Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Barona Oaks Series
Round 3 : Sarona Oaks Ra ceway
Like Hornets Swarming
Around the Oaks
o o und three of the Barona Oaks Series drew
1':279 hard-core racers - "h ard-core ,"
because rain the day be fore scared many away
from practice. However, with the help of Mother Nature , Sunday's track cond itions re sulted in
some fast motoc ross racing.
Pro rider T im Beatty handed out rid ing
lessons to the O pe n riders in mo re one. Beatty
jumped out right at the start and left the batt le
fo r seco nd to the other eight entries. What a
battl e it was , too ! Justin He r rmann was ke pt
busy all six laps, as David Meyers shadowed his
every move and gave serious challenges for the
win on more than one occasion. Meyers w as
fo r ce d to ke e p the p ressu r e up . as the
swarming beehive beh ind him con sisted of Jake
O swald, Kurtis Kaelin and Dust in Watson .
In the second moto , th ings looked the same
e xcept that Beatty was a no -show. Watson
jumped out earl y but then allo wed Hernnann
and Meyers to repeat their mota -on e re sults.
Oswald (3-4) ended the day in thir d overall.
Her rmann and Meyers c am e ou t in the
combined 125cc Int e r me d iat e / No vice/ Pro
event, and the hornets nest was buzzing again.
Meyers held the lead (or a w hile, but He rnnann
w as first to the chec kers . In both motos ,
Herrmann and Meye rs put some distance on
the battl e for th ird between Joe Schryve r and
Oswald ; the ir skirm ish was just as inten se as
that of the two leaders. Schryver was third in
moto one. but O swald cam e back in mota two
to stea l the overall .
Joshua Hue rt a was the lone 8Scc Expe rt
riding am ong the Intermediate and Novice
riders. Huerta led the pack around tum one in
mota one , with Dakota Gamer glued to his rear
fender. Garner put in a good effort but had to
se tt le (o r seco nd in both motos . Th e two
matched up later in the Supe rm ini division. with
basically the same outcome. Garner e arne d
second overall in both classes . Gamer took his
Intermediate-class win and later came o ut to
take repea t w ins in the 8Scc (7 - 1 I) Irom
Everett Holcomb.
Jake Gagne con tinued his dominating ways in
the 6Scc (9- 11) junio r Cycle and 6Scc Open
events. Gagne (ought off Eric Yorba in moto on e
but then had to contend with Garret Jackson.
Yor ba didn't finish moto two, and Jackson
earned second ov e rall w ith his 3-2 re sults .
Gagne again took repea t wins in the 6Scc O pe n
clas s, this t ime pressured In both mot os by
Yorba, w ho had to settle (or second over all.
Chris Cuero eamed third with his 3-4 results .
O n e yo ung rider who 's ma king an
impressive tra nsition to Track O ne is Desmond
Spears . T he you ng KTM rider made a clean
sweep of three classes he entered. Spears first
be st ed t he e ffort of Ryan Surratt in the Pee
Wee (7-B) Stock class. Then he moved to the
bigge r track to give riding lessons to Nathan
MacGilfrey in the 6Scc (O-B) class. Next, Spears
took repeat wins from Starr Savage in the 65cc
Beg (Through II) junior Cycle division.
P/W (O-S) FfT SHAFT: I. Jame s Pet e rse n (Ho n); 2.
Daniel lopez (KTM); 3. Evan Henderson (Hon); 4. Tyler Kirk
( Ho n) ; 5. Fernand o San tana (Hon) . P/W ( O. S) FIT
NONS HA FT: I. Christian Acu na (Pol) ; 2. Conno r Lamere
(KTM); 3. Matthew Meckes (KTM); 4. Javier Me lero (KTM);
5 . 'Iren te n Tu rne r ( KT M). P/W ( 0- 6 ) STK: I. Austin
Anderson (Po l); 2. Trista n Mille r (KTM); 3. Jake Koeh nke
(KTM); 4. Elliot Weiland (KTM): 5. Kody Clemens (Pol) . P/W
(0 . 6) MOD : I . Trista n Miller (KTM): 2. Aust in Anderson
(Pol); 3. Ell",! W,,;land (ICTM); • . Kody Clemen> (PoQ. P/W
(7-S) S T K: I. De smo nd Spears (KTH) ; 2. Ryan Surratt
(KTH ); 1. Janu Grodzicki (Pol); -4. Bowen Brooks (Pol ); 5.
Griffin Dexter (Cob ). P/W (7- 8) MO O: I. Janu Grodzicki
(Po l): 2. Aust in Seifert (KTH); 3. Griffin De xte r (Le m); 4.
Johnny zach