Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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California Racing Club Tri-Race Series Round 3 : Golden Bear Gran Prix A Golden Victory for Vanderlipl Vanderlip (Kaw) . B/W: I. Drew (Suz) . 115 BEG: I . Sammy Y acoveUi (Yam); 2. Brandon Kovacs (Y am); 3. 8roc Co ndon (Yam) ; -4 . Andy Babb itt (Yam ); 5. Kyle Ho fsta tter (Suz ). 115 NOV: I . Anthony Duca to (Yam); 2. Zac h Brown (Kaw); 3. Kasey Mo rTis (Ha n); 4. Brett Harmon (Han); 5. Jonathan Higgins (Yam). 11S INT: I . Nick Sanchez (Suz); 2. Brandon Reina (Yam); 3. Nathan Pamintu Ul (SUI ); -4 . Ryan Reina (Yam). 115 PRO: I. Chris Gosselaar (Hon); 2. Levi Reid (Suz); 1. Jeff Elde (Hon) . 1 50 BEG : I. Cas ey Clark (Hon) ; 2. Scott Cohea (Yam); 3. Adam Andenon (Hon); -4. Dean Morri s (Hon) : 5. T.J. Colwell (Yarn). l S0 NOV: I. Broc: Harmon (Ha n ); 2. C hristo p her Le ike r (Han); 3 . Rory Ho fst atter (Suz) ; 4. Denn is He lse l ( Han) ; 5 . Terence Traugh ber (Hon) . 15 0 INT: I. Cale b Go sselaar (Hon ); 1. Garren Norr (Suz); 3. Bryon Ward (Hon) . 15 0 PRO: I. Jeff W,,1oh (Suz): 2. Ra Sm'" (y",,): J. Bobby Ste.", (Hon): 4. y C had Le hman (Yam) . 4 -STRK: I . Skylar Gray (Ha n); 2. Ha ro ld Sm ith (Han); 1. Brian Leh man (Han ); -4 . Aust in Mullins (Han ); 5. And rew Kelty (Han) . W H N : I. Che lsea Cand ido (Ha n) ; 2. Kassand ra Kehoe (Ha n) ; 3 . Sam antha Graham (Yam) -4. Terrie Jones (Suz); 5. Heather lockwood ; (Yam). )R VET BEG; I.j",eph Saban (Han) : 2. TerryCrouse (Hon); 3. levi Garcia (Suz); -4. Mike Jacobson (Yam); 5. John Co x (Yam) . JR VET NOV: I. Roy Ledoux (Yam): 2. Ju5ty Mendibles (Han ); 3. Shawne Chamberlin (Yam); -4. Myan Spacc:arelli (Yam); 5. Ter e nce Traughber (Hon) . JR VET INT: I . Randy Moseley (Y am); 2. Mike Crosby (Y am); 3. Joe Masek (Hon) ; 4. Ole Hend en (Hon); S. Gabi l4bayov (Hon) . VET BEG: I. Jon James (Yam); 2. Tim Wied man (Ha n); 1. To m By GREG ROBERTSON PALMDALE, CA, APR, 4 P Ryan Huffman was the top Pro performer at the AMA District 2 7 Motocross Se ries opene r, scoring th e 125cc, 250cc and Over 25 Pro victories. AMA District 27 Motocross Se rie s Round I: Washougal Motocross Park Huffman - In a Class All His Ownl By CLAY LIGHT WASHOUGAL, WA, APR. 4 re go n's Rya n Huffma n churned o ut an fmpres stve string of overall victories at the open ing rou nd of the AMA D is tr ict 27 Motocross Series , held at Washougal Motocr oss Park . Th e Yamaha rider won the 125cc, 250cc and Over 2S Pro classes to log o ne of just tw o tr iple -class feats o n the day. The on ly other rider to replicate Huffman's stellar talty was his O fellow O regonian Ad am Metz ler, w ho compet- ed in three classes o n t he day, taking home o ve ra ll w ins in th e 125 cc , 250cc and Be fo re The Hill B classes . Although Metzle r d id n't go a perfect six-for-six in moto win s, he did win the five motos he needed to. In the 250cc B class, Metzler w o n the deci sive second moto (afte r same in the end: Huffman easily ou tdistanced t he field to finalize a pe rfect day . Terry Lee Ham ne ss was Huff man's close st co m pe tit io n and placed 2-2. Do n Bisceglia charged through the field in bo th motos to ne t third overall on a 3-3 tally, ahe ad of Y amaha riders j .R. Vielle (5-4) and Bunker (4-5). Fifty 125cc C riders were on