:;; Coo per, Austin De nard. Derek Williams, Steven
:;; Patr ic k Billstrom , Do nni e Dlaz an d Elija h
Heavner. Braden Bunker was crowned champion
in moto one but did not finish moto tw o.
Mia mi , Florid a ' s Edd ie Ray pu t on a
> pe rform an ce wo rthy o f pr a ise in t he FourCD
Stroke class, as he staye d on t he Alessis '
~ fe nders throughout both motos, finishing 3-3
g: for third overall. Mike and Jeff claimed first and
second, respective ly.
Up-and-coming stars in the 65cc (10- 1I) class
shine d t he ir way t hroug h th e loc al du st, and
home town talent Kris Hardy ( I- I ) brought home
top ho nors in the 6Scc ( 10 -1 I) class . Ha rdy
earned 25 points, and his SuzukiYamahaof Dalton
Donold Boker flies to one of his four moto wins at the opening round of the
team mate Levi Smith (who went 6-6) earned IS
first-ever Gold MX Series in Rossville, Indiana.
points for the SouthernAll-Stars Series.
Qua lifying w inners in ea c h cl ass wi ll
am); .. . Matt Evan (Suz); S. KelseyGri ndle (Kaw). 250 A:
took fou rth , in fr ont of Huening.
c o m pe te at th e Lor etta Lyn n's Southe ast
I . Jam es Th o mp son (Yam); 2. Ben Gra ve s (Ha n) ; 3. N ick
Regiona l Qualifier a t Laz y Rive r MX in
Yoder (Ha n); .. . Derrick De w itt (Yam); S. Kyle Huen ing
(Hon ). 250 B: I. Brett W illiams (Y ): 2. Brian Mummert
Ch ats worth , Georgia. Details can be found at
50 AUTO OIL. IN ) (4 .8); I. Megan Campbell (Yam) .
(Hon); 3. Tony Young (Hon); ... Dustin Parrish (Y . 250 C:
www.allstarsmx to ur.com
50 JR (4 .6); I. Zadwy M~one (KTM); 2. Knye Lok (Yam
I. Zac h Miles (Yilm); 2. Richard Barr o w (Yam) ; 3. Bra d
SO SR (7-8): I. Alex Marion (Cob); 2. RJ. Barrow (KTH) .
Nel son (Kaw); ... Donald Baker (Suz). WMN: 1. Heather
Zylstra (Ha n); 2. SilShii Rinaldo (Yilm); 3. Meghan Jor dan
(5uz); '. Kelse, Nannenga (Y ). SCHBY (12-15): I. Aaron
Carroll (Yam) ; 2. Kelsey Grind le (Kaw). 16-24: I . Aaron
oder (Kaw); 2. Ben Graves (Hon ); 3. Brad Bowen (Hon ); .. .
Brand o n Ross (Suz): S. Sam Wood row (Y . 25 + A: I.
Donald Baker (Hon); 2. Sean NoI>nd (Hon ): J. PJ. Loy (Hon);
.. . Joseph Seher (Yam); S. Matthew Fo x (TM). 15 + B: I.
Ton y Young (Han); 2. Briiln Mumm ert (Ha n); 3. Jerome
Sedan (Hon); .. . Matt Featherston (Y . ]0 + Al I. Donald
""'e.- (Hon); 2. Sean Noland (Hon) ; J. J<> McCorkel , O 'Banion and Simon repeated their
"- performances in mo to two an d respe ct ively
~ finished in the same top positions.
