Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bake r got by him. Anselmi and Davila were riding this class for the first time. T his we e ke nd' s racing inclu d e d Vintage Twin s , 500cc pushrod s, and an all-women's event as we ll. RESULTS SaturdJ.y 50 B: I. Adam Hemande~. 50 C: I. Evan OW; 2. TlY3idoGaribay. 50 SR: I. Jared Slate ; 2. Jake Strong: 1. Scott Hampton; "'. Se.M1 O'Cooocr; 60 A: I. Logan Seybold; 2. Jake Burton . 60 B: I. Anson Mak>ney: 2. Jake Strong. 60 C: I. Jared Slate; 2. Scott Hampton Jr; 3. Travis West; "'. Adam Hemande~. 80 A: I. Chad . Cese : 2. Brad B.aker, 3. Patrick McNamara; -4 Dony Dav ila 80 B: I. Dan~1e . . Oiaz; 2. jorge Cabrera. 80 C: I. Stephen Morales. 100 STK A YTH: I. Chris Ferroni . 100 STK B YTH : I. Lif Keney. 2. JorgeCabrera; 3. Danielle Diaz . 100 e STK C YTH : I. Zack Nichok ; 2. Cameron Baker, 3. Billy Joe Chhon; -4 H itche ll . Ram irez . 100 HOD A YT H: I. Brad Baker. 100 MOD B YTH: I. Ricky Colindres. 100 MOD C YTH: I. Joe Auzenne; 2. Garre n Adams. 100 STK B SPTSMN : I. Robert Curry; 2. Joe [ecco ettr, 3. Jona than Curry. 100 STK C SPTSMN: I. Mike O 'Comor, 2. Kimi VaJentll'le; 3. Samantha Raynal. 100 MOD B SPTSMN: I. Joe Jaeonetti. 100 HOD C S PT SMN: I. Casey C1ihon; 2. Shane Ferroni; 3. Dave Keil. 100 WM N : I. Kimberly Baker, 2. Eliubeth Hock ing; 3. Kimi Valen tine. 100 MOTHERS : I. Saman tha Raynal. 100 40 + : I. Jame s Ingoglia; 2. joe Jac:onetti; 3. Brad Hadden. 115 B: I. Troy MilliganJr. 1 50 B: I. Christophe,. Borjas; 2. Chad Cose ; 3. Cody Anselmi. 1 50 C: I. Joe Auzenne; 2. James Davidson . P RO·AM: I. Danny Casey; 2. Many Weis!er, 3. Jesse Sanche z; -4. Mikey Rush . VIN T B: I. Dennis 1Gng; 2. Ryan Huff. OPEN A: I. D3IVly Casey; 2. Stewart Barber Jr.; 1. Mlkey Rush; -'4 . Mark Ccesem. OPEN B: I. Christopher Borjas ; 2. Robert Curry; 1. Derick Oquin . OPEN C: I. Michael Vargas ; 2. Rick GoIdrun ; 3. Mitch Reidwt. Su nd a y 50 SHAFT A: I. Sean O 'Connor; 2. Megan Mart in. P/W SHAFT B: I. Adam Hemandez. P/W SHAFT C: I. Damo n Coca; 2. Alex Espos; 3. Jo shua Knight. SO HO N A: I. Scott Ham pton Jr. SO HON C: I. Robbie Nichols; 2. Joshua Seme ; 3. Brittan i West. SO SR A: I. Jake St ron g: 2. Scott Ham pton J" 3. .; Dominic Mo nter osso . 60 A: I. l ogan Seybold : 2. Jam es Williams: 3. Brand on Be rnar d e au. 60 B: I. Jake Strong ; 2. Anson Malo ne y. 60 C : I. Do minic Colindres; 2. Jare d Slate : 3 . Cameron Baker , BO A : I . C had Co se ; 2. Kyle Anselmi: 1. Patrick McN amara . 80 B: I. Jorbe Cabrera; 2. Anson Ma.oney. 80 C: l I. Stephen Morales ; 2. Chivon Crump; 3. Sophia Belled . 100 STK A YTH : I. Brandon Bemardea.u; 2. Chris Fe rron i. 100 ST K B YTH : I. Jorge Cabre ra; 2. Life Kelley. 100 ST K C YTH: I. Zack Nichols; 2. Cameron Bake r; 3. Mitche ll Ramire z. 100 MOD YTH A: I. Brad Baker; 2. Garrett Slate . 100 MOD YTH B: I. Ricky Co lind re s. 100 MOD YT H C: I. Rod ne y Jo hnson Jr. 100 ST K B SPTSMN : I. Joe Jacon etti; 2. Robert Curry; 3. Jona than Cu rry. 100 ST K C SPTSMN : I. Mike O 'Connor; 2. Kimi Valentine ; 3. Samantha Raynal. 100 MOD B SPTSMN : I. Joe [aconerti. 100 MOD C S PTSM N : I. Eric h Stender; 2. Danie l Wiedel; 3. Kaylan Crump. loa WMN: I. Kimi Valentine; 2. Kimberly Baker. 100 MO TH ERS: I. Samantha Raynal. 