Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PHOTO BY BART NEWMANIDIGITALD IRTPHOTOS.COM Derek Rose (98) took the ho leshot - and the lion 's sha re of the money ahead of Grant Moreland (735) and T.J. Auten (099) in the Lag Road Challenge in Bron son, Michigan. Adam Blessing put on a great showing at the Old Bridge Township Raceway Park near Englishtown, New Jersey, sw ee p ing the 8scc (14-15), Supermini and 12Scc Novice classes. w ith perfect 1-1-1 finishes. After his do minating success in Hurr icane Mills, Tennessee, Morocco sho wed he can do t he sam e in o ne of most competitive classes at Raceway Park. the 125cc Amateur class. Morocco won easily w ith a 2-1 tally. Schoolboy ( 12. IS) w inner Mike Gess o (3S) kept him ho nes t , b ut t he Suz u ki r id e r cou ldn't ma tc h Mo rocco 's speed an d took a very respectable sec ond ove rall. The 250cc Amateu r overall winner, Michael Angerman (54), took third ov e rall on his Ho nda. Fourth overa ll w e nt to Moun t H o lly SuzukVSimpso n/M2R rider Kyle Wh rite nour (4. 7), a nd RRP/Ja c k Frost Traxx Honda ri d e r Ro nnie Stewait ( 11-2) took an impre ssive fifth overall . RESULTS 6S (7. 9) : I. Nick Desiderio (KTM); 2. Rowland Papp (KTM); 3. Miles Wildey (Suz). 6S ( 10.11): I. Brett Forman (KTM); 2. Larry McVay (5uz); 3. Michael Lang (KTM) . 85 (7.11 ): I. Nick Desid erio (Suz); 2. Nick Peregrin Jr. (Suz); 3. Talon Distefano (Suz). BS ( 11 .1 3): I. Ryan Gainey (Suz) ; 2. Nick McPhee (Suz); 3. Dakota KeMIe,(Hon). 8S (14-15 ), I. Adam Bles sing (5u7.): 2. Randy Saxenmeyer (Hon) ; 3. Michael O 'Brie n (5uz). S/M INI : I. Adam Blessing (5uz); 2. Pete r Devlin (Suz); 3. Michael O'Brien (Suz). 125 A:, I. TyWallace (Yam); 2. Barry Carsten (5uz); 3. Chris Hunte r (Hon ). 125 B: I. Pasq uale Mo rocco (5uz); 2. Mike Ge sso (Suz); 3. Michael Angerman (Hon) . 115 C: I. Adam Blessing (Suz); 2. Robe" Malkiewicz (Kaw); 3. Ryan Gainey (Suz). 150 A : I. Barry Carsten (5uz); 2. Ty Wallace (Ho n); 3. Dave Gino lfi (Hon ). 1 50 8 : I . M ichael Angerman (Hon ); 2. Anthony Fontana (Hon) : 3. Dave Marques (Hon ). 150 C: I. Jona man Bronne (Yam 2. Ken Steinberg (Yam): 3. Joe Pateman (Yam ); ). SCHBY: I. Mike Gesso (5uz): 2. Ronnie Stewait (Hon); 3. Bryan Wallace (Hus). CLGBY: I. Jason LAwren (Suz); 2. ce Pasquale Moroc co (Suz); 3. Stan Szymd (Yam) 1 5 + A: 1. Ty . Wallace (Ho n): 2. Richard Schmidt (Hon) ; 3. Richard Zu pko (KTM). 15 + B: I. Joseph Boehler (Suz); 2. Dave Marques (Hon); 3. Orlando Carvajal (Y om). 30 + A, I. Barry Carsten (50% 2. RKtw-d Zupko (KTM); 3. jlm Kapitan (Hon). 30 + ): B: I. Justin Lopa lo (Hon): 2. Ke vin Blazie (He n): 3. Don Brown (Hon). 30+ C: I. Mike Daddio (Hon); 2. James Kusmider (Ho n); 3. Ed G ntrOl1 (Yam). 40 + A: I. Je rry Seip (Hon); 2. Rick Rosseter (Hon): 3. Tony Watkins (Ho n). 