Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Both I25cc races were again all Tieamey's , bu t the rest of the pod ium received a slight sha ke -up . jean took second in the first mo ta aboa rd his RM 12S, w hile Hazel scored third, mi r ro ri ng the order o f the 25 0cc postings . How eve r, Hazel grab bed a strong start in the second mot o, be hind T ie arn ey , w hile jean struggled to make his way th ro ugh the pack . Although Tieamey had se t sail out fron t, Haze l man aged to put a sizable gap between himself and third place by the time Jean reached that spot. Altho ugh Jean attempted to make up the ti me, Haze l held his very q uick pace and maintained a comfortable gap on Jean unt il the e nd. The overall standings had Tieam ey in first , followed by Haze l in second t hro ugh his 3-2 sco re . Jean's 2-3 tally eamed him the third spot. T he Int e rm e di ate classes were a hea ted affair, filled w ith to p pilots such as Nick [arret, Wes Peebles and Aron Harvey, and a number of others capable of leading the pack. Jarret dominated the 125cc class with strong r ide s in e ach mo ta. Pee bles ch ased Jarr e t in each mota to claim seco nd, and Harvey rode to third on the day. In the 250cc class, Harvey put together two consistent motos to land the o verall, while his primary competitors. [arret and Peebles, each suffered tro uble s in one mota and took second and third, respectively. Intermediate pilo t J.L. Bitz had his fine st momen t of the day taking his YZ2 S0F to the School boy win. Yamaha-mounted Jeff Klino kep t Bitt honest for second place , w hile Beau Meie r rode his RMZ2S0 to a strong third. T he I25cc junio r class was again split into two d ivisions, with Bryan Rodgers taking t he Division On e wi n and Ryan Eager c1aming the Division Two victory. Bo th riders have bee n a force in the junior class in 2004 . and as a res ult they can expect to find themselves on the everintense Intermediate gate in the nea r futu re . Rou nd seve n mar ked the final Carson City ro und of the MX West Spr ing Series, but three races still remain. at the d iverse locat ion s o f Fernle y, Ste ad and Lovel ock , leading Nevad a into w hat sho uld be a very inte re st ing sum mer. RESUtTS 50 (4 -6 ) PRVTR: I . Ch ad H e ishman ; 2. Josep h Gon z.aJes 3. David Weatherfon:l. 50 (4- 6 ) FCTRY: I. Austin : Ching; 2. Braxt on Giovannetti; 3. Damon Spring. 50 (7+) PRVTR: I. Z3.k Harjes ; 2. Zach Z ito ; 3. Michael Thomas Brown . 50 (7 + ) FCTRY: I. TySiminoe; 2. Cafe Brosgky (S

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