Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Remem ber, all kids are winners in SERA ! The support of the Calcasieu Ranger District of the Ki atchie National Forest and the efforts of s the Acadiana Dirt Riders are much apprec iated . R ESUL TS P/W BEG: I. Trent \'Vhisenant (Y ); 2. Cameron Reed am (Yam ); 1. Rudy Fe rguson (Kaw) ; -4 Hallie Rodgers (Yam) . . P/W: I. Micah Williams (KTM); 2. Steven Nicholas (KTM); 3. Ashton Knight (Fac); -4. Cody Leac hm an (Ho n); S. Trista n Knight (Fac). KIDS INT: I . Jor dyn DuBose (Suz); 2. Joh n am); -4. Evan Sho w s Higuera (Kaw) ; 3. Richard Reynolds (Y (Kaw) ; S. Jesse V'lhittington (Kaw). VET KIDS : I . Spencer Cook (KTM); 2. Tyter Carter (Suz); 1. Andy Fre yald e nho v (Kaw) ; <. CNndI ... Rowbnd (Kaw); 5. jared Haner Sharp (5e, (Hon ); <. W;IIiamJacoby (Hon) ; S. N ick Yoder (Yam) . 30 + BEG: I. Jeffrey Morris (y"",); 2.)ooeph w. (Hon) ; 2. Jam es D la bal (H a n) ; 1. Scott Cu r rie (Ho n); 4. Je ffre y Bee rbo wer (Ho n); S. Philip Peyton (Hon ). 4 5 + : I. Ph ilip Peyron (Hon) ; 2. John Edlund (Y ); l . R.ndy Frye (Hon ); <. am Thom;u P. yne (Su,). NON-CUI\; I. H.tthew Ch;ck (Hon) ; 2. I(jrt lewis (Hon ); 1. l..1ne Brumm (Suz); -4. Tyler Jen kins (Kaw); S. lance Brumm (Hon ). T RL BLZR Jft: I. Darrick Pierson (Hon) ; 2. lucas Stol l (Hon) . WB BLR: I. Can. Biout (Yam); 2. Coken Brown (KTM). G"", -6) SHAFT; I. Jocob W;11Wmon(Cob) ; 2. Ashton Hayes (KTM); 1. Broc Wright (Cob); -4 . Just in Soper (KTM); S. Ge rko Johnson (KTM). 50 (7 -8) SHAFT: I. C ody Madsen (KTM); 2. 64 John Kidd (5) took th e w in, ove r Ja so n Ernsberger (462), in Over 25 ac tio n at Log Road MX. APRIL 28,2004 • C YC LE N EWS ,------ - - - - - ---------,-' w RESULTS RESULTS so « ameg ie was the track to be at in Northern California for the fourth round of the Pacific Coast Series Nonh. With the exception of a strong breez e, the wea ther was perfect for racing as clo se to 300 riders came together for anothe r weekend of playing in the dirt wi th the ir competitors. Clay Patterson came to play in the dirt, but he w as n't ve ry nice to his co mp et it o r s. Patterso n took th e win in the 250 cc Novice cla ss by wi n ning both mo tos. Patte rs on prevailed over fellow Honda rider Max Scolari and Yamaha jockey John Karmann in the first mo to. In the second moto , Patte rso n found himse lf in a familiar position : out front and se tting th e pace for a pack of hungry 250c c riders. Same as the first mote , Patt erson was up to t he ch allenge and d id not d isappoin t. Patterso n crossed the checkers first , w ith Karmann and Scolar i in tow. Patt erson we nt ho me th e winner, w hile Karmann ( 3~ 2) was runner-up, and Scolari (2-3) rou nded out t he top three. Patterson also contested the 125cc Novice class, but he wasn't as dominant. Brent Maggi from Santa Clara, California, put together the tw o bes t finishe s on his Suzuki to take t he overall. Maggi's 3-2 results we re good enoug h to beat out the competi tion for the day. Taking the first-mote win and seco nd overall was Kyle Smith ( I-S). Patt e rso n roun ded out t he top three with 2-6 scores . In the 125cc and 250cc Pro classe s, t here was a two -way battle between Suzuki jockeys C ory McDa niel a nd Nick Dav is. The t w o swapped moto wins in both classes. Fortu nately for McDaniel, he managed to come out on top overall each time. Davis took the first-moto win in the 125cc class but then scored third in the second moto . McDaniel finished second in the first moto and the n came back to win the seco nd moto to take the overall. Adam Mille r ran str ong and finished 3-2 for third on the day. McDaniel came out stro ng for the first moto in the 250cc class and chalked up a w in. Miller was runner-up on a Honda, and then came Davis for third. When the gate dropped for the second moto , it was all Davis from start to finish. McDaniel came ou t in se con d , with Ho nda ride r Augg ie Rod rigu ez fin is hing t hird . McDaniel's 2- J tally too k the overall, and Davis' ] ·1 finishes received second . Third on the day went to Brandon Jones, who rode to a consistent 4-4 score on his new Honda. C 60 BEG ("'. 8): I. Jennifer Burton (KTM); 2. Hunte r Wilben ( KTM); 1. Brandon Ol iveras (Suz) . 60 BEG (9 .11) : I. Wesle y Caspi llo (KTH); 2. Clayton Carter (KTM); 3. Baline Cn't (5e !lemon (5

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