Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"This is just a one -off, a lucky one, but a one -off," he sa id. Ti re troubles ended th e r ac e for Came l Ho nda's Makoto Tamada. A w eek on fro m losing chunks of his Bridgestone rear, Tamada pulled in when he lost grip and fe lt a vib ra tio n. Fortuna G aulo ise s Te c h 3 rid er Norick Ab e w as ninth, alone in front o f the fight for 10th be tween D ucati Ma rlboro's Lor is Cap iro ss i an d Kawasaki 's Ale x Hoffman. That t he two should be rac ing was someth ing of a n ano maly and an ind icat io n of th e d ire ction of th e two te ams. Capirossi had crash ed during pract ice , again in the morni ng warm-up, and nearly in t he race . Run off the track on the first lap , he re joined the race in last place. " W it ho ut th at fir s t lap , the race w o uld 've been much better for m e ," he said . eN (Apr ); 19. Imre Toth (Apr); 20. Andrea Ballerinl (Ap<); 2 1. 5eTo Gadea (Ap<); 22. Stefano Pe",g;ni (Gil); 23. Jonl ; Cvchano (Ap<); 24. Manuel Hernandez (Apr ); 25. Mikko Kyyhkynen (Hon); 26. Enrique Jerez (Hon); 27. vesa Kallio (Apr); 28. [ord i Planas (Hon). Time : 41 min., 17.986 sec . Distanc e : 22 laps . 64 .62 miles Average s peed: 93.882 mph Margin of victory: 0.0 16 sec . 125 WO RLD C' SHI P PO INTS STAN DINGS (After 5 of 16 rounds); I. Andrea Dovizicso (96/ 1); 2. Hector Barbera (7411); 3. Robert o Locatelli (73/1); 4. Casey Stoner (68) ; 5. Pablo Nieto (55); 6. Steve Jenkne r (47); 7. Mirko Giansanti (45); 8. Jorge lorenzo (33); 9. Marco Simoncelli (25/1); 10. Alvaro Bautista (24); I I. Gino 80"'" (22); 12. M,ke Kall;o (2 1); 13. Mattia Pasini (20); 14. Mike d i Meglio (19); 15. Julian Simon (15); 16. Andrea BaJl rinl ( ' 4); e 17. Simone Corsi ( 12); 18. Youichi Ui (10); 19. (Tl E) Gioele PellinoiGabo r Talmacs VF abrizio lAi/Dario Giuseppetti/lukas Pese k (3). 25 0 QU ALI FYI N G: I. Randy de Puniet ( 1:46 .292) ; 2. Danl Pedrosa ( 1:46A34); 3. Sebas tian POrt o ( 1:46.976); 4. Alex de Angelis ( 1:47. 184); 5. Toni EI;as ( 1:47.377); 6. Fon,; Niet o ( I :47.628); 7. Sytvain Guintoli (I :"'7.725); 8. Roberto Rolfo ( I A7 .738 ); 9. Manuel PoggiaJ i (1:47.823); 10. Franco Battalnl ( 1:48.115); I I. Joan O live ( I :48. 115); 12. Gre go ry Lefort (1:018.190); 13. Hh'o , hi Aoyama ( 1:48.299); 14. Eric Bataille ( 1 :~.4 88) ; IS. Naokl Matsuda ( l :oI8.SlJ); 16. Alex Debon (1:48.5lJ); 17. Hugo Marchand ( 1:48.569); 18. Jakub Smrz (1:48.659); 19. Anthony West ( 1:48.808); 20. Hect or Faube l ( I :49.08 5); 2 1. Chat Davies (1:49.122); 22. Erwan N;gon (1:49.3 19); 23. [chan Stigefelt (1:"'9.484); H . Andrea Baldolini (1:49.552); 25. D;rl< He;do ff ( 1:49.659); 26. Taro Sekiguchi (1:49.773); 27. [arne Ronzon i ( I:SI. 937); 28. Max Sabbatanl ( 1:52.715); 29. David Fou loi ( 1:52.796). 250 GP: I . Randy de Puniet (Apr ); 2. Dani Ped rosa (Hon); 3. Ton i Elias (Hon); 4 . Sebastian Porto (Apr ); 5. Fons i Nieto (Apr); 6. Hirosh i Aoyama (Ho n); 7. Sytvain Guintoli (Apr); 8. Alex Deban (Ho n); 9. Anthony West (Apr); 10. Franc o Bartaini (Ap r) ; I I . Eric Bataille (Hon) ; 12. Alex Baldolini (Apr ); 13. Chat Davies (Yam); 14. Naoki Matsuda (Yam); 15. Jakub Smrz (Hon ); 16. Hector Faubel (Apr ); 17. Erwan Nigon (Yam); 18. Taro Sekiguchi (Yam); 19. Jamo Ronzon i (Apr); 20. David Foulc l (Apr) . Time : 4 1 min.• 29.95 5 sec . Distance : 23 laps, 67.6 miles Average speed: 97 .677 mph Margin of victory: 0.109 sec. 25 0 W OR LD C'SHIP PO INTS STANDIN GS (Aft er 5 of 16 rounds): I. Randy de Pu niet (98/ 1 win); 2. Dani Ped rosa (90n ); 3. Sebastian Porto (63/1); 4. Fans i Nieto (56); 5. Ton i Elias (54); 6 . Roberto RoIfo(4 1/1) ; 7. Alex de Angelis (40); 8 . Alex De bao (37): 9. Anthony We st (36); 10. Hiroshi Aoyama (35); II . Manuel Rossi chucks one of his Poggiali (29) ; 12. Franco Battain i (24) ; 13. knee pucks into the Syfvain Guintoli (11) ; 14 . (TIE) Arna ud Vincent/Joan O live ( II); 16. (TIE) Naoki crowd after winning his Matsudo/Alex Baldolini ( 10); 18. Hector Faube l third race of the season. (9); 19. (TIE) Gceg0'Y Lefort/Chaz Davies (7). M OTOG P QU ALIFYI NG : I. Sete Gibem au ( I :42. 