Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mike Keane (1 SI a nd Larry Weiss (8K) went one-two in the Senior Over 50 contest at round two of the AHRMA Dirt Trock Northeast Regional Series. AHRMA Dirt Track Northeast Regional Se ries Round 2: Shippensburg Speedway Keane Looks Sharp at Shippensburg Regional By LEN BREECH SHIPPENSBURG, PA MAY 23 , ust like at the opening roun d of th e AHRMA J Dirt Track No rth east Regio nal Series, rains hit at t he comple tion of the heats at round two . How ever, unlike ro und o ne's steady rains, this was a quick downpou r, and, thanks to the high te mpe ratu res . the racing proceeded after an ho ur 's rain de lay to regroo m t he tr ack. Also similar to round one were most of the results. Bill Reynolds again took the '70s Singles and (by defa ult) the 7S0cc Sportsman wins. O ne set of resu lts that was differe nt was that of the Over 50 contest . Mike Keane slipped int o the lead, ahead of Larry Weiss, joe Reynolds and Donnie Hughes. Weiss was the o nly rider in the cla ss not o n a 750cc mou nt, as his t ru st y Trium ph was on the t raile r d ue to probl em s. While he was down a little on po wer on his Honda, he used its quickness to try to get under or aro und Keane . As t hey ca me off the final turn, Weiss tried to make an opening along the concrete edge of the tra ck. He fell just inches s hort , but as they crossed th e line , We iss e ntered t he first turn in the marbles. Predictably. Weiss lowsided and slid into the wall. He was unhurt . (Even his cigarette survivedl] We iss late r came bac k a nd easily won a proc essional 600 cc Sportsm an event, on t he same machine , over Steve Brom ley, Ken Weiss and Dale Miller. Bro mley took th e lead from Bill Reynolds and David Yasher at the start of the '70s Singles co ntest. For the first two laps, Bromley and Bill ran side by side, until Bromley drifted high in the seco nd turn on lap th ree , letting Bill into the le ad. Brom le y stayed wi t h him to t he en d , hoping for a mistake that never came . RESULTS 250 SPTS MN: I. Steve Bromley (Suz); 2. larry Weiss (Hon); 3. Vin(. Bower (YiIlT1). 600 SP TS MN: I. larry Weiss e (Hon); 2. Steve Bromley (Suz): 3. Ken Weiss (Bul): 4. Dale Miller (BSA). 75 0SPTSMN: I. Bill Reynolds (Y am). ' 70s SGL: I. Bill Re ynold s (Yam); 2. Ste ve Bromle y (Yam); 3. David Yashe r (Yam): 4. Rick Reynolds (Ya m). SR 50 + : , . Mike Keane (Y ); 2. larry Weiss (Ho n); 3. Joe Reyno lds am (Yam 4. Donnie Hughes (Tri). ): U.S. Eastern Mot ocros s Spri ng Series Round 10: Lake Sugar T ree Motorsports Park By GREG SUMNER o me 280 riders converge o n Lake Sugar Tree for ro und 10 of the U.S. Easte rn Spring Serie s, present ed by Liquid Performance, on a beautiful day for racing! Wh en t he 125cc A riders left the gate , jim Neese was at t he po int. Adam Ove rcash and Rodney Horrocks were hot on Neese's hee ls. T he Empire Suzu ki/Serious Race ware/Liqu id Performan ce/Mo ose-bac ked Nee se quick ly bega n to c he c k o ut. Ad am s Pe rfo rma nce/ Motors po rt s Max/ Muzz y/Air Brush De signs rider Overcash battled a charging Horroc ks. On t he t h ird lap , Nees e we nt do wn in the European sec tion. Ove rcash took t he lead, as Valle y Suzu ki/Empir e G raphi x/ Bump St ix/ MXB o ne s .co m/ FMF-sp o ns o r e d Ho rr oc ks bo bbled in the w hoo ps. O vercash a nd Ne ese sw app ed pos itions S 58 RESULTS P/W ST K (4.8): I. Bubba Stone (Hon); 2. Dill n Kni ht o g (Ho n); 3. Rile y Beck ; 4. Land on St ut z (KT M); 5. Rya n Hundley (Hon). 50 ST K (4. 6): I. Jeff Comb s (Cob); 2. Ian Jorda n (KTM); 3. Grego ry Be ll (KTM); 4. Kamin Horsley (Co b); S. Ryan Hundley (Hon). 50 STK (7. 8): I. Bubba Stone (KTM); 2. Dillon Knig (Hon); 3. Hunter Wescott ; 4. ht Austin Smith (Pol); 5. Ben Francis (Cob) . 