Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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cha nce of finishing as runner-up to the
Finn at t he en d of t he seaso n, he would
have to finish ahead of Vilanov a and Italian
Alessandro Bo tt uri - the ride rs he battled
w ith at th e open ing ro un ds of the se ries .
By putt ing himse lf in the se cond place
spot e arly on in the day, Ed mo ndson was
able to ca pitalize on Salmi ne n's misfo rtune and claim th e win ahead of Botturi.
Knowi ng that he w as comfortably ahead
of the burl y Ita lian w ith o nly a ha ndful o f
spe cial tes ts to go, Edm o nd so n ca me
close to e asing off a little to o m uc h as his
eventu al win ning margin was less th an half
a se cond.
With Salminen want ing to return t o
t he top of t he class on d ay two and t ry to
forget about h is dis astrous d ay on e
re sult , Edmond son had other ide as and
w as confident he could t o p t he E2 class
for a second time and set a bout claiming
an o t her win by topping the opening t e st
of the day.
Pushin g as ha rd as he co uld right from
th e word go, Eddy se t a pace th at on ly
Salmi nen could match as th e pair pulled
themse lve s clear of the res t of the E2
clas s. Come the e nd of th e ev e nt,
Ed mo ndso n had done enough to finish 14
seconds clear of the Finn despite losing
over 20 seconds to the KTM rid er on one
c ro ss- co unt ry special t e st mid w ay
th rough the day.
Making up for his day one d isappointmen ts , despite finishing ove r two m inut e s
behind Edmondson, w as Spaniard
Vilanova. Finishing fourth, afte r placing
ou tside th e top fIVe on day on e w as re igning I25cc World Champion Petri Pohjamo
wi th Bottu ri in fifth .
Matching Edmondson's resu lt of a double -class topping performance, Aro had
t hings pre tty mu ch all his ow n way in t he
Endu ro 3 class in Italy despite be ing
u na b le to match th e pace set by
Husaberg's Ma rko Tarkkala early on da y
on e .
With Ta r kkala e ventually c rash ing and
hurting his shoulder, Aro placed just
unde r 30 se c o nd s ahea d of Iva n
C e rv ante s on day o ne , w it h D avid
Knight clai mi ng third to make it an a llKTM podium .
Wit h Hu sq varn a ride r And e rs Eriksso n
getting mu ch closer to the Endu ro 3 class '
to p t hre e rid e rs than he d id in both Spain
a nd Portugal , his fourth -place finish
sh owe d that it probably w o n't be to o long
before he makes it onto a WEC podiu m .
Finishing as th e class ' best two -stroke
ride r was Fre nc h Gas Gas factory rider
Se bas tian Gu illaume .
Pro ving th at he could be ev e ry bit as
fast in t he m ud of d ay two as he had
be e n o n d ay one , Aro t o p pe d the E3
class by clo se to 40 seconds on day two
a nd in doing so finished as t he best overa ll finishe r.
Wit h Knight moving up o ne spot into
seco nd, it was Finn ish Hu sq varn a rider
Mika Ahola who claimed the final ro st r um s po t afte r Eriksson made t hre e
co st ly m istake s, w hich d ro pped him to
fourth once aga in. Again fast on day two,
Tarkkal a failed to finish t he event, allo wing Gas Gas rid e r Jani Laaksonen to fill
the fift h spot, t he position his teammate
Sebas t ie n Gu illaume had occupied on
day o ne.
24-2 5, 2004
Day I
EN D U RO I: I. Stefan Mer riman (Y
am) 59 :.......98 ; 2.
Roberto Banurri (Hus ) 1:0 1:0 3.'46; 3. Bartosz ObluckJ
(Yom) LOL04 .07 ; 4. Marlo R;naldl (Yam) LOI;08 .76; 5.
Pettert Silvan (KTM) 1:0 1:4 4.72; 6. Alessandro Belometti
(KTM) LOI ;S2.90; 7. Rickard Larsson (TM) 1;01 ;56.64; 8.
Alessio Paoli (T M) 1:02:22.94: 9. Helder Rodrigues (KTM)
1;02;26.79 ; 10. Peter 8e'i"'11 (Hsq) I ,ON7.64 ; IL jan
Matt ila (GG ) I ,ON 8. 12: 12. jama Boano (Han) I ,OH2.29;
13. Simone A1bergoni (Hon) 1:02:33. 18; 14. Xevl
Puigdemont (KTM) 1:03 :13.14; IS. Fab ie n Planet (KTM)
1:0] :18.83; 16. Homero Diu (KTM) 1:03:20.31; 17.
RKcardo Fermi (Yam) 1:OJ:4 2. 16; 18. Roberto Rola (KTM)
1:04:00.66; 19. Simone Tonelli (Y
am) 1:04: I I.'"I; 20.
(Above) Juha Salminen toak second
in Sunday's Enduro 2 class.
(Below) Barton Oblucki went 3-6 in
the Enduro 1 division.
1;01;00 .54 ; 4. Ande rs Enksson (Hus ) 1:01; 1LS2; 5. Mm o
Tark kala (Hbg) 1:01:14.31; 6. Sebastien Guillau me (GG)
1:01 :25 .76; 7. Mika Ahola (Hus) 1:01 :51.1 1; 8. Ja ni
ksonen (GG) 1;0 1;55.55 ; 9. 8 jome Carlsson (Hbg)
1:0 2:03 .15 ; 10. We rne r Mulle r (KTN) 1:02:58.96 ; II.
Fed e rico Man cin e lli (KTM) 1:03 :03 .9 3; 12. N iklas
Gusta fsson (KTM) 1:03:23.50: 13. Swen Ende rlein (KTM)
1;03 ;39.24 ; 14. Ch ristoph Seifert (KTM) 1,04 ,03 .66 ; 15. jurt
Simo ncinl (KTM) 1:04 :0 3.66 ; 16. Jordi Duran (KTM)
1;04;28; 14; 17. Laurent Boomoux (Hbg) "04;36.25; 18.
Fabio Occhiolini (TM) 1:0-4:45.71 ; 19. Larry Gustafsson
(H bg) 1,06 ,16. 14; 20. Tob