hand, forcin g t wo qu alifie rs and an LCQ befo re t he fie ld wo uld be t ri m med to 41 riders fo r a single mot a . O regon's Brad Goo dso n put his Yamaha YZ250F out fro nt in the final and, muc h like he d id in the first of tw o qua lifiers , easi ly w on. Ch ristop he r Anderson ran in second place fo r much of the race until fading back to an eventual sixth-place finish. Christop her Rogers, Zac k Pe terson and Robe rt Wullbrand t all imp roved their results and placed in the to p four. suffe r ing fr om a crash and finishing fo urt h in mo to one) to lead Washington's Miles Warren (3-2) and Idaho's Sam DeAtley (2- 3) into the to p three. Huffman, w ho just rece ntly finished as the number-ni ne- ran ked ri de r in the N at ional Arenacross Series , go t the starts he needed in all six of his motos. On ly once d id Huffman have to work his way through the field, and that was after taking a spill in the first Over 25 Pro mo to . Huffman picked himself off the groun d in sixt h place and the n forged his way th ro ugh the field to pass Oregon's Matt Williams and North Dako ta 's Co re y Gabbert with plen ty of time to spa re . In moto two, Gabbert and Williams were again Huffman's closest challengers. Huffma n grabbed the lead at the start of the o pe ning 12Scc Pro mo to , tra iled by Oregon's j o el A rd and Washington's Br e tt Bo e hm . Huffman's lead increased with eac h lap; he put as mu ch as 12 seconds between himself and the im pre ssive Ho nda-mo unted Ard , w ho place d se cond . Bo e h m, Tre vo r Brooks a nd Nick Foister filled o ut the to p five . Huffman easily won mote two to cap off a I-I sweep, wh ile Mark Bunker placed seco nd. Ard fell on the first lap and spent all moto charging throogh the fie ld before finishing 10th to tra il Huffman, Boe hm (3-3), Broo ks (6-4) and Foister (5-5). T he competitio n wa s just as fie rce in t he 250cc Pro class, altho ugh the results were the RESULTS S I (4-6) STK: I. Sennen Fe rris (KTM); 2. Tryston Frye (KTM); 1. Tristan Charbonneau (Cob). SI (7-S) ST K: I. Max Harris (KTM); 1. Colton Scott (KTM); 3. Tanner Berry (KT M). 6 5 ( 7.S): I. Matth e w Bisceglia (Suz) ; 2. De vin Harriman (KTM); 3. RyUl Miranda (KTM). 65 (9 -1 1): I. Thomas N ichols (KTM); 2. Brad Frace (Yam); 3. Irevce Ivey (KTM). 85 BEG (7- 11), I. Cody ~g1e (Suz) ; 2. C hM, Kolde (y",,): J .l.opn Buholm (Han). 85 BEG (1 2- 15)' I. KaJeb Basney (Hon ); 2. Zachary Moor e (Suz); 3. Tim Dolen (Hon) . S5 (7 - 1 1): I. Landon Currer (Y ; 2. Alec Watts (Suz); 1. am) Austin Rose (Suz). 85 (11 -15 ): I . Danny Gubse r (Yam); 2. Matt DeAtley (Suz); l . Dam ien Walton (Kaw). S/ MIN I: I. Danny G ubser (Yam); 2. Shawn Habertcck (Yam); 3. Matt DeAt ley (Suz). 115 PRO: I. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 2. Brett Boehm (Suz); 1. Trevor Brooks (Yam); -4 . Nick Fo ister (Yam); 5. Joel Ard (Yam). 115 B: I. Adam Metrler (Suz); 2. Sam DeAt le y (Suz); 3. Dan iel Re ud e (Han). 11 5 c : I. Brad Good so n (Yam) ; 2. Christopher Ro gers (Yam); 1. Za c Pet e rson (Kaw). 11 5 0 : I. Cory Bre ue r (Yam): 2. Steven Pound (Yam); 3. Craig Haselton (KTM). 15 0 P RO : I. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 2. Te rry Hamness (Han); 3. Don Bisceglia ; (Hon); -4. Marit Bunker (Yam) 5. Bob Melloy (Han ). 