Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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s Yamaha Dealer Series Round I: Glen Helen Raceway Park Randall's Odd Couple of Motos Garner the Win By JOHN BETHEA SAN BERNARDINO, CA, MAY 16 ack in th e '70s , comedian Flip Wilson had a famou s line: "What you se e is w ha t you get!" But t hat wasn't quite th e case for tho se watching the 125(( and 250(( Expert eve nts at t he o peni ng ro und of t he Yama ha De alers Ser ies at Gle n He le n Raceway, wh ich saw a firs t -d ay turnout of mo r e t han 50 0 riders. What appeared to be Kawasaki jockey Cale Wallace 's 125cc Expert overall win was nullified by race officialswhen both his moto finishes were disqualified (o r flagrant course cutting. It started in the first moto 01 the day, when Wallace and forme r National C hampion Je ll Ward had a close fight for the early lead, with Ho nda -mounted Ward up fron t . Th e ta bles B turned on lap two wh en Wallace took over and built a six-sec ond margin by the finish. Y amaha rider Kelly Tedder sco red th ird , breat hing Ward 's exhaust at the e nd . An incident early in mot o two had Wallace w a llow ing among the se cond -w ave Inter med iates by lap two, so it seemed he was out of the overall hunt, as Ward was battl ing with Junior Vet Expert lead er Ty Davis at the head of the field, the pair on ly a seco nd apart at t he finish. But Wallace picked up the pace and was run ning third at t he finish. and it lo o ke d like he had taken second in class , behind Ward. Then the protest ing began abo ut his tra ck snipping. which led eventually to his disqualification in both mo tos . Tedde r a lso had a finger po int ed in his direction , and that led to his be ing pe nalized . His infract ion, tho ugh. came in the first 2S0cc Expert moto, in which he had bee n In a tight race with Yamaha rider Natha n Woods . Tedde r led early but slipped to second alte r the duo had seve ral side-by-side show dow ns on t he first fe w laps . Woods gra bbed t he lead at ha lfw ay a nd w as ne ver headed agai n afte r place, just beh ind first -place champion je ll Steinrock and runner-up Bill Johnson. Brothe rs Ch ris and Joey Leadbeater from Co lumbus , Oh io , had a great weekend . Chris won the Four-Stroke class and placed second in the 250m); 2. Ryan Palos (Y>m ); 3. Nathan Woods (Yam). 50 (4-6) STK: I. Maxwell Tedder (Kaw ): 2. Tristan Stewart (KTM): 3. Trevor Stewart (K'TM) : 4. A)"ton WMd (KTM); 5. 00NJd Will""" (KTM). 50 (4-6) HOD : I. Max w e ll Tedder (Kaw): 2. Octavian Martinez (KTM) . 50 (1 ·8) STK: I. Bradley Taft (KT M): 2. Cole Ga rdner (KTM ); 3. Cody Sloan (Co b ); 4. Jaco b Carlson ( Kaw ); 5. Curt l.oyIeu (Y>m). 50 (7 .8) MOD; I . J onah Hili (KTM); 2. lane Gardner (KTM): 3. Javan Pulgar (Yam): 4. Cody Sloan (Cob ); S. jose Ceja (KTM). XR50; I. Branden Achong (Hon) . 65 BEG : I. Cameron Kyler (Kaw): 2. Carden Nata (KTM); 3. Kyle Bmeb;; (Kaw); 4. Cecil Jharynd (Kaw ); S. Cody Sloan (Cob) . 