40 + B: I. Kevin Blazk [Hen]: 2. Joh n Morrisroe (Yam); 3. Byron C ulbe rtson (Hon) . Log Roa d MX Moreland Makes It Happenl BY BART NEWMAN BRONSON, MI, MAR. 2B rant Morel and br ought to rea lizat ion the preseason predictio ns that he 'd be t he man to beat in AHA District 14 MX's I25cc and 250cc B classe s by gra bbing runawa y w ins in bo th classes at Log Road MX, wh ich featu red G full gates in many classes, as 591 r ider s made their way to Michigan's 2003 MX Track of the Year. Mo rel and' s on ly defe at ca me in t he Log Road C hallenge , after De re k Rose nailed th e start and too k it all the way to the bank in th is high - do lla r, 20 -min ute -p lus-two-lap aff air. Morel and followed TJ. Aute n around tu m one a nd used th e fast tra ck in th e w ood s- line swee per t o ma ke his wa y a round the com peti tion , displacing Aut en t o th ird . Trevor Gundlach and Nathan Wood ward made up the rest of the top five . In t he firs t 250cc B mot o , W ill Hi c ks , Moreland, Kirk Newman and Je rry Urbanowski led th e pack around tu rn o ne at high speed. Moreland had a grea t line in the fast woods-line swee pe r a nd p ut his Fly/ Sco tt/ W ise c ol KlotzlCern ic's-backed RM o ut fro nt for good. W it h a cle ar co urse ahe ad of him. Mo re land 70 was in a race against the tr ack, and he reeled off six of th e fastest laps of the day on his way to an e asy victo ry. Hicks was in se co nd but getting press ure from Newman until Hicks came up a foot sh ort o n the quad jum p and introdu ced himself to the Log Road soil. ending his day and handing seco nd to Newm an. Kyle Glass, David O sterho ut, Kyle Mo ulton and Urbanows ki were in a pack. racing for third , and soon they were on New man's rear whee l. Glass was the first man to make a move on Newman, tak ing ove r second. Moulton was gett ing a great drive o ut of the tum before the McCarthy's tr iple, wh ich se t him up to jump it for t he first time in his caree r, and that was enough to carry him all the way to th ird, o utflying O sterh out, Newman and Urb anowsk i. Moreland took the win, followed by Glass, Mo ulton and then O st er ho ut , who shot by Newman on the last lap. In mota tw o, Newman put his Dave Miller Racing/ Ch am pion ship Pow ersp ort s-bae ked CRF4S0R o ut fron t as the pac k rounde d turn one, with Urba now ski, More land, Josh Gruppen and O st erh o ut in tow. Moreland wasted litt le time flexing his muscles and qulckly took t he lead. New man was riding we ll in sec o nd, and Mou lt on w a s o n t he m o ve, di splacing Urbanowski, Gruppe n and Oste rhout in a hurry APRil 28, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS an d t a king th ird by t he e nd of lap tw o . Mor eland was long gone and closing in on the A riders w ho had left in the first gate drop of the moto. Ne wma n was solid in sec ond , holding a go od le ad over Moulton , w ho was qu ickly recove ring from a less·than-stellar start. At the checke rs , it was Morel an d ( I- I) by a m ile , ictory of the day. gra bbing his second overall V Mo ulto n's high Ilying had him finishing bot h mot os in th ird , w hich was good fo r se co nd overall. Newman (S. 2) was th ird overall , and ro unding out the to p five we re O sterho ut (4-S) and Urbanowski (6-7) . RESUL TS 50 (4--6) SHAFT: I. Jacob Williamson (Co b); 2. Ashton Hayes (KTM): 3. Broc Wrlgh' (Cob); <. Justin Soper (KTM) ; S. G erico Jo hnso n (KT M). 