Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bore k ro und ed ou t th e to p five . Lawrence we nt do wn at the sta rt of la p two. Dra ke inherited seco nd, Harrison third, Bore k fourt h; Lawr enc e remounted in fifth. Spangler had a six- se co nd cush io n by t he e nd o f lap two . Spangler increased his lead to 10 seconds on lap three and added a second on lap four when he crossed the finish line for another win. Trailing him were Drake, Borek, Lawrence and Jones . Spangle r ( I- I) topped the pod ium, Dra ke (2-2) was runner-up, and Jones (3-5) was third . Braykovich led the sta rt of t he first 6Scc Stoc k moto, w ith Kevin Carpente r and Damie n Kra use followi ng. After th e fron t rhyt hm section , the to p five were Braykovich, Wilfred Guzman, Ca rpe nte r, Phillip Manchest e r and Krause. Braykovich checked out , finishing with a huge 15· seco nd lead. Trailing were Guzman, Jimmy Doolitt le, Ryan laveral and Carpen ter. Kyte Bitte rman took the mote-two holeshot but was q uick ly relega ted t o seco nd by Car pente r in turn tw o . Braykovich had the lead after half a lap. Bitt e rman was re legated to seco nd . Anthony Za ffino move d to t hir d. Manchest e r was fo urth and Matt hew Moor e fifth . Brayko vich again w o n by 15 seco nds . Zaffino , Guzman, Ca rpe nte r and Manch ester rou nded out the top five. Br a yko vich (I- I) t o pp ed th e podi um . Guzman (2·3) was run ner-u p, and Carpen te r (S-4) was third. R ESU LTS 51 (4-6) STK SHAFT/O ll. INJ: I. Hayden Brickwood (y",,); 2. Dylan Seymou' (y",,); J. _ Beadle (y",,); 4. Ityon Burn (y",,); S. Dayna ROOmoo (y",,). 5 I (4-6) A M STK: I. Michael Von Krusze (KTM); 2. Brian Stauch Jr. (Cob) : 3. Hayden Bric kwood (KTM); -t. Just in Hushon (KTM): S. Joshu a Ba c k us (KT M). 51 ( 7 - 8 ) AM STK : I . Br e tt McMichael (KTM); 2. Austin Root (KTM): 3. Keith Mulvaney (KTM); 4. Dale Hull (KTM); S. Cody Price (KTM). 65 STK (T-O): I. RkhMd Goe y (Kaw); 2. Logan Kamow (KTM); J. Scan Ca rpe nter (KTM); 4. Kyle Pollak (KTM): S. Bru ce Redfield (K.a.w) . 65 STK ( 10 - 11): I. Dyla n Braykovich (KTM): 2. Wil fredo G uzman (KTM); 3. Kevin Ca r penter (KTM): 4. James Doolittle (Sut) ; S. Phillip Manchester" (KTM). 8 5 STK (T-I I) : I. Wolloedo Guzman (Y ); 2. Bude ' am (Kaw): 3. Andrew Bristol (Hon): -t. Anthony Zaffi o (Yam S. n ); Chu UghI(Sw). 85 ST K ( 12- 13): I. SunnyDrake ( Kaw) ; 2. l owe ll Spang le r (Suz): 3. Co tto n Harri son (K.a.w): -t. Matt Babbitt (K.a.w ): S. Mike L.acerenza (Suz). OPEN MINI ( ID-I S): I. lowell Spangle.- (Sw) ; 2. Sunny Drak e (Kaw) ; J . Samuel Jones ( Kaw ); 4. John Booek (Kaw); S. Jam"' Lawreoce (y""). 125 STK ( 12-1 5) : I. Mike Case (Kaw) ; 2. Michael Gesso (Sw); J. Chris Cheney (Hon ); 4 . Michael Sh Moo>e (y",,); 4 . Michael Tyrrel l (KTM); S. Shae Maldet (Hon ). 250 OPEN A: I. Matt Eastman (Hon); 2. Mitchell Doughe rty (Kaw ): 3. Jay Wener (Suz); 4. Mike Dougheny (Kaw); S. John lawrence (! (Hon ); 4. Chris Markessinis (KTM): S. Matthew Bead le (Suz). 30 + AM : I. Jason Le wis (Kaw): 2. Ch ris Deleo (Kaw); 3. Mike Kub;ck (y",,); 4 . Michael Mye" (502); S. Marl< Zopp (Kaw). 30 + EX: I. Mike Spear (Hon) ; 2. Bob Eic:hlin (Han); 3. Gene N ighm an (Kaw): 4. Mike Murray (Hon ); S. Kevin Krueger (Hon ). 40 + AM : l. Pete r Rosch (Suz): 2. Je ffrey Martin (Hon ); l . Stan Poulsen (Hon) : 4. Jim Sanderwn (Suz); S. Joe Gurganus (KTM). -to+ EX: I. Bob Eichlin (Hon); 2. Mike Murray (Hon ): 3. Ge ne Nigh man (Kaw) : 4. Gre g Meeder (Yam); S. )arne> McGee (Hon ). Racing Enterprises Motorsports Motocross Glen Helen Ra ce w a y Pa r k Lowe ll Spangler (in front) topped the Open Mini (10-1 5) podium with a perfect 1-1 sco re at the Loretta Lynn's area qualifier at the Broome-Tioga Sports Center in Binghamton, New York. Loretta Lynn's Qualifier ' Stock Classes Broome-Tioga Sports Center BY ROCKY HASH SAN BERNARDINO, CA, APR. 17 Spangler, Braykovich Blast Broome-Tioga By JIM P. SANDERSON BINGHAMTON, NY APR. 17 , H urd Motorsports hosted a Lore tta Lynn's area qu alifie r on th e fast and tec hnical Broo me -Tioga raceco urse . Some o f t he East Coast's most talented racers came out to try to qualify for the pres tigious Loretta Lynn's Amateu r National Championships. Top finishing riders