Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Rock y Mount a in M/C-ATV WO RCS Series Round 7: Honey Lake Motocros s Park May the "Forsberg' Be With You! By DAVE BROSIUS MILFORD, CA, MAY 22 -23 n e of Northern California's finest Motocross facilities played host to round seven of t he Rocky Mou nta in M/C -ATV WaRCS Series. The Honey Lake course was well-prepared and offered outstanding off-road section s to test the record turnout of participants . The event drew we ll over 900 e xcite d co mpetitors from all over the United States . The racing was very clos e in every class, but non e was closer than in the Wom en's A class . Th e field was headed by Kelly Yanc y, wh o has carried the IW plate for thr ee years. Up for th e challenge we re tw o -tim e e ve nt winner Mar ia Forsberg, ISDE vet eran Carol Williams, and one of Nevada's top cont e nders, Susan Hellman. Ya ncy too k her Troy Lee Designs KTM 450 MXC straight to the front. follo wed by Fo rsberg and Williams, who were side by side go ing int o the first tu r n. Yanc y ha d a co mma nding lead as they came t hro ugh the scor ing chute for the first time . Forsberg was second but feeli ng pressu re from Williams . Suddenly, Yancy started to slow, and Forsberg closed the gap. Yan cy's luck we nt from bad to worse, as her rear tire went flat; as Forsberg's KX250 closed in. Yancy made co ntact wit h a lapper and went down. "I had a flat, but I can still ride hard on the Ma xxis tires , so I gave it shot ," Yancy explained. '" was coming up on Christy Brosius when we both just got in each oth er's line and we nt down, and Maria got by." Fo rsbe rg took the lead . Th en the hard charging Williams made her move , taking over the lead in the final laps. How ever, luck was not on Williams' side , either: As the ladie s we re running much faster t han the men w ho on the track, lappers came into play. "I had some good lines and used the lappers O finally yielded, going down on t he seventh lap. Carroll quickly jum ped up to co nt inue t he race , ma naging to lo se o nly on e po sitio n. Suzuki ride r Chris Flesia, Rhote n and Edward s rou nded out t he top five. Th e final race of the eveni ng, the 250cc Pro main event, had Cam pbell. Sande ll and Rhote n battling it out once again. Rhot en was th e hol eshot wi nne r and led unt il t he Sun Ha nd a/ Fly Raci ng/Re lentl e ss- s po nso re d Camp bell found a way around him on lap four. Sa nd e ll settled in beh ind t he t w o race rs , lo o king fo r his ow n pass ing o ppo rt unity. Despite being forced to pick their way around lap ped r iders , t he to p t hr e e hel d t he ir positions for the re mainder of t he race. Two Suzuki ride rs, Da rin Co nne t and Edwards , came in fourth and fif respectively. th, RESULTS SO CL 2: I. Gavin Silver (Kaw); 2. Austin Warren (Cob): 3. Tan ne r Wineland (Cob) ; 4. Tucker Ca ntrell (Co b); S. Devan Ganze (Cob). 50 CL 1: I. William Rothwell (Pol); 2. Zachary Snoke (KTM): 3. Nicole Davis (Cob); 4. Christian Bahl (Yam); S. Jacob l ong (Yam). 50 CL 4: I. Ch ris Kinney (Hon); 2. Kimberly Guerette (Hon): 3. l evi Meye r (Hon) ; 4. Dalto n Raue r (Hon) . 50 CO MB: I. Ta nne r Wi ne land to get back aro und Carol," said Forsberg after taking the w in. "She was going so fast , and I just tried to match her speed and was able to get by her near the e nd. I need to thank Mike, my family Kawasaki, and the Mount Baker gang , for allof their support." Williams was runner-up . Hellman also got around Yancy's slowing KTM to finish third . Taking the w in in the Wom en's B class was 16-year-old C RF250 Honda ride r Mich e le Coll ins. N ikk i Marshall , the se ries poi nts leader in the B class, came in se co nd, and round-t w o w inne r Ci ndy Arm bru ster to ok third on her RMZ250. Jason Tro xler and Chris Schildge n, both from Flagstaff, Arizona, had a good weekend . Troxler rode his KTM to the top spot in t he 250F B class, followed by the Y amaha-mou nte d Schildgen and Honda rider Cory McArthur of Alpine, Utah. With only one race left before the WaRCS crew takes a summer break, the points races ar e st ill up for gra bs, and a numb er of ne w motorcy cles will be finding new homes when the se ries concludes in Novem ber, so don't miss out on the second half of Wa RCS Series! eN HONEY LAKE MOTOCR OSS PARK M IL ORD, CALIFORNIA F SULTS: MAy 22-23, 2004 (ROUND 7) RE 50 (7 -8): I. Brandy Richards (KTM); 2. Ty Tre maine (KTM); 1 . N icolas Hammo nd (KTM) ; 4 . joseph Har ne y (KTM); S. Brett Sage (KTM). 50 (4 -6) : I. Tucker larrieu (Pol): 2. Kotton Lynn (KTM); 3. Tom Bates ; 4. Tyler Ducray (Yam) 65 A , I . CJ. Hyn= (KTM ); 2. Kilhan Woo., (IUw); . 3. Angelo Tanner (Kaw): 4. Ryan Goodwin (Kaw). 65 B: I. Patrick Pica (Kaw); 2. Hudson Knoll (KTM); 3. Dylan Just us (Kaw); 4. Hunter Knoll (KTM); 5. Tucker Larrieu (Pol). 65 C: I. Austin Gibso n (Kaw); 2. Cross Kirchmeier (Kaw); 3. Samantha Menighan (Kaw); 4. jame s Bro ussard (Han): 5. Cody Kunkel (Suz). S/M INI A: I. Shawn Haber10ck (Hen ): 2. Joshua Morros (Kaw); 3. jonathan Davis (KTM) ;~ . Jam ie La nza (Yam); S. Sean Geiser (Kaw ) . 85 A: I . Shawn Habe rloc k (Han) ; 2. Jamie Lanza (Yam); 3 . Sean Ge iser (Kaw); 4. Joey Pascarella (KTM); S. Ronnie Goodwin (Kaw). 85 B; I. Zach Watson (Yom); 2. Alex Me

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