Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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W ith all t hree riders tak ing turns to lead over the line , the action was clo se and often exciting, as Muggeridge and Foret jousted throughout the entire final lap. Foret was the conqueror on the very last section. after a move only he was in a position to envisage working. Around the outside then when that failed go up the inside, block-passes by any means and hang the consequences. With no realistic title ambition left. Foret could afford to ride in an expansive and uniquely adrenalized fashion . and after living in the shadow of jurge n van den Goorbergh on occasion, Foret is back at his race-winning best. Allez, allez say all of us , for one of the most exciting talents of recent years. W it h Parkes third , Lorenzo Lanzi (Ducati) capitalized on an excellent sta rt and ran ou t fo urth. despite a fading set of tires. while Yamaha riders Kevin Curtain and jurgen van den Goorbergh completed the top six. Curtain was another slo wed by his c hoice of tire. van den Goorbergh not at his ea rly season peak. but still the man most likely to o utgun Mugge ridge come season e nd . The early race pace was as hot as t he track tem perature o f 46 °C . an d it stayed that way unti l the en d . D es pite setting the fastest lap of t he race, a 1:57 .26 1. Sebastien Charpentier would slip back to finish e ighth, dropped from his podium form by an inexplicable lack of pace. !vi early lap mixer with a salsa kick was Pere Riba, following the leading duo after Muggeridge shot into a lead with Kevin Curtain third. Lorenzo Lanzi forced his way past to second and within two laps was in the lead . for a nanosecond or so , as Muggeridge got out his biggest speed cudgel and bashed the litt le Italian into submission with it. Local wild-card hopes rested on two riders in the early laps, Luke Q uigley (who fell off on lap three) and Craig jones (Triumph) who would finish 12th. Parkes was on one of his charges to the front. this time from an unaccustomed lowly position. The fro nt three, with Curtain just on the tail. were be ing reeled in by the pack. just as Foret took his first turn to lead and got the same treatment as Lanzi go t fro m Mugge ridge , w ho would ultimately lead ten of the 19 laps. Giovanni Busse i (Ducatl SL) went out of the race after crashing at Woodco te on lap six. With I I laps of the 19 completed. the order was Foret. Muggeridge, Parkes, Lanzi . Curtain and. a small distance behind, jurgen van den Goorbergh. Parkes overtook Muggeridge on lap 15 on his way to Foret and his single lap turn at the lea d . The younger Aussie closed in on Foret immediately, and Muggeridge was showing that he may have the beginning of a problem , such was the ability of Parkes and Foret seemingly to go faster. It was an illusion , as Muggeridge hit the lead again on lap 17. and but for Foret's mindbending willingness to run o n the dirty tarmac and ride around the outside o f any fast moving obstacle. he might have stayed there. O n the last lap Muggeridge. Foret. Parkes and the lurking but too distant Lanzi looked ready to win or crash. Muggeridge slipped pas t for the lead fo r his last time up the inside at Ab bey, along so me kind of Honda lane t hat even Fo re t cou ld no t ex ploit . In the inside at Bridge . Fo ret made it back for keeps, taking a wide ou tside line into the final Luffield complex. forcing Muggeridge to the inside be fore cutting him o ff. With the bikes in first gear on the exit of the Mickey Mouse Luffield Chicane, it was slide the tire all the way out, and last man home buys the beers. Lanzi was left to post the Peronis to the leading trio. with Foret a deserved winner. Muggeridge an eventually discrete second and Parkes a waiting third. In the low e r orders, Riba, now a British Championship regular. showed what a Kawasaki could do by securing seventh. Mugge ridge lea ds the championship, w ith his total of 107 heading van den Goorb e rgh by 15 points. Parkes lies t hird o n 69 . eN SILVE RSTONE CIRCU IT 13 , 2004 Briefly.•• I SILVERSTONE , ENGLAND RESU LTS: JU NE I (ROUND 6) _'"""""'0 RACE I: I. Noriyu lci Haga (Due ); 2. Chris Venneu\en Chi' (Due ); 4. Gany McCoy (Hon ); 3. (Due) ; 5. Leon Hulam (Due ); 6. Steve Maron (Due ); 7. eo.... (Pet) ; 8 . MMco Bortiani (Due ); 9. ~ Bontempi (Suz) ; 10. Ivan Clementi (Kaw); I I. Wvwld< Nowland (Suz) ; 12. Jin Mri Bontempl (Suz); 15. WOo PederonI (Due) ; 16. J Mri<"gio Bontempi (41). WORLD S/SPT: I. Fabien Foret (Yam); 2. Karl Muggerid gt! (Hon) ; 3. 