50 ( 7 . 8) SH AF T: I. Jo r e y La mbright (Yam); 2. lee Burn e tt (Yam). 50 JR (4.6) : , . McKinzie Edwar ds (KTM); 2. Christopher Kruger (KTM); 3. Brod ie Taylor (KTM); -4 . Austin Lederach (KTM); S. Jacob Williamson (Cob ). 50 S R (7 · 8) : I. Dillon Finley (KTM); 2. Cody Price (KTM); 3. Jarre d Williams (KTM); 4. Jackso n Marlow (Kaw); S. Kory Schccke (Co b) . 65 BEG: I. Troy Bloun t (Kaw); 2. Devane Balle nge r (Kaw); 3. Eddie Morri s (Suz); 4. Noah Sharif (Ka 5. Jimmy Majewski (Kaw). 6 5: I. w): Codie Byisma (KTM); 2. Cody Green (Suz); l . Kennet h Bass (KTM); 4. Dillon Finley (KTM); S. Jacob Behringer (Kaw). 85 (9-1 3) : I. Brae D. Peterson (Hon); 2. Taylor Davis (Kaw); 3. Cameron Mart ine z (5uz); -4. Bub ba Cline (Kaw) : S. Billy larsen (Suz ). 85 JR: I. Joshua Lange (Kaw); 2. TIm Walker (Kaw) ; 3 . Taylo r Davis (Kaw); 4. Kenneth Bass (KTM); S. Cody Green (Suz). 85 SR: I. Michael Chapman (KTM); 2. Michael Ross (Suz); 3. Brae Pe terson (Hon) ; -4. Billy larsen (Suz); S. LoganGillen (Suz). 85 C: I. Dako ta Miller (Suz); 2. Th o mpso n (Suz); 3. Joh n Woz niak (Yam) ; -4 . Travis Ric hards (Suz); S. David Holland (Hon) . S/MINI: I. Michael Chapman (KTM); 2. l ogan Gillen (5uz); 3. Kenneth l oo ze (5oz); -4 . Micllael Seeley (Kaw); 5. Tom Wylie (Kaw). 125 JR: I . Phillip Harri s (Yam); 2. Greg Dunv age (He n): 3 . De re k jo hnson (Suz) ; -4 . And y Ecker (KTM); 5. Ada m Beh r inge r (Ho n). 125 A: I. T. J. Auten Jr. (Yam); 2. Nathan Woodward (Y am); 3. David Reed (Ho n); .04 . Adam Cole (Yam); S. Travis Pranger (Yam). 125 B: I. Grant Moreland (Suz); 2. Kyle Mou lto n (Yam); 3. Gr eg Durivage (KTM); -4. Brent Brown (Suz); S. Jesse Marshall (Yam). 12 5 C : I. Nickolas Boley (5oz); 2. John Baue r (Yam); l . Nathan Byers (Hon); -4. Scott Bredeme g (Yam); 5. Eric Ho we (Suz). 2 50/0 P EN B: I. Grant Mor e lan d (Su z) ; 2. Kyle Mou lton (Yam) ; 3. Kirk Newman (Ya m ) ; 4 . Da....ld Osterhou t (Ho n ); S. Je r r y Urbanowsld (Yam). 250/0PEN A: I. T.J. Auten Jr. (Yam); 2. Derek Rose (Hon); 3. Trevor Gundlach (Hon ); 4. Ryan To w (Ho n); S. John Leedy (Yam). l 50/0PEN C: I. Davkl Bristow (Yam); 2. C hristopher Marks (Hon) ; 3. Bre nt Thomas (Hon) : 4. Douglas Nelson (Hon) ; 5. William Kish (Yam). WMN JR: I. Kayb Mom' (KTM); 2. Tay\ot" Urnanow.kJ (Suz); 3. Kekl Bassage (Kaw); 4. Bryce Marti nez (Suz ); S. Shelby Stoll (Kaw). W H N SR: I. Philo Pe tricig (Hon) ; 2. laura Weiss (Suz ); 3. Kelsie Bemholtt (KTM); -4. Chri stina Hortemiller (Yam): S. Jarrica Mitchell (Hon ). 1 6~24: I. Ryan Tow (Hon); 2. Case y Wood (Hon); 3. Nickolas Boley (5uz); -4 . Anthon y Hitsman ( KT M); 5 . Mitchell Abramson (Ho n ) . 2 5 +: I. Ja so n Ern sberger (Ho n); 2. Nick Yoder (Ho n) ; 3 . Rob Gnagey (Yam); 4. Terry Knepple (Kaw); S. Robert Camfield (Yam). 30 + BEG: I. Mike Malki wicz (Yam); 2. Todd Hetherington e (5oz); 3. Richard Cook (Yam): -4. Charles Bussie re (Hon ); S. Gordon Thompson (Sut.). 