5peak ing of the history of the Pontiac
5upercross, Clea r Channel Motorsports'
vice president of operations RoyJa nso n
has attended almost all of them since the
first Pontiac Supercross in 1976. "I'd have
to say the best racing I eve r saw, in the
125cc class, was between Mike Jones and
Denny Stephenson," Janson re membered.
"Those two went at it so hard , we had to
pull them aside in the show office after a
heat race . They were squa red off, facing
eac h other from opposite co rners of the
office. Tension was high when Bevo [Forti ,
of 5cott USA] walked in and started yelling,
:.\nd in this corner, weighing in at...' We all
broke up laughing." Janso n then added that
the best battles in the 250cc class were
between Michigan native Jeff Stant on and
Damon Bradshaw.
Ch ad Reed drew a few laughs from the
press contingent wh en asked how training
is going fo r the upcom ing outdoor Nationals. "Me and David [Vuillemin] have been
riding o utdoors," Reed said. "Th ings have
been improving, but from wh at I've been
reading, I need to pick up three secon ds."
Reed will be riding the Y
amaha YZ450F for
the Nationals .
Long-t ime Ne w Y rk private er Bruce
Stratton was in attenda nce at the Silverdo me . Whe n not burn ing the candle at both
en ds, the full-time professio nal
engineer/dad/ builde r/m otoc ross racer
fou nd some time to make the road tri p to
the Silverdo me fro m upstate New York
with his dad Bruce Sr. "My dad and I haven't
been to a supercross since 1raced at Meadow lands Stad ium [New Jersey] in 1989,"
said Stratt o n, a longtime fixture on the outdoor National MX Series tour.
Most of the riders praised th is year 's Dirt
Wu rx~d e sign ed
Silverdome racecou rse.
"Th is is one of the bett e r tracks they 've
built all year," said Team Solitaire's Ryan
Clark during Saturday afternoo n's track
wa lk. "Multiple lines , high-banked be rms,
plenty of places to pass. I'm really looking
forward to racing this ton ight." Dirt Wurx 's
Dave Hellyer said, "Th e recent monster
truck event kind of fluffed up the dirt, so
we added some lime and had an excellent
base to wo rk w ith." The Pontiac track was
a little different from most of the other
t racks this yea r, as Dirt Wurx deci ded to
go w ith one whoop pad an d th ree
rhythm sections instead of the no rm al
two-and-two design.