Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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in the O pen Stoc k class. His 4.4 23-second time was we ll ahead of that of runner-u p and fellow C RF450 R rider Tate Pe arson , w ho card ed a 4.S79-second time . RESULTS 50 AUTO : I. Jeremiah Lyday (Cob ); 2. Matt Gocken (KTM); 3. Garrett Holycr<>u (KTM); <. L.ogoon Moody (Poi); 5. Kaylee Co x (Hus ). 6 5: I. Dakota Blake ne y (SU'l); 2. Joe McGurer (Kaw) ; J . Matt Gocken (Kaw); .. . Brett Kalaher (Kaw ). 85 JR: I. Caleb Emory ( Kaw); 2. Dakota Blilkeney (Suz); 3. OeGh ); Brown (Yam); ... Paul Hillard (Kaw); 5. Bud Nortfvvp ( Kaw). . OPEN : I. Jason Nort hru p (Yam); 2. Ste ve Shafe r (H-D). OPEN STl(, I. JMed McKay (Han ); 2. Tate Peanon (Han); 3. Scott Pea=o (Han); 4. Will DaJenbwg (Han); 5. 10m Brown (Han ). 40 + , I. Scott Petty (Han ); 2. Darrell T""'t (Han); 3. Ron Todd (Kaw); 4. Kevin McKay (Kaw) ; S. Gayle Jenkins (Hon) . 50 + : 1. Gay\e Je nkins (Hon); 2. Ron Todd (Ka w); 3. Keith Klett (KTM); 4. 8ud North rup (Han); 5. Billy Pearson (5U%). PSHRD: I. D")'i JoIv=n(BSA 2. Steve Shar (H-D). ); er FAST TIME; Jok TacIOtt (Han ). e the o ve rall wi n wi th a four-lap ma rgin over Villag e Id io ts . 2Wheelz .com finis hed thi rd ove ra ll a nd se co nd UGP. In fo ur th an d top Midd le w eig ht Superspo rt e ntry w as Big Air Rac ing, rid ing a CBR6 00RR, with Short Bus Racing in fifth and Northwest Hond a Racing in six th. Top Unli m ited Supe rs po rt w e nt t o in e ighth overall, riding a Suzuki GSX-R750. Team K&N d id a supe r job of riding the ir Yamaha W R450 against the SV650s and top ped th e Lightwe ight Superbike d ivisio n in 12th overall. RESULTS O/A : I. VinylEdge Racing (Hon); 2. VillageIdiots (Yam); 3. 2Whee (Suz); 4. Big Ajr Racing (Hon); 5. Short Bus Raci ng (Ya m ); 6 . N o r th w e st Honda Rac ing (Hon); 7. RaceTex .com (Kaw) ; 8 . Dese rt -Rat t (Suz); 9 . Team O 'Donnell (Hon); 10. Junk Yard Dog (Hon) ; II . Lone Star Tra ck Days (Hon) ; 12. Team K&N (Yam) ; 13. Team Anvil (Suz); I" . Heavy 0 and the Boys (Suz); IS. Lone Gunmen (Yam); 16 . lawdawg Racing (Suz): 17. Fifth Eleme nt Racing (Sw); 18. Faltteu Raong (5o,); 19. MF Racing (Y,",); 20. NFC Racing (Suz ); 21. )7 Tim es Racing (Yam); 22 . Danny's Motorcycle Service (Suz); 23. Team Avteq (Suz); H . Team Pe ne tration (Yam); 25 . McSchnizil Racing (Suz); 26 . Baaad Due Racing (Due) ; 21. Team Cheeze (Y ; 28. CEO Racing am) (Suz); 29 . Tw o Mofos Racing (Suz); 30. Adrenalin Frie nds Racing (H a n); 3 I. Under Dog Racing (Ya m) ; 32. Texas Motorsport (Suz); 33. Off Track Excurs ion (Hon ); H . Jiggyf ly Racing (Suz); 3S. lonestar Motorsporu (Yam); 36. Kitchen "'" (50, ); 37. Fuliwan To fu Shop (50,); 38. Project M.yl>en> (Suz); 39. Shogun (Yam "0 . Backmarker Racing (Y ); am); "I . Keene Bro thers Racing (Suz); 42. MSW Racing (Suz); 43. No Not Rea lly (Suz); 44. Infinity GP Raclng (Hon); 45 . Crash Clinic (Kaw); 46. Hooligan Racing (Yam); 47. T.H.E. lab (Suz); 48. Chris Bean (Suz). CMC Northwest Motocross A lbony Motorsports Park Bell Rings In with Albany SX Wins By CLAY I.JGHT ALBANY, OR, MAY 22 o rmer AMA Supercross C hampio n Mike Bell made his mark at Albany Mot o rsports Park , where the fortysomething-ye ar-old Califo rn ian becam e the oldest rider ever to sco re a 250cc Pro -class w in on the superc ros s track located 70 miles so uth of Po rt land. Riding the Moto Sports O utlet-backed Hon da CRF4S0R, Be ll used a 2- 1 tally to take home the to p money in the class after e xchanging moto victo ries wi t h fe llow Go lden State rider Patrick Wade . W hile Be ll's 2 50cc performance s we re imp re ss ive for a rider his age , he did have to follow one of the Northwes t's to p Intermedi at e riders, Adam Menle r, in bot h mo tos . Rid ing a Suzuk i, Metzle r was the cream of the cro p in the 12Scc and 250cc Inte rmediate classes . Bell late r ca me bac k to w in both O ve r 4 0 Pro motes, bea ting O rego n's Joe Casey (2-2), Tim Wiles (4- 3), Gr eg Gate s (3-4) and Co lorado's Bob Monzingo (5-5). Wash in gt on's Keit h Batt e rso n was a lso im pressive . T he fo rm e r mlnicycle cha m pio n won the Before The Hill Inte rmediate class and placed seco nd, beh ind Metzle r, in the 125 cc Inte rmed iate class . The Suzuki RM25 0F ride r was in a class all his own in the Befo re Th e Hill class, whi ch Me t zle r d idn't co nt e st . Fellow Was hingtonian Trav is Far mer w as Batt e rson 's F Joe Prussiano of Vinyl Edge Racing took the