596) ; 2. Valentino Rossi; ( 1:42.959); 3. Nicky Hayden (1:4 3.114); 4. Max Biaggi ( I :"'3.563); 5. Marco Meland ri ( 1:43.60 1); 6. Alex Barro s ( 1:43.6'17); 7. Ruben Xaus (1:4 3.680 ); 8 . John Hcoklns (1:43.69 3); 9. Makoto T amada (1:43.708); 10. Troy Bayliss ( 1:43.793); I I. Colin Edwards ( 1:4 3.832); 12. Carlo>; Chec.a ( 1:43.860); 13. 5h;nya Nakano ( 1:43.94B); 14. Alex Hoffman (1:" . 126); IS. l oris Cap irossi (1:44. 13 1); 16. Ken ny Roberts J'. (1:... 175); 17. Ne il Hod gson (1:44.16 1); lB. Norick Abe CATAt UNYA CIRC UIT (1:44.988); 19. Jeremy McWilli ms ( 1:45.108) ; 20. Shane a MONTMELO, S PAIN Byrne ( I :45.2(0); 21. Gregorio Lavilla ( I :46. 142); 22. Andrew Pitt (1:46.327); 23. Kurtis Roberts ( 1:"'6.399); H . RES ULTS: JUN E 13,2004 ( R OU ND SI Nobo Aoki (1:46.957); 2S. Mkhel Fabrizio (1:47.503 ); 26. 125 QUALIFYING: I. Jorge l orenzo (1:50.497) ; 2. Chris Bum s ( I :48.6&f). Hector Barbera ( I:5 1.2 19); 3. Casey Stoner ( I:5 1.260); ... MOTOGP: I . Valentino Rossi (Yam); 2. Sere Gibemau Pab lo Niet o ( 1:51.3 15); 5. Lukas Pese k ( 1:5 1.357); 6. (Hon) ; 3. Marco Melandri (Yam); 4. Carlos Checa (Yam); 5. Roberto Locatell i ( I :S 1.388 ); 7. Mirko Giansanti ( I:S lA S I); Colin Edwa rds (Han ); 6. Ruben Xaus (Due); 7. Shinya 8. Andrea Oovizio so ( L5 1.465); 9. Mike di Meglia Nakano [Kaw] ; B. Max B;agg; (Hon); 9. Norick Abe (Yam); ( 1:51.579): 10. Steve jenkner ( 1:5 1.623): I !. julian Simon 10. Loris Capirossi (Duc ); I I. Alex Hoffman (Kaw); 12. Ne il (1:51.639); 12. Alvaro Bautista (I :S1.658); 13. Marco Hodgson (Due); 13. Shane Byrne (Apr) ; 14. Andrew Pitt Simoocelh ( 1:51.666); 14. Ga bo r Ta lmacsi ( 1:5 1.9 18 ); IS (Mor); 15. Nobu Aoki (Pro ); 16. Michel Fabrizio (WCM); Mika Kallio ( 1:51.92 8); 16. Simone Corsi (1:5 1.972); 17. 17. Kenny Roberts Jr. (Suz); 18 . Chris Bums (WCM). Matt ia Pas ini ( 1:5 1.999); 18. Youchi Ui ( 1:52 .204) ; 19. 1m re Tim e: H min.. 3.255 sec. Toth (1:52.923); 20. Stefano Perugini (1:52.982); 21. Distance : 25 laps. 73.13 miles Fabrizio Lai ( 1:53.080) ; 22. Gioele Pelfino ( I:53. 136); 23. Ave ra ge s peed: 100.0 I'" mph Dario Giuse ppe tt i (1:53.158); H . Gino Borsoi (1:53. 168); Margi n of victory: 0.159 sec . 25. Andre a Balle rini ( 1:53.357); 26. Manuel Hernandez MOTOGP W OR LD C 'SHIP POINTS STANDINGS ( 1:53.65 3); 27 . Sergio Gadea (1:5 3.669); 28 . Ange l (Aft e r 5 of 16 races ): I. Sete Gibernau ( 106/2 wins); 2. Rodriguez ( 1:54.004) ; 29. [ord i Carchano ( 1:5-4. 23); 30. 2 Valen t ino Rossi ( 101/3 wins); 3. Max Biaggi (80 ); 4. Carlos v esa Kall;o ( 1:54.24 3); 31. M,kko Kyyhkynen (1:55.045); Checa (49): 5. Alex Barros (48); 6. Colin Edwards (......): 7. 32 . Fab rizio Perren ( 1:55. 111 ); 33. Manuel Manna Marco Melandri (38); 8. Loris Capirossi (H ); 9. Norick Abe ( 1:55. 182); 34. Matt ia Angeloni (1:55.238); 35. Enrique (28); 10. Nk ky Hayden (27); I I. (TIE) T roy Bayl;, ,jRu ben Jerez (1:55.282); 36. Jordi Planas ( 1:56 .875). Xaus (23); 13. Shinya Nakano (20); 14. Makoto Tamada 125: I. Hect or Barbera (Apr); 2. Andrea Dovizioso (IS ); 15. Kenny Robe rts [r . ( 12); 16. (TIE) Shane Byrne/ Alex (Hon); 3. Pablo Nieto (Apr) ; 1. Casey Stoner (KTM); 5. Hoffman ( 10); 18. Neil Hod gson (9); 19. Michel Fabrizio (7). Jorge lorenzo (Der] : 6. AJvaro Bautista (Apr ); 7. Marco Simo ncelli (Apr); 8 . Mike di Meglio (Apr); 9. Mika Kallio (KTM); 10. Mir1c:o Giansanti (Apr) ; II. Mattia Pasinl (Apr) ; UPCOMING ROUNDS: 12. Steve Jenkner (Apr); 13. Gioele Pellino (Apr); 14. Julian Round 6 . Assen, Holland, J 26 une Simon (Hon); 15. Angel Rod riguez (Der); 16. Dario Giuseppett i (Hon) ; 17. Gabor Talmacsi (Mal); 18. Youichi Ui Round 7. R deJoneiro, B io razil, Ju~ 4 www.cycle :Briefly.