Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PHOTO BY EDDIE GRAVELlNEIWWW.MOTOPRESS.NET CMA Pacific Coast Pro-Am Finals: Ha nf ord Fairgrounds Ingalls Goes 17 for 17! BY EDDIE GRAVELINE HANFORD, CA, APRIL 3 ·4 ince late February. motocross racers had been on a perilous vo yage kno wn as t he Pacific Coast Pro -Am Series. Two regions ~ north and central - we re set up to accommodate the flood of comp etitors wh o have made t he se ries part of their yearly rout ine. Unbelie va ble suppo rt from the rac ing ind ust ry res ulted in large pr ize packages and the highly coveted "dea ler dollars " for successful riders. The difficulty of the series has been we ll-doc umented. It featured a total of seven rounds on some of Californ ia's most dema nding motocross circuits. Huge rider turn outs meant some very long days. while early heat waves added stress to man and machine. S The whol e th ing culm inated in on e epic racing wee ke nd. All classes raced a total of five motos - two on Saturd ay and three on Sunday. Each rider was allowed to throw out his worst score, e xclud ing the final race on Su nd ay. The re wo uld be no rest for the weary. A young racer from Templeton, California, put on o ne of th e most dominating displays ever see n in California Motorcycle Association competition . Topher Ingalls rolled into town and met some se rious compe t ition . Ricky Rinauro, Dustin Pipes, Tyler Berem an, Bryce Huffman and others all had success in mind, b ut Ingalls slamm e d the door. He ro de th e 85cc Intermediate , 85cc (12- 16) Open, 85cc X and Supennini divisions for a total of 17 motos in the final weekend (X classes are one mota per day). Ingalls wen t a mind-blowing 17 for 17, leading almos t every single lap along the way. Huffm an , Rinauro and Pipes all put in so lid performances , but the best any of them could do on th at weekend was second. An equally great performa nce was that of Kyle Tigert , in the 65cc ranks . All series long, Tigert had been runn ing the central region and d e aling defeat to his fellow riders. For the finals, t ho ugh, he wa s c hallenge d by fellow KTM pilot jes sy Nelson . As e xpected , they poi nt be hind W inke lbauer for fourth overall. Rou nd four is in Adelanto, followed by Sierra's round at Honey Lake on May I and 2. RESULTS 4 0+ NOV: I. Carmen Ogino; 2. Ch arles Rogers; 3. Dave Spaulding; 4. Den nis Foste r; 5. Go rdon Ho we . 4 0 + AM : I. Gary Arnold ; 2. Dave Coke r; 3. Bob Winkelbaue r; 4. Ron Retter, 5. Don Sandretto. 4 0+ EX: I. Kelly Hampton; 2. Paul Arma da; 3. Tim Hobb s; 4. Keevan Acevedo; 5. Carl Chadwick. MSTR A: I. Eric McKenna; 2. Shawn Hybarg er ; 3. Mark Franklin; 4. Don Franklin; 5. Mike Johnson . MSTR B: I. Scott C reager; 2. Don Rohmann ; 3. John Volk; 4. Kurt Sof'ka Jr.; 5. Dan iel Scharf. 50 + N O V: I. Ste ve Can by; 2. Kent Reed ; 3. John Roc k; 4. Russ G reen field; S. Herb Kane . 50 + AM : I . Doug Moore: 2. Bar ry And erson: 3. jame s Pete rson ; 4. Doug McBride ; 5. Stuart Douglas. 50 + EX: I. Tim Kenned y; 2. Jac k Rote n; 3. Je rry Winkelbauer ; 4. Jack Baken ; 5. Steve Dunlap . 50+ MSTR : I. Terry Sage; 2. Don Toussaint . 60 + NOV: I. Bill l yons ; 2. Bob Mars; 3. De nnis Pangborn: 4. Kurt Sofka Sr.; S. Uoyd Jone s. 60 + AM : I. Jerry Hayes: 2. H~ Noell; 3. Phil Black; 4. C huck Woody; 5. Terry Talley 60 + EX : I. Bob Krah; 2. Gary Willi on ; 3. . s Jack Kell; 4. Ed Perriton; 5. laurence St. Pierre. 70+ NOV: I. Bob Alloy. 70+ EX, I. Duare Spence ; 2. Gene Hrobs ky; 3. Max Good e ; 04. Tony Armada; S. Gene Higginbotham. 88 cou ld both be found at the front of the pack in every mo ta. Nelson stole a few motos, but Tigert held the edge wh en the weekend was finished . As fo r the seri es , he won cham pionships in the 65cc Inte rmediate, 65cc (9- 1 I) Open and 65 cc X c lasses. As if he needed more tra ck time, Tigert rod e an RMS5 in t he 85cc No vice and 85cc (5 -1 I) O pe n classes, and he won another championship in the latt e r, showing tha t his t ra nsit io n to the premier Mini class is going to be a smooth one . Sunday even ing's awards presentation was pred ictably lon g. A lot of rid ers deserved recognition , but Tigert rem inded e ve ryon e w hat " sp o r ts ma n shi p " means . Grego r y Grouleff - one of Tigert' s compe t itors in th e 85cc classes - bro ke a leg on Saturday. Tigert announced that he wanted Grouleff to have all of the awa rds Tigert received for winning that class, because he was sorry that Grouleff had gotten hurt . The shirts , tires, bike stand , giant tro phy and everything e lse that came with the cham pionship went to his injured friend . The best fiction wri ter in the w o r ld couldn't have come up with a better ending eN than that. H ANFORD FAIRGROUNDS HAN FORD, CAUFORNIA RESULTS: APRIL 3-4, 2004 5 0 S HAFT: I. Re nae Boggs (Yam); 2. Carly McCall (Yam) XR50, I. Ethan G...,. (Hon). 50 FIT, I. Lev; Walker . (C o b ) ; 2. Sw e et Pe a De La Mo ra (KTM) ; 3. Tr is t an Mar se ille s (KT M): 4. Kris ti n Ho w ard (Po l) : S. Hayle e Wheeler (Hon). 50 BEG: I. Brianne [ames (l em); 2. Brian Thommes (KTM) J. Zane Caulk (KTM): 4. J : oman Kanady (Po l) ; S. Callion McH ane y (KTM) . 5 0 N OV : I. Ro me y Miramontes (Suz); 2. Daniel De La Mo ra (KTM) 3. Tommy : Stevens (Le m): 04. luke Gruetzmache r (lem) ; 5. Rh ett Gonzalez (KTM). SO INT: I. Michael Maze (KTM); 2. Brandon O livar e s (Po l); 3. Ca l Jo hnso n (Pol) . 5 0 (5-6) OPEN, I. Brianne James (Lem) : 2. J oman Kanady (Pol): J . Callion McHane y (Cob); 4. Brian Thommes (KTM S. levi ); Walker (Co b). 50 (7.&) O P EN : I. Michael Maze (KTM): 2. Brandon Olivares (Pol): 3. Romey Miramontes (Pol); 4. Cal Johnson (Pol): 5. 0""",, De La Mar.<(KTM). 65 (S-8) BEG, I. Daniel De La Mora (KTM): 2. Jen nifer Burton (KTM); 3. Dalton 5pjut (KTM); 4 . William McHane y (Suz.; S. Hayden ) Hilliard (Suz.). 65 (9 . 1 1) BEG : I. Rio Con treras (KTM); 2. C layton Carter; 3. Gye Walter (KTM) ; 4. Miles Dan iele (Kaw): S. Garrett Sc ha steen (Suz). 65 NOV: I . Seth Hugt>e. (KTM): 2. Landon Sulltvan (KTM); J. Ryan Mu

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