Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ja so n Lawrence was flawless aboard his RM12 5, sw eeping three classes w ith ease a t the season's firs t District 6 paints race at Atco Raceway. District 6 Poin ts Race Alco Raceway Suzuki Sweep at Atco BY MATI WOZNEY AlCO, NJ, MAR. 27 T he season's first Distr ict 6 points race at Atco Raceway got under way under bright , sunny skies. Th ough Areo usually runs its races on Saturday nights, th is was the first of the few daytime races on its 2004 schedule. Gary Forte. Kevin Olson and the rest of the Atco crew did an excellent job , as always, on the fast and fun "supe rmoto cross" track. The classes were packed with the fastest riders District 6 has to offer. It turned out to be a "Suzuki Day." as Suzuki riders took 13 class wins on the day. All anyone saw in front was yellow. and that horde was led by American Suzuki's Jason Lawrence and Bromley Suzuki's Barry Carsten. Lawrence, who is also riding for No Fear, PR2 and Spy Optics, showed his dominating speed once again at Atco and swept three classes with easy 1· 1 finishes. Having recently done well at the Lake Whitney and Mosier ValleyAmateur Nationals in Texas, he was still at speed at Atco , as he swept the 12Scc Amateur, 250cc Amateur and Collegeboy classes big.time . Gap Racing's Tyter Witmer, aJso on a Suzuki, kept Lawrence in close range in the 2SOcc Amateur and Collegebo y classes and went 2-2 in both classes . Eric Sebas tian , another Gap Racing rider, proved he can get close to the fast Suzuki rider by going 3-2 in the 125cc Amateur class and taking second overall. Witmer took third overall in the 12Scc Amateur class. As for Carsten, this was a unique visit for the ve teran Pro ride r. He showed up just to get in some tr ack time and took home three overall wins, like Lawrence, and en ded up be ing the top Expe rt at the event. Carsten swe pt the 125cc Expert . 250cc Expert and Over 30 Expert con tes ts with abso lutely domi nating I- I finishes. Red Uon , Pennsylvania's Clint Johnson , also on a Suzuki, had a lew good battles with Carsten in t he 250cc Expert class but couldn't match his pace toward the end of the motos and proved to be second best wit h 2·2 finishes. Holeshot Cycle's Gayton Dickson , yet another Suzuki pilot, took second beh ind Carsten in both the 12Scc Expert and Over 30 Expert classes, both wit h 2·2 tallies. O t he r big sweeps included those by Suzu ki jockey Adam Blessing and VPE's Nick De siderio . Ble ssing swept the 85cc ( 14 · 15) and 12Scc Novice classes with I-I finishes, and Des ide rio went on another three-peat with overall wins in the 65cc (7. 9). 85cc (7.9) and 65cc·85cc Junior Supe rm ini classes . Some other no ta ble Suzuki vict ors we re Kyle Sidle , who swept the competitive 85cc (12-13) class, and Touch 01 Class rider Nicholas McPhee, who took the close win in the 85cc Supermini ( 12·15) class with a 2- 1 tally, over fellow Suzuki rider Peter Devlin (1.2). Suzukis also filled the next three spots. all ~ is perfect for everyone! Cycle News brings you 011 the latest in the world of motorcycling ... months faster tha n the mogozines! Your gift subscription will be a welcome weekly reminder of your thoughtfulness... 1.800.831.22 (9:00am - 5:00pm P.S.T.) CYCLE N EWS • APRil 28, 2004 65

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