30 + : I. Andy Burger (Ho n); 2. Be n Hinche r (Yam); 3. Jim Bro wn (Ho n); 4. Do ug Finley (Yam); S. Randy Hamblin (Ho n ). 35 + : I. James Dlabal (Ha n); 2. Scott Currie (Hon): 3. Ronnie Weatherholt (Kaw): 4. jim Brown (Hon ): S. Mark Hethe rington (Hon) . 4 0 +: I. James Dtabal (Hon ): 2. l..Mry Witmer (Suz ); 3. Scott C urrie (Ho n); -4 . Ste ve Holland (KT M); S. Ronnie Weathe rholt (Kaw). 45+ : I. larry Witme r (Suz); 2. Philip Peyton (Hon ); 3. Monty Cra ven (Kaw); -4. Tom Cole (Kaw): S. Daniel Minter (Y ). LOG ROAD CHA L: I. Derek Rose (Ho n): 2. Gran t am Moreland (Suz); 3. T.J. Auten Jr. (Yam); 4. Trevo r Gundlach (Hon); S. Nat han Woodward (Yam). N O N ·CUR: I. Paul Ransier (Yam): 2. T~r Jenkins (Y ; 3. Shawn Je nkins (Kaw). am) TRL BLZR JR: I. lucas Stoll (Ho n); 2. Darrick Pierson (Ho n) : 3. Noah Markel (Ka w) . WBBLR: I . Courtne y Ca ldwell (He n) : 2. Hunter Burnhem (Ho n); 3. Brendan Watts (Yam); -4. Cora VISget' (Suz). MX West Spring Series Round 6: Fern ley International Race way Logan Lasts Longest in Fernley BY ROBERT BEAUPRE FERNLEY, NV, MAR. 28 T he intensity of the Mini classes in no rthern Nevada has pushed th e com pe tition for w ard in rec e nt mon th s, and the pr ogression was ap parent at rou nd six of th e MX We st Sp ring Se ries . Top Mini pilot s C ase y Logan, John ny Vallerio and Tyler York battled th rough o ut bo th 80ce Inte rmediate motos , but in th e end it was the KTM-mo unted Logan w ho stood atop the standings. Logan grabbed t he first-mot o lead early and be gan sett ing a st ro ng pac e . Hond a r ider Valle rio followed close ly in second, and York, abo ard his Suzuki, surveyed th e situation from third. The three formed a freight train , in that same o rd e r, du ring th e mid dle of th e mo ta. Logan seemed to have the win within reac h late in the race until he slid out in a turn , handing the lead to Vallerio. York inherited second and immediately turned up the pressure on Vallerio. 40th Anniversary York snagged the lead in the closing stages and rode to th e w in, wh ile Valle rio backed off to maintain second. Logan salvaged third after the fall. Logan again too k the lead at the start of the second mota , with Vallerio and Yor k in tow, but the three soon split from o ne another slightly, and Logan rode mistake- fre e to take t he win. Vall e r io sco red anothe r se con d , and Yo r k followed in third. Logan's 3-1 score earned him th e overall w in, and Vallerio' s 2-2 tally landed him in second . Yor k plac e d th ird w it h 1-3 finishes . Val1 er io ro unde d o ut his day w ith a win in t he Sup erm ini cl ass. KTM -mo unted Aa ron Siminoe rode to se con d , and Kawa sa ki ride r Kurt Hamann claimed third. Th e 12Scc and 2S0cc Inter med iate classes featured Y amaha pilot Aron Harvey at th e to p o f the sta nd ings . Ha rve y rode his YZ s to co nvinci ng wi ns in e ac h class, besting Kyle Co ngdo n and Rich Duncan in the 125s , and

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