125 B: I. Troy Milligan . 15 0 8 : I. Cody Anselmi ; 2. Scott Baker; 3. Chad Case. 250 C: I. Doug Rubio; 2. james Davidson ; 3. lucas Woodward. PRO -AM: I. Stewart Barber Jr.; 2. Scott Caretti ; 3. Shawn Raggio. S C HBY: I. Chad Ccs e : 2. Cody Anselmi ; 3. Scott Bake r, -'4 . Tony Davila. VET A : I, Robert Mc:Donnell; 2. Ronald Knight; 3. Jon Eichelba ugh. VET B: I. Gary King. VET C: I. Charles A Fabbiani; 2. Mone Dubose. 40+ A: I. Robert McDonnell; 2. DonaJd Firanri; 1. Robert Baccsa, 40 + B: I. Robert Ingle; 2. Michael Crump; 3. Jame s Mahar. 40 + C: I. Michaef Vargas: 2. Gary Pedrick; 3. Bill Holt Jr. 50 + VINT A:. I. Carter Fisher; 2. Bud Riddle; 3. Bill Flett. 50 + VI NT C : I. Richard Harri ngton . VINT A: I. Greg Riddle; 2. Dom inic Demario; 3. Donnie Darrah . VINT B: I. MIChael C rum p; 2. Dennis King. V1N T C: I. Ray Holt Jr.; 2. Mtc:haeI Vargas; 3. James Davidson. VlNT TW: I. Bob Scalty; 2. Joe Hoog e rhyde ; 3. Bill Flett . VIN T PSHRD: I. Caner Fisher; 2. Hartey Welch; 3. Clinton Gudobba. OPEN A : I. Mlkey Rush; 2. Stewart Barber Jr.; 3. Marl< Corsetti; 4. Scott Corsetti. OPEN B: I. Robert Curry; 2. Elliot Oquist; 3. C hrist opher Bo'ias. OP EN C: I. Robe rt Gonzales; 2. John Mart in; 3. Charles Fabbiani. District 23 Season Opener Grantsburg MX Park Bostrom, Jendro Battle at District 23 Opener By BOB CHASE GRANTSBURG, WI, APR. 4 acob Bostr om and Scott Jendro saw a lot of each other at the District 23 opener. dicing for the lead for the better part of all their me tes. Je ndro too k two overalls. winning the 250cc A and 16-24 A classes , while Bostrom took both I25cc A motos. The Straight Arrows had the sandy track looking de cep t ive ly smoo th and easy prior to practice. With nearly 500 riders signed up to race. the trac k got ro ugh early. and it quickly became apparent who knew how to go fast in the sand. The first 2SOcc A moto saw John Deh n take the early lead , while Bostrom went down in the First co me r. Jendro moved his Excel Motor-sports/Fa ctory C onnection /MX Privateer.Net! Honda 450 to the fro nt and pulle d away. Despite a fall, Deh n held on to a com fortable second. Q uite a way back, th er e was a. good race for th ird. with James Easler le taking the spot ove r Ky Love and Bill Medek . Bostrom was only able to make it back up to 16th. In the sec ond moto, Bostrom and Jend ro got off t he line together and checked out. They stayed close to each other until the third lap. when Jendro began to pull away. Dehn was third for most of the race , quite a way back, but com fortabty ahead of J If you don't see local coverage in Cycle News of events in your area , you can help by becom ing a Cycle News contributor. You write the story (and shoot photos) at your local club and track events, and submit the story to us for publication . We'll even pay you lor what we print. All you have to do is call the Cycle News headquarters at 714·751·7433 (weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. P.S.T.; Tuesday thru Friday) and ask for a ' contributor kit". We'll send you all the details about how to write local stories for Cycle News. REMEMBER... We can't run it if we don't get it! CYCL E N EWS • APRIL 28,2004 77

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