Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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in Motorc ycling MIlTIl EiIRIl D'ITALIA After five grueling days traversing over 775 miles of scenic and chal lenging Sicilian roads, Pao lo Mattioli rode to victory on his Moto Morini Tresett e 175, winning t his year's Motogiro d' italia, Italy's oldest vintage mo to rbike competition. Ov e r 400 motorcyclists from around the world participated in this year 's competition, which ran May 25-29. In addition to a co re group of Italians, participants arrived fro m Great Britain, Germany, France, Ho lland , Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, t he USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Japan . Th e Motogiro d' ltalia is divided into three classifications: t he Vintage Racing C lass, reserved for motorbikes manufactured through 1957; the Memorial Taglioni, dedicated to motorbikes manufactured between 1968 and 1978; and the Touring Class, open to all contemporary bikes of all makes. The first two categories are competitive, and riders are subject to ability and timed trials, whi le the Touring Class is noncompetitive. The Ita lian contingency proved its motorcycling skills, taking the top three posts in the Vintage Racing and Taglioni Memorial classifications . Paolo Mattioli , 55, performed brilliantly on each day's course and in the ability tria ls, earning first place overall in the Vintage Racing classification. Mattioli won the grand prize, a Ducati 5S 750 motorcycle customized especially for the Motogiro. Taking second and third places were fellow Italians Marco Tomassini, on his Gilera, and Massimo D'Alessio, on his Morini. The top three placing riders in the Vintage Racing Class had participated in previous editions of the Motogiro. Dutch rider Eric Willemse placed seventh in the overall Vintage Racing classification . In the Memorial Taglioni Class, Alfonso Napolitano took first place on his Motobi 125 Sport Special , followed by newcomer Matteo Costantino Vocino , on his Morini 500 V6, and Rossano Campioli, aboard his Ducati 350 D. Both Napolitano and Campioli had participated in previous ed itions of the Motogiro d'ltaJia. This year's itinerary led participants along rugged and beautiful Sicilian terrain through many of the island's most intriguing regions, such as Palermo, Trapani, Agrigento, Enna and Caltanissetta. The event started in Casteldaccia at the Cantine Duca di Salaparuta and ended five days later in Mondello, the swimming hotspot of Palermo. Participants were able to take in picturesque views both from along the coast and from the mountains, including panoramas of Palermo, Pollina, Terrasini, Trapani, Castelbuono, Gangi, Mistretta, Alimena , Santa Caterina Villarmosa, Caltavuturo, Collesano, Montemaggiore Belsito, San Giova nni Gemini, Corleone, Partinico, Erice , Marsala, Segesta/Calataflrni, Saline Ettore e Infersa, San Giuseppe Jato, Sambuca di Sicilia, Bisacquino, Piana degli A1banesi and Montelepre. Ducati Motor was the main sponsor of the event for the fourth consecutive year. The Motogiro d' italia was also made possible by the generous support of the Presidency of the Region of Sicily, the Council of Tourism for the Region of Sicily, Motociclismo d'Epoca, Corriere de llo Sport-Stadio, Shell, Marzocchi, the Regio n of Palermo, MPIT (Azienda Autonoma Provinciale per l'lncremento Turistico di Palermo), the Municipality of Palermo, Euro pcar, Grandi Nav i Veloci, the Italian St reet Po lice , the Palermo Municipal Police Department and Palermo Port Autho rity. Since its rev ival in 200 I, the Motogiro d' italia has ex perienced overwhelming international appeal, re sulting in a steady increase in t he number of participants, fro m 120 participants in 200 I to 250 in 2002 to 350 in 2003 to 400 in 2004. The event is now well-noted in the ca lendars of motorcycle enthusiasts arou nd the world. T he first-ever Motogiro d' italia was he ld in 19 14 . In a nod to its historic roots, several champions fro m the Motogiro Hall of Fame participated in the 2004 event, includ ing Giuliano Maoggi (winne r of the 1956 Motogiro) , astride his Ducati 175 Sport, and Remo Vent uri (winner of the 195 7 edition), riding his MV Agusta Rapido Sport 175. Special guests from Ducati included managing director Fed erico Minoli, director of design Pie rre Terblanche, and director of research and development Gianluigi Mengoli. 104 JUN E 23, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 40th Anniversary

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