Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WERA Cycle Jam Mega-Regional Race Virginia International Raceway Smith Forges Three Victories BY DAN SCHMITT DANVILLE, VA, MAY 22 he annual WERA Cycle jam brings together all of the riders from the seve n nationwide regions to race for points and thousands in contingency money. Michael Garofalo charged into the lead in the A Supers toc k final, with Mark Junge hot on his heels and Mike Smith charging through the field . j u nge took t he le a d on la p two . At hallway, Smit h passed Junge , and jo hn jacobi moved into third . Junge rega ined the lead at the white flag, but at the Corkscrew, Smith nudged his way through and he ld on to the final flag. With a three -wave start, the C Superstock Expert final blasted into the first comer. Smith quickly took the lea d , with Garolalo , C hr is Nor mand and PitBul!,s james Stroud battling tightly lor second . At hallway, Junge began his rac e to the front , first passing Stroud , then Normand . At the white flag, Smith he ld a sixsec ond le ad , and Junge passed Garofalo for second. Smith too k his second win of the day. Brian Kcraget, on his two -stroke , led the wave of Suzuki SVs in the Formula Two Expert and Novice final. Mo Morgan and David Yaakov went to the wire for second. Novice race r Ross Ryals ran I Ith overall and took his class w in, with William Baragona second. Russell Masecar and Roger Bell too k th e early Heavyw eight Twins Superbike lead , with Bill St. john third . On lap three, Masecar and Bell collided and we nt dow n at the top 01 the Corkscrew , and St. John lollowed them into the grass. Frank Shockley took th e lead. Charg ing to th e e nd , St. John put his Ducati ahead 01 Shockley's Aprilialor the win. It was a Vesra h Suzu ki swe ep in th e B Superstock Expert final. Tray Batey took the lead, jacob i ran second, young Matt Furtek held on to third, and team captain Junge was fourth . On the thir d lap, Junge moved by Furtek and set out after the two yellow bikes up front. At the white nag, Junge slipped by Jacobi as Batey took the Victory. T Mandeville, Louisiana's Stuart McAvay swept both Se nia r Over 30 matas at the NMA Dix ie Region Panca City Natianal Champianship Qualifier at Wild wood Motocross Pa rk . skies and a warm breeze. The second half of this two-race se ries and Ponca qualifier is scheduled to conclude on Memor ial Day Wee kend at Gravity Alley MX in Breaux Bridge. Rodolfo Fernandez from Crosby, Texas , p icked off Port Vincent , Louisiana's Mitch Gaurney be fore the seco nd turn in the 85cc ( 12- 16) class . Pearl, Mississ ipp i's Josh Eure to ssed his hat into the ring before the first lap was over, taking second on the new downhill section that leads to a sandy creek bo ttom. The thr ee Kawasaki riders had the ir own little race as they lel t the pack behind, with Fernandez holding the keys. At the che ckered flag, it was Ferna ndez by a cou p le o f bike le ngth s over Eure , and Gaurney taking th ird. Gaurney put tog ether a great start and a flawless race to win the second moto. It was the first time he has beaten Eu re , who finished a few seconds behind him. Fernandez wasted no time taking ove r th e lead in the first Supermini O pe n moto. Eure moved into seco nd, followed by Dustin Doucet, Ethan De lcambre and Goumey. The next time they emerged from the woods , it was Eure, Douce t, Ga urney and Delcambre. Fernandez expe rienced some kind 01 problem and lell back to e ighth place. Eure extended his lead to the checkered flag, lollowed by Do ucet, Go urney and Fernand e z. Eure came back to wi n th e seco nd moto, in front of Doucet and Goumey. Slaughter, Lou isiana's Coy Hobgo od won both 250cc Expert m otos on his ProServe/N2Gear/Racca Gr eat Rive r Ho nda 4S0F. Tyler Hancoc k too k his Champion Cycle KTM to second, in Iront 01jam ie Ellis and Adam Hancock , who crashed out hard in the whoops. Ellis, from Breaux Bridge , took his Honda of Lafayette 450 F into secon d in the second mota . Te xas ride r Jose Fe r nan dez sho t his Kawasaki arou nd tum one and into t he lead in the lirst 12Scc Expert mota . Tyler Shandy grab bed second, with Bre tt Delcambre third . Hobgood tripled into the giant whoop section 60 into third when th ey cam e out of th e woo ds, and soon Hobgood had second , but he couldn't catch Jose, who won the race . Jose again jumped out early in the second mota, while Hobgood recovered lrom a poor start by again passing riders in the whoo ps. However, Jose managed to stay ahead 01 Hobgood and win the second mo ta and the overall. RESUL TS 50 OIL·INJ : I. C ameron Bre land (KTM ) ; 2. Jo hn Hu.-phy (KTM); 3. N Kk We"'" (KTH) ; 4. Alex SeAton (Cob ); S. Casey Eure (Co b). 50 (4- 6): I. r-oe« Le nue (Po l); 2. Casey Eur e (Co b); l . Blake Lagarde (KTM); 1 . Ca me ro n Breland (KTH): 5. John Hucp hy (KTM). 50 (7- 9) ; J. Austin Driver (Pol); 2. Hunter Breland (Co b); l . Kye Broom (KTM); 4. B.....ton Kerry (Pol); 5. J. y H k hon (KTH) . so OPEN; J. Jo n-Mur ry Barr (Pol); 2. Hunte r Bre land (Cob); l . Austin Dnv.. (Pol); 4. T·Don Len lle (Pol); 5. B.....ton Kerry (Pol). 65 BEG: I. Tanne r Fost er (Kaw) ; 2. A J. Wales (KTM); l . Jacob Ho lland (KTM); .. . Gord on Waguespad< (Kaw) ; S. TDon LeriUe(Pol). 65 (6..f1) I. Austin Driver (KTM) 2. Kye : ; Broom (Suz); l . Dylan McOendon (KTM); 1. Shaw Guillotte (Lem). 65 (9 -11 ) ; J. Jon -H urry 1lvT (KTH); 2. Alex Lejeune (Kaw); l . Bea ux Martin (Kaw ); 4. Sam Land ry (KTM); S. Markyvius McSwain (Kaw). 65 OPEN : I. Jon -Murry Barr (KTM); 2. Alex l e jeune (Kaw): l . Austin Driver (KTM); 4. Beaux Mart in (Kaw); S. Zac hary Boyd (KTM). 85 BEG: I. Jeffrey Harper (Y arn); 2. Dom inick Spara d no (Suz); l . A J. Wales (Y am); 1. Josh ua Udikay (Hon) . 85 (7- 1 1): I. Brandt Me dlin (Suz) ; 2. Jon -Mur ry Barr (Pol) ; l . Spence r leger (Yam); 4. Nathanie l Reeves (Kaw); S. Dustin Foos hee (Han) . B5 ( 12-16); J. H . d> Goomey (Kow); 2. J"'" Eore (

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