Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ca me ron Martinez was fast in th e corne rs a nd led th e laps and motos tha t meant the most to toke the win in the 85cc (9·13) cla ss at Red Bud MX. move . Martinez wasn' t having any of that and had his moto r singing on th e way up the Mo nza Wall, pulling out a lead that he w ou ld car ry to th e checkere d nag. Cline made th e m ove into second early on and was chasing the leade r be fore he go t upside down and spotted the class so muc h time that he couldn't get back any closer to the front than third before the ra ce was ove r. Lang he ld tough in second all race long but couldn't reel in Marti nez duri ng the four- lap affair. Supe r mi ni run ne r-up Bran don Davidson le d Kersey ar o und tu rn o ne in Superm ini act io n and stayed ther e, w hile Kersey won the war for seco nd over Jeff Burnett. Du ring the second go -around, Cline was on the gas first and pulled the pack arou nd tu rn o ne , with Martinez , Lang and Tyle r wa nting to make a run for th e lead . Cline was riding w e ll and knew that a first -p lace ri de was his o nly chance at th e o verall. Lang and Mart inez wen t at it for several laps, which let Cline put t he d ist ance h e needed o n t he pack t o take th e m o t o win . Martinez foun d th e dr ive he needed to make his move into second on the south side o f the track, but by then Cline was long gone. A second-moto second-place finish sea led up the SScc (9- 13) overall fo r Martinez (1-2) , with Cline (3-1) finishing sec on d overall. on e poin t ahead of Lang (2-3). Roundi ng out the top five were Tyler Davidson (4-4) and Malt Wyman (5-6) . Kersey go t the holesho t in the second Supermini start and went to w ork, hop ing t o hold o ff mo t a- one Supermini win ner Brandon, and t hat plan w or ke d to perfect ion, as Kersey w as fast , fluid and had the stami na to r un out fro nt all mo to long and ta ke the"all-imp ortant second -mota win as well as the overall Victory. Brandon wasn't able t o match his first -mo to pe rformance and came home second. wi th Burn ett again ri ding home in thir d. O n a sad note, D istr ict 14 Mi ni ri der C asey Br ewe r w ent down hard on the launch-pad jump and bro ke his fem ur. Everyone ho pes he makes a fast and full r ecovery. RESULTS 50 SHAFT (4-6) : I. Just in Soper (KTM); 2. Genco Joh nson (KTH); J . Hunter BumIwn (KTM); 4. Nkhobs H;bbero (KTM 5. T....... Gr.oy (KTM). 50 SHAFT (7-8 ); ); I. Broc Mauw Conley (KTM). 50 TRL (4-8 ); I. Brcc Mau,., (Hon ); 2. Ilnndon N ~on (Hon); 1. ANon Blakemo" Boron (Son (Y;un); 5. ANon V ade< (Kaw). 125 B; I. Zadwy Ko..... (Hon ); 2. Derek Joh nson (Yam 1. john ""'''''''n iii (Kaw); 4. Matt Bell (Y ); om); 5. [);on 8Ioom (Hon ). 125 C; I. Jayme ...... (Y;om); 2. 5t... Brighton (Hon) ; 1. HNk Robernon (Suz); 4. KyleDom.n CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 23, 2004 SS

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