Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 73 of 115

Gou rney (Ka w) ; 2. Michael W ag ne r (H o n) ; 3. Jeremy am Domingu e (Hon ); 4. Tyter Ball (Kaw) : S. Skylar Phillips (Y ). S5 OPEN : I. Mitch Gourney (Kaw ); 2. Michael Wagner (Ho n); 3. Tyler Ball (Kaw ); 4. Jeremy Domingue (Ho n); S. Skytar Phillips (Yam). 115 BEG: I. Kevin Mancuso (KTH) ; 2. Dillon Toups (Ho n); 3. Ricky C ain (Hon) ; .. . Keesler Fly (H o n) ; 5 . Dillon Simmons (Ho n) . 115 NOV: I. C had Dubroc (KTM); 2. Dustin Sampey {Kaw 3. Michael Wagner ]: (Hon) ; .. . Warren Virge ts (KTM); S. N ick Phillips (Y am) . 115 OPEN: I. Tyter Hancock (KTM); 2. Ch ase Melanc on (Yam); J . Joseph Pizzuto (Yam) ; -t. Ch ris Kennedy (Yam); 5. Nick Phillips (Yam) . 115 EX: I. Dustin Manuel (Hon) ; 2. Jaso n Manuel (Kaw) ; 3. Ty Smit h (Hon ); 4. Adam Hanc ock (KTH) ; S. Brett Delcambre (Yam). 150 BEG : I. Landen Rouss el am (Hon); 2. Danny Oliver (Y ); 3. Nick Curole (Yam); 4. Vince Hayward ( KTH) ; S. David Smelley (Kaw ). 150 NOV: I. Clim am) Plauche (Hon) ; 2. Jay Ledet (Y ; 3. Daniel Vining (Suz); 4. Michael Santangelo (Ho n); S. Je rem y Harper (Yam ). 150 OPEN: I. Corey Altaz in (Hon); 2. Larry Haye s (Ho n); 3. Kevin Simmons (Yam); 4. (TIE) Clint Plauche/Mark Chrisman. 150 EX: I . Adam Hanc oc k (KTM); 2. Coy Hobgood (Hon ); 3. Ryan Tha yer (Hon ); 4. Nicholas Burgess (KTM); 5. Corey Romero (Ho n) . OPEN INT: I. Corey Altazin (Hon) ; 2. Chase Melancon (Yam ); 3. Larry Hayes (Hon) ; 4. Tyler Han cock (KTM); 5. Johnny Moore (Kaw). WMN: I . Su d am) ; 3. Jenna Schillage Brown (KTM); 2. Kim be rly Buratt (Y am) (SYz); 4. Renee Lee (Y ; 5. Kad Simon (Kaw). SCHBY: I. Brendon Brignac (Yam); 2. Chad Dubroc (KTM) ; 3. D.J. Cortez (KTM); 4. Nick Phillips (Yam); 5. Bryce landry (Yam). SR B EX, I. Bobby Hondy (Han); 2. Gene Up!" (Hen); 3. Chris Kennedy (Y am) ; 4. David Redmond (Yam); 5. Brady Edmonston (Y am) . S R C 30 + : I. Marc Gullotta (Hon); 2. Joh n Howard (Kaw); l . Jay Lede t (Yam); 4. Shane Fon tenot (Hon); 5. Ferrel Fooshee (Hon) . SR C 4 0 + : I. Glen Gu idry (Kaw ); 2. Scooter Paetz (Kaw); 3. Eddie Buffingt on (Yam); 4. Jim McGuire (Hon ); S. Billy Baker (Hon) . HBB Y: I. Robbie Burgess (!

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