challenged lor second , Young gun William. had
the speed to pass Posey, but could he find the
way to get ar o und the wily veteran? Williams
patiently waited until th e final lap, and then he
started his move In the rhythm section . sta ying
low and go ing inside out on Posey with three
comers to go and made th e pass.
Loga n H ixon start e d 011 the 250cc
Inte rmed iate contest by snatc hing the holeshot .
jesse Hodges took the lead by the end 01 the
first lap. Hixon rep assed Hodges on the next
lap and started to pull away slightly. Mean while ,
Chad jo rge nse n was w orki ng his way though
the pack, an d by lap t hr ee he 'd pu lled near
Hodges, but the moto en ded with Hixon taking
the win and Hodges second.
Hixon to ok th e e ar ly lead for moto two.
Reed Tingey w as hanging w ith H ixo n, w ith
Jorgen son on T ingey's fender. Hodg es wasn't
lar off the pace at all. Hixon pulled away slightly,
while TIngey, jorgenson and Hodges battled lor
the next spot . Jorge nson broke away from the
fight and set his sights on Hi xon , leaving Tinge y
and Hodges to ru n bar to bar. Hixon too k the
win and th e overall. wit h Jorg ensen second
overa ll, Hodge. th ird and Tingey fourth .
amaha 250F into the
joy Sens ke pulled her Y
first corn er ahead of Kim Roberts, with Heather
Barlow th ird, in the Wom en's race . Senske he ld
off Robinson unt il the final lap. Robinson had
been gaining in the S-corne r section , and she
made he r move . It w as a close pass, but
Robinson was able to get by and take the win,
with Senske second and Barlow a close th ird.
Moto two again had Sens ke up front, but
this time Robinson wasn't as close. Senske was
able to keep Robinson a cou ple 01 bikelengths
bac k, and Robinson was unabl e to make any
pass attempts on Senske, who too k the victory
and the overall, with Robinson second for the
moto and second for the overall. Barlow was
close all day and too k third ove rall.
soSHA FT: I. Kyle R<>bb (Y>m): 2. Hayden Stubb<(Su%),
3. Cade Wareham (Suz); 4 . Blake Waite (Yam); S. Jaege r
Schofield (Hon) . SO (4 .6): I. Austin Jorgenson (Pol); 2.
SoW)'"'" Spoan (Su%), 3. Hayden Stubbs (Su%): 4. Ka;1 I.eW>
(Yam) , S. Jae ge r Schofield (Ha n) . SO (7 ·8): I. Mo rga n
Mack intosh (lem) ; 2. Tucker Swenson (Lem) ; 3. Hayde n
F~rs (KTM); 4 . Amanda Maheu (KTM); S. Gunnar Rawtios
(KTM). PfW (o- 9) : I. J.D. Elliott (KTM): 2. Tucker Swenson
(l e m) ; 3. Christian No ble (ICTM); 4. Horgan Mackintosh
(Lem), S. Hayden Flowe.. (KTM). 6S (6- 8) : I. J.D. Elho n
(KTM); 2. N icholas Winkie (KTM); 3. Daven Spears (Suz); 4 .
AuWn Wait . (Kow): 5 . Amanda Maheu (KTH) . 6S (9-1 1) J'"
I. Riley Brough (Kaw ); 2. Kenn y Dailey (Kaw); 3. Hunter
Lanen (Su%): 4. RyanStubbs (Suz): S. c...,. PoweI (Suz). 6S
OPEN : I. Riley Brough (Kaw); 2. Kenny Dane y (Kaw); 3.
Hunter Larsen (Suz) ; 4. Ryan StLlb (Suz); S. J.D. Ellio tt
(KTH) . 8S BEG : I. jesse Rim (Suz): 2. Slm 8S (7-11) J'" I. Bry3n1 HuMten (Hon) , 2.
Kyle Price (Su%), 3. O>ad H... (Sua), 4. Connoo- Ilutt..-foeld
(Y>m) S. JoM Henog (Yam 8S (12-1S) J'" I. Chase H~l
(Su%) 1. 1Yle< leegarden (Yam) 3. Holden _
4. Blair Vetre (Suz): S. Chaz ~ (Sul). as INT: I. l.Nodon
Powell (Suz); 2. Rudi Williams (Y ; 3. Dacoda Sor ochuk
am) ; 4. Rhett Messersmith (Han). S/M INI : I . Dacoda
Sornchuk (Y
am); 2. Rudi Williams (Y ; 3, Landon Powe ll
(Suz); 4 . Bryant Humiston (H an); S. Kyle Price (Suz). 115
BEG : I. Cob y Paugh (Yam) ; 2. Chez Ew ing ( Ho n) ; 3.
Bnndon Som) 2. Ryan Ric""'" (Hon) , 3.
Jason Panzer (Yam); 4 . Chad Jorgenso n (Yam); S. Bryce
Gabrielsen (Kaw). 115 PRO : I. Gray Davenport (Kaw); 2.
£len; Win;ams (50,), 3. J
ustin F...,...on (Yam), 4. Kipp Po.ey
(Yam); S. Dav id Richardson (Yam) . 25 0 BEG: I. Just in
Go lightly (Ha n); 2. Bert Gilbert (Suz); 3. Skyter N icholas
(Hon), 4. Matt Rou (Yam). 150 IR: I. JuWn Ebwood (Hon ),
2. Ryan Dalton (Suz); 3, Patrick Davis (Suz); 4. MIke Doherty
(Hon); S, Broc k Rauen (Yam). 250 IN T: I. logan Hixon
(Yam); 2. Chad Jorgenson (Yam); 1, Jesse Hodges (Hon ); 4 .