150 B: I. Ad am Metz le r (Suz ): 2. Miles Wa r re n (Han); 3. Sam DeAt ley (Suz). 150 C: I. Tyler He ube rger (Hon ); 2. Robert Wullbrandt (Suz 3. Kart Dukeson (Hon ). 15 0 0 : I . Devin ); Deller (Suz); 2. Chad Gurney (Yam); 1. Dan Green (Hon ). W MN : I. Jill Thomas (Yam); 2. Jon i Bisceglia (Yam); 3. Je nni Wilson (Suz). BT H B: I. Adam Metrler (Suz); 2. Guy Tow (Hon ); 3. Kevin Urq uhart (Hon ). BT H C: I . Christopher Rogers (Yam); 2. Christo pher Anderson (Yam); 3 . Arlie Southard (Yam). 15 + PRO: I. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 2. Cory Gabbert (Yam); 3. Mark Jord Ul (Han). 15 + C: I. James Grundmeyer (H a n ); 2. lee Walch (Han); 3. Jad e Unger (Yam). 30+ A : I . Terry Hamness (Hon ); 2. Don Bisceg lia (Hon); 1. Tre vor Portner (Yam). 3 0 + B: I. David Sibley (Yam); 2. Dave Schmid (Yam); 3. Kelly Harness (Hon). 30+ C: I. C urt is Wh art on (Yam); 2. John Boyle s (Hon ); 3. Lee Cormican (Kaw) . "'0+ A : I. Alan Th a in (Yam); 2. Brad Bo lme s (Yam); 3. Alan Evans (Han). 4 0 + B: I. Jim Fisk (Hon ); 2. Rusty L.uh (Hon); 1. Andrew Wells (Yam). 40 + C: I . Rob e rt Brogu iere [ Hen]: 2. Andy Je nse n (Ha n); 3. Je ff Ulliebo (Hon ). ax Racing-bac ked Tyle r Vanderl ip ove rcam e some to ugh co mp etition to eventually run aw ay with the 85cc Beginner-class wi n at Los Ange les Coun ty Raceway during Californ ia Racing Club's Go lde n Bear Gran Prix, w hich was the third and final ro und of the 27th ann ual TriRace Series . With a wave of his green flag, starte r Do n Gos sett got the 45-m inute race under way. As t he 24-ride r field w o und its way throu gh the Saddle Glen po rtion of the cou rse fo r th e first time , it was the Kawasaki-mo unte d tr io of Justin jones, Vande rlip and Ch ris Carrillo ru nning first th ro ugh thi rd, respect ive ly. jones he ld down the t op spot fo r th e first 10 minutes be fore Vanderlip finally foun d a way arou nd. Vincent Yacove l1 i sliced his wa y up into th ird befo re a bob ble dropped him back to 10th with abou t a third of the race com plete d. O nc e in t he top spot, Van der lip p ut a bo u t t h ree se con ds pe r lap o n Jones, as jone s in cre a sed h is m arg in over Carrillo, in third . Damio n Tackett was ou tside the top 10 o n t he o peni ng la p but had cl o sed t o C ar r illo 's bac k fe nd e r by the midway po int . Trevor O w en s was in co ntrol of fift h, ahead of Austin Barks and Aaron Lunsford. After 45 minutes of racing, Vanderlip got to the checke rs first by a co mfo rta ble margin o ve r jones. Tacket t fo und a way past Carrillo d uring the closing stages to ea rn the third p la ce tro phy. O w en s h ung to ugh to claim fifth in the end , ahead of Barks and Emil Ovrid . C helsea Cand ido shot into Tyler Vanderlip was the 8Scc Beginner wi nner at an imm e diat e le ad in the the third a nd final event of the California Racing Wom e n's class. and by the e nd Club Tri-Race Series, the Golde n Bear Gran Prix , of lap one she held a in Palmdale, Califo rni a . command ing I O-seco nd ad vantage over Kend ell Wolf (](aw); -4. Jose ph Saban (Hon ); 5. Te rry Crouse (Hon ). C lements . in seco nd. Kassandra Kehoe suffe red VET NOV, I. Morl< HMWefl (y",,): 2. 