Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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letters 10 the editor shoul be sent 1 Voices, Cycle News, PO Box 5084, Costa Nr.eMJ, d 0 CA92628-5084; faxed 10 714-751-6685 Of emoiled Published letters do not necessarily feRed the position of Cycle News Inc. leiters should nol exceed200 , words, ond all ore subject to editing. Anonymous letterswill not be considered for peblkonon. All letters should contain the writer's nom address a nd daytime phone number Edifor. e, ... "Kawasaki, please do the right thing and keep him green." .A!:;';''fflOr-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wanting More Rainey You guys should sign up Wayne Rainey as a contributing editor. His interview was one of the best articles about MotoGP racing that I've read . It is obvious why he is a three-time World Champion. He ce rta inly knows how the GP game has to be played. It's too bad that he was never successful at passing his know ledge to yo unger riders . Ifany of the current crop of American riders had Wayne's savvy and intensity, our domination of the 500cc class and now MotoGP would have continued. As Wayne pointed out in the interview, only Valentino Rossi has what it takes to win under any cond itions. All the rest of the riders can only win when everything is just right . As Kenny Roberts, Eddie Lawson and Wayne all proved, that 's not how you win multiple World Champio nships. His statement about Max Biaggi was spot on. If you believe that you can't win because you have infer ior equipment then you won't win. My congratulations to Michael Scott on an excellent interview. I would like to suggest that yo u inte rview Wayne again part way through the season to get his views on how the series is going and how the riders are do ing. I think that wou ld be a very interesting article. John Hagan via the Internet Supercross Woes Does anyone else feel that our beloved spo rt of super cross is being ruined? This fuel thing is the latest AMNF IM scam that 's degrading our sport. Why did they impose this fuel rule anyway? To put the fi nal nail in the two-stro kes' coffi n? It's bad enough we have two series happen ing at the same time (overlapping), and in the middle of bot h is the red- headed ste pchild - Daytona, a race that isn't on the same TV schedule and doesn't count fo r "World SX" points. Then there are two displacement and motor types in the same class to really confuse the general public. How are we supposed to get live TV coverage with such a com plicated and crazy setup? I have been following supercross for a long time , and I find it hard to explain to the casual viewer what's going on . Then there are East and West Coast I25cc riders outs ide the top 10 crossing ove r to the other coast and "stealing" points from riders who are at home on 6 that coast . It seems simple to me: Don't give them any points . Act like they weren't even the re . Then they would be racing fo r experience and the purse money. I had assumed that it was that way because that would make sense. I remember not too long ago when it was one simple series , w ith one kind of bike (two-stro ke) and displacement ( 125 or 250cc) where it was easy to understand and our champions were more than happy to wear their # I plates. It seems like a case of "too many fools making too many rules." It pains me to see the sport become less prestigious every year. Harvey Smith via the Internet expires this season?" You then list Hond a, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha. I would suggest that you add Vespa to yo ur list . I personally think that would be great since it wou ld make it more competitive. Not knowing or following the Ricky Carmicheal situation, I suspect he was getting irritated with Honda for not wanting to finalizehis deal until the outcome of where Bubba was going was settled. If this was the case , I have even more respect for him than I did before, and it was already high. I respect a rider who wants to leave a team that does believe fully in them. Jeff Skeen Sa n Diego, CA Superbike Woes More on Janklow Now that the AMA season is starting to take shape , is it just me or is Superstoc k the most exciting class for 2004? I believe that Ben Spies was right whe n he predict ed as much in the pre season . Supe rbike is down to only six factory bikes, and the new Formula Extrem e class is even worse with only three facto ry bikes. Supers port is always exciting, but Honda pulling out lessen ed the interbrand competition a bit t his yea r. So in light of all this, Supe rsto ck is really turning out to be the most interesting and entertaining class. Ther e's a to n of talented and aggressive riders, bikes that are based on bikes that cou ld be purchased from a dealer, and best of all, close racing. What more could you ask for? Well, if you ask me - drop the Superbike class. Have the current Superbike factory riders move to Superstock. Limit the fi eld to a "safe" and "reason able" numbe r of riders and go racing! That would be a great class for all parties. The facto ries can advertise that the bikes racing are bikes that cons ume rs can actually buy. Plus, the major facto r in who wins the races is based on rider talent not factory budgets . What's wrong with that as a plan? Kent She ldon via the Int ernet Drivingunder the infl uence and any resulting damage caused by said rec klessness is never an accident. Slick Willy janklow didn't "accidentally" slide into the driver's seat, he didn't "accidentally" drop the keys into the ignition nor the tra nsmission into gear. Every ste p of the way, janklow made conscious, bad decisions that caused the life of a moto rcyclist to be taken. This is no more accidental than if janklow had pulled out a pistol and shot Mr. Scott in the head point blank. As far as I am co ncerned, janklow should have been tr ied for murder in the second degree. He should be rotti ng away, serv ing a life sente nce in a state penitentiary. Bubba To Vespa? As far as your online poll question of: "In light of the news that Ricky Carmichael recently signed with Suzuki for 2005, what team would you like to see james 'Bubba' Stewart ride forafter his contract MAY 5,2004 • CY CLE NEWS Ray Duvol Salinas, CA More on Janklow II Wow. I thought the only two jerks in South Dakota were Janklow and the judge who sent enced him. janklow certainly didn't fool the South Dakot a juro rs. However, now Mr. Hoel has chimed in. He would have us believe that if someo ne goes thro ugh a stop sign at speed, som ething he seems to have made a pract ice of, and has the bad luck to kill someone, this is an accident . Mr. Hoel, I suggest yours is a minority opinion even in South Dakota. I will not be going to Sturgis this year, and if the AMA holds an eve nt in South Dakota , I will drop my life membership. Frank Fellinl Floral Park, NY More on Jankow III It was not an accide nt , Mr. Hoel! It was a 40th Anniversary flagrant disregard for the laws that help us all get along peacefully and with proper respect for our fellow citizens. Mr. janklow openly admits he drives too fast and sometimes doesn't stop at stop signs. This time his contempt for the laws that govern us - for which he has been charged with writing and enacting cost an innocent person the ultimate price, his life . Had it been your life would you be so cavalier as to "type slowly"? Since you find it unnecessary to apologize for doing something wr ong, I can only surm ise you too are better than the rest of us too. Pity the foo l. Terry Herr South Haven, MI Keep Bubba I watched james Stewart put on a clinic in Daytona and then wa tched the follow up at Pontiac. What a huge boos t for supe rcross to have this kid riding. As jeremy McGrath did the 1990s, Bob Hannah did the 'BOs, the new century super cross bar has been raised to w hat co uld be the highest level ever. The kid has everything to increase exposure to the sport. He plays to the crowd in a nonarrog ant way, he can ride the wh eels off his motorcycle and look like he is riding in the backyard , and did I mention how absolute ly stupid fast he is? Kawasaki, please do the right thing and kee p him green! It's a great wo rld we live in that w e get to go watch mo toc ros s isn't it? Dan Proffer via the Internet Praising LaRocco My husband and I have bee n true Mike laRocco fans and friends for many years now. We just wanted to co ngratulate him on all of his accomplishments and recordsetting events. We just rece ntly spent time in Dallas with the laRocco family. What a joy it is to know such a wonderful family. Mike, if you read th is, you will never know what a difference you have made in our lives. We are so proud of you. You deserve only the best . Keep up the good wo rk, and may God continue to bless you always. Terri and Kelly York Alvarado, TX

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