65 (4-8) ; I. Jonah Hill (KTM); 2. jovan Pulp- (Y>m); 3. Jacob Carnon (Kaw ); 4. J"'" Ceja (KTH) ; S. Brndley T.k (KTM). 65 (90 11) ; I. Blake Baggett (Kaw); 2. Jeremy McCool (Kaw); 3. Andrew Frankos (Yam): 4. Garret Edunan (Suz); S. Kyle WoIad< (Suz). 8 5 BEG , I. Jam ie D ic kso n (Ya m) ; 2. Cody Reiter (Ya m) ; 3. Jared Rodriguez (Suz): 4. Matthew Hulse (KTM) ; 5. Bilty Meeks (Kaw ). 85 (4 . 1 1) : I. Blake Bagg e tt ( Kaw) ; 2. Jeremy McCool (Kaw) ; 3. Kyte Wotack (Suz): 4. Khyter Sizemore (Kaw); S. Ch ristopher Gaumer (Hon) . 85 ( 12- 13 ) : I. Do nnie Kearney (Suz) ; 2. Mytes Tedder (Kaw ); 3. Dylan McKee (Hon) ; 4. Dakota Tedder (Kaw) ; S. Walt Guenther (Yam). 8 5 ( 14-1 6): I. Jaimie Lanza (Yam); 2. RandyHerrin (Sm); 3. Parker Edunan (Sm): 4. Chasen Tedder (Kaw) ; S. can be located at . RESULTS 50 (4-6) ST K: I. Paul Castano (Cob); 2. Dylan Reed (KTM); 3. C o rb in Mos e s (KT M): 4 . Bre ann a Rich ardso n (KTM): S. Wcas Smith (Hon ). 50 (7-8) STK; I. Paden King (Lem ); 2. Samuel Phelps (KTM); 3. Cameron Hun t (KTM); 4. Ciarra Harmon (Yam); S. Winston Coyle (KTH ). 50 (4-8) SHAFT STK: I. Seth Hard ing (KTM); 2. C ody N eece (Yam); 3. Cheyne Parks (Yam); 4. [e rred W alsh (Yam ). 50 ( 4~8) OIL-INJIHON STK: I . COly ViUlnoy (Hon); 2. Cam ero n Scism (KTM); 3. Brandon Blaylock (Hen): 4 . Col in Beekman (Hon ): S. Jadson Turne r (KTM). 65 (1.9): I. Justin Wolford (KTM); 2. [obie McCoy IV (KTM): 3. Randy H urst ; 4. Kyte Gibson (KTM); S. Spe nce r Baile y (Kaw ). 65 (10-11): I. Colton D . Renaker (KTM): 2. Matthe w Turner (KTM); 3. Andrew Langworthy (Suz) ; 4. Tyle r Smith (Kaw) ; S. Ale x W illiams (Yam) . U / L 65 (7. 11): I. Andre w Langworthy (Suz); 2. Matt he w Turner (KTH ); 3. Just in Wolford (KTM); 4 . Kyte Gibson (KTM); 5. Job ie McCoy IV (KTM). 85 BEG: I. Chad Napier (Yam): 2. Cory Meeks (Suz): 3. Robert Blevins (Kaw); 4. Chat Bearse (Hon ); S. Robert Kee ble Jr (Kaw) . 85 . (1· 11): I. Clay Combs (Yam); 2. Colto n D . Renak er (KTM) ; 3. Job+e McCoy rv (KTH ); 4. Brandon Melton (Kaw ): S. lYIer Smrth (Kaw). 85 (9.13): I. Trevor CartmiH (Y am) ; 2. Dre w Shortridge (Yam); 3. Sammy Hollist er (Yam): 04 . James Boyter (Yam); S. Bobby Johnso n (Hon) . 85 ( 12 .1 3): I. luke Vo nli nge r (H o n) ; 2 . Drew Sh ortridge (Ya m) ; 3. Tre vor Cartmill (Yam) : 4. Dus tin Roberts (Kaw ): S. Russe ll TIndall (KTM) . 85 ( 14· 15) : I. Tyter N e wt o n (Su z) ; 2. Matthew Thompson (Suz); 3. James Anderson (Yam); 4. Jon Carl son (Su z) ; S. Joe Addair (Suz ) . S / H IN I (1 2 · 15 ) : I. luke Vo nlinge r (H on): 2. Matthe w Thompso n (Su z); 3. Tyler Ne wt on (Suz); 4. Shawn Campbell (Y am); S. Kevin Cooper (Kaw). 125 SCHB¥ : I. Joey leadbeater (Y am); 2. N icholas JUNE 23, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS PHOTO BY JOHN BETHEA Oddly enough, Cody Randall topped the 2S0cc Expert class with a 2·3 tally at the Yamaha Dealer Series opener. Ryan Strausbaugh (Yam). 8 5 S/MINI : I . Donnie Kearney (Sm ); 2. Dakota Tedd..