark Ho pkins (Hon ). 4 0 + AM: I. Carl Wilson (Yam); 2. Jim Sanderson (Suz); 3. Gregg Bou chard (Hon ); 4. Joe Gurganus (KTM); 5. Joseph Bollard (Kaw). 40 + EX: I. Bob Eich lin (Ho n); 2. James McG ee (Hon ); 3. Mar k Ne vil (Hon) ; 4. Tom Sabastian (Yam); 5. Jeff Cheney (Hon) . VET 30 + : I. Greg Pamart (Hon ); 2. Dag Boyesen (Hon) ; 3. Bob Eich lin (Hon) ; 4 . Ro be rt Haye s (Yam) ; 5 . Mar k Ho pkins (Ho n). VET 35 + : I. Dag Boyesen (Hon ); 2. Bob Eichlm (Hon) ; 3. John T hom pson (Hon); 4. Tod d Selleck Sr.(Hen ): 5. Jim Sanderson (Suz). SR 4 0 + : I. Bob Eichlin (Han ); 2. Jame s McGe e (Hon) ; 3 . Mark. Nevil (Hon ); 4. Tom Sabastian (Yam); 5. Jeff Chen ey (Hon ). SR 45 + : I. Paul Mundt (Kaw); 2. Tom Sebast ian(Yarn); 3. Ke rry Willi ms (Hon). a AMA/ Air Nautiqu e s Amateur Na tion a l Mot ocross C'ships Area Q ualifier Day 2 • Modified a nd Vet Classes: Hurrica ne Hills Sports Center Pamart Almost Perfect By JIM P. SANDERSON CLIFFORD, PA, MAY 23 reg Pemert was almost perfect at day two o f t he AMA/ Air N au t iq ue s Am ateur National Motocross Champ io nships Area Q ualifier, hosted by Hurd Motorsports at Hurricane Hills Sports Cen ter. Pamart we nt I-I in bot h the Over 25 and Over 30 divisions. easily qualifying fo r a n Am at e ur N at io nal Mo to cr oss C ham pion sh ips Regio nal Qualifie r. Pam art almost made it a clean sweep of three divisions. G as he finished on the pod ium in the supe rfast and compet it ive 250cc Open Pro Sport class: Pamart we nt 4-2 for run ne r-up and has now qualified for three classes and could be co nstdere d for the "iro nman" award as well. Pamart got his big-bore Honda thumpe r out front quickly in the first Over 25 moto , ahea d of Dag Boyese n, Jed Schappert, Dar ryl Smith and Patr ick Co le man, Just befo re the e nd of lap o ne, James Max passed Cole man fo r fifth. It was qUite evident afte r 2 1/ 2 laps that Pamart and Boyesen were in a class by themselves, as Greg Pamart (444 ) leads Dag Boyesen (11) and Jed Scha ppe rt (9 10 ) into the first tu rn in the first Over 25 mo to o n d ay two of the AMA/Air Nautique s Amate ur Na tional Motocross Championships Area Qua lifie r a t Hurrica ne Hills in Clifford, Pe nns y lvania. CYC LE N EWS • JUNE 30, 200 4 59

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