1"">' Mend ;b!es (Han ): 3. Roy Ledoux (Yam); .... Paul N ielsen (Hen) ; 5. Mark O hlgren a bad start, but by lap two she had her CR250 (Hon). VET INT: I. Randy Mose ley (y",,): 2. AlaJn L""",, aro und C leme nts ' YZ85 fo r seco nd pla ce . (Hon) ; 3. Mike Crosby (Yam); 4. Joe Masek (Hon ); 5. Marc Candido proved to be untouc hable o n th is day, Prince (KTM). VET EX/PRO : I. Frank Costanzo (Han ); 2. Nick Mairose (Suz); 3. Mike Ud tra (Hon) ; -4 . Jon Zah rt (Kaw ). tak ing the checkers wit h near ly a minute and a SR N OV: I . Gr eg McConnell (Yam); 2. Don McNeil (Yam); half to sp are over Kehoe . Samantha Graha m 3. Martin Schneider (Yam); -4 . Alan C handle r (Yam); 5. Jon Hall (Hoo ). SR AM : I. Mark Harwell (Yam) ; 2. Bob Byrne ea rned th ird in the final sta ndings, followed by (KTM); 3. Kenny Saffo rd (Han ); 4. Steve Norr (Ha n); 5. Terrie jo ne s and Heat her Lockwood. Re ggie Lamson (Suz). SR EX: I. Leo Saul (Yam): 2. Jim R ESUL TS P/W H O N BE G: I. Sco tt McGra w (Han): 2. Se an C ant r ell (Ha n); 3. Cas e y L.a ngos h (Ha n) ; -4 . Dale Ro use (Ha n); S. Ro bb ie Wageman (Ha n). P/W YAM BEG: I . Casey langosh (Y am); 2. Winston Churchill (Yam); 3. Johnny C"""", (y",,). P/W BlB EG, I. Ryan Nolan (KTM): 2. Cody Mille r (KTM); 3. Hage n McGill (KTM); -4 . Je re m y Byrn e (KTM): 5. Randall 0..""" (KTM). P/W B/AD V, I. jake Evans (KTM): 2.]o>hua Pea (Pol) : J. Ryan ~11 (KTM): 4. je.-emy Mairose (KTM); S. John ny Mitchell. S/PfW (4- 6): I . Brandon Kaupp (Pol) . S/P/W (7 .9 ), I. Jock Evam (KTM): 2. Nichola> Met'"Oer (Pol): 1. Ryan Cantrell (KTM); 04 . Joshua Fea (Pol). ODD/ BK: I. Aaron Lunsfo rd (Suz). 65 BEG : I. Bren den Murra y (KTM); 2. R.I. Wageman (Suz) ; 3. Andrew Richardson (Kaw) ; 4. Zach Casas (Suz); S. And rew Mitche ll (Suz). 6 5 (4- S): I. Dave Fullme r (Kaw). 6S (9- 1 1): I. Chris Carrillo (Kaw) ; 2. Vince nt Yacovelli (Suz); 3 . Jake Lyo n (Suz); -4 . Dalton Za hrt (Suz). 85 BEG: I. Tyle r Vanderl ip (Kaw); 2. Ju st in Jo nes (Kaw ); 1. Dam ia n Tacke tt (Kaw ); -4 . Chris Carrillo (Kaw); 5. Trevor Owens (Hon) . S5 (7-1 1): I. Keith Robinso n (Yam); 2. Dalton Baile y (Suz); 3. Cody Eastm an (Suz) ; 4. Andreas Burlet (SUI) . S5 ( 11- 13) : I. Mich ae l Sendelba ch (Yam): 3. Chris Leiker (Hon): -4 . Joe Root (Han); S. Mar c Prince (KTM). OfT 4 0 + NOV: I. John Pinnala (Y ; 2. Bob Woods (Han ); 1. Pat Farrow (Yam); -4 . Myron am) upka (Han) : 5. Kyle Oke (KTM). OfT 40 + AM, I. Larry Hipp (KTM); 2. Ron Verbeek (Kaw). OfT 40+ EX: I . Joh n Lovett (Hon ); 2. Mark Neal (Hon ); 3. Ste\'e Dursc hlag (Hon) ; -4. Ste ve Jord a n (Han); 5. Brian Farner (Han). OfT 50 + N O V: I. Jo hn Fullme r (Yam) . orr 5 0 + EX : I. Bruc e lockwood (KTM); 2. Doom Tooman (Hon ). orr MSTR A: I . Frank Costanzo (Hen); 2. Bam Simons (Yam) ; 3. Joe Root (Han ). OfT MSTR B, I. Schuoleo- (Hon). "'U Team Race 6 5: I . She lb y Ward/Nicholas Me rcie r. 85 : I . And reas Burlet/Cody Eastman : 2. Angelo Yacovelli/Damion Tackett ; 3. Zac h CasaslAustin Barks; ... Devon CarrolVCody 8a ccino . INT / EX: I. Bryon WardlNick Sanchez ; 2. Chaz Smittv'Justin lan n a lfo ; 3 . N at h an Pam intu an /Jam ie Parmnr u an . FATHER/S O N : I. Taylor lamson/ Reggie Lamson; 2. Dalton ZahrtiDavid Zahrt; 1. Bobby Ste ffan/Bob Steffan; -4 . C helsea Cand ido/lester Miller. lro n m an S5 : I . Chris Carrillo . BEG/NOV: I. Justin Pamintuan ; 2. Jason Sanchez : 1. Terry Whytal : .... Saman tha Ste ffens. CYCLE NEWS • MAY 5, 2004 73