Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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McFarlane also re flect ed on the death of fellow Austral ian racer Jono Porter, who was killed in a radng accident in Australia two weeks ago. McFarlane knew Porter and was saddened by the sudden death of an old friend . "I know the people in Australia are hurt ing no w," McFarlane said . "I grew up ra cing dirt track w ith Jono, and I feel a little he lpless not being able to do so m eth ing, but when I go back to Austral ia in the w inter, I will visit [one 's fam ily ." In th e MX I class, se ve n-time World Motocross Champion Stefan Eve rts , on the L&MYamaha, recorded his 77th Grand Prix ove rall with 2- 1 resu lts. Second place went to Kevin Strijbo s, wh o went 1-4 o n the day. In the first mota, Strijbos took his firsteve r G rand Prix victo ry, as did the new 450 cc Suzuki, and gre at starts helped their cause . Strijbos pushed th e co mplete mota, and despite Eve rts and Mickael Pichon clo sing on him in th e late stag es , he wasn't con cerned. " I knew where they were; I had it under co ntrol," he said. "In the sec o nd heat, my start was pretty bad ," he said. " I did a wheelie, and I was around 20th. In the beginning, my laps were not so good, bu t after 10 m inutes, I took a good r hythm and caught many riders, includ ing Ramo n, in the last two laps." Everts fo ught his way through fro m a slow start in mota one. He never managed to catch Strijbo s. "I missed my jump from the gate in the first race, and I just had a bad start," Everts said. "Whe n I finally go t into third , the gap with Strijbos and Steve Ramon was too big. My rhythm was gone, and Pichon was pushing me from behind at the end of the race." The second MX I mota was all Everts. He took his time and showed Pichon what he had. The French rider often looked wild as he tried to contain the four-stroke machi ne, while Everts breezed to his ninth mota win of the year. "I had another bad start in the second race, but I easily made headway, and I just had a great time on the track," Everts said. "Luckily I had less lapped riders th is time . My OWN 2 ! RACE Mickael Pichon (3-2, 2nd) MX I ''I'm never happy with a th ird position, but it's nice to be back on the podium afte r France ," the for me r World champ said. "I gave eve rything I cou ld. In the first moto, I was fourth but lost two ranks when my team mate pushed me in fro nt of th e boxes. Josh and Stefan passed me , and as the track was rea llyslippe ry, I too k my time . The track was drying in the last 10 minute s; we had a goo d speed with Stefan and came back on Ramon . My start in th e seco nd heat was better th an Stefan but not so much, pre tty q uickly I got in front . I didn't find the good lines and str uggled a litt le bit . Stefan passed me . I tried to go easy on the track, but he pulled away a litt le bit. I was slowe r in two or three slippery co m e rs. I pushed rea lly hard in the last laps, but I made a mistake and almost cras hed." 31 Josh Coppins (6-3,4th) MX I "In the first mota we had a pro blem with the [foam insert] getting hot , and I didn't have good grip," Coppins said. "The track was really slippery, and tire choice is so important he re. I holesho t the second moto and felt good. T he back tire was bette r, but I shou ld have go ne for a harder front tire. We used a soft tire in the first moto, and I didn't wa nt to make a mista ke with tire cho ice, so I st uck wit h the soft er on e , and it was a mista ke . Both Everts and Pichon passed me , and I co uldn't kee p with th em , the y we re just too fast . I am just disap po inted with t he first heat prob lems, I shou ld have bee n o n the podium today." 4 Alessio Chiodi (6.3, 3rd) MX2 "To scor e anot he r podium is just gre at fo r me ," C hiodi said. "In the first race I had a hard time to get into the right rhythm after a bad start, and I wan ted to avoid a crash. My riding was a lot bett er in the secon d race . I too k full advantage of the track, riding o n the o utside and using th e be rms. With mo re races unde r my be lt and finally injury free, I ho pe fo r more podiums. " 87 Jeff Dement (10·9, 8th) MX 2 "It' s not wh ere I want to be , I re allywant to get so me top fives, o r even podiums, but I w ill ta ke it," th e American said. "I have not ridden for three weeks and felt goo d with th is result. I just ke pt my head down. It was a to ugh track , but I w illnow go to the next few ro unds and build on this result." Pichon pushed really hard , but I felt pretty much in control, and I never had to ride on the limit." In th e MX2 class, it was an easy time for McFarlane. In the opening race, McFarlane took the lead on the opening lap and then ran away from the pack . " I reacted well as the start gate dropped and took the ho leshot ahead of Stephen Sword, [Alessio] Chlodiand [Patrick] Caps," he said . "I had a trouble-free race, just kept my head down and rode fast , smooth and consistent." Stephen Sword walked away . from this nasty get-off. In the second race , th e Aussie kid o nce again did th e bus iness. McFarlane had just received a new engine from Yama ha, and it seemed to make all the differen ce . O n a circu it that needed a lot of powe r, McFarlane and his Yamaha w e re alwa ys a step ahead of the others. Th e seco nd ra ce was not as easy as the first , however, as Italian local Antonio Cairoli pus hed the Aussie all the way to th e finish. " My start was not as good as rac e o ne ," McFarlane said . "I knew th at if I co uld get up there wit h the fro nt ru nners , I would be in with a good chance of t he overall. Th e first five to 10 minutes were the most important of th e race. I passed a few guys and then took the lea d fro m Cairoli . I had been ta king my tim e and finding lines , but it all came together with a good rhythm. Maybe Cairoli tired, I am no t sure, but I was there to ta ke over the lead and another race win. It's been a great day." Second place ended up go ing to Claudio Federici. The Italian playboy was one of the favorites going into the event, but he struggled with starts and a crash in the second mota . eN GRAND PRIX O F ITALY GAllARAn , ITALY R ESUL TS: JUNE (ROUND 9 13, 2004 OF 16) MX I MOTO I: I. Kevin Soijbos (Suz); 2. Stefan Everts (y",,); 3. MKXael f';chon (Hon); 4. Steve Ramon (KTM); 5. Brian jol'gens en (Hon); 6. Jam Coppins (Han ); 7. T""" L.eok (Suz);8 . Wg; Seguy (y",,); 9 . Ced ric Melotte (y",,); 10. Jul"" 8 i11 (KTM); I I. Ken De D;jck... (Hon) ; 12. O>ris Burnham (KTM 13. Ant<>neMeo (Kaw); 14. Lauris Freib..-gs(Hon); 15. ); Briefly... : The Aprilia MXV 4,5 made its lo ng-awaited app earance . Wh ile its riders did not fare th at well, w ith Thomas Traversini finishing 26t h overall and Javier Vico Garcia 27th , both riders kept the bikes togethe r. What was interesting was th e sound of the Aprilia 449c c tw in-cylinder machine s. Run with the large Leo Vince silencer, the bike soun ded mo re like an electric lawn mowe r tha n a motocross bike. Stephen Sword had a big get -off in the seco nd MX2 race . The Scotsman was lead ing the race when his bike broke as he was abo ut to com e down a steep downhill sectio n. He was thrown from the machine , rolling halfway down the hillw ith the bike in to w. Sword was lucky to avoid being run ove r by th e on coming r iders. terM CHAMP ride rs Ben Townley and Tyla Rattray both suffered prob lems on th e day. ''A bad day for me," Townley said. "I did not get a good start in th e first mota, and it took me a long time to find my rhyth m and come thro ugh. In the seco nd mota I went down at the start when I cut across and someo ne clippe d me . I was last and concentrated on wo rking my way up, but it was hard to make passe s, and it was a difficult race fo r me ." As fo r Rattray, he lost gro und on Step hen Sword in th e points race ."My starts tod ay we re te rrible, and this is someth ing I have to wor k o n," Rattray said. "It is costing me races and point s, so I w ill practice this week ." Marko KovaJairJen (Hon). MXI MOTa 2: I. Stefan Evens (y",,); 2. MKXaelPKhon (Han); 3. Josh Coppins (Han ); 4. Jm A!suta ( 128); 13. av;, Burnham ( 123); 14. ]a_ vee Gan;ia ( I I I); 15. La,.;, Frelbergs ( 107). H X 2 MO TO I: I. Andrew McFarlane (Yam); 2. Claudio Federici (y",,); 3. Ben Townley (KTM 4. Stephen Sword ); (Kaw); 5. Patrick Caps (y",,); 6. - ' i o OOOdi (y""); 7. Tyla Rattray (KT M); 8. Andrea Banolini (Yam) ; 9. Antonio Cairoli (y",,); 10. Jeff Dement (Hon); II. Anthony (y",,); 12. Marvin Van DaeIe (Suz); 13. Carl Nunn (Hon); 14. Sebastien Pourcel (Kaw); 15. Manuel Moon; (y",,). 80<"""" MX2 MOTO 2: I. Andrew McFarlane(Yam); 2. Aratonio Cairoli (Yam 3. Alessio 0.00 (Y ); am); -t. Mickael Maschio (Kaw); 5. Sebastien Poe-eel (Kaw); 6. Patrick Ceps (y",,); 7. Claudio Federici (y",,); 8. BenTownley (KTM); 9. Jell Dement (Han ); 10. P=J l.euret (KTM II. And"", Ilan <>ini (y",,); ); 12. Carl Nunn (Han ); 13. MaNinVan Daele (Suz); 14. Anthony - . . (y",,); 15. Ru; Gonca;,oe, (y",,) MX2 O /A:. I. Andrew McFarlane (50 pts ); 2. Claudio Fede rer (36); 3. - . . , O>iod; (35); 4. Antanio c:.;roI; (33); 5. Ben Townley (33); 6. Patrick Caps (3 1); 7. Sebastien Pou rc el (23); 8 . Jeff Dement (23); 9. And"'" Ilanoli,; (23); 10 . MOOel M=hio (I B); I I. Ste phe n Sword ( 18); 12. Carl Num (17); 13. f1Mvjn Van DaeIe ( 17); 14. Antho!1y Boissere (17); IS. P=J Leuret ( 14). FIM WORLD C HAM P IO N SH IP MX 2 SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (Aft er 9 of 16 rounds) : I. Ben TO'Ntl ey I (35215 w;ns); 2. Stephen Sword (306/ 1); 3. Tyla Rattray (29 112); 4. Andrew Mcfarlane (26011); 5. Antonio c:.;roI i (221 ); 6. Mk kae l _ (209) ; 7. 0>00 ( 192); 8. Carl Nunn ( 178) ; 9 . Claudio Federid (162); 10. Alga< Look ( 153); ll. Patrick Caps ( 150); 12.) """" Cobb ( 142); 13. Man: de R"""", ( 12 1); H . Anthony 60 ...... ( 117); IS. Sebastien Pocrcel ( " I). CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 23, 2004 31

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