- (Kaw) ; 3. Parker- Eckman (Suz); 4 . Dylan McKee (Hon ): S. Walt Guenther (Y>m 125 BEG D · ' ; ). I . Casey Mo n to ya (Kaw) ; 2. Brya n Gerdes (Yam ) : 3 . Anthony Goufd (Yam); 4. Brandon PrcIytor (Yam); S. Justin Cumody (Kaw ). 125 BEG D · 2; I. Ted Com); 2. Collin Sitva (Yam); 3. Dustin Hoegert (Kaw); 4. Jeff Worthing (KTM ); 5. Sean Nash (Yam) . 125 NOV D ·I : I. Tyson Talkington (Hon); 2. Drew Collins (Hon) ; 3. Nick Busse y (Yam); 4. J.B. Pe e k (Kaw ); S. Just in Gie rlich (Yam). 125 NOV 0 · 2: I. Justin Pamintuan (Suz); 2. Russell Hol lmann (Hen); 3. Dan;,,! Cag le (Hon); 4 . Bobby Hesse (Y>m); S. Kyle Beilman (Hon) . 125 INT: I. Jared Minor (Yam); 2. Cas Swift (Kaw ); 3. Sean Borkenhagen (Kaw) ; 4 . AJ. Steinback (Hon) : S. Curtis Malins (Yam). 125 EX: I. Jeff Ward (Hon); 2. Kelly Tedder (Yam); 3. Ryan Mcintyre (Yam); 4. Cody He rt el (Suz); 5. Chad Robbins (Hon). 25 0 BEG : I. Jake Reiter (Yam): 2. Efik Une (Kaw) ; 3. Matt Mayer (Yam); 4. Anthony Guerrero (Sm); S. Jason Wood (Hon). 250 NOV; I. """'"I Hollmann (Hon) ; 2. Robert Garda (Yam ); 3. Brandon Strausbaugh (Yam); -t. Dusti n W illiams (Hon ); S. Justin Lavoie (Yam). 25 0 INT: I. Jarod Mino r (Yam): 2. Cas Swift (Kaw ); 3. Jo sh Ilm); 4 . Chris Panek (Y>m); 5. Chad Gaumer (Hon). 4-STRK B EG : I. Zachary Dykstra (Yam); 2. Jay O'Brien (Hon ); 3. Russ Kopan (Y>m): 4. Charles Jim); S. David Forsythe (Yam). 4 -STRK NOV: I. Nick Busse y ); (Y>m 2. Robbie Goolsby (Yam 3. Bobby Hesse (Yam); 4 . ); Ryan legg (Hen) : S. Matt Arehan (Yam). 4- STRK INT: I. Howard (Yam); 3. lYIer Newt on (Suz) ; 4. Kyte Tucker (Yam): S. Just in Richardson (Suz). 125 PRO : I. Ryan Sipes (Kaw) ; 2. Phillip Myers (Yam); 3. Alexander Hunter (Y ); 4 . J.T. Smith am (Kaw ): S. Ryan M. Stanesu (Suz). 125 B: I. Brand on Smith (Kaw) : 2. Joey Leadbeater (Yam); 3. N icholas Howard (Yam): 04 . Jeffre y Coates (Yam ): 5. Brett Stanl ey (Hon). 125 C: I. Jaco b Riley (Yam): 2. Justin Samples (Yam); 3. Ryan Mel ton (Kaw) ; 4. Wes ley Keller (KTM); 5. Chad Bunch (Kaw ). 115 0 : I. Hunter Perry (Yam); 2. Bobby Maybin (Yam); 3. Rex Vanater (Kaw ); 4. Jason Meeks (H on ); S. C had Poi nd exter (Y>m 2S0 PRO; I. Ben RKldie (Hon); 2. Ryan Sipes (Kaw); ). 3. Ryan M. Stanesu (Suz): 4. Michael Akaydin (Kaw ); S. Phillip Mye rs (Yam). 150 B : I . Shane O 'B an ion (Suz); 2. C hri s leadbeate r Jr. (Yam ); 3. Brand on Sm ith (Kaw) ; 4. Micha el H awk (Yam): S. Brett StiUlley (H en). 250 C: I. Rod Cley Andenon (Yam) 2. Pete Petree (Hon ); 3. Brad McN eil (Suz); ; 4. Ryan Melton (Kaw); 5. Jeremy Brown (KTM). 250 0 : I, Phillip Hahn (Suz ); 2. C had C hapman (Su z) ; 3. Kenneth Chapman (H an ); 4 . John Bulla (Hon) ; S. Travis Mathes (Kaw). 4·ST RK AM: I. Ch ris Leadbeater Jr. (Yam); 2. Brett Stanl ey (Hon ). U/L C/O; I. Justin Samples (Y>m); 2 . Wesley Keller (KT M); 3. Ryan Row e (Ya m) ; 4 . Pe te Petree ( H o n) ; S. Brand on Bel che r (Hon) . C LGBY (16 .24 ) : I. Sha ne am); 3. J.T. Smith O 'Ban ion (Suz): 2. Ch ris leadbeater Jr. (Y (Kaw) ; 4. Jonathan Ledf...d (Suz); S. JMm 3. Chris Jones (Hon ); 4. Jason Inman (Y ); S. Gvy ); am Billings (Yam). ]0 + A : I. Jason Summers (Yam) . 