Reed Tingey (KTM); S, Hatt Provost (SUI ). 25 0 PRO : I .
Gray Davenport (Kaw); 2. BernWilliams (Suz); 3, Josh Borges
(Hon): 4. Kipp Posey (Yam S. David Panzer (Yam). OPEN
JR: I. Cameron Olsen (Hon); 2. Wil Adams (Han) ; l . Patrick
Davis (Su:.z); 4. Justm EU ood (Han ); S. Jon Riggins (Han).
OPEN INT: I. Ryan _
(Hon), 2. J
esse Hod!:", (Hon) :
3. M.Jtt Provost (SoW); 4. Logan HlJl:on (Y
am); S. ReedTtngey
(KTM). O PEN PRO : I. Gray Davenport (Kaw); 2. Beni
Will iams (Suz); 3. Just in Fn ughto n (Yam); 4. Kipp Posey
(yam): S. Jo>h 8oadWaIwori< (Yam 1. Rodney Cole (I<.aw),
3. Cole
(yam), • . Rid< Milonu (Hon) . 40 « I. Jay
Mog'_ (Hon), 2. Rid (Hon): 3. Tom SMoon (KTH) :
4. B,,' C _ (Yam), S. Rick Tapp (Hon) . SPTSHN: I.
Qnid Bob illiot (Suz); 2. Shaun Jo h nso n (Ha n); 3. Jo h n
c..e(Hon) : 4 . 0... Joneo (Yam S. Mik. l.oiKh (Yam).
Beni Wi lliams (19 3 ) lea d s eventual overall 12Scc Pro winner Gray
Davenport (behind Williams) and the rest af the pack at round four of Utah
Spartsman Riders Association action at Hot Springs Raceway.
Mutant Motorsports/Tracy Chevrolet/Missio n Motorcycles Spring Se rie s
Round , : Hollister GP Track
Mr. Holland's Happy Hollister
\ A foat be tter way to spe nd Easter Sunday
V Y than to go racing with the family at the
Hollister GP tra ck? In the spirit of Easter, the
Mutant sull pro vided an Easter egg hunt lor the
kids be tween their motos. It turned out to be a
great day of racing, with excellent trac k cond itions for th e more th an 300 ride rs in atte ndance.
T hough It' s un certain if Fresno's Rust y
Holland part icipated in the egg hunt or not, he
nevertheless we nt home with a few good ies of
his o wn . Th e C lawson Motorsports-ba c ked
Hon da rider won three differe nt classes and
also the hall-time Dash For Cash. Holland won
the 12Scc and 2SDcc Pro classes, as well as the
Open dass.
In th e 250cc Pro class , Holland went I-I
over Ho liist ee 's own Billy jurevich (2- 3) and
C a pit o la' s Dennis Stapleton . Ho nda riders
actually made it a clean sweep of the top five in
the class, taking advantage 01 the lactory Hond a
contingencies at this even t.
Holland also came on strong in the 12Scc
Pro class , again win ning both motos fo r the
overall. Jeff Pestana, who' s no stranger to the
Hollister tra ck. wen t "1·2 (or second. Jure vich
again put in co nsistent motos and tallied a 3-3
sco re for th ird ove rall. It was anothe r Honda
sweep of th e podi um , w ith the top three all
riding Hond a (our-strokes.
When it came t ime for the Dash For Cash,
Holland didn't disa ppoint. Eve n after getting
hung up in t he gate and starting dead last ,
Ho lland wo rked his wa y through the pac k to
emerge the winner and take home some cool
Nic k Mar ke" and Doug Schm id won t he
2SDcc and 12Scc Inter mediate classes,
re spectively. Marke" did the deed on a Yamaha,
goi ng 1-2 an d splitti ng moto wi ns w ith Kris
riest. The Be rkley Hcndarrarnaha-spo nscred
Triest finishe d 3-1 for second overa ll. Th ird
we nt to Michae l Fargher of Santa Cruz, who
finished 4-3 on a Honda . Schmid wo n the 12Scc
class , t aking both mo to wins on his Honda.
Triest was ru nner-up again, this time going 3-2
on hi. yz 125. Fargher went 4-4 to take home
anoth er third (or the weekend .
In the 125cc Novice class, Ho nda-mounted
Max Scolari put tog ether a 3-1 tally lo r th e
overall to make the residents of Pinole pro ud.
Hollister 's Colin Clay, riding red , put in sohd 2-3
finishes (or th e sec ond spot on the podium .
Th ird place w e nt to Yamaha-mounted Mark
"Holeshot" Abre w; known for his great sta rts,
Abrew put together 4-2 scor es (or the final step
on the pod ium.
Ray Kurtilla made t he crew at Miss ion
Motorcycles pro ud by tak ing home the big
trophy in the 80cc Beginner dass. Kurtilla had
an awesome day, winning bot h motos on his
CR80 . Cody Bennett was the seco nd-happiest
rider in th is class and went 2-3 on a Yamaha (or
sec ond. Representing Tracy, Calilomia, Yamaha
rider Anthony Nava linished 4-2 lor th ird
ove rall.
50 BEG: I. Andrew Figueroa (Pol); 2. Bruno H oreda
(KTM); 3. Clayton Hunsinger (Cob); 4. Max lelano (KTH); S.
OJ Bon ini (Pol). SO NOV: I. H itch Anderson (Pol ). 50