65 (7 -9): I. Jacob Knable (KTM); 2. Jaco b John son (Suz); 3. Logan France (KTM 4. Bubba Stone (KTM); 5. Austin Smith (KTM 65 ); ). ( 7.11 ): I. Hu nte r Petw ay (KTM). 65 ( 10- 11): I. Ryan Zimme r (Suz); 2. Ryan Carter (KTM) 3. Charles MacDonald ; (Kaw); 4. Adam Baker (Kaw). 85 (7.1 1): I. Jacob Knable (Suz); 2. Ryan Zimme r (Suz): 3. Kody Knable (Suz); 4. Ryan Carter (KTM); 5. Randy Askew (Suz). 85 ( 12. 15): I. Devon Pilkington (Suz): 2. Casey Stemper (Yam 3. Josh McCrary ): (Yam 4. Marcus l yons (Yam); 5. Johm y Wasco (KTM) 85 ); . (9. 13): I. Devon Pilkington (Suz); 2. Ryan Smith (KTM); 3. Josh McC rary (Y am); 4. Joh nny Wasco (KTM); S. Kyle Fen (Ya m) . S/M IN I ( 12.15): I. Devon Pilkingt o n (Suz); 2. Ma rc us l yo ns (Yam) : J . Jos h McCr ary (Yam): 4 . Ca sey Stem per (Yam 5. David Barker (Kaw). 125 A: I. Jim Nee se ): (Suz); 2. Adam Ove rcash (Kaw); 3. Rodney Horr ocks (Suz): 4. Michael Martin (Yam) ; 5. Matt l ee (Yam ). 125 B: I. William Bryant (Yam 2. Ryan Fitzwater (KTM); J. Matthe w ); .. Sco ttie Shipley jumps the "Big Dipper" e n route to the overall in both the Over 40 and Over 35 classe s at round 10 of the U.S. Eastern Motocross Spring Series. Thor /Parts Unlimited Mega Se rie s Round 6 : Sund a y Cre ek Raceway By JASON WEIGANDT back and fo rt h throughout the next coup le of laps . Neese sec ure d t he lea d ove r t he p it do uble at th e start of the final lap. Meanwh ile, Horrocks, in third , was ge tt ing pressure from Ext reme Factory/C hic k- fil-A/M X t ra s .com/ Jarmin's/Pro Act io n's Michae l Martin. At t he che ckers, it w as Neese , O verc ash, Horrocks, Martin and Matt Lee . This set the stage for the 250cc A contest. Just as th e gate dro pped , a light rain se t in. N e ese gra b bed t he ho le s hot . Ho nd a o f Wi nsto n-Sa lem/Fas t By Fran cis/An sw er/ Alp inesta r s/Sco tt ri der Tim Hodoc k an d O ve rcash jockeyed fo r secon d. On t he Evel Knievel sky jum p, Ove rcash sec ure d seco nd and set his sights on Nee se . Howeve r, Hodock ke pt th e pre ssure on . Mart in was fighting a t hr e e -w ay skirm ish w it h Ho nd a of High Point/Motorsports Designs rider Scottie Shipley and Horrocks fo r the fou rth spo t. At the flag, JUNE 30, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Boyer (Kaw); 4. Samuel Fitzwater (Y am): 5. Ryan Thibodeau (Hon). 125 C : I. Chase Shumate (Y am): 2. Sean Lauten (Hon); 3. Stephen Helton (Hon) ; 4. Ryan Powers (Hon) ; 5. l uke Mayers (Suz). 115 0 : I. Tyle r Dinwiddie (Hon); 2. Bradley Parrish (Kaw): 3. Chris Doub (Hon); 4. Brent l orton (Hon); 5. Alan Dooley (Kaw). 250 k. I. Jim Neese (Suz): 2. Adam Ove rcash (Kaw); 3. Tim Hodoc k (Hon); 4. Michael Martin (Y am); 5. Rodney Horrocks (Suz). 250 B: I. Brad Rickman (Y am); 2. Ryan Mason (Yam 25 0 C: I. Ryan Lauten ). (Hon); 2. Lucas Baue r (Hon); J . AJlen Thompson (Hon) ; 4. Dean Ingram (Suz); 5. A.J. Bow\ing (Y am). 15 0 0 : I. Jayroe Roberts (KTM): 2. Morgan Hill (Kaw); 3. Nicholas Rusinko (Kaw); 4. Aaron Hines; 5. Mark Hays (Ka w). 4· STR K DlC: I. Matthew Boyer (Kaw) ; 2. Stephen Helton (Hon); 3. Lucas Bauer (Hon); 4. Allen Tho mpson (Hon); 5. Trevor Veneman (Yam). W MN 100 -1 25: I. Amber Farle y (Hon); 2. Erin Williams (Suz) . SCH BY ( 12- 15): I. Nathan Bryant (Suz); 2. Amber Farley (Hon ); 3. Ryan Smith (Hon); 4. Gary Bausum (Yam); 5. Derek Thomp son (Kaw). C LGBY ( 16 . 14 ): I. William Bryant (Ya m); 2. Stephen Manin (Kaw); J . Luke Mayers (Suz); 4. Ryan Powers (Hon); 5. James Jefferies (Kaw). 25 + AM: I. Ryan Mason (Yam 2. Anthony Jones (Hon); 3. ); Greg Sumner (Hon); 4. Patrick Long (Yam 5. John Phillips ); (Hon). 25 + A: 1. Jim Neese (Suz); 2. Chad Newton (Hon); 3. Tim Ho dock (Hon ); 4. Erik Pfe iffe r (Hon); 5. Jeffre y Belcher (Yam). 30 + AM : I. Richard He ster (Suz); 2. Th omas Schwab (Hon); 3. Steven Simpson (xa w) : 4. John Michae l (Hon); 5. Tim Wilkerson (Y am). 