Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bass too k second just past the finish line at the start of th e seco nd lap and se t his sights on Hunt, but Hunt rode nawlessly and ke pt Bass at bay for t he nex t t hre e laps. On the final lap, Hunt and Bass were side by side through t he big tabletop sect ions; Bass had th e advantage of the inside line go ing into the ne xt left-han d comer, and he too k the lead and put his KTM into Victory Lane at the checke rs. "I like the tabletops back there, because you can get big air!" said runner-up Hunt , all smiles. "That second moto, I saw Bass closing in - that made me nervous . I tried to ride without mak ing any mistakes and no t fall. My dad is always here , along with Frese Discounts, M&M and Ufe Cycle for support." " I had fun today !" Bass smiled . "The track layout was grea t. I didn't get a good start the seco nd moto and had to play catc h-up. Then I we nt down and thought, 'Oh. man, pick It up quick and charge again!' I got past Hunt on the last lap in the sand section for the win. I want to thank my mom and dad, along with Championship Power Sports ." The $Extreme event was won by Canad ian Pierce Chamberlin, who had to wresde the win awa y fro m $Extreme t rac k champion Derek Rose. RESULTS Saturday AUTO WOBBLER: I . Alle y Munro (KTM); 2. Aaron Blakemore (Hon); 3. Madisyn Bailey (Y . AUTO SHAFT am) (4 .6) : I . Justin Sope r (KTM); 2. Broc Wright (Cob); 3. Gerko Joh nson (KTM); .. . Hunter Burnham (KTM); S. Dytan Perry (Su,). AUTO SHAFT (7-8); l. Und ..y HMOO (KTH) ; 2. Bro c Maure r (Hon); 3. Cod y Mad sen (KTM). AUT O JR (4-6); l. Chrinophe< Krugo<(KTH) ; 2. Ryon Tokma (KTH); 3. Gerico J ohnoon (KTH); 4. Cody Campbell (Po/) . AUTO SR (7 .9); l. Dillon Finley (KTH); 2. J arred Wliliams (KTH); 3. Austin Steinfeldt (Cob); ... Mitch Ostalln (KTM) ; S. Joey Paugh (KTH) . 50 TR L (4-8); l. Danid< Pie""" (Hoo); 2. Evan Lane (Han): 3. C lay Da vids on (Suz); .. . Lu cas Stoll (Hon) ; S. Zach Empson (Hon) . 65 BEG : I. Hayden Baggett (Kaw); 2. Shelby Stoll (Kaw). 65 : I. Kenneth Bass (KTM); 2. Dillon Finley (KTM); 3. Lewis Hunt (KTM); ... Tyter Burd in (Suz) ; S. Dou glas Finle y (KTM) . 85 JR: I. Kenne th Bas s (KTM); 2. Jo shua Lange (Kaw) : 3. Taylor Davis (Kaw) ; .. . Jona thon Stude<- (Hoo ); S. T.yIoo- Horns (KTH). B5 (9- 13)' l. Brcc Peterson (Hoo ); 2. TayIoo- Davis (Kaw) ; 3. eam.ron t1Mtine , (Suz ); 4. t.nge (Kaw) ; S. Bubba O ;ne (Kaw ). 8 5 SR: I. Brett Wagner (Kaw): 2. Kenneth looze (Suz); 3. Broc Pe t erson (Ho n): .. . Bu bb a C line (Kaw) ; S . Tra vis Davids o n (Kaw) . S /H IN I: I . Br e tt Wagner (Kaw) ; 2. Kenn et h Looze (Suz): 3. Mich ael Seeley (Kaw). 85 C: I. Da ko ta Mille r (Suz); 2. Ada m Joh n (Suz): 3. Bruce Allen (Kaw) ; 4. Cody Payne (Suz); S. H ;ke Kline (Hoo) . 11 5 J'" I. Terry Auten (Yam); 2. Daniel Black (Yam); 3. Briall Howvd (KTM); -'4 . De rek Langeland (KTH) ; S. Matt laphn (Hon). 12 5 A : I. David Ree d (Hon) ; 2. Terry Aute n (Yam ); 3. Hi ; 3. B'ake Schilling: 4. joey Cn;n; S. Clarion C hapiewskl. 8 5 MOD ( ll.Il): I. Rand y Di Barto$o; 2. Kyle Connan: 3. Vince Friese ; ... Tyler Sanderson; S. Kr'e Burlile. l OS S/HINI: I. Randy OJ Bartolo; 2. lyIer Sanderson: 3. KyleBurlile; -1 . Tony Panapinto; S. Mike Matwa y. 115 MO D : I. Br o c Sims ; 2. Franklin Wils o n: 3 . Bry an ordan Marlin: S. Jerry lorenz. 125 PRO SPT: Marti nelli:

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