Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Moose Northern California Championship Enduro Series Round 3 : The Sawmill Enduro Sperle Back in the Groove at the Sawmill By F.H. LEGHORN UPPER LAKE, CA, APR. 17 A fte r an une ven start to the season, 2003 f"'\M-1A District 36 Enduro Champion Brian Sperl e ret urned to his winning ways at t he Sawmill Enduro , round th ree of the No rth ern Californ ia Championship Enduro Series. Sperle's first win of the season didn't com e easily. though , as 2002 Champion Billy Russell was defeated on ly on ti e br eakers. The Sawmill has lo ng been o ne of th e ride rs' favor ites . and th is year 's ed ition didn't disappo int. with near-perfect cond itions and a trail schedu le that ke pt ride rs moving. The day started with a quick tra il ride to chec k o ne and w as easily zeroed by most of the A class. After a brief fre e ti me, r ide rs needed to be on the gas to em ergency check two , w ith t he ear ly co nt ende rs sorting themselves out. Sperle led t he early charge, his 0,02 nearly perfec t and leading Eric Mashbir's 0, II and the 0,25 scores of Russell and Brian Butler. The test continued to eme rgency check three , with Sperle extend ing his early lead (his 2,90 t he top score), with Mashbir ne xt at 2, 123, jordan Brandt started to make up for a slow start, his 2,125 next best , wit h th e 2,139 of Russe ll the last of the twos . Rider s then c ruise d to the gas stop to pr epare for the second loop, Perusal of the rout e sheet showed no break in t he schedul e for the next 32 miles, and fast ave rages getting th er e . Th ese clues proved spot-on, wit h ch ec ks four and five being time keepers for most riders , and chec k five chec king ride rs int o a 23 -mile test to Continu ed from page 89 Many riders experienced similar incide nts of strong winds tweaking their airtime . There was one advantage to the wind, however : It dried th e track out. A we ek -lo ng rain turned the tra c k int o a slim y mess for t he morning 's MinisIWome n eve nt, but by the time the main e vent ro lled around , it had d r ied up substanti ally with the exce ption of a few low, lyingquagmires. Casey Cy cl e C ity -back ed jaso n Gr eer charged off the start to establish the lead on the motocross co ur se . His fello w Yama ha rid er Dallas Lusk was hot on Greer's trail until he got bogg down in a slower mud line , For t he rest ed of the nine laps, Greer was unsto ppable, taking the overall win at the checke rs, GoRace Suspension Honda rider Travis Jones c a ught Lusk , and t he t wo batt led fo r t he rem ainde r of the first lap, jones passed Lusk by tak ing a dr ie r, faster line through one of the rnudh oles. "By the second lap, I just put my head do wn, focused and conce ntra te d on my breath ing," said Jones, whose run in second was re latively unchalle nged for the rest of the race, The ba tt le for t h ir d w as between che ck eight , with check s six and seven taking add itional points along the way. This was a test fo r championsh ip contenders, w ith Sperle aga in t he le ade r, w ith a sco re of 1.4 1- 2-2 , bare ly topping the 1,55-2-2 of Russell, After a strong start, current points leader Brandt fell slightly off the pace , his 0,15-3-3 still a strong sho wing and topping But ler ' s 1,54 -3 -4 . Mashbir's 1.70-3-4 kept him in th e mix, and Suzuki pilot Je ff Bauer's 1,69-3-5 continued his so lid day, After a gas st op , riders we re led toward the finish, but the A and B classes had one final test. Traditio