Grant Ransdell, Forest Lane and Jonat han
"- Foskey staged a showdown in eac h of their two
a s c c Stock (7- 1 I ) motos . With that t r io
claiming tho se res pective to p-thre e po dium
positions in both mot os , a t ight midpack duel
was fiercely fought in moto one among Tanner
McCullers, Adrian Moore and Kris Hardy, but
an unfortunate mistake took McCullers to the
ground just before the finish line, and he quickly
lost th ree pOSit ions, finishing seve nth. Moo re,
Hardy and Tyler Elkins placed fourt h, fifth and
sixth, respe ctive ly. The first mo to's midpack
Alix Freeman piloted his Suzuki to
a qualifying third-p la ce finish in the
rivals wen t at it again in moto tw o: McCullers
8Scc Modified (12-13) class at the
finished fou rth , Elkins e dged into fifth , and
Loretta Lynn's Southeast Area
jackson Riley reele d in a Sixth-place finish.
Qualifier at Diamondback MX.
The SOcc (4. 6) qu alifie rs included Payto n
JUNE 30, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS
51 (4 -6) STK SHAFT: I. Payton Reid Cooper (Y
am); 2.
Aust in De nard (Yam); 1. Derek W illiams (Yam); 4 . Ste ven
Patrick Billstrom (Yam) ; S. Do nn ie Diu (Yam). 51 (4-6)
STK: I. Nicholas Schneider (Cob); 2. Donny Brown (KTM);
J. Payton Rec.,. (Hon) ; 2. Kayla L
ynn Ilozwell (Yam); J. Bnttany
Infield (Suz). NON .QUAL U/L MINI 85 ·110: I. Just in
Wee ks (Kaw); 2. Ashley Vickery (Kaw); 3. Caleb Gai ne s
(Suz); 4. Mike Matway (Kaw) ; S. Jonathan Fo skey (Suz) .
NON-QUAL UIL 125 + : l. Jase Lewis (Hon); 2. Stephen
W inters (Ha n); 3. Michael Haw k (Yam) ; ... Tra vis Turner
(Y ; S. Christopher McCorkel (Hon) .
SO SHAFT: I. Harrison West (Co b); 2. Rachel Dorsey
(Yam); 1. Ste ven Patrick Billstrom (Yam) . 50 OIL.IN) : I.
Alan Sparks (Co b); 2. Wesley Muir (KTM). 50 STK (4-6): I.
Harri son Wes t (Cob) ; 2. Alan Sparks (Cob) ; 1. Rachel Dorsey
(KTM); .. . Trevor Campbell (Cob); S. Steven PatJic:kBill trom
(ICTM). SO STK (1 .8 ); I. Jake 5unzberry (KTM); 2. Caner
OIdknow (Cob); 3. Taylor Davidson (Co b); ... Jord an Quarles
(KTM); S. Chase McCullen (Cob). 65 (7-9): I. N ick Gaines
(KTM); 2. Ezra AIlgeIle (KTM) ; 3. Kent Braswell (Suz); .. . Kyl
Gibzon (ICTM); 5 . MilO Payne (ICTM). 65 MOD (7 · 11) , I.
Grant Ransde ll (KTM); 2. Colton D. Renaker (KTM); 1. Kris
HMdy (Y
am); 4. Eua Angelle (ICTM); 5. Zach He",)' (Kaw).
65 (10- 11) : I. Kris Hardy (SUz.) 2. Zac h Henry (Kaw); 3.
Shayne Cunningham (KTM); • . Tren ton McMochen (HM); S.
Mason McCune (Kaw). 85 BEG: I . ChaseStevens (Hon) ; 2.
Colby Th o rn ton (Ha n) . 85 (9· 13) : I. Sean Cu nn ingham
(KTM); 2. Calebf'azton (Suz); J. FOn (Suz); S. Greg ory Robens (SUz.).
4-STRK 20 1· 6 50: I. MIke Alessi (Hon); 2. Je ff Alessi (Hon) ;
3. Eddie Ray Jr. (Hon); .. . Chip Weatherup (Yarn); S. Drew
"'kew (Yam) WMN 65-85 : I. Shelby Rolen(Hon) ; 2. Shelby
Doney (Suz): 3. Brittany infield (Suz): ' . Voaoria M""", (Hon) ;
S. Gabrielle B