Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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revolution is taking over the Amateu r ranks, as the two-strokes
we re bare ly heard as the riders waited for the gate to dr op .
When it did, Hcnda-rneurned Wes Flippin slid his way through
th e first tu rn and into the lead . follow ed by Bobby l.a ngin,
Ke nny Wilson and Ryan Gee. Flippin dro pped back to seven th
on lap one, and by lap three Gee had moved into the lead . T he
leaders began to spread out. Gee won the mo ta, followed by
Langin, Wilson and Danny Go nza lez.
As they rounded the first tum in moto two, Gonzalez put his
Suzuki into the lead, with Ge e and Flippin following. Both Gee
and Flippin got by Gonzalez o n the first lap, w ith M""" Murp hy
and Ryan BUllS runnin g fou rth and fifth, O n lap th ree, Go nzalez
move d into seco nd , with Wilson follow ing him to mo ve into
third. They stayed that way for the rest of the mota, with Gee,
Go nzalez and Wilson going o ne- two -th re e for the mota and
overa ll.
SO ('.6) . I. M.chel1 Epstein (KT M) ; 2. Cort>in Remhanlt (Hon ). SO (7 · 9) . I.
Zachary Commans (KTM ); 1 . Connor Lombardi (KTM). S/P /W: I. Zachary
Cornman< (KTM); 2. [), II.., Drummen (KTM). 65 BEG. I. R.J. W;,geman (Suz);
1 . Jake lyon (Suz); 3. Shelby Ward (Kaw) ; 4 . Zac h Casas (H o n) ; S. Dillion
(Suz); 1.
Drummen (5.,,). 65 (6.8) . I . bcNry Cornman< (KTM); 2. 1Y'Yn
Conno< LombMdi (KTM). 65 (9. 11). I. Joey Sava"" (KTM); 2 . Cohon Sande"
(KTH ); 3. Dillan Epstein (KTM) . 8S BEG: I. Bob Sumers (Suz): 1. Austin Gibbons
(yam ); 3. Blaze Raible (Yam); -t. Dylan Beckman (Suz); 5 . ANon lundsford (Suz).
85 (1 -1 1): I. Dillion Alexander (Yam); 1. Keith Robinson (Yam); 3. Kyle Barone
(yam ); • . 50", Foos (KTM); 5. Jocob 5_
(Hon) . 85 (1 2· 11). I. ...... 5;obe..
(Suz) ; 2. 1}'Ier Pierce (Hon ); 3. Matth ew Hendrix (Suz): -t. Will Lund (Kaw ); 5.
Hayde n Commans (KTM) . S/H IN I: I . Trent Pugm ire (Hon) ; 2. Tyler Sjoberg
(Suz) ; 3. D.J. Sjoberg (Kaw ); 4. Ty Hames (5oz) ; 5. Hayden Commans (KTM 125
BEG : I. Brian Evans (Hon) ; 1. Tyler Ruiz (Hon ); 3. Trevor Sauve (Hon) : 4. Colin
Flaherty (Hon) ; S. Lance Coury (Suz). 125 NOV: I. Ryan Gee (Yam); 2. Danny
GonuJe z (Suz); l . KennyWilson (Hon) ; -t. Ryan Bum (Yam) 5. Wes Flippin(Hon) .
125 tNT: I. T.1
y1or Harmon (Yam); 1. DMliei Hendrix (Kaiw); 3. Garrett Ebe rle
(Yam); 4. Lester Varnum (Yam); 5. Nick Sanchez (Suz). 125 PRO : I. Tim
Weigand (Hon ); 2. R"" 0 rr (S",); 1. p.on HOWMd (Suz); • . IWael Meam (Hon) .
250 BEG: I. EvanPflcxk (Suz); 1. Josh Jackson (Kaw); 3. Jonathan Hun ter (Hon );
• . Tyler Rui, (Hon); 5. Damon Bum (Yam). 250 NOV. I. Bobby LAng;n (Hon ); 2.
R"" Gee (Y
....); 1. 1I..,nd", McConnachie (Yam); • . D3nny Gonulu (Suz ); S.
Man Murphy (Hon). 250 INT: I. Bryon Ward (Hon). WMN: I. Maya Foos
(Yam); 2. Voolet Wool"""" (KTM); 1. o.wna OeIk. (Yam); • . Ryl<. Wolf (Suz).
SCHBY. I. ToyIo< H"""", (Y....); 2. Daniel H..-.drix (Kaw JR VET BEG . I.
jacob - . . . . (Hon) ; 2. Tucker Fredrickson (Hon) . JR VET NOV: I . Don Thu