nally used at t he st art of the event , thi s tough t est sends ride rs do wn a steep . t ight , twisty t ra il to a d eep r iver crossing. Ra th e r th a n cross ing th e riv er, though, rider s were rout ed down the river and had to co nte nd with wate rfalls and bike drowning pools to the final emergency check. Sperle once again displayed his mastery of all conditions, his 4.230 sealing his victory. Bauer and Russe ll we re in the mix, th eir sco res of 4,258 and 4,262, respect ively, clearly on the pace . Also on the pace on his co meb ack ride was Butler, his 4,26B signaling he hasn't lost much speed after his long layoff, After the scores were tallied, Sperle had his first victory of the year, his 11,363 edging out Russe ll's 11.481. Butler led th e chasers, his 15 ,51 B clea rly in the hu nt and besting the 17.559 of the consistent Bauer. Mashb ir 's eN IB,579 ro unded out the top five, THE SAWMILL ENDURO UPPER LAKE, CAUFORNIA RESULTS: APRI L 17, 2004 (ROUND 3) D /A : I. Brian Sperle (KTM); 2. Billy Russell (KTM); 3. Motorcycles & More/ Fly-sponso red Yama ha rider Ch an ce Bilker a nd Bareham 's Cycl e backed Suzuki rider David White. " I get the 'Bo ne head Award' for cras hing in a ditc h [wh ile ] passing lapp ed ride rs on the seventh lap," lame nted Baker. Wh ile a co uple of spectators he lped Baker get out of that ditch, White got by, Baker caught up to Wh ite on the last lap, but White pushed it hard on the motocro ss sect ion and refused to give up th ird place. Baker finished right on his rea r fende r in fourth. Th e first Four-Stro ke A rid e r to hit t he woods was Yamaha rid e r Andre w Williams . KTM rider Pre ston Blak e a nd Lew is Motors ports-backed KTM rider Brandon Nero we re right behind him. Blake mad e th e move for the lead on the first lap, but by the seco nd lap he 'd falle n off th e pace and let Ner o and Will iam s by. A nasty mud sec tion gra bbed Williams' wheels, and Nero got by on a quicker line t o mak e t he winn ing pass . Williams got unstu ck in tim e t o ta ke se cond place , with Yamaha ride r Chad Wood s 30 seconds beh ind him in third . Honda of Norfo lk r ider Dav id Baldwin Brian But le r (KT M); 1 . Jeff Bau e r (5uz) ; 5 . Eric Mashbir. A O/A : I . Bria n Butl e r (Kaw); 2. Je ff Baue r (Suz) ; 3. Eric Mas hb ir; -4 Jame s Pta rcmsk l . (Ho n); S. John S. Poo r (Hon). B D/A : I. Jeff Mendes (KTM); 2. Thomas Simontacchi (Suz): 3. Shannon Creson (Hon); 4. Tyler Smit h (KTM); S. Kelly Puniy (KTM). C O/A , I , Scott Mil' (Hon ); 2, Doug "leeter (KTM); J, Todd Dogman (Hon); • . Ed Dattilo (KTM); S. Chris Darman (Kaw ). A 100 : I. Ryan Gou ldthread (Han ); 2. Nolan Irwin (Hon) ; 3. Marc De Marco (KTM) ; .of. Bobby Meyer (KTM) . A 25 0 : I. Brian Butler (Kaw ); 2 . Jeff Bauer (5uz); J . Grant Glenn (Kaw); " . jerry Talbo t (KTM); S. Kevin Ruffoni (Kaw). A OPEN: I. James Gard (KTM); 2. Chri s C. Yoong (Yam); 3. Joe y Silva (Hon) ; 4. Eric l)ier (Hon ); S. Mike Baxter (GG). A 4- ST RK: I . James Ptar cinski (Hon) ; 2. Joh n S. Poor (Hon); 3. Matt Wallace (Y ); 4. Greg Ghione (Kaw); S. Gary am Robinson (Hus ). A GENT: I. Marvin Millet"(KTM); 2. Doug I1oxton (KTM); S, Ron Zibulko (Hon ), C 8 WMN : I. Debbie Gidlof (KT M) . C 200 : I. Jas o n VET: I . Do ug Te e te r (KTM); 2. Todd Dag man (Hon); r. Applequist (KTM): 2. Ryan Shearer (KTM): 3. Greg Olsen (Kaw): .of. Peter Hamilton (Kaw); S. Ryan McAlvain (Yam). C John O ' Donoghue (Yam ): 4. Ken Deeg (Ya m); S. Mike Alexander- (Hon ). C WMN: I. Christie Fish (KTM): 2. jamie 250: I. Chris Darman (Kaw); 2. Kenneth Pedersen (Kaw): 3. Austin Saunders (KTM): 4. Mike Napoli (Hon); S. Ste phen Ho agla n d (Yam) : l . Da w n Brun m e ie r (Kaw) ; .of . Pa tt i He nning. CIaoey (Hon) . C OPEN: I, Gar( Schroeder (KTM); 2, Jeft reco vered fro m a last -place start and worked his way thro ugh the Vet A pack for the lead by the end of the first lap, "It too k three kicks!" Baldwin exclaimed of his poor sta rt . "The woods we re in good shape if you used your head . There were gre at berms in the co rne rs that you could rail around ." Midtown Kawasaki rider David Bonsall came in just over a m inute be h ind Baldwin fo r se cond, and Hond a ride r Alan Jess at ro de a cons istent race for third place. RESUL TS O /A; Jason Greer (Yam). AA: I. Travis Jones (Hon ); 2. David Whi te (Suz) ; 3. Chance Baker (Yam); 4 . Ashley Hall (Hon) ; S. George G reer (Yam). 20 0 A: I. R.J. Ferg uson (Kaw); 2. Dan iel Parker (Han) ; 3. Ray Faddis (KTM); 4. Tim Bongar d (KTM): S. Jason Hedric k (KTM). 250 A: I. De rrick Fo r r e st er ( Ka w ) ; 2. We s ley Mora n (KT M); 3 . T im m y Craddock (Kaw); 4. Justin Stone (Ho n): S. To ny De al (KTM). 4-S T RK A : I . Brandon Nero (KTM); 2. Andrew W ilhams (Yam): J . C had Woods (Yam); 4. Jason Balo nis (Hus) ; S. Tomm y Tomlinson (Han ). VET A : I. David Baldwin (Hon ): 2. Davld Bonsall (Kaw): 3. Alan [essae (Hon) ; -4 Montie O rr . (Yam ): S. Chester Whaley {Y . S R A: I. Darryl Campbell am) (KTM): 2. Mike Mcintire (Hus): 3. Darrel l Harley (Kaw): 4. Ph illip Doy le (Suz). 100 B: I. Brian Bouma (Yam): 2. Dan Bogdan (Yam); 3. Richard W ilkerson (Hon) : 4. Brad Bakken (Kaw): S. Jeffrey Parker (Han). 25 0 8: I. Brad Jacob son (Yam): 2. Rodney Hu bbard (Kaw); 3. James Morgan (Hon ); 4. Austin Bankert (Hon ); 5. Curtis Dowdy (Hon) . 4 ·STRK 8 : I . Jaso n Eckard (Yam); 2. Josh Bocanegra (Yam) : J . Scott Nichob (Suz); 4. Peery Brown (Suz); S. Lee Mitchell (KTM). VET B: I. Allen Shaffer (KTM); 2. Jeffre y Hale (Yam); J. Ron Ramsey (KTM); 4. Gary Proff it (KTM): 5 . Ralph Be nhart (KTM). S R B: I . Roben GaJyon (KTM): 2. Ernie Hostetler (Yam): J . larry Hendenhot {Y am): 4 . Dale Dory (Yam); 5 . Kurt Ostermann (Hon ). 100 c.: I. Ryan Robbins (Han); 2. Cory Rose (KT M) ; 3. Casey He n io n (KTM ); 4 . Tyler McAlliste r (Yam S. Adam Altmann (Hon ). 150 C: I. Bob ); Ashbridge (KTM); 2. c.J. Birch (Yam); 3. Robe rt Strickland (Yam ); 4. Don Wise ( Ho n) ; S. Charlie Shiffle tt (KTM ). 4·ST RK C: I. Travis Dooley (Suz); 2. Bill Conway (Hon ); 3. Car l Austin (Yam); 4. Sven Ostrowski (Hus); 5. Ian Cou rtney (Yam). VET C: I. Terry Mayo (KTM); 2. Rick Shifflett (Kaw) : 3. Robert Holt (Y am); 4. Don Gram ling (Han): 5. Bruce Gun (Yam). SR C: I . Je ff Brown (Hon) ; 2. Gary Campbell (KTM): J . Tren t Bu rkh o ld e r (Ho n); .of . Wayne Ficklin (KT M); 5. W illiam Murray (Hon). MST R: I . Bob W h ite (KTM); 2. Wa lly Tuf"fbo er ( KT M); 3. Ho wa rd Roquet ( KT M); 4 . Marshall Lyall (KTM); S. Bob Williams (Yam). MIN I A : I. Pierce Blake (5uz); 2. Kyle Honeycutt (Suz): 3. David Wiley (Kaw) : 04 . Alex Nichols (Kaw); S. Patrick Kite (Yam MINI ). B: I. Curtis Galyon (Kaw) ; 1. Cal e b Lundeen (Yam) ; l . Cott en Harrison (Kaw); 4. Joshua Mathis (Kaw); 5. Brand on Bolling (Kaw). MINI C: I. Chu ckle Dunn (Kaw): 2. D .J. Stroup (Suz): 3. Harle y Willer (Ho n); 4. Brad Be rrie r (Yam) : S. Joh n Hornick (Kaw). W MN : I. Jess ica Morrison {Kaw ]: 2. Jenn y Blake (!

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