Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Free Rocky Mountain ATVIMC Catalog - Call our toll-free, 24hr, automated hotline or go on the web to get your FREE Rocky Mountain catalog. 506 pages, full color. (800) 481-6724. Don't be fooled by cheap imitatio nsl Order the orig ina l MX # plate hitch covers . CNC machined 6061 alum inum with pre -prin ted backg rounds . (888) 855- 8979 . CA Scott's Road Bike Stabilizers Compact simple moun ting limits crash damage. 3 separate adjustable valving circuits. Seen on the Faclory Yamaha R6's. Still the very best money can buy. Scotts (8 18) 248-6 747 or www.scotlsonli Cagiva Alazzurra 65055 Excell ent con dition . $270 0. (269) 944 -3247 . MI Honda Engines CR125 kit motors, 6 speeds, $1595. CR250 kit motors, $1695. CRBO kit motors, $1150. Williamson Honda (570)726-3343, PA D's LEATHERS. (419)729-9639. OH Two '79 Yamaha RD400F's Daytona Special, 2 nicest ones in existence, unresto red. 5k miles, original service manuals, owners manuals, service records & bill's of sales. (754) 234-0556. FL Chest protector nameplates. CRF 488cc Kits KTM*Husky*ATK*Husaberg*Gas Gas $40-$50. CRF 488cc Ath ena Cyli nder Big Bore Kits Incr eased HP & torq ue. Sp ec. made, not remanufactured . "lncreased coo ling, no loss of rel iability. Includes cy lin de r, hi-compr ession forged piston kit and gaskets. ·No machi ning required. Dealer s welcome . $795. Please call (909) 608-0082 . CA Dealer Moore and Sons. UPS. (831)475-3619. CA. Dealers... Looking for a few good men or women? Get the best in the industry by advertising in the Cycle News "Help Wanted" Classifiedsl KTM 2002 400 MXC Good condition, all original. Green sticker. $3875., (818) 253-7443. CA CLASSIFIED AD BLANK Cycle News , Cl assifi ed Ad Depl .. P.O . Box 5084, Cosla M esa, CA 92 628 -5084 714/751-7433 CLASSIFIED AD D EADLINE 0 24 Hr. FAX (714) 751 -6685 (Cha rge or Co mmer cial ope n accou nts on ly, please) E-Mai l: Clas si fied s @c ycl en ew s .com CLASSIFI ED AD RATES Prices Ar e For On e Issue On ly. Run m y ad in th e s pecial se ction: _ _ Help Wa nted - - Pos ition Wa nted - - Bus ines s Opportunities _ _ Co llecto rs (1974 or older) - - Gen e ral Merch andis e Digital JPEG images prefe rred , via dis c or e mail. B&W or co lor prints accepted . Polaro ids not accepted . (One Phot o pe r ad . Printed image size limited to 2 1/ 4- wide k 1 112- talll COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED $ ' .80 Headline in b~id '~~'~·.'.·.·.'.·.·.·.·.'.'.·.·.·.'.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· $ 11 extra Pe r word Blind box Se rvice Char ge ..$6 .00 B&W or Co lor Photo (no largerthan 511:7L..$22 extra No logos unless inter gral to the product . o PRIVATE PARTY Per word . Headline in bold type B&W or Color Photo £no larger than 511:71 $.60 55 extra $ 10 extra A private party is som eon e se lling his or her own lte mtsr. or wishing to buy an item for pe rsonal use. Any ongoing activity may be rega rded as a bus ines s a nd will be c ha rge d th e co mme rcia l rate. PHOTOS PRINTS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF·ADDRESSED STAMPED EN V EL O PE A FTER AD HAS RUN IN FINAL ISSUE. T H U RS DAY 5:00 p .m. P.T. for the ne xt available iss ue . No cancellations after dead line. Cycle News re se rves the right to ed it/ abbreviate copy & bold head lines . Any dis c re pancies mus t be reported with in one wee k of publicati on to receive any ad justment. Price advert is ing or specific refere nce to list price or cost on new, curre nt year model motorcyc les will not be acce pte d. Price advert ising is allowed on pre-owned curre nt models but they mus t be identified as use d or previo us ly reg ist ered. Fill in the Vis a/M ast ercard Charg e blank or send ch ec k or money o rder to Cycle Ne ws at abov e ~ addre ss . CRE DITCARD LIMIT MINIMUM $5.00 Signa ture Can't Buy A Start? From begi nne r to Pro, All Pro MX Perform ance "STAAT BAAS" will improve you r sta rt reaction time, Guara nteed! Used by many top SXlMX pros. Get the react ion you have been looking for. www .Mo toc ross . (909) 679 7752 . CA -===_ Expirat ion Date _ IIIIIIIIII IIIIII Prin t na me , address and ad copy clearly. Pleas e run my ad in _ 11 of issues . Name State Addres s Zip PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE Il e ave spaces) Bold headlines do nol count lowards c lassif ied ad word count. PLEASE INC LUDE PUNCTUATION . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Off-Road Apparel Blowout! ! _ _ _ _ __ _50 E-Mail or Web s ite URl E. M ail , W eb s ile URL co unt as one w ord . L. 96 £~I!.~ ~s 5l Ph.1I ( Phone # c ount s as one w ord . 2 ~o~r!:"~~ i.!?! e..!o.!. i!!.e 2! b~ E.h~n! ~~b!.'"~o!:..c~l: APRil 28, 2004 • CY CLE NEWS 40th Ann iversary 52 _ Helmel s $49.99. Pants $29.99. J erseys $9.99 . Gloves $9.99. Chest Protectors $39.99 . Major brands , don 't miss out ! m. (303) 74- HONDA ext. 5026. limited to current stock .

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