•• Continued from page 20 the system neede d refining. '" wasn 't out the re , so I don't have the best say, but it looked crazy on Tv. I definitely think there need s to be som e meeting s. I don't want to just badmouth the organ izat ion and say they screwed up, but I th ink they need to hear w hat the ride rs say, thei r o pinio n, and talk about it." He th ought flag to flag, wit h pit stops in case of wet weathe r, was "d efinitely something to co nsider. It'd be w ide open flag to flag. It'd be wild. The other day loo ked dangero us, but to me, on pape r, that seems like the best thing to do . It' s kind of strange. How can you ever prepare fo r rain on half the track and d ry o n the o ther? " Teammat e Alex Barros was less equivocal. "The mo re simp le the rules, the less problem you have : ' he said, pointing o ut that it was these very sam e riders w ho came up with the curren t system. His choice is flag to flag. "Is no problem to do that. Is the same risk." Kenny Robe rts Jr. was with Barros. "Fo r me , safety need s to be flag to flag. There's no other way the rider knows what the track's doing except by sta ying ou t: ' he said. Doma CEO Ca rmela Ezpeleta supported flag to flag, as well. "In the opinion of many of us is to race flag to flag," he said, but there was o pposltion fro m the MSMA, the grou p consisting of the factories . "The manufacturers think this is not correct. and we don't want to act against the manufacturers, but then we need to look at another solution w hich is not flagto flagand is the less worst solution for the rest of the people, and we will discuss that ." The issue will be brought to the table during a Grand Prix commission mee ting at the Dutch n in Assen in two weeks time . "If Gibemau, Valentino, Biaggi or any of the other people crash in the second race, get zero points after leading the race like that , it is not correct. We are loo king at many other possibilities." From the minute the re ar t ire o n Shlnya Nakano's Kawasaki came apart in Mugello , the Bridgestone facto ry was in action. With only a few days between races on consecutive weekends, it had to design and build enough tires to supply its nonnal five riders, plus a wild card. New tires were built on Monday and Tuesday, and bench testing was done on Wednesday. On Wednesday night, Bridgestone staff too k 24 tires as checked luggage to guarantee product fo r Friday's practice . There we re a total of 100 reinforced tires made for the weekend . (They also had to destroy 3000 tires.) The options were limited because of the modified rear construction. "The reinforced tires that we shipped in for this race offered a little less grip than the previous generation," Makoto Yamauchi, Bridgestone's d irector of race tire deve lopment, said. The re was a soft, medium, and hard, The soft was a quaiifier, and the med ium was quickly ruled out for the race . Every one would race on the hard . The scorecard was mixed . The high point was Nakano 's seventh-place finish a wee k after his horrific, tumbling blowout. "My lap times were within one second from start to finish," he said. Kenny Roberts Jr. was the only other finisher, but only after a precautionary rear tire change. Makoto Tamada also pitted with ominous vibrat ions from the rea r. In both cases , Bridgesto ne said the tires were sound . Contin ued on PQge 24 CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 23, 2004 23

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