still have to qualify at a regiona l qualifierand finish in t he top eight in orde r to rea ch the starting gate at Hurricane Mills in Tennessee in August. Stock classes ran the ir qualifie rs on Saturday, w it h so me of the regula r rac e -day clas ses thro wn in to make it a full day of racing. Lowell Spangl er and Dyla n Bray kovich topped the Open Mini ( 10- 1S) and 65cc Stock ( 10-1I) classes, respectively, with perfect I-I rides . Spangler finished his first moto with an eight-second advantage and his second mota with a IO-second lead. Braykovich was in a class Clark, Grant Star in REM Saturday MX Action by himself in the 65cc ( 10- 1I) contest; his leads we re I S second s in both motos. KX pilot Sunny Drake led t he start of the first Op e n Mini ( 10- 15) moto , with John Borek and Jamie Lawrence in tow. Lawrence took the lead in the fro nt r hythm secti o n. re legating Drake to ru nner-u p. Spangle r moved to third, Samuel Jones took fourth, and Borek dro pped back to fifth. lawrence had a three-second lead by the start of lap tw o. Lawrence went down in the fro nt rhythm sectio n, and Spang ler moved to the point pos ition , with Dra ke sec ond, Jon es third and Borek fourth . Lawrence remounted in fift h. Spangler pu lled aw ay a nd crossed t he finish line with an eight -secon d lead. D rake , Jones. Matt Babbitt and Lawrence rounded out the top five. Lawre nce led the start o f t he final m oto, wit h Drake and Spangler in ho t pursuit. Spangler took the lead in the fron t sect ion of the racecourse. Drake, Co lton Har rison and A large t ur no ut o f ride rs e njoye d perfec t /""\spring wea ther that made for excellent racing conditions on the track at this week's installme nt of Racing Enterprises Moto rsports ' Glen Hele n Saturday mot ocross. The front sect ion of the cou rse received some changes, including a start straight that crosse d over an infield sectio n of t he t rack before re-joining it o n the other side. In th e Ve t Jun io r ran ks, it w as Jay C lark p ush ing h is Wis eco/Klotz/C omet ic-bac ked Suzuki RM250 to the victory via a pair of strong rides . In the first go-arou nd, Clark ripped the ho leshot and never looked bac k, eve nt ually winning the race with a little over 10 seconds to spare. Damon Dunaway ro lled in second, wh ile Pete Vetrano took third . In the second mot a , Clark gate d th ird, but he had moved into the lead by the second lap. From there, Clark went on mistake-free to the checke red flag to complete his pe rfect day. Vetrano was secon d , just in fro nt of thi rd placed rider Craig Peterson. O n the day, Clark's I- I tally was goo d fo r the class win. Vetrano (3-2) was second, wh ile Dunaway (2-4) filled out the to p th ree slots. Hond a of Houston's Josh Grant too k a pair o f wins. as the budding star dominated both the 12Scc an d 250cc Pro cla sses. In t he 125cc division , Gra nt took both ho les hots and led every lap of bo th motos for the ove rall w in. Suzuki's Dylan Lord was best of the rest, as he turn ed in a fine 2-2 showi ng for the runne r-up slot, while Kyle Partridge (3-5) was third. In the 250cc class, Grant too k both wins in an impressive fashion. Grant jumped out front in moto o ne and se t a bliste ring pace w hile Craig Anders on , Tony Arnaradio, Kyle Partr idge an d Dav id Pingr ee gave ch ase. Wh en t he c hec ke red flag fle w, it was Gra nt tak ing a co mforta ble w in, w ith Anderso n second and Part ridge third . Mota two looked inte resting at t he start . as Ande rso n shot his Motosport O ut let/ MSRbacked Ho nda CRF450R out front with a nice holeshot. Amaradio tucked in behind him, with Partridge and Grant dicing for third place. Grant quickly moved up to second place, but he found getting aro und Anderso n to be not such an easy task . For nearly half of the 20-minut e race, Grant stalked the Nation al number-30 Honda o f Anderson before he finally was able to find a way around and into the lead. Once out front, Gr a nt began to str etc h ou t a gap , w hile Ande rson soon suffered a nasty ge t-o ff while running secon d and was forced to retire for the day. In the end , Grant took another mota win CYCLE NEWS • MAY 12,2004 103

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