lead at the sta rt of round three of the Cycle 1 CMRA Endu rance Ser ies in Hallett, Okla homa . And that's where Vinyl Ed ge finished. Cycle 1 CMRA Endurance Series Round 3: Hallett Motor Rocing Circuit Vinyl Edge Pads Lead at Hallett By SHAN MOORE HALLETT, OK, MAY 22 V inyl Edge Racing m ade It t hr ee win s in three sta rts fo r 2004 by taking a flag-toflag victory at ro und thre e of the Cycle I C MRA Endurance Ser ies , pres ented by Sho g u n Motors po r ts a nd he ld a t H all ett Mo tor Racing C ircuit . Vinyl Edge Racing cov e red 186 la ps on th e hilly, 1.8 -mi le cou rs e during the five-hour event, cr ossing the finish line w ith a Icu r-lap cushion ove r second-place fi nisher s Vill age Idiots. At t he sta rt, Joe Prussiano put the Vinyl Edge Racing Honda CBR9S4RR quickly into the le ad , w it h Yamaha -mo unted Bryan We st of Sh o r t Bus Rac ing , Ho nd a - mou nt e d Matt Ma sc h m an n o f No rt hwes t Ho nda Raci ng , Hcn da -mcunted Jeff Gra nt of Lo ne 5tar Trac k Days, and Yamaha-mo unte d Jo hn O rchard of Village Id io ts in pursu it. Just be fore th e o ne -ho ur mark, a red flag came out, forcing a res tart. Since a full ho ur hadn't been covered, the tea ms restarted from t he ir o rig ina l gr id po sit ion s, ne gating an y advantage Vinyl Edge had built . Bre tt Cha mp agne put Vinyl Edge out in fro nt agai n a t t he r es tar t , wit h Cra ig Montgomery, now on board for Village Id iots , 64 moving up into second, fo llow ed by Junk Yard Dog , m an d Nor t hw e s t Ho nda Ra c ing . A few la p s into the r estar t , Montgo me ry wen t a little w ide in t urn one, allowing Andy Galindo of and t he n Junk Yard Do g thro ugh into second and t hird, but Montgom e ry re ta liate d after a few laps , rega ining t he sec o nd-place spot . Afte r I 1/2 ho urs of racing, th e ord er w as Vinyt Edge in first , w ith a five-sec ond lead ove r Vill ag e Id iots . RaceTe x .com w as in t hird , anothe r 17 seco nds back but on the lead lap. Th re e t e ams - Junk Yard Dog, 2Whe~lz .co m and Sho rt Bus Racing - follow ed one lap do wn . W ith tw o hours left, Steve Bre en of Vill ge a Id iots signaled for a rea r-tire change, but afte r doing the mat h, the team dec ided to stick with w hat was o n the bike . "We ra n a rea lly hard slick, wh ich felt a little differ en t from w hat we 're accustom ed to, so it took us a linle wh ile to get used to that," said Breen. "Halfway t hro ugh my stint . I th ought the t ire was going away, becaus e we we re gening some mo mentu m slides , but I think it was just because I wasn't used to it. We just dec ided to st ick w ith it , turn mo derate time s, and try to ru n a consisten t race ." Afte r five ho urs of racing, Vinyl Edge took JUNE 23, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS clo se st com pe tito r, tra iling Batterson in th e seco nd mota and finishing seco nd overall . Me tzler ha d litt le co m peti ti on in t he combined 250cc Pro/ Inte rmed iate contest. The Suzuk i rider dashed to the head of the pack in bo t h mo to s and then vanished ; the H illsbo ro Moto rcy cle s/Wis e co -bac ked ride r put huge grou nd betw e e n hims elf and the rest o f th e c ompeti t ion , wh ich in mo ta o ne was the Hon da-mounte d Fa rm er, t he seco nd- p lac e Inte rmediate -class finisher, and Wade , the to p Pro performer. Wade could on ly muste r a th irdplace finish in the second 250cc Pro moto, wh ile Be ll and Wash ingt o n's Se an Spar kman we nt o ne -two . Me n le r, though, was th e first ride r to take the checkered nag again and won t he Inte rmediat e class wit h a 1·1 sw e ep . Me tzler did similar damage in the com bined 125cc Pro/Int e rmed iate con test to ca p off his seco nd of two overall wins. Metzler had Farmer and the lone Pro rider in the field, Keith Kadell, to deal with, but he won both motos easily. Travis McClinton and Jare d Wood battl ed th ro ughout bo th Supermini motos, but it was the lo ca l ride r, McC lint on , who sn ared t he overall wi n by virt ue of a I- I sweep. McClinto n led mota one start to finish, but in mot a tw o Wo od .ch allenged McClinto n for m uch of t he mota be fo re o vertak ing his fellow Ya maha rider. McClinton ev e nt ually got bac k aro und Wood to w in the moto. Tyler McClinto n (4- 3), Trav is McClinton posted the overall SScc (12-13) and Supermini wins on Saturday, the first of two days of racing at Albany Motorsports Park. 40th Ann iversary

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