Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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i ,' / Ii I ~. r!!fl-.g D f !iubscriptlon Rate Card Effect ive April 26, 2000 (Issue # IB) Second Class Service DOMElTIC S Oillutl lSillU II ISillm S4S.00 SllOO SIS.oo CANADA RACE I ym 6 monthl lrill lub . I yw 6 monthl lrill lub. SO illuel lSilluel ISilluel S91.00 S46.00 I yw 6 monthl lrill lub. S Oilluel lS illuel IS illuel S91.00 S46.00 Sl1.00 A OlHU I year ll COUNIkIES 6 monthl lriallub. S Oilluel lS illU II ISillUel S91.00 S46.00 Sl1.00 MEXICO SUSPENSION U N DE M A N N ENGINEERING 520 MCGll ncex L8ne t3 campbe ll C 95008 (408)37HI151 FAX (408) 371-4915 www.J& OVER 30 dW PRO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS moo First Class Service S II OillU lS illUII IS illuel SIlO O .O S6S.00 S40.00 CANADA I year 6m onthl lrial lub. 10 illuel lS illU II IS illuel S14S .00 SlJ.OO SROO I yeal 6 monthl lrial lub. S Oilluel lS illuel IS inuel S1 4S.00 SlJ.OO S44.00 All OINE~ I year COUNIRIES 6 months lrial lub. PRODUCTS & SERVICES • LE Sprin gs· Tl1:anlum springs • I ym 6 monthl lrill lub. MEXICO LE S US PEN S IO N DOMESTIC SO iS luel lS illuel ISilluel SI SO.OO SlS .oo S4S.00 • Pe nslce Sh ocks · WP Su spe nsion · • Fox Sh ocks· Eiboc h Sp ri ngs · • MX· RR· DT' • Fork Valvlng • Shock Valvln N EW DEALER I NQUIRI ES llIIlI!II!II... W ELCOM E Ai r M Service ail DOMElTIC CJ.HADA www _ . -- - - -- -- .r [·~lf,ll,:ill! I r [ I j -, ~ I I --. - - -- - " I ,1/,1\'1'1: 'j{11 I, .. . - ---- - - ----------- - - ~1'1~:~f,I' • I (l Ii) I' 'I .. I, l , • ---- --~- ,[' I I 1'1 r •• I - ~ S1 6S .00 S8J.OO SS .O OO Iyeal 6 monthl lrial lub. SO inues lS illues ISillU II SI6S.oo S8J.00 SSO.O O 10 illues lS illues II illUes S161.00 m l.OO S79.00 T real lublcription p milable upon nquelL Ule the wo rim lub lcnptionorder form e hm in th illue o (y hew is f deNeYl1, o lend y ur order, induding pay ent (check, moneyorder, r o m marge to IlIA o Hlltmard) payable in U fundI, to r .s. : 1 ] r'rI ."J·[;I'j/I"\',:::·I ': I ---J' -- SO illues lS illuel ISilluel All O lHU I year COU NIRIES 6 months b. lrililU • XR STY LE CONVERSION S . REA R SET FOOTPEGS • BR AK E COM PONENTS • STEER I NG DAMPER KITS Iyeal 6m onths lrill sub. M EXICO G a s Gas Motors of America. L.L.C. ., - 8 ., 3 -8" 8 -2825 \N\N\N.gas -gas. net Not available , MIKE ' S CYCLE PARTS Cycle News, Inc. Attn: Circulation .O. P Box 5084 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 STREET ' DIRT ' ATV B;H~~ ~ \' '~ ' R ' '\ 'm~. !iOilIII! #1 In Cycle Sa lv a l\ e vi s i t 3S I I Doone Road SE • Salem . OR 91301 FAX \ -503-362· 2828 Phooe 1-503·399·7690 Phone f714\ 751-7433 TOll-FREE'suBSdIPTlON HOTLIN E (800) 831 -2220 t h e new PJ1 .com WWW.MIKE S C Y CLE PAATS .COM Toll Free 1·800·327-7304 PARTS ~PARTS t': r r I p ;, T 1! E r l ~ ~m L~ ~tolo""dn& h iCld n bu)'/u l l/lnd e :; sHOw 6 SfVAP I.ARGE I VENTORY of I II/·STO C K PAR TS __'>\ ~ ~ ,,,, o 1-800-795- 1KT I\l ",,,,,,,, thK) . .cas S , c.a. S7S W . North 96 slft:!,{y ' VethOl\, IN 04 1265 "1\1'0 nt,,1uwdhi ntag e p.rtslbikP, '."n,orl., USA/Eur olJapa neu Long Beach & Pomona, CA EVERY MONTH • (800) 875-0068 WWW.TOPPINGEVENTS.COM JUNE 23, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS E-Mail: Dirttrack Number Plates Speedway Plat es Mini St ickers Aw ard Plate s M ini Bike Plat e s O r. H t>o WU 241nl •••.tullpl.I 24 hr. FAX order line (714) 751-6685 (559) 299-7796 F• • •••• S.,,,lce • Lo w •• t P ri c e • • Lifetime We..,s n . 40th Anniversary VISA (charge orden only, plUle)

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