Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ahead of Dalto n Marlin, Steve Lyman and Fred man. w ho was "Mr. Go To" Mears . "Srnllin" Ly for bike-borrowing this w inter, picked up the in the special Pit Bike race. Close to 100 ride rs part icipated in this winter's ser ies, which was spon sored by Eric's Off-Road. ch ampion ship . Mar lin and M attox wound up sec on d and thir d in the points. In the litt le-bike divisions, w inners included Austin Medrano (finally!) in th e SOcc class. with a co me-f ro m -behi nd victory over Hunt er King a nd Fred Mattox . Matt ox too k th e SO-IOOcc division, w hile Colton Stevens won the Pee Wee 50s. C lass ch amp ion ships w en t t o Matto x (50- IOOcc). King(SOcc) and Von Gray (Pee Wee) . Th umbs up to Bret Sowders for his trium ph RESULTS P/W so: I. Co lton Ste ven s; 2. Bra ndon Yor k; l . Vo n Gray. 50 -100; I. Fred Matto x; 2. Colton Stevens; l . Terry Mattox. 80 : I. Austin Medrano; 2. Hunt er King; I . Fred Man o x. 11 5·25 0: I. Joe Man o x; 2. Dalto n Marlin; 1. Steve l yman; 4. Fred Me an; S. Jeff Brewst er. 2 50 PRO: I. Joe Duvall; 2. Jerry Cartwright. OPEN: I. Ian Washbum ; 2. Jeff Brewste r; l . Joe Mattox ; 4. Dylan Marlin. HAD DOG PRO: I. Mike Hinds; 2. Jerry Cartwright; 3. Mark Ellingswo rt h. V IN T PRO: I. Kevin Ellingsworth; 2. Mike Baue r; 3. Mike Milleves. OPEN PRO: I. Joe Duvallj 2. Je rry Cartwright; 3. Mike Hinds; ... Bre t Sowders; 5. [eel Lacer. Rose (Yam); 4. Cody Doerfler (Kaw ); 5. Trevor Wh itmars h (!k (Kaw). 65 (7 - 11) COMB NO V: I. Mitchell Gifford (Kaw); 2. Tevan Fultz (KTM); 3. Na than Mae s (KTM); .. . Ryan Pets cha uer (Kaw) ; 5. Dillon Pelkola (Kaw). 65 (7 -1 1) COMB ACV: I. Tho mas Cone (Kaw ); 2. Michael Guerette (501.); l . Grant La BY RANDY HElM TRACY, CA, MAR. 28 arnegie was once again the venue for the fina l ro und of t he Pacific C o ast Se r ie s North. Because of rainouts earlier in t he schedule, the final two rounds we re run on the same wee ke nd . T his was t he last ch an ce for the North riders to race against on e anot her befo re going head to head wit h th e Central riders at the series-ending show dow n. Mario Bonfante had a good day on Sunday, t a king wi ns in t w o d iffe re nt SOcc cl as se s. Bon fante said "bye bye" to the com petition in the BO Novice and BOcc ( 12- 16) classes . cc On his VZSO, Bonfante won bo th mo to s in C the Novice class. leaving no do ubt as to w ho was the rider to beat on this day. With Bonfante the clear winner, the battle was for second. K.X. rider Briar McCor kle put togethe r the two best motos (5- 2) to nab t he second sp ot . Thi rd wen t to Ch ris Arroyo, w ho also had mixed results (6-3). Bonfante co nt inued his winning streak in t he BOcc ( 12- 16) clas s, taking the ov e ra ll victory wi t h 2- 1 mo to finishe s. Again, t he race for second was be tw ee n the ride rs with the most cons istent finishes . Honda joc key Kevin Lavoie e merged in sec ond place after his 5-4 scores be at o ut Kawasaki rider Don ny Velas co 's 4 ·6 finishes . In the oth er BOcc classes , Zachary Andra de had a good day as we ll. Andra de won the BO cc CYCLE NEWS . MAY 5, 2004 S7

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