30 + B: I . Edward johnson (Hon) . 30 + C/ O: I. Nathan Scism (Hen); 2. Gary Billings (Yam) . 35+ : I. Jeff Steinrock (Yam); 2. Edward John son (Ho n); 3. Ste ve Hunter (Yam ). 4 0+: I. Timo th y Penn ington (Y am); 2. Oefvl is Scalf( K'TM) . 45 +: I. Jeff Ste inrock (Yam) ; 2 . Bill Johnson (Hon ); 3. Jerry Wh ite (Suz); 4 . RudyHall (Hon ); 5. Je", Woh lgemuth (Hon ). 4 0th A nniversary And rew Guzman (Kaw ); 2 . Cody Mas son (Hon); 3. Ryan Penhall (Kaw); 4. BJ Bums (Hon); S. Brad Gool sby (Y>m ). 4 -5TR K EX; I. Cl>ris Panek (Yam); 2. Jon Simmons (Hon); 3. Brad Alari d (Yam) ; 4. Jas o n Abbott (Yam); S. Nathan Woods (Yam WMN BEG ; I. T.-acy Rhodes (Kaw); 2. Sanh ). Sampias (Yam). WMN NOV: I . Jessiu Wag ner (H o n) . SCH BY (13- '6 ); I. Chad Andenon (Hon) ; 2. Curos Mali", (Yam); 3. Sean Borkenhagen ( 4. Ant hony Charette (KTM) ; S. Joey Bitto (Yam ). JR V ET NOV: l. Shane Scarpiello (Yam); 2. Mike Rye,. (Yam) ; 3. Matt Schumann (Hon); 4. Danny Schumann (Yam); S. Mike Berg (Hon ). JR VET INT: I. Justin McCoy (Yam); 2. Mark Oldroyd (Hen): 3. Arek Mey er (Yam): 4. Jim Gibbs (Yam) ; S. Scott lindley (Yam) . JR VET EX : I. Ty Davis (Yam) : 2. Jas o n Abbott (Ya m) : 3. Roge r O re b (H o n) . V ET NOV: I. Shane Scarpiello (Yam); 2. Craig Winston (Yam): 3. Daniel (Yam); 4. C huck Penny (Yam): S. Gary We st bury (Yam). VET INT: I. Geoff Walters (Yam): 2. Scott Bristol (Hon ): 3. Jayso n Monroe (Yam) ; 4 . Blake Weaver (Yam) ; 5. SCOtt Undley (Yam). VET EX: I . 1)' Davis (Yam): 2 . Matt Tedder Sr. (Kaw) : 3. Phil Dowell (Yam); 04 . Roger Oreb (Hon); S. Geo<>e Jackman (Y>m). 5R NOV; I. Allen Grant (Hon ); 2. Brad Stewart (Yam); 3. Scott Ferko (Hon); 4. Frank Wright (Yam) ; 5 . Bob Briggs (Hon). SR (N T: I. Brtan Stevens (Y>m); 2. James Whitham (Hon); 3. James Hanson (Hon ); 4 . Chuck Penny (Y>m); S. Albert Balderrama (Hon). 5R EX : I. Matt Tedder Sr. (Kaw); 2. Rob Engel (Yam); 3. Doug Frankos (Hon ); 4. IWwd McCullough (Y>m): S. Phil Dowell (Y>m). Red BudMX Martinez Manhandles 'em By BART NEWMAN BUCHANAN, MI, MAY 16 ini riders rolled at Red Bud MX, and when the scores were tallied in the 85(( (9-13) class, Came ron Martinez was out front . while Nick Ke rsey was king of the Supermini class. Red Bud's new layout was a big hit with the riders, as an all-new 3S0-foot whoop section followed the 109-loot downhill ta bleto p that had riders whipping it sideways all day long. These new features, plus new spectator seating on the north side of the tra ck, should have everyone giddy with excitement as the july Fourth AMA Chevy Trucks O utdoor Nationals Series prepares to make its sto p in Buchanan, Michigan. In moto one , Martinez shot out front aboard his Brickyard Motorsports RM85. Joshua Lang, Tyler Davidson, Bubba Cline and Zachary Miston were all hot on his hee ls, looking to make their M

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