8 roc Parkes (Hon) ; ... l or e nzo LAnzi (Doc); S. Kevin Curtain (Y ; 6. Jurge n van den Goorbergh am) (Yam); 7. Per e Riba (Kaw); 8. Sebast ien Charpentier (Hon) ; 9. Alessio Corradi (Hon) ; 10. 5tephane Chambon (5u.); II. Max Neu kln: hne r (Hon) ; 12. Craig Jones (Tn); 13. Matt eo Bacccc (Yam); I" . Sebastien le Grelle (Hon) ; IS. Matt hiew Lagrive (Suz); 16. Denis Sacchetti (Hon) ; 17. Eli Chen (Hon) . T.-or T.-or 0' Ti m e: 37 min ., 33.6-42 5eC. DI, WM: , 19 laps. 59.41 mph e Avenle speed: 94 .9 1 mph Marcin of victory: 0 .043 sec . W ORLD SUPERSPO RT C 'SHIP POI NTS STANOINGS (Alter 6 olIO round,), I. Kari Muggeridge (107/3 wms ); 2. jurgen van den Goori>e.-gh (9211 _); 3. Ilroc Pari<.. (69); 4. I (44) ; 10. Max Neukirchner (36); I I. _ Corradi (34); 12. J osh Broo kes (2S/1 win) ; 13. Vittorio lannu zzo (20) ; I" . Christian KeRner ( 19); IS. Gfoviuvlj Bussei(17). UPCOMING ROUNDS: Round 7 . Monlerey, Colifornio, Ju~ 11 Round B. Brands Holch, E nglond, A ugust 1 Continued from page 27 ball fever in the air in Englandwas palpable. The main hoo k line the tabloids and the weekl ies focused on was the England vs. France battle of James Toseland vs. Regis Laco nl, as Englandwas due to play the French in the ir opening match on Sunday. June 13. It turned out to be Australia vs. Japan - in the races in any case. An old face was back in the SBK paddock. Pere Riba runningwell with his old mates after half a season runningan MSS Kawasaki in the British Championship. Qualifying third, Ribawas plainlyenjoying himselfagain. The FIM resolved the previous problems caused by every single Honda Supersport team's incorrectly homo logated wheel spindles in a remarkably common sense way. After tests of standard road bike wheel spindles allgave them as a correct we ight of approx 560 grams. it was realized that indeed the info supplied by Honda had been inaccurate . Thus the wheel spindles used were stock roadbike spindles, but the paperwork back in Japan and Geneva was incorrect. The FIM doled out a hefty (Swiss Francs. about $28.000) fine to the manufactu rer for this error, and docked it its points in the Manufacturers' Championsh ip. It did leave the unwitting victims, the Ten Kate. K1affi and ltalia Megabike squads. with the points they had originallylost after the ir exclusion. The biggest twist in the who le Honda/FIM tale is that (as suspected) everyone dusted off their kitchen scales to we igh their own and their competitors' bike components. Although it sounds almost unbelievable. most manufacturers do not actually disassemble the machine piece by piece and we igheach component in tum to detennine its composite weight. They use sophisticated computer techn iques, and hence this is reckoned to be why the Honda spindle figure was out to start with. That also left the door open for other errors of this kind by other manufacturers. Stories in the week leading up to the event said that more than one manufacturer was sending communication to the FIM.apologizing in advance for their unwitting errors. Sources close to the story claim that all Yamahafront wheel axles have a currently incorrect homologation weight. and the new Suzuki GSX-R's wheel spindles, rear disc brake and the entire swingarm were not the we ight they should have been by the manufacturer's own admission . The truth of this, and any penalties which may accrue from them if proved to be true, should be known soon. Fabien Foret (99) won the World Supersport race at Silverstone for his first victory of the season. It is understood that key elements within Yamaha are very interested in returning t o Superbike. but only if they can have assurances that the rules will not be med dled witli anymore , and that should they build a Ducati beate r for (pro bably)Jurgen van den Goo rbergh to ride, there will be no special privileges for the Italianmanufacturer, or anyone else. The preside nt of Kawasaki Europe was also reportedly in town . but it was an unconfirmed sighting. CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 23, 2004 29

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