30 + A: I. Tim Hodock (Hon) ; 2. Michael Manin (Y am); J . Erik Pfeiffer (Hon); 4. AJlenAlford (Hus); 5. Kenneth Hicks (Kaw ). 35 +: I. Scottie Shiple y (Hon); 2. Dean Server (Kaw); 1. Erik Pfeiffer (Hon); 4. Jim ley (Hon); 5. Allen AJford(Hus). 40 + : I. Scottie Shipley (He n): 2. Dean Server (Kaw) ; 3. Barry Ne lson (Hon); 4. Jim ley (Hon); 5. Tim Wilkers on (Y am). 4 5+: L Jose ph Og le (Yam): 2. William Drisco ll (Suz); 3. Henry Muller (Hon); 4. Ted Veneman (Y am). Preston Presses On Neese Hot at the Lakel AXTON, VA, MAY 23 Neese took an easy win! Overcash, Hodock and Mart in w e re ne xt . Shipley fo ug ht w it h Horrocks to the line, but Horroc ks secu red fifth in the final turn . Shipley wo uld go on to capture the wins in both the Ov er 35 and Ove r 40 con tests, edging o ut Dean Se rver, who scored second in bot h classe s. Erik Pfeiffer, jim Ley and Alle n Alford rou nded o ut the to p five in the Over 3S class; in t he O ve r 40 class, Barry Ne lso n w as t hird, followed by Ley and Tim Wilkerso n. Neese also took the win in the Over 25 class. Total Control Suspension owner Chad Newt on ke pt Neese ho nest as the two battl ed for the entire mota. Hoclock too k third, and Pfeifferand jeffrey Belcher rou nded o ut the to p five. Yamaha-mo unt e d Ryan Maso n pulled t he holeshot and the win in the Over 25 Amate ur class. Anth o ny Jon e s pressu red him fro m second . Dasco ride r Greg Sumner got a bad start but charged thro ugh the pack to sec ure th ird. Pat rick Lo ng and john Phillips ro unded out the top fi e. v T hu nd e r and light ning a nd heavy ra ins ca use d s o me o f t he se co nd motos to be ca nce le d . Th e p a rtici pat io n o f th e se r ies spon so rs, including Liquid Pe rformance, KBC He lmets, Pro Taper, Klotz , MSR, Bridgesto ne, Tri-angle Cycles, Scott and of co urse the AMA is much app reciated . Support those who suppo rt our sport! MILLFIELD, OH, MAY 23 uzuki Sports ride r Kyle Preston was happy to have t he T ho r Pa rts U nlim ited Meg a Series visit his home stat e of O hio, but he didn't exactly roll o ut the red carpe t for his compe tito rs . Inst ead, Preston defe nded his t urf with four mot a wins, swe e ping the 125cc and 250cc Pro classes on his RM-Z2S0 and RM250. "It's good to have a race close to hom e, " said Pr e st o n, who hails fr om near by Westerville, Oh io. "The tr ack was good, but you have to be careful. It gets hard and slippery. I like racing out her e. Presto n has foll owed t he Mega Series before , but this was t he first t ime the series ever ven t ured into t he Buckeye State. Series pro mote r Sam Gammon and Sun day C reek Raceway 's jeff an d Howar d Russ e ll de cid ed moving the series a tad further north wo uld be a we lcome change for the race rs, and it worked S 40th Anniversary It out. More tha n 440 entries competed , a grea t number for a first-time event. Preston took hom e the lion's share of the Pro purse , alth ough he did have to fight pas t Yamaha rider Mike Campb ell in the first 12Scc mota. Preston applied pressure and was finally a ble to make the move and w in t he mota. From t here, he sailed to easy wins via bett er starts in his ot her races . Th e act ion wa s tight er in the B class es . Oh io's Michael Willard had been do minat ing the 12Sc c and 2S 0cc B cla sses througho ut t he afternoon , but he met a stiff challenge in the seco nd 12S c c B mot o . He ga te d poo r ly, allowing Levi Ki lbarger, Dustin Walker and Joey Leadbeate r to battle for t he lead. Also in the pack was KTM factory minicycle race r Zach Osb orn e, w ho was racing the 125s on his KTM 105 SX big-w he e l. Will rd was slicing his way a through the field q uickly but it looked like t ime , wo uld ru n ou t on his ch arge to t he fro nt. Kil barge r